9 research outputs found

    The Importance Of Adopting Sustainable Practices & Community Participation In Power Projects

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    Attaining sustainable development is one of the greatest challenges facing Pakistan today. A challenge that can only be met by developing and deploying confidence among the people. Transparency in project activities at all stages and other measures will also enhance its social and economic growth. By adopting sustainable practices and sensible policies, we mean that project activity should be economically viable, socially acceptable and environment friendly. In order to achieve this objective, there must be a continued commitment to encourage and ensure the community participation. Since Pakistan is an energy deficient country, it has to initiate power projects on a large scale in the near future. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to tackle these projects in a sustainable way, so that it can be benefited to the maximum possible level and have the least adverse effects on community and the environment. Thus, careful planning, efficient implementation, standardized operational practices and community participation are the key parameters which ensure the positive impacts on economy, prosperity and the well being of our people. This paper pinpoints the potential environmental hazards due to project activity and emphasizes to adopt sustainable approaches in power projects with community participation.


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    Waste water collected from municipalities and industries must ultimately be returned to receiving waters or to the land. The complex question of which contaminants in waste water must be removed to protect the environment and to what extent must be answered specifically for each case. The answer to this question requires analysis of local conditions and needs, together with the application of scientific knowledge, engineering judgment based on past experience and consideration of national environment quality standards (N.E.Q.S). The object of this study is to analyst the performance parameters of the treatment plant. Keeping in view the above factors, five parameters were selected which includes physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Sampling and analysis were done carefully in concerned laboratories over the period of one month in July 1998. The results have indicated that the parameters of concern like BOD»COD and Suspended solids have significant reduction patterns at the side of treated water effluent. On the basis of collected data, laboratory analysis of all the sources and comparing these values with N.E.Q.S value, some conclusions were arrived at

    An Anomaly Detection Algorithm Selection Service for IoT Stream Data Based on Tsfresh Tool and Genetic Algorithm

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    Anomaly detection algorithms (ADA) have been widely used as services in many maintenance monitoring platforms. However, there are numerous algorithms that could be applied to these fast changing stream data. Furthermore, in IoT stream data due to its dynamic nature, the phenomena of conception drift happened. Therefore, it is a challenging task to choose a suitable anomaly detection service (ADS) in real time. For accurate online anomalous data detection, this paper developed a service selection method to select and configure ADS at run-time. Initially, a time-series feature extractor (Tsfresh) and a genetic algorithm-based feature selection method are applied to swiftly extract dominant features which act as representation for the stream data patterns. Additionally, stream data and various efficient algorithms are collected as our historical data. A fast classification model based on XGBoost is trained to record stream data features to detect appropriate ADS dynamically at run-time. These methods help to choose suitable service and their respective configuration based on the patterns of stream data. The features used to describe and reflect time-series data’s intrinsic characteristics are the main success factor in our framework. Consequently, experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of features closed by genetic algorithm. Experimentations on both artificial and real datasets demonstrate that the accuracy of our proposed method outperforms various advanced approaches and can choose appropriate service in different scenarios efficiently

    SS-Drop: A Novel Message Drop Policy to Enhance Buffer Management in Delay Tolerant Networks

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    A challenged network is one where traditional hypotheses such as reduced data transfer error rates, end-to-end connectivity, or short transmissions have not gained much significance. A wide range of application scenarios are associated with such networks. Delay tolerant networking (DTN) is an approach that pursues to report the problems which reduce communication in disrupted networks. DTN works on store-carry and forward mechanism in such a way that a message may be stored by a node for a comparatively large amount of time and carry it until a proper forwarding opportunity appears. To store a message for long delays, a proper buffer management scheme is required to select a message for dropping upon buffer overflow. Every time dropping messages lead towards the wastage of valuable resources which the message has already consumed. The proposed solution is a size-based policy which determines an inception size for the selection of message for deletion as buffer becomes overflow. The basic theme behind this scheme is that by determining the exact buffer space requirement, one can easily select a message of an appropriate size to be discarded. By doing so, it can overcome unnecessary message drop and ignores biasness just before selection of specific sized message. The proposed scheme Spontaneous Size Drop (SS-Drop) implies a simple but intelligent mechanism to determine the inception size to drop a message upon overflow of the buffer. After simulation in ONE (Opportunistic Network Environment) simulator, the SS-Drop outperforms the opponent drop policies in terms of high delivery ratio by giving 66.3% delivery probability value and minimizes the overhead ratio up to 41.25%. SS-Drop also showed a prominent reduction in dropping of messages and buffer time average

    An Empirical Investigation of the Challenges of Cloud-Based ERP Adoption in Pakistani SMEs

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    Cloud-based ERP solutions offer many benefits to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and help them to integrate their activities, such as improve communications and reduce operational and maintenance costs. Primarily, it was only adopted by large organizations, but now SMEs are also keen on adoption. However, the motivation regarding the adoption of these systems in SMEs is relatively low in developing countries. This fact urges us to investigate the challenges faced by Pakistani SMEs. A qualitative research approach along with unstructured interviews was conducted by means of face to face. Interview methods are used to extract understanding, opinions, and challenges faced by SMEs on their way to adopt the cloud-based ERP system. The data were collected from eight well-reputed organizations, directly involved in the adoption. The study found ten (10) themes that are reluctant to adopt cloud ERP among Pakistani SMEs. The main benefit of these themes is to provide results that can be easily accessible to enterprises who want to adopt a cloud-based ERP. This can also contribute to the lack of the literature of cloud ERP and delivers insight for future study by practitioners and researchers

    TAMEC: Trusted Augmented Mobile Execution on Cloud

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    Cloud computing has emerged as an attractive platform for individuals and businesses to augment their basic processing capabilities. Mobile devices with access to Internet are also turning towards clouds for resource-intensive tasks by working out a trade-off between resources required for performing computation on-device against those required for off-loading task to the cloud. However, as with desktop clients, mobile clients face significant concerns related to confidentiality and integrity of data and applications moved to and from the cloud. Cloud-related security solutions proposed for desktop clients could not be readily ported to mobile clients owing to the obvious limitation in their processing capabilities and restrained battery life. We address this problem by proposing architecture for secure exchange and trusted execution between mobile devices and cloud hosts. We establish a symmetric-key-based secure communication channel between mobile and cloud, backed by a trusted coordinator. We also employee a Trusted Platform Module- (TPM-) based attestation of the cloud nodes on which the data and applications of mobile device will be hosted. This gives a comprehensive solution for end-to-end secure and trusted interaction of the mobile device with cloud hosts

    From Digital Divide to Information Availability: A Wi-Fi-Based Novel Solution for Information Dissemination

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    Digital divide means unequal access to the people for information and communication technology (ICT) facilities. The developed countries are comparatively less digitally divided as compared to developing countries. This study focuses on District Chitral considering its geographical conditions and high mountainous topography which plays a significant role in its isolation. Aside from the digital divide, the situation in Chitral is even more severe in terms of the absence of basic ICT infrastructure and electricity in the schools. To address this issue, especially in female secondary and higher secondary schools, we designed a project to bridge the digital divide via Wireless Local Area Network on Raspberry Pi3 for balancing the ICT facilities in the targeted area. The Wi-Fi-Based Content Distributors (Wi-Fi-BCDs) were provided to bridge the digital divide in rural area schools of Chitral. The Wi-Fi-BCD is a solar-based system that is used to deliver quality educational contents directly to classroom, library, or other learning environments without electricity connection and Internet wire as these facilities are available by default in it. The close-ended questionnaire was adopted to collect data from the students, teachers, and headmistresses of girl secondary and higher secondary schools in Chitral. The procedure of validity, reliability, regression, correlation, and exploratory factor analysis was used to analyze the obtained data. The technology acceptance model (TAM) was modified and adopted to examine the effects of Wi-Fi-BCD for bridging the digital divide. The relationship of the modified TAM model was examined through regression and correlation to verify the model fitness according to the data obtained. The result analysis of this study shows that the relationship of the modified TAM model with its variables is positively significant, while the analysis of path relationship between model variables and outcomes from the questionnaire shows that it motivates learners to use Wi-Fi-BCD