25 research outputs found

    Stochastic model of effectiveness for man-hardware-software system

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    This study presents analytical models that provide a realistic measurement of effectiveness for the system involving hardware, software, and human operator. It shows a way to properly integrate the human operator into system effectiveness. System effectiveness is defined as the combined measure of availability and reliability at each task-arrival time. At each task-arrival time, transient human operator behavior is considered in conjunction with the man-hardware-software system state. Since factors such as fatigue, stress, and learning will affect the operator over time, the human performance variables are assumed to vary with time during the mission. The models are developed for both single-machine and N-machine problems and are extended to handle: (1) systems with multiple operating mode, (2) system with several type of task, and (3) system with general failure and repair distribution. For the first problem, the operating levels are assumed to affect the task performance. In the second problem, each type of task is characterized by the performance level of the human operator representing the degree of accomplishment of a specified task. The last extension is considered to handle a more general system by removing the assumption of the Markovian process for the system state

    Using the UTAUT2 model to explain teacher acceptance of work performance assessment system

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    An organization needs qualified and experienced human resources. Performance appraisals are required to determine the effectiveness of their work. A performance appraisal system has already been created to objectively evaluate the work of teachers, principals, and teachers given additional tasks, and to provide instructions for developing the teaching profession, principals, and teachers given additional tasks. The goal of this study was to apply the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2) to explain why teachers accept the performance appraisal method. With the help of SmartPLS 3.2.8 software, a partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze the data. The results showed that behavioral intention (BI) to utilize the system is influenced by performance expectancy (PE), social influence (SI), facilitating conditions (FC), and habit (HT). The findings also revealed that system use behavior (UB) is influenced by facilitating conditions (FC), habit (HT), and behavioral intention (BI). To increase the system's adoption, the studies suggest focusing on enhancing the system's ease of use and minimizing the system's flow complexity

    Analisis Produksi Menggunakan Model Optimasi Linear Programming Pada PT. Mast

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    From the observation that was done on MAST Company, the problem indicated that the company had not been able to make an optimal production plan. The company was supposed to produce based on demand from the marketing department, but it turned to only produce based on the past experience. Consequently, the company sometimes experienced whether less or over production and it influenced the company in fulfilling the market demand and delaying to get optimum benefit. Therefore, article discussed a production analysis using linear programming model on MAST Company. Hopefully, with the method the company it able to solve the problem. Dari hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan pada PT MAST ditemukan permasalahan, yaitu perusahaan belum dapat merealisasikan rencana produksi yang paling optimal. Produksi yang dilakukan seharusnya dapat memenuhi permintaan dari marketing, namun perusahaan hanya berproduksi berdasarkan pengalaman masa lalu sehingga terkadang mengalami kekurangan maupun kelebihan produksi. Hal itu dapat mempengaruhi perusahaan dalam memenuhi permintaan pasar dan dapat menghambat perusahaan untuk memperoleh keuntungan optimal. Oleh karena itu, artikel membahas analisis produksi menggunakan model optimasi linear programming. Diharapkan dengan metode tersebut dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang ada

    Sistem Informasi Optimalisasi Produksi Untuk Memaksimalkan Laba

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    Problem faced by company today was the in ability to determine the optimal number of production. That caused lack and over of production so the company can not reach maximum benefit. The used method to count number of unit product to reach maximum benefit was integer linear programming with branch and bound algorithm. The algorithm was counting the number of best combination with limitation that company possessed and produced a number of product in integer number, and the benefit that will be achieved. In this research, an information system is designed to help the company in counting and making planning production that faster and accurate.Masalah yang dihadapi perusahaan saat ini adalah ketidakmampuan perusahaan dalam menentukan jumlah produksi yang optimal. Hal itu mengakibatkan perusahaan seringkali mengalami kekurangan dan kelebihan produksi yang menyebabkan perusahaan tidak dapat mencapai laba maksimum. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah unit produk untuk mencapai laba yang maksimum adalah metode integer linear programming dengan algoritma branch and bound. Algoritma itu menghitung jumlah kombinasi terbaik dengan keterbatasan yang dimiliki perusahaan dan menghasilkan jumlah produk dalam angka integer serta laba yang akan diperoleh. Dalam penelitian ini dirancang suatu sistem informasi yang dapat membantu perusahaan dalam menghitung dan melakukan perencanaan produksi dengan lebih cepat dan akurat