346 research outputs found

    Keefektifan Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Pohon Pintar PPKN Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif Pohon Pintar PPKn dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMK N 1 Konawe, 2) untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif Pohon Pintar PPKn dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMK N 1 Konawe, 3) untuk mengetahui kelebihan dan kelemahan penggunaan media pembelajaran interaktif Pohon Pintar PPKn dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di SMK N 1 Konawe. Desain penelitian eksperimen untuk menjawab rumusan masalah nomor 2. Sampelnya 36 siswa kelas X AP 1 sebagai kelas kontrol, 36 siswa kelas X AP 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen, 36 siswa kelas XII AK 2 sebagai kelas uji coba. Alat pengumpul data menggunakan teknik tes kognitif. Validitas yang digunakan adalah validitas isi.  Terdapat dua variabel yaitu  variabel  bebas  adalah  media Pohon Pintar PPKn sedangkan variabel terikat yaitu prestasi belajar siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan  uji  t-tes  dua  sampel.  Hasil yang diperoleh dalam  penelitian  ini  menunjukan  bahwa  media Pohon Pintar PPKn efektif digunakan, hal tersebut didasarkan pada tercapainya indikator-indikator pembelajaran yang efektif. Indikator-indikator tersebut adalah: a) pengorganisasian pembelajaran dengan baik, b) komunikasi secara efektif, c) penguasaan  dan  antusiasme  dalam  mata  pelajaran,  d)  sikap  positif  terhadap peserta didik, e) pemberian ujian dan nilai yang adil, f) keluwesan dalam pendekatan pembelajaran, dan g) hasil belajar peserta didik yang baik.  Media Pohon Pintar PPKn mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dilihat dari hasil uji t-test yaitu t hitung tidak berada pada interval -1,9966 < -13,510 < 1,9966 sehingga menolak Ho dan menerima Ha yang artinya terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar secara signifikan. Rata-rata Postes 86,57 jauh lebih tinggi dari rata-rata Prates 66,48 maka dapat disimpulkan media Pohon Pintar PPKn mampu meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Selain meningkatkan prestasi belajar juga meningkatkan kreatifitas, keaktifan, dan kerja sama antar sisw

    Penanaman Kedisiplinan Melalui Program Kegiatan Ketahanan Sekolah di SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha Kabupaten Konawe

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengetahui disiplin dan sikap siswa SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha, (2) mengetahui pelatihan disiplin melalui program Ketahanan Sekolah SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha, (3) mengetahui dukungan dan pelaksanaan program Ketahanan Sekolah pada bidang-bidang berikut Inhibitor SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Fokus penelitian ini adalah pada disiplin dan sikap siswa SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha, melalui program “Ketahanan Sekolah” SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha untuk menumbuhkan disiplin, dan faktor-faktor yang mendukung dan melarang rencana tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha memiliki disiplin yang baik. Penanaman disiplin dilakukan di SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha melalui program "School Resilience", meliputi kegiatan: pengaturan kawat, senam, sosialisasi bahaya narkoba, kesehatan reproduksi, hukum lalu lintas, undang-undang ketenagakerjaan, motivasi dan kepemimpinan, kebijakan sekolah, dan komunikasi alumni Pengetahuan dan pengalaman, dan pemahaman mendalam tentang kebangsaan dan pertahanan negara. Kegiatan perencanaan penanggulangan bencana sekolah mendapat dukungan dari sekolah, antara lain pendanaan, infrastruktur, partisipasi kepala sekolah dan guru, serta dukungan pihak luar seperti POLRI, KODIM, dokter dinas kesehatan, alumni dan orang tua siswa. Penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kedisiplinan dan sikap siswa SMK Negeri 1 Unaaha telah menunjukkan hasil yang baik, Pelatihan kedisiplinan yang dilakukan melalui program kegiatan “Ketahanan Sekolah” berjalan dengan lancar, dan telah mencapai tujuan diadakannya program “Ketahanan Sekolah”. '' Tujuan dari rencana kegiatan, dan implementasi rencana kegiatan didukung. Dari semua pihak di dalam dan di luar sekolah

    Development of a nacelle and generator for small horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWTs) / Siti Norliyana Abd Manan.

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    This project is on the development of a nacelle and generator for small horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWTs).The main objectives of this project are to design, fabricate, test and analyze the small scale of nacelle and the generator. The nacelle has been designed using CATIA CAD software and fabricated by using aluminium. Experiment analysis has been performed in order to find out the drag coefficient acting on the nacelle. Based on the experiment, it is found that the nacelle of horizontal axis wind turbine has some effect on the performance of the wind turbine. The generator is fabricated so that it can produce electricity when it is powered by the rotating shaft of the horizontal axis wind turbine. The generator performance is tested with the rotating wind turbine shaft

    An autopoietic approach to the development of speech recognition (pendekatan autopoietic dalam pembangunan pengecaman suara)

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    The focus of research here is on the implementation of speech recognition through an autopoietic approach. The work done here has culminated in the introduction of a neural network architecture named Homunculus Network. This network was used in the development of a speech recognition system for Bahasa Melayu. The speech recognition system is an isolated-word, phoneme-level speech recognizer that is speaker independent and has a vocabulary of 15 words. The research done has identified some issues worth further work later. These issues are also the basis for the design and the development of the new autopoietic speech recognition system

    The distribution of estate under Islamic law in Malaysia / Mohamad Shariffudin Abd Manan

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    In all the States of Peninsular Malaysia (with the exception of those parts of Negeri Sembilan and Melaka where the adat perpateh is followed to the exclusion of Muslim law) the Muslim rules of inheritance of intestacy are followed. These rules are however subject to the following in the Malay States (a) On the death of a peasant his widow is entitled to a special share in his estate, as her share in harta sapencharian unless provision has been made for her inter vivos, as for example by registering land in her name. If the deceased had no children and the estate is small she may take the whole estate} in other cases she takes a half or less according to circumstances

    Ulama and Fatwa (Pros and cons of the Circular Letter of the Aceh Governor and MPU Decree)

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    This study critically discusses the pros and cons of the circular letter (surat edaran) of the Aceh governor and Ulama Consultative Council (MPU) Decree No. 2 of 2020 related to responses and public evaluation of the prohibition of the religious learning forums (pengajian) other than Ahlussunnah Waljama’ah. This research is a qualitative research with three data collection techniques: meticulous observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The result of the study showed that there were pros and cons related to the circular letter and decision on the prohibition of conducting pengajian that contradicts the I’tiqat of Ahlussunnah Waljama’ah which is based on Syafi’i School of Law. Among them, according to the Aceh government and the MPU, the circular letter is intended to prevent greater abuses in the form of disunity in the Acehnese community due to differences in understanding in matters of worship. Meanwhile, others failed to understand the circular letter and MPU decrees because they consider them weak and were greatly influenced by certain conservative Islamic figures in Aceh, appearing to some people as political activity and power

    GIS visualization of population censuses in Peninsular Malaysia: a case study of Jempol, Negeri Sembilan, 1947-2000

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    Census has become an important administrative tool for governments to trace and plan for national progress since it contains essential information about the populations. Studies of economics, sociology, history, rural development, and agriculture commonly used censuses. Nevertheless, these studies mostly focus on the textual and numerical analysis of the census data without paying much attention to the sense of space of the censuses. Hence, Geographic Information System (GIS) could help by enabling population censuses to be spatially visualized and analyzed. In this study, two common techniques in GIS were used to spatially visualize human population censuses of Jempol district, Negeri Sembilan in the 20th century. Using GIS, the available population census data of the district were transformed into choropleth and cartogram maps of population density. The two types of map were then compared based on their usefulness and appearance in visualizing the censuses. It was found that each type of maps has its own strengths and weaknesses, but overall, the application of GIS has been found to be an exciting and reliable medium for the spatial analysis and visualization of the censuses. The findings suggest that GIS adds another dimension in understanding past demographic phenomena in the study area. It is recommended that further research in this area, such as overlapping the spatial analysis with topographic elevations and socio-economic characteristics, as well as constructing linear and non-contiguous cartograms, should be conducted. Besides enhancing the spatial analysis of the censuses, this research paves way for the development of Historical GIS studies in Malaysia

    Preliminary Overview of Three Purpose-Built Capital Spatial Plans Related to Indonesian Capital Relocation Plan

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    Indonesia has a program to relocate its capital from Jakarta to East Kalimantan Province. This is a big and complex problem and is very interesting for Infrastructure & Facility Asset Management. Develop reflection on the case is very good to enrich and to develop IFAM knowledge and science. The first step has been done by developing an overview of several capital relocation cases. This research, the second step, is designated to make observations on the spatial plan of three good capitals. Visiting experience of the authors, enriched by literature study has been conducted. The reseach has main conclusions. It is better to develop a new city on an empty inhabited area. The symbolic aspect of the city is very important. A good plan, development, and control must be applied. The city must be green and intelligent. The capital must be divided into core areas for accomodating government offices and the peripheral area for accomodating residential areas and recreational areas. Well designed vast enough open space and several green parks are needed. The whole city must be furnished with good urban public transport. A good domestic and international accessibility is capital

    Historical land use changes of Jempol, Negeri Sembilan in the twentieth century

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    Land use is anthropogenic activities as a way for humans to manipulate, modify andadapt with their environment (Singh et al., 2001; Milanova et al., 2005). The activitiesgive significant impacts on the Earth’s surface thus become reliable interface inunderstanding spatial interaction between human and environment (Mandal, 1982;Lawson, 2001; Legg, 2007). Analyzing past land uses is useful to understand patterns of land use changing over time besides also worthy for heritage conservation projects sinceit requires and dependant on the availability of complex historical information rangingfrom the geo-morphological characteristics to demographic patterns of the area interest