207 research outputs found

    Review on Some Methods used in Image Restoration

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    The restoration image is manner of mending the inventive image by eradicating noise and fuzziness from image. Image fuzziness is troublesome to shun in several things similar shooting, to confiscate motion blur caused by camera stillness, measuring device imaging to eradicate the outcome of image scheme retort, etc. The aim of image restoration is guesstimate the innovative image from surveillance image despoiled by haziness and preservative noise as much as promising. Altered image restoration techniques have urbanized by many researches. In this review I will discuss different images restoration methods

    Anti Chlamydial Antibodies in Women with Ectopic Pregnancy

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    Background: To compare the frequency of chlamydia trachomatis infection in women with ectopic and with normal pregnancies.Methods: In this case-control study diagnosed patients of ectopic pregnancy(EP)were included . The control group comprised of early normal intra uterine pregnancies (1st trimester). A total number of 88, comprising 44 cases and 44 controls were included in this study. Sera from patients was drawn at the time of operation or within the subsequent 24 hours. Anti-chlamydial IgG was performed by ELISA.Results: Sampled cases population (n=44) had mean age distribution 26.48 years while among controls, mean age was 25.32 years. Presenting symptoms of cases showed pelvic pain (54.5%), bleeding (27.3%), vomiting (11.4%) and burning micturition (6.8%). During contraceptive practices , out of 88 patients, 5 cases and 20 controls gave history of safe sex practices. Out of 63 patients, who did not give history of any contraceptive practice, Anti-Chlamydia IgG was detected in 11 cases and 5 controls. Regarding Anti-Chlamydia IgG distribution among cases and controls, IgG was detected in 11(25%) cases and in 5(11.3%) controls.Conclusion: Frequency of anti-chlamydial IgG antibodies was much higher in women with ectopic pregnancy (25%) as compared to healthy controls(11.3%)

    Skew Injective Modules Relative to Torsion Theories

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    The purpose of this paper is to extend results about skew injective modules to a torsion theoretic setting. Given ahereditary torsion theory t a module M is called t-skew injective if all endomorphisms of t -dense submodules of M can be extended to endomorphismsof M. A characterization of t skew injectivity using split short exact sequences is given

    Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infestations in Al-Anbar Province , West of Iraq.

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    Intestinal parasitic infestation still represents an economic and public health problem in the world particularly in the developing countries including the Middle East. To estimate the current prevalence of intestinal parasitic infection among people living in Al-Ramadi City/ West of Iraq. 1804 faecal samples were collected from males and females of different ages attending Al Gailani-Central Medical Laboratory, Al-Ramadi/Al-Anbar, from June 2006 to October 2009. One methods used were direct faecal microscopic examination and formol-ether concentration. The total infectivity rate by intestinal parasites was 19.7%. The overall infection rate by intestinal protozoa was significantly higher than intestinal helminth infection. E. histolytica was the most prevalent intestinal parasitic infection, whereas E. vermicularis was the predominant helminth. The frequency of the parasitic infestations was slightly higher among females (20.7%) than males (19.1%). A significantly higher prevalence of parasitic infections among younger age groups than the older age groups, since age group ≤5 years showed the highest infection rate (33.3%) when it was compared with other age groups (5.3%). Intestinal parasitic infestation was more prevalent among younger age groups. Screening for parasitic infestation is necessary as part of the general health care programme. Preference should be given to screening the younger age group to improve the standards of infant care

    Development of an automated system for extraction and quantification of soybean cyst nematode (SCN) eggs and cysts

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    Soybean is the world’s foremost source of vegetable protein and oil. In order to meet the growing global soybean demand for feed and biodiesel, soybean production in the US will need to increase by 28 percent over the next decade. Addressing this demand necessitates increasing efficiency of soybean production, as increases in harvested area and yield per unit area alone are not viable solutions. The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) is the most devastating pathogen for US soybean, causing an estimated $1.5 billion in yield loss annually across the US. Diagnosis of SCN infestation in a field is currently performed with antiquated methods which yield very little actionable data. This thesis provides an alternative to these methods. SCN infestation in a field tends to be highly localized. Most integrated pest management techniques require high resolution SCN infestation data to be effective at identifying or controlling SCN populations. The low throughput and high cost of existing quantification methods makes it virtually impossible to obtain such high resolution data. A novel design for an automated SCN extraction system is presented which (1) preserves spatial and temporal information associated with a soil sample, (2) is able to process multiple samples simultaneously using a novel apparatus, and (3) reduces the processing time and manual labor required for SCN egg extraction from soil. In addition, an automated image analysis technique is proposed to replace the current method of counting SCN eggs under a microscope. Using these improvements, a ten-fold increase in performance of SCN egg extraction and quantification is achieved

    The Role IgM, IgG a, Complementary Factors C3, C4 and Latex assay in C-reactive Protein Positive Assay) in Perioniditis Patients

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    Periodontal diseases include the common inflammatory disorders known as gingivitis and periodontitis, which are caused by microbes in the biofilms under the gums. The study aimed to identify the level of CRP, C3, C4, IgG and IgM in the serum of patients with periodontal diseases compared to its level in the healthy people. Sixty blood samples were collected from patients with Periodontal diseases , and 30 apparently healthy individuals who were considered as a control group .The current study showed that the prevalence of the disease was higher in females (n=33 ) than in males (n=27), ( 55.0% , 45.0%), respectively. As the highest rate of infection was within the age group from 30-39 years, at a rate of 36.7%, and the lowest was within 50-59 years at a rate of 3.3% .It was found through statistical analysis of the results that there are very high significant differences (p<0.001)between smoking and non-smoking patients. Chronic gingivitis had the highest prevalence rate of 51.7%, among other types. The results of the study also indicated that the CRP positivity in patients with Periodontal diseases was 68.3% and negative 31.7% . That the level of C3 and C4 in the sera of patients ,increased significantly P value (0.001,0.004) respectively, compared to its level in the sera of healthy subjects, where the mean ± standard deviation was [( 208.78 ± 55.40 and 138.67 ± 39.69);(43.65 ± 10.80 and 30.03 ± 9.81)] mg/dl, respectively. It was observed from the results of the study that the level of the IgM and IgG immunoglobulin of the patients had a very high significant increase (p <0.001) ,compared to the healthy group, [(228.37 ± 42.83 and 147.33 ± 13.86);(169.72 ± 68.32)] mg / dl, respectively

    Biological landmark Vs quasi-landmarks for 3D face recognition and gender classification

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    Face recognition and gender classification are vital topics in the field of computer graphic and pattern recognition. We utilized ideas from two growing ideas in computer vision, which are biological landmarks and quasi-landmarks (dense mesh) to propose a novel approach to compare their performance in face recognition and gender classification. The experimental work is conducted on FRRGv2 dataset and acquired 98% and 94% face recognition accuracies using the quasi and biological landmarks respectively. The gender classification accuracies are 92% for quasi-landmarks and 90% for biological landmarks

    A Survey on Cybercrime Using Social Media

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    There is growing interest in automating crime detection and prevention for large populations as a result of the increased usage of social media for victimization and criminal activities. This area is frequently researched due to its potential for enabling criminals to reach a large audience. While several studies have investigated specific crimes on social media, a comprehensive review paper that examines all types of social media crimes, their similarities, and detection methods is still lacking. The identification of similarities among crimes and detection methods can facilitate knowledge and data transfer across domains. The goal of this study is to collect a library of social media crimes and establish their connections using a crime taxonomy. The survey also identifies publicly accessible datasets and offers areas for additional study in this area

    Morphophysiological Responses of Oat (Avena sativa L.) Genotypes from Pakistan’s Semiarid Regions to Salt Stress

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    Soil salinity is a major constraint to modern agriculture, with around 20% of the previously irrigated area becoming salt affected. Identifying suitable salt stress-tolerant genotypes based on their agronomic and physiological traits remains a herculean challenge in forage-type Oat (Avena sativa L.) breeding. The present study was designed to investigate the response of oat crop plants against the salt (NaCl) stress in Mardan, Pakistan. The experiment was carried out in complete randomized design (CRD) with two factors trail comprising of the performance of four different genotypes of oat (NARC oat, PARC oat, Green Gold and Islamabad oat) in response to four levels of saline stress (0, 25, 50 and 75 mmol L-1 NaCl). Plant growth and physiological parameters including germination (G, %); fresh shoot weight (FSW, g); fresh root weight (FRW, g); chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, total chlorophyll, and total carotenoids were analyzed for identifying salt tolerance. Germination (%) of oat genotypes was negatively affected by higher salt stress. Mean values showed that maximum germination (57.5%) was recorded for control while minimum germination (48.75%) was recorded for 25 mmol L-1 NaCl and that maximum germination (58%) was recorded for PARC oat. The root and shoot fresh weight of all genotypes declined with increasing salt stress, while NARC and Green Gold oat showed considerably higher values than the other genotypes. Although chlorophyll and carotenoids were found to be negatively affected by increasing salt concentrations, NARC and Green Gold oat genotypes performed considerably better at 75 mmol L-1 NaCl when compared to the other genotypes. Based on the mean shoot dry weight ratio ± one standard error, the four Oat genotypes were categorized as salt-tolerant (Green Gold), moderately tolerant (PARC and NARC), and salt-sensitive (Islamabad). The more salt-tolerant genotype (Green Gold) demonstrated relatively high salinity tolerance and may be useful for developing high-yielding oat hybrids in future breeding programs under salt stress conditions
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