1,229 research outputs found

    Antigen presentation by hapten-specific B lymphocytes. I. Role of surface immunoglobulin receptors.

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    The present study examines the ability of hapten-specific murine splenic B lymphocytes to present hapten-proteins to carrier-specific T cell hybridomas. BALB/cB cells specific for 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP) were isolated from spleens of immune mice by elution from TNP-gelatin-coated dishes. Such cells presented the TNP-modified terpolymer, GL phi, at concentrations as low as 0.1 microgram/ml, to a GL phi-specific, I-Ed-restricted, interleukin 2-producing T cell hybridoma. In contrast, the same B lymphocytes required 1,000-fold higher concentrations of unmodified GL phi to stimulate the same T cell hybridoma. The presentation of low concentrations of TNP-GL phi by TNP-specific B lymphocytes was significantly or completely blocked by anti-Ig antibody or TNP-proteins, indicating that surface Ig receptors were critically involved in this phenomenon. Finally, binding of TNP-proteins did not alter the ability of the B cells to present unrelated, unhaptenated proteins or to stimulate alloreactive T cells. These results suggest that surface Ig receptors serve to focus antigens onto specific B lymphocytes and that such cells are highly efficient at presenting linked antigenic determinants to T cells. The implications of these findings for the mechanisms of physiologic, histocompatibility-restricted T-B collaboration are discussed

    Heterogeneity of helper/inducer T lymphocytes. II. Effects of interleukin 4- and interleukin 2-producing T cell clones on resting B lymphocytes.

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    To compare the helper function of murine T cell clones that secrete IL-2 and IFN-gamma (Th1 cells) or IL-4 and IL-5 (Th2), purified resting B cells were stimulated with F(ab')2 rabbit anti-mouse Ig (RAMG) and rabbit Ig-specific, class II MHC-restricted cloned T cells belonging to the two subsets. Both Th2 clones examined induced strong proliferative responses of B cells in the presence of RAMG, as well as the secretion of IgM and IgG1 antibodies. In contrast, the Th1 clones tested failed to stimulate B cell growth or antibody secretion. Th2-mediated B cell activation was dependent on IL-4 and IL-5, and was also inhibited by IFN-gamma or IFN-gamma produced by Th1 cells present in the same cultures. However, the failure of Th1 cells to help resting B cells could not be reversed with neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma antibody. In addition to this inhibitory effect, IFN-gamma was required for the secretion of IgG2a antibody, particularly when B cells were stimulated with polyclonal activators such as LPS. Finally, both sets of T cell clones secreted lymphokines when stimulated with purified B cells and RAMG. These experiments demonstrate that T cells that differ in lymphokine production also differ in their ability to help B cells as a result of cognate interactions at low concentrations of antigens. Moreover, IL-4, IL-5, and IFN-gamma serve different roles in the T cell-dependent proliferative and differentiative responses of resting B lymphocytes

    Application of Accounting Information Systems for Individual Performance

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    This study aims: To determine the effect of the application of accounting information system of individual performance in the regional work units. By testing the validity discriminate PLS associated with the principle that the gauges (manifest variables) distinct constructs should not be correlated with the height, the information technology that is implemented in the organization should be able to provide benefits to the individual and organizational performance and provide comfort for the wearer. Information technology can benefit the individual and organizational performance is an information technology that can be applied easily. The way to test the validity of discriminates with reflexive indicators by comparing the square root of AVE for each construct with the correlation between the constructs in the model. Good discriminate validity was shown on the square root of AVE for each construct is greater than the correlation between the constructs in the model Fornell and Larcker and results of SIA1 to SIA8 otherwise well. Limitations of research is conducted still b M any factors in the implementation of other information systems that could affect the company's performance, but not used and researched in this study. Future studies are expected to incorporate these factors to be studied, for example, the level of consumer confidence, the level of competence, ease of use of information systems, the benefits of the system information

    Varicocele Surgery Improves Sperm Count in Infertile Oligospermic Patients and so Improves Fertility; A Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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    The objective of this study was to find out the role of varicocele surgery in oligospermic infertile patients. It was a prospective and descriptive study carried out in Surgical Unit-I, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital and Karachi Medical and Dental College (KMDC), Karachi from April 2004 to March 2014. In this study, all patients of infertility due to low sperm count having bilateral varicocele were included while those patients having azoospermia or patients with unilateral varicocele were excluded. All patients were clinically assessed for bilateral varicocele and confirmed by ultrasonography of scrotum and relevant investigations were done. Patients were prepared for varicocele surgery and ligation of pampiniform plexus done. Semenanalysis were done during follow up and results were analyzed on SPSS version 14. Total fifty seven patients (n=57) were included in which age range was 20 to 30 years in 33.3%, 31 to 40 years in 42.1%, 41 to 50 years in 19.3% and 51 years to onwards in 05.3% patients only. Chronic smoking was found in 68.4% patients while 31.6% were nonsmokers. Normal testes was found in 77.19% while 22.81% had smaller (atrophied) testes. Very low sperm count was in 15.79%, 50.88% had low sperm count and 33.33% had near normal sperm count. All patients were operated for bilateral varicocele and discharged. Follow-up semen analysis showed improvement and semen analysis became normal in 19.3% after six months, 21.05% after nine months and 36.84% after one year of surgery while 22.81% had no improvement even after one year of surgery. Thus, patients with bilateral varicocele having low sperm count showed improvement in sperm count after varicocele surgery and so infertile patients may become fertile after varicocele surgery


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    Dalam hal pembangunan desa terdapat beberapa faktor-faktor yang mendukung pembangunan desa berjalan dengan lancar, salah satunya Pemerintah Desa. Sebagai akibatnya, pemerintah desa harus memiliki tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik, karena pemerintahan desa sebagai fondasi pembangunan nasional. Tata kelola pemerintah desa yang baik, dimulai dengan komitmen aparatur desa untuk menertibkan administrasi desa, pengarsipan administrasi desa, memiliki mekanisme pelayanan yang sesuai standar pelayanan, dan penyusunan profil desa dan peta potensi ekonomi desa selanjutnya pemerintah desa membuat landasan hukum terbentuknya Perdes dan penataan lembaga kemasyarakatan. Metode kegiatan adalah pengembangan keterampilan dengan melakukan penyuluhan dan pelatihan berupa penyampaian dan pemberian materi dan materi kepada peserta kegiatan. Selain itu juga dilakukan demonstrasi dan praktek bagaimana mengumpulkan data, menyusun data, melaksanakan tata cara pengarsipan dan menata penatausahaan data desa. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian berupa tersedianya peta, profil dan penatausahaan data ekonomi dan pembangunan desa. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi pemahaman dan keterampilan aparat desa setelah mengikuti pelatihan dan pendampingan penyusunan penatausahaan data desa diketahui rata-rata tingkat pemahamannya sebesar 87%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta telah memahami dan memahami materi tentang pemerintahan desa. Kata kunci: Profil desa, peta potensi ekonomi, pemerintahan desa, permendagri no. 12                     tahun 2007, administrasi ekonomi ABSTRACT In terms of village development, several factors support village development to run smoothly, one of which is from the Village Government. As a result, village governments must have good governance, because village governance is the foundation of national development. Good village government governance, starting with the commitment of village officials to bring order to village administration, filing village administration, having a service mechanism that is by service standards, and compiling village profiles and maps of village economic potential. The method of activity is skill development by conducting counseling and training in the form of delivering and providing material to activity participants. In addition, demonstrations and practices were also carried out to collect data, compile data, carry out archiving procedures and organize village data administration. The results of the service are the availability of maps, profiles, and administration of economic data and village development. Based on the evaluation of the understanding and skills of village officials after attending training and assistance in compiling village data, it is known that the average level of understanding is 87%. This shows that the participants have understood and understood the material about village governance. Keywords: Village profile, map of economic potential, village government, permendagri 12 tahun 2007, economic administratio

    Performance Analysis and Beamforming Design of a Secure Cooperative MISO-NOMA Network.

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    This paper studies the cell-edge user's performance of a secure multiple-input single-output non-orthogonal multiple-access (MISO-NOMA) system under the Rayleigh fading channel in the presence of an eavesdropper. We suppose a worst-case scenario that an eavesdropper has ideal user detection ability. In particular, we suggest an optimization-based beamforming scheme with MISO-NOMA to improve the security and outage probability of a cell-edge user while maintaining the quality of service of the near-user and degrading the performance of the eavesdropper. To this end, power allocation coefficients are adjusted with the help of target data rates of both the users by utilizing a simultaneous wireless information and power transfer with time switching/power splitting protocol, where the near-user is used to forward the information to cell-edge user. The analytical results demonstrate that our beamformer analysis can achieve reduced outage probability of cell-edge user in the presence of the eavesdropper. Moreover, the provided simulation results validate our theoretical analysis and show that our approach improves the overall performance of a two-user cooperative MISO-NOMA system

    IoT-enabled directed acyclic graph in spark cluster

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    Real-time data streaming fetches live sensory segments of the dataset in the heterogeneous distributed computing environment. This process assembles data chunks at a rapid encapsulation rate through a streaming technique that bundles sensor segments into multiple micro-batches and extracts into a repository, respectively. Recently, the acquisition process is enhanced with an additional feature of exchanging IoT devices’ dataset comprised of two components: (i) sensory data and (ii) metadata. The body of sensory data includes record information, and the metadata part consists of logs, heterogeneous events, and routing path tables to transmit micro-batch streams into the repository. Real-time acquisition procedure uses the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to extract live query outcomes from in-place micro-batches through MapReduce stages and returns a result set. However, few bottlenecks affect the performance during the execution process, such as (i) homogeneous micro-batches formation only, (ii) complexity of dataset diversification, (iii) heterogeneous data tuples processing, and (iv) linear DAG workflow only. As a result, it produces huge processing latency and the additional cost of extracting event-enabled IoT datasets. Thus, the Spark cluster that processes Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) in a fast-pace using Random access memory (RAM) defies expected robustness in processing IoT streams in the distributed computing environment. This paper presents an IoT-enabled Directed Acyclic Graph (I-DAG) technique that labels micro-batches at the stage of building a stream event and arranges stream elements with event labels. In the next step, heterogeneous stream events are processed through the I-DAG workflow, which has non-linear DAG operation for extracting queries’ results in a Spark cluster. The performance evaluation shows that I-DAG resolves homogeneous IoT-enabled stream event issues and provides an effective stream event heterogeneous solution for IoT-enabled datasets in spark clusters

    Virtual Reality Simulator for Medical Auscultation Training

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    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019. According to the Oxford English dictionary, auscultation is “the action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs, typically with a stethoscope, as a part of medical diagnosis.” In this work, we describe a medical simulator that includes audio, visual, pseudo-haptic, and spatial elements for training medical students in auscultation. In our training simulator, the user is fully immersed in a virtual reality (VR) environment. A typical hospital bedside scenario was recreated, and the users can see their own body and the patient increase immersion. External tracking devices are used to acquire the user’s movements and map them into the VR environment. The main idea behind this work is for the user to associate the heart and lung sounds, as heard through the stethoscope with the corresponding health-related problems. Several sound parameters including the volume, give information about the type and severity of the disease. Our simulator can reproduce sounds belonging to the heart and lungs. Through the proposed VR-based training, the medical student ideally will learn to relate sounds to illnesses in a realistic setting, accelerating the learning process
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