6 research outputs found

    Preliminary exploration of the role of the Three Way Junction of telomerase RNA subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in telomere length maintenance and in cell viability

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    La tĂ©lomĂ©rase est essentielle pour le maintien des tĂ©lomĂšres. Elle compense le problĂšme de rĂ©plication de l’ADN tĂ©lomĂ©rique par l’ajout de sĂ©quences d’ADN aux extrĂ©mitĂ©s des chromosomes. Chez l’humain, elle est trĂšs active dans les premiers stades du dĂ©veloppement (embryon, fƓtus). Puis, son activitĂ© est rĂ©primĂ©e pour devenir indĂ©tectable dans la plupart des cellules. Ceci conduit au raccourcissement de l’ADN tĂ©lomĂ©rique, Ă  la dĂ©protection de l’ADN et Ă  un arrĂȘt de division cellulaire, appelĂ© senescence. Par contre, dans 90% des cellules de type cancĂ©reux, elle est suractivĂ©e. Elle contribue donc Ă  une capacitĂ© continue de la prolifĂ©ration de ces cellules et Ă  leur immortalisation. Notre organisme d’étude est la levure bourgeonnante, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. En plus de ses nombreux avantages d’utilisation, chez cette levure, la tĂ©lomĂ©rase est exprimĂ©e constitutivement, ce qui signifie qu’elle nous rapproche le plus du contexte de cellule cancĂ©reuse. Mon projet de maĂźtrise vise Ă  Ă©tudier un des composants de la tĂ©lomĂ©rase chez la levure S. cerevisiae, c’est-Ă -dire la sous-unitĂ© ARN, appelĂ©e Tlc1, et plus particuliĂšrement une sous-partie de cet ARN, formant une jonction Ă  trois branches (« Three Way Junction »). Jusqu’à prĂ©sent, cette structure a Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©e comme Ă©tant non essentielle. Pourtant, cette structure trĂšs conservĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©montrĂ©e comme Ă©tant essentielle Ă  l’assemblage de la tĂ©lomĂ©rase et Ă  son activitĂ©, chez une grande variĂ©tĂ© d’espĂšces. Avec ce projet, j’ai tentĂ© de dĂ©terminer si cette structure Ă  trois branches a un quelconque rĂŽle Ă  jouer que ce soit dans l’assemblage ou dans l’activitĂ© de la tĂ©lomĂ©rase. J’ai explorĂ© cette structure en y rĂ©alisant des mutations et en analysant leurs effets sur la croissance cellulaire et sur la longueur des tĂ©lomĂšres. Parmi tous les mutants, la simple substitution d’un nuclĂ©otide spĂ©cifique, l’adĂ©nine 119, conduit Ă  des tĂ©lomĂšres plus courts qui demeurent stables au fil des gĂ©nĂ©rations et les levures sont viables. De plus, ce raccourcissement est de l’ordre de la centaine de paires de bases lorsque la dĂ©lĂ©tion d’une partie ou de la structure au complet est rĂ©alisĂ©e. C’est donc un raccourcissement significatif, reprĂ©sentant prĂšs d’un tiers de la longueur normale des tĂ©lomĂšres. Par ailleurs, sur des cellules prĂ©sentant des tĂ©lomĂšres anormalement courts, l’ajout de ces mutations de la TWJ de TLC1 crĂ©e un phĂ©notype lĂ©tal.Abstract : Telomerase is essential for telomere maintenance. It compensates for the End-replication problem by adding DNA sequences to the ends of chromosomes. In humans, telomerase is very active in the early stages of development (embryos, foetus). Later, its activity is repressed, and in most cells its activity becomes undetectable. This leads to telomere shortening, a deprotection of chromosome ends and to an arrest of cellular divisions, a highly regulated process also called cellular senescence. However, in cancer cells of 90% of all subtypes, telomerase is up-regulated. Hence, this enzyme promotes the proliferative capacity of cancer cells and their immortalization. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is our organism of study. In addition to its ease of access, telomerase is constitutively expressed in this yeast, which makes it a useful and inexpensive model of cancer cells. My master’s project aims at studying one of the telomerase components in S. cerevisiae, namely the RNA subunit Tlc1, and more specifically a part of this RNA, forming a Three-Way Junction (TWJ). So far, this structure was considered as non-essential for cell viability. However, this structure is highly conserved among species, and in diverse species it was shown to be crucial for telomerase assembly and activity. My project hence consisted in trying to determine whether or not this structure plays a role in telomerase assembly or activity. The requirements on this structure were explored by creating mutations and by analyzing their effects on cell growth and telomere length. Of all the mutants, a specific nucleotide substitution, Adenine 119 in the TWJ, leads to shortened telomeres, and this shortening is stable during further outgrowth. Furthermore, a telomere shortening of up to 100 base pairs is observed when a part or the complete TWJ structure is deleted. This shortening is quite significant as it represents about one third of the normal length of telomeres. Moreover, expressing these mutants of the TWJ in cells with short telomeres creates a synthetic lethal effect

    Encapsidation of RNA-Polyelectrolyte Complexes with Amphiphilic Block Copolymers: Toward a New Self-Assembly Route

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    Amphiphilic block copolymers are molecules composed of hydrophilic and hydrophobic segments having the capacity to spontaneously self-assemble into a variety of supramolecular structures like micelles and vesicles. Here, we propose an original way to self-assemble amphiphilic block copolymers into a supported bilayer membrane for defined coating of nanoparticles. The heart of the method rests on a change of the amphiphilicity of the copolymer that can be turned off and on by varying the polarity of the solvent. In this condition, the assembly process can take advantage of specific molecular interactions in both organic solvent and water. While the concept potentially could be applied to any type of charged substrates, we focus our interest on the design of a new type of polymer assembly mimicking the virus morphology. A capsid-like shell of glycoprotein-mimic amphiphilic block copolymer was self-assembled around a positively charged complex of siRNA and polyethyleneimine. The process requires two steps. Block copolymers first interact with the complexes dispersed in DMSO through electrostatic interactions. Next, the increase of the water content in the medium triggers the hydrophobic effect and the concomitant self-assembly of free block copolymer molecules into a bilayer membrane at the complex surface. The higher gene silencing activity of the copolymer-modified complexes over the complexes alone shows the potential of this new type of nanoconstructs for biological applications, especially for the delivery of therapeutic biomolecules

    Mapping the N-Terminal Hexokinase-I Binding Site onto Voltage-Dependent Anion Channel-1 To Block Peripheral Nerve Demyelination

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    International audienceThe voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC), the most abundant protein on the outer mitochondrial membrane, is implicated in ATP, ion and metabolite exchange with cell compartments. In particular, the VDAC participates in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis. Notably, the Ca2+ efflux out of Schwann cell mitochondria is involved in peripheral nerve demyelination that underlies most peripheral neuropathies. Hexokinase (HK) isoforms I and II, the main ligands of the VDAC, possess a hydrophobic N-terminal structured in α-helix (NHKI) that is necessary for the binding to the VDAC. To gain further insight into the molecular basis of HK binding to the VDAC, we developed and optimized peptides based on the NHKI sequence. These modifications lead to an increase of the peptide hydrophobicity and helical content that enhanced their ability to prevent peripheral nerve demyelination. Our results provide new insights into the molecular basis of VDAC/HK interaction that could lead to the development of therapeutic compounds for demyelinating peripheral neuropathies

    Encapsidation of RNA–Polyelectrolyte Complexes with Amphiphilic Block Copolymers: Toward a New Self-Assembly Route

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    Amphiphilic block copolymers are molecules composed of hydrophilic and hydrophobic segments having the capacity to spontaneously self-assemble into a variety of supramolecular structures like micelles and vesicles. Here, we propose an original way to self-assemble amphiphilic block copolymers into a supported bilayer membrane for defined coating of nanoparticles. The heart of the method rests on a change of the amphiphilicity of the copolymer that can be turned off and on by varying the polarity of the solvent. In this condition, the assembly process can take advantage of specific molecular interactions in both organic solvent and water. While the concept potentially could be applied to any type of charged substrates, we focus our interest on the design of a new type of polymer assembly mimicking the virus morphology. A capsid-like shell of glycoprotein-mimic amphiphilic block copolymer was self-assembled around a positively charged complex of siRNA and polyethyleneimine. The process requires two steps. Block copolymers first interact with the complexes dispersed in DMSO through electrostatic interactions. Next, the increase of the water content in the medium triggers the hydrophobic effect and the concomitant self-assembly of free block copolymer molecules into a bilayer membrane at the complex surface. The higher gene silencing activity of the copolymer-modified complexes over the complexes alone shows the potential of this new type of nanoconstructs for biological applications, especially for the delivery of therapeutic biomolecules

    AAV2/9-mediated silencing of PMP22 prevents the development of pathological features in a rat model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1 A

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    International audienceCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1 A (CMT1A) results from a duplication of the PMP22 gene in Schwann cells and a deficit of myelination in peripheral nerves. Patients with CMT1A have reduced nerve conduction velocity, muscle wasting, hand and foot deformations and foot drop walking. Here, we evaluate the safety and efficacy of recombinant adeno-associated viral vector serotype 9 (AAV2/9) expressing GFP and shRNAs targeting Pmp22 mRNA in animal models of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1 A. Intra-nerve delivery of AAV2/9 in the sciatic nerve allowed widespread transgene expression in resident myelinating Schwann cells in mice, rats and non-human primates. A bilateral treatment restore expression levels of PMP22 comparable to wild-type conditions, resulting in increased myelination and prevention of motor and sensory impairments over a twelve-months period in a rat model of CMT1A. We observed limited off-target transduction and immune response using the intra-nerve delivery route. A combination of previously characterized human skin biomarkers is able to discriminate between treated and untreated animals, indicating their potential use as part of outcome measures

    Physiology of PNS axons relies on glycolytic metabolism in myelinating Schwann cells

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    International audienceWhile lactate shuttle theory states that glial cells metabolize glucose into lactate to shuttle it to neurons, how glial cells support axonal metabolism and function remains unclear. Lactate production is a common occurrence following anaerobic glycolysis in muscles. However, several other cell types, including some stem cells, activated macrophages and tumor cells, can produce lactate in presence of oxygen and cellular respiration, using Pyruvate Kinase 2 (PKM2) to divert pyruvate to lactate dehydrogenase. We show here that PKM2 is also upregulated in myelinating Schwann cells (mSC) of mature mouse sciatic nerve versus postnatal immature nerve. Deletion of this isoform in PLP-expressing cells in mice leads to a deficit of lactate in mSC and in peripheral nerves. While the structure of myelin sheath was preserved, mutant mice developed a peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral nerve axons of mutant mice failed to maintain lactate homeostasis upon activity, resulting in an impaired production of mitochondrial ATP. Action potential propagation was not altered but axonal mitochondria transport was slowed down, muscle axon terminals retracted and motor neurons displayed cellular stress. Additional reduction of lactate availability through dichloroacetate treatment, which diverts pyruvate to mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, further aggravated motor dysfunction in mutant mice. Thus, lactate production through PKM2 enzyme and aerobic glycolysis is essential in mSC for the long-term maintenance of peripheral nerve axon physiology and function