147 research outputs found

    Note on the diameter of otolith nucleus as a characteristic of the population groups of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758), of the Cantabrian Sea and Galicia

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    The diameters of the nuclei of anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758), otoliths collected in 1995 and 1998 in the eastern Cantabrian Sea, the western Cantabrian Sea and Galicia (northwest Spain) have been measured to check possible differences in their length and, if they existed, whether they were characteristic of a different growth rate of the population groups of this species. Significant differences among the three regions were found. Although our results must be considered only preliminary, they seem to indicate that such differences can be characteristics of the population groups described in the regions studied.Se ha medido el diámetro del núcleo de otolitos de anchoa, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758), recogidos en el Cantábrico oriental, en el occidental y en Galicia durante 1995 y 1998 para comprobar si existían diferencias en su longitud y, si era así, si estas diferencias eran características de los grupos de población de la especie. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre las tres regiones y, aunque deben considerarse solamente como preliminares, parecen indicar que estas diferencias pueden ser propias de los grupos de población de anchoa descritos en las regiones estudiadas.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Report of the Horse Mackerel Exchange and Workshop 2006

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    Following a recommendation from PGCCDBS, a workshop on age calibration of horse mackerel was carried out. The workshop was preceded by an exchange. The objectives were: to improve the quality of horse mackerel readings by international calibration. In particular, attempt to resolve the observed differences between countries. Estimate the accuracy and precision of the age readings before and after the intercalibration. Take into account differences between areas and methods. Training of new horse mackerel readers

    Design of an X-ray irradiator based on a standard imaging X-ray tube with FLASH dose-rate capabilities for preclinical research

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    This work was funded by Comunidad de Madrid under project B2017/BMD-3888 PRONTO-CM "Protontherapy and nuclear techniques for oncology". Support by the Spanish Government (RTI 2018-098868-B-I00, RTC-2015-3772-1, XPHASE-LASER, CPP 2021-008751 NEW-MBI) , as well as European Regional and Resilience Funds, and the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 793576 (CAP-PERAM) is acknowledged. This is a contribution for the Moncloa Campus of International Excellence, "Grupo de Física Nuclear-UCM", Ref. 910059. Part of the calculations of this work were performed in the "Cluster de Calculo para Técnicas Físicas", funded in part by UCM and in part by EU Regional Funds.We propose a new concept of small animal X-ray irradiator based on a conventional imaging X-ray tube for preclinical research. In this work we assessed its feasibility to deliver FLASH dose rates. Our design puts the imaging X-ray tube into a shielded cabinet, which makes the system affordable and suitable to use without disruption in existing laboratories and with minimum regulatory burden. Two conventional 150 kVp X-ray tubes were characterized with Gafchromic films for dose rates and dose uniformity. Monte Carlo simulations were also performed to model the irradiator, and the efficiencies of the tube and dose rates (with and without additional filtration) were calculated and compared with measurements. The feasibility of achieving ultra-high dose rates was determined from the rating charts provided by the manufacturer and measurements. The small animal irradiator proposed in this work was able to deliver conventional dose rate irradiation (0.5-1 Gy/min) at 150 kVp at 20 cm distance with minimum amount of filtration. FLASH irradiations (a 10 Gy dose delivered at >40 Gy/s) were also possible at the maximum capabilities of the tubes by placing the samples at the closest possible distances from the sources. A first prototype has already been built and characterized.Depto. de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y ElectrónicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEComunidad de MadridGobierno de EspañaEuropean Regional and Resilience FundsEuropean Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grantMoncloa Campus of International Excellence, "Grupo de Fisica Nuclear-UCM"Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)EU Regional Fundspu

    Limiting inter-annual variation in total allowable catch strategies. An application to ICES roundfish stocks

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    This study evaluated through simulation management strategy that stabilise catch levels by setting bounds on the inter-annual variability in Total Allowable Catches (TACs). An integrated modelling approach was used, which modelled both the ‘real’ and observed systems and the interactions between all system components. The modelling framework therefore allowed evaluation of the robustness of candidate management strategies to both the intrinsic properties of the systems, and the ability to observe, monitor, assess and control them. Strategies were evaluated in terms of level of risk (measured as the probability of spawning stock biomass falling below the biomass limit reference level for the stock) and cumulative yield. The simulation approach used provides a powerful tool for the examination of the performance of candidate management strategies. It has shown that better management is not necessarily going to be achieved by improving the assessement, since even with a perfect assessment (where the simulated working group knew stock status perfectly) stocks may crash at fishing levels that standard stochastic projections would suggest were safe. Also explicitly modelling the assessment process can result in quite different outcomes than those predicted by the simple projection traditionally used by stock assessment working groups. This is because the simple projection assumes that the status of the stock in the current year is known without error and that the target fishing mortality can be achieved without error. However, in practice the assessment is based on last years data and the effect of any management measure on SSB is only manifest, following the implementation of the quota, at the end of the following year. The choice of target and fishing mortality levels and minimum stock levels results from ICES interpretation of the precautionary approach. This lead to the definition of fishing mortality and biomass reference points that are intended to prevent over-fishing and to trigger recovery plans when a stock is overfished respectively. Although, fishing mortality and biomass reference points were originally intended to be independent, a fishing mortality level implies a corresponding biomass level. In the case of saithe a fishing mortality of 0.40 (i.e. the FPA level) would drive the stock to Blim, suggesting that the choice of biomass and target reference points are not consistent for this stock

    Limiting inter-annual variation in total allowable catch strategies. An application to ICES roundfish stocks

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    This study evaluated through simulation management strategy that stabilise catch levels by setting bounds on the inter-annual variability in Total Allowable Catches (TACs). An integrated modelling approach was used, which modelled both the ‘real’ and observed systems and the interactions between all system components. The modelling framework therefore allowed evaluation of the robustness of candidate management strategies to both the intrinsic properties of the systems, and the ability to observe, monitor, assess and control them. Strategies were evaluated in terms of level of risk (measured as the probability of spawning stock biomass falling below the biomass limit reference level for the stock) and cumulative yield. The simulation approach used provides a powerful tool for the examination of the performance of candidate management strategies. It has shown that better management is not necessarily going to be achieved by improving the assessement, since even with a perfect assessment (where the simulated working group knew stock status perfectly) stocks may crash at fishing levels that standard stochastic projections would suggest were safe. Also explicitly modelling the assessment process can result in quite different outcomes than those predicted by the simple projection traditionally used by stock assessment working groups. This is because the simple projection assumes that the status of the stock in the current year is known without error and that the target fishing mortality can be achieved without error. However, in practice the assessment is based on last years data and the effect of any management measure on SSB is only manifest, following the implementation of the quota, at the end of the following year. The choice of target and fishing mortality levels and minimum stock levels results from ICES interpretation of the precautionary approach. This lead to the definition of fishing mortality and biomass reference points that are intended to prevent over-fishing and to trigger recovery plans when a stock is overfished respectively. Although, fishing mortality and biomass reference points were originally intended to be independent, a fishing mortality level implies a corresponding biomass level. In the case of saithe a fishing mortality of 0.40 (i.e. the FPA level) would drive the stock to Blim, suggesting that the choice of biomass and target reference points are not consistent for this stock

    Fisheries and Prestige. Review and update of studies on the effects of the Prestige oil spill

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    The Prestige oil tanker sank in November 2002 and leaked around 60 000 mt. of heavy oil (type M-100) into the sea. Immediately after the accident, closed areas were established. Among the fleets affected by the closures were four of the most important in ICES Division VIIIc and Sub-division IXa North (bottom trawl, pair trawl, purse seine targeting sardine and hand line targeting mackerel) as they exploit considerable resources, some outside biological safety limits. A fall in effort was observed in all of them, mainly in the first quarter and in sub-divisions VIIIc West and IXa North, although it failed to lead to a very large reduction in the total annual effort of each of the fleets, with the exception of hand line. Pair trawlers can make two types of fishing trip, but differences in specific composition among the three years analysed were not found in either of them. In the case of trawl, five kinds of fishing trips were identified, and changes were only found in the type that targets Norway lobster, hake, megrim and monk (HMMN), with a fall in the presence of Norway lobster

    Detailed spectroscopy of doubly magic Sn-132

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    The structure of the doubly magic Sn-132(50)82 has been investigated at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, populated both by the beta(-) decay of In-132 and beta(-)-delayed neutron emission of In-133. The level scheme of Sn-13(2) is greatly expanded with the addition of 68 gamma transitions and 17 levels observed for the first time in the beta decay. The information on the excited structure is completed by new gamma transitions and states populated in the beta-n decay of In-133. Improved delayed neutron emission probabilities are obtained both for In-132 and In-133. Level lifetimes are measured via the advanced time-delayed beta gamma gamma(t) fast-timing method. An interpretation of the level structure is given based on the experimental findings and the particle-hole configurations arising from core excitations both from the N = 82 and Z = 50 shells, leading to positive- and negative-parity particle-hole multiplets. The experimental information provides new data to challenge the theoretical description of Sn-132

    Scientific Advice on the estimation of surplus for Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements.

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    Scientific advice on the concept of surplus, as defined by the UNCLOS, was provided for three types of Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs): i) Mixed SFPAs in West Africa, ii) Tuna SFPAs and iii) SFPA with Greenland. For Mixed SFPAs in West Africa, methods for surplus computation were defined, including alternatives for cases of data limited stocks. These methods may use as input five parameters that could be obtained from those recent stocks assessments that are representative of the current stock status. Surplus estimates would need to be regularly updated (ideally, yearly), according to every new stock assessments and following the enforcement of a management plan (or, by default, according to a transition scheme towards reaching Fmsy in 2020). In the case of West African transboundary stocks, a theoretical share of the surplus could be calculated using a standard rule based on historical catches within EEZs. The Surplus concept is not applicable for Tuna SFPAs, due to the high migratory character of tuna or tuna-like species, the fact that these stocks are mostly found in areas beyond national jurisdictions, the lack of direct estimates of local abundance and impossibility to calculate the capacity of the coastal States. For the SFPA with Greenland, Surplus is considered as any TAC allocated to Greenland and not utilised by this coastal State
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