104 research outputs found

    Role of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in implementation and development of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom

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    The main aspects of competence and activities of the CESCR, its suis generis's nature and the role of its general comments in progressive development of the norms and principles, dealing with human rights are availed in the thesis

    The negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on human rights, development, cooperation, international relations

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    This paper presents abstracts of Prof. Abashidze’s speech at the International Seminar on the Impact of Economic and Financial Sanctions on the Enjoyment of Human Rights (Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, 15 December 2014). The main conclusion, made by the author is the following: in frames of globalization, the more interrelatedness and interdependence of States, the unilateral application of coercive measures (sanctions) of economic and financial character by States or group of States and the consequences of these sanctions should be qualified as a factor undermining the pillars of the system of collective security based on the UN Charter

    “Gender” in International Human Rights Law: Theory and Practice

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    INTRODUCTION. The institute for the protection of women both at international and national levels taking into account the ongoing discussions on the term “gender” is considered in the article. The authors examine the distinction between concepts “sex”, “gender” and “gender identity”, enshrined in international legal acts and documents, the States’ positions and approaches to their use, including on the example of the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, better known as the Istanbul Convention.MATERIALS AND METHODS. During the research the authors used different international legal documents, including international treaties, recommendations of the United Nations treaty bodies, reports of the special rapporteurs and international experts, outcome documents of international conferences, as well as doctrinal sources and national legislation of foreign countries. The study was carried out based on general scientific and special scientific methods. The methods of legal modeling and forecasting were widely used in the analysis in order to define prospects for possible future studies and development of international human rights law on the protection of women from violence and domestic violence.RESEARCH RESULTS. Demonstrating different approaches to understanding the term “gender” in protecting women from violence and domestic violence, implemented by international organizations and States, the authors examined factors that influence the position of national authorities of a number of countries when considering the possibility of accession or ratification of the core international legal acts in this area on the example of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION. The authors came into conclusion that the problems of violence against women and domestic violence should be viewed through the lens of gender equality concept, which does not entail the elimination of biological differences between two sexes and does not encourage women and men to change their social roles. The article stresses the need for an internationally agreed definition of the term “gender” in order to strengthen the legal and institutional mechanisms for a more efficient practical implementation of measures to combat violence against women and domestic violence

    The new Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt of 2014 in the light of the former Constitution of 2012 and International Human Rights Standards

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    The present article focuses on the political and legal situation with regard to human rights and freedoms in the Arab Republic of Egypt after the overthrow of the President Mohammed Mursi. The article analyzes the new Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt of 2014, the basic human rights and freedoms enshrined therein, the hypothetic difficulties of its implementation, as well as contains a comparative analysis of its provisions with those of the previous Constitution of the Arab Republic of Egypt of 2012 and international human rights standarts

    Modern trends and challenges of development of global aluminum industry

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    This article overviews complex study into modern trends and challenges of development of global aluminum industry. Dynamics, structure, and segmentation of global aluminum market are discussed in terms of systematic analysis. On this basis strategic map of the industry has been plotted and five forces of competition on global aluminum market have been determined which will influence directly on functioning and development of aluminum producing companies

    Description of the Vitis vinifera L. phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread in 15 countries, covering mostly of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic range: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, in two years, about 2400 accessions were described, following a common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oenological traits, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods

    Description of the vitis vinifera L. Phenotypic variability in eno-carpological traits by a Euro-Asiatic collaborative network among ampelographic collections

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    The grapevine intra-specific variability captured an increasing interest during the last decades, as demonstrated by the number of recently funded European projects focused on the grapevine biodiversity preservation. However, nowadays, crop plants are mainly characterized by genotyping methods. The present work summarizes the phenotype data collected among 20 ampelographic collections spread over 15 countries, covering most of the viticultural areas in the Euro-Asiatic region: from Portugal to Armenia and from Cyprus to Luxembourg. Together with agro-climatic characterization of the experimental site, over two years about 2,400 accessions were described. A common experimental protocol mainly focused on the carpological and oe-nological traits was followed, obtaining a general overview of the distribution of the considered phenotypic traits in the cultivated Vitis vinifera species. The most replicated cultivars were selected and, for the subset of these reference cultivars, their behavior in the different environmental conditions over sites and years was described by ANOVA methods


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    Background:  High mortality rates of cardiovascular disease request research revealing risk factors and early markers of cardiovascular dysfunction in children with chronic pathology.Objective:  to reveal the risk factors and early markers of night hemodynamic disorders for the development of personalized cardiovascular disease prevention in children based on the results of the combined daily monitoring of arterial pressure, ECG examination, and analysis of night sleep. Patients and methods:  Parents filled screeningquestionnaire of night sleep before the study onset. Combined monitoring and examination was performed  in 232  children aged 6–17 with different blood pressure disorders using Astrocard НS E2bp (Russia) equipment in the outpatient setting.Results: 24-hour BP monitoring identified arterial hypotension 3.8 times more often than routine ambulance method. 21% of children or every fifth child with hypotension  had night hypertension  associated  with maximum (93%) pathology  of ENT organs  with nasal obstruction. Differentiation of investigated groups by night PP and DBP show these marks of hemodynamics to be really important at the early period of pathology development in children. 62% of children had QT interval with bad adaptation to RR-interval at night. In the group with high BMI we found 1.6 times more often children with height more than 85th percentile of the norm. These children had night diastolic hypotension  5 times more often, children with obesity didn’t have normal 24-hour  BP dynamics, children with high BMI had longer QT-interval at night.Conclusions: We demonstrate the necessity of night sleep hemodynamics investigation in children for personalized cardiovascular disorder prevention. Children of early school age suffering from chronic ENT-pathology with nasal obstruction and/or high BMI, with high BMI, and with height ≥85th percentile of gender-age norm have risk of development of cardiovascular diseases.Обоснование.  Статистика  высокой смертности  от сердечно-сосудистых болезней  диктует  необходимость  поиска факторов  риска и ранних маркеров нарушения функции сердечно-сосудистой системы у детей с хронической патологией. Цель.  По результатам  комбинированного суточного мониторирования артериального  давления  (АД), электрокардиографического  исследования  (ЭКГ) и вопросникам сна изучить факторы  риска и ранние маркеры нарушения ночной гемодинамики с целью  развития  персонифицированной  профилактики  сердечно-сосудистых болезней у детей.Методы. Комбинированное суточное мониторирование АД и ЭКГ проведено 232 детям в возрасте 6–17 лет с различными нарушениями уровня АД с помощью прибора Astrocard НS E2bp (ЗАО «Медитек», Россия) в амбулаторных условиях. Перед исследованием  родителями  заполнялся  оригинальный скрининг-вопросник сна.Результаты. Артериальная гипотензия по результатам суточного мониторирования АД выявляется в 3,8 раза чаще, чем гипертензия, но 21% детей с дневной гипотензией имеют ночную гипертензию на фоне максимальной представленности хронической патологии ЛОР-органов (93 против 61% при гипотензии; р=0,049). Максимальные различия между  группами с различными  нарушениями АД отмечены по ночным пульсовому  (р<0,001)  и диастолическому (p<0,001) АД. У 62% детей из представленной  выборки удлинение интервала  QT на 0,06–0,16 сек выявлено преимущественно ночью, и значимо чаще при гипотензии (р=0,027).  При повышенном индексе массы тела в 1,6 раза чаще выявлялись дети ростом ≥85-го перцентиля нормы (p=0,040). У высоких детей в 5 раз чаще регистрировалась ночная диастолическая  гипотензия (р<0,001), при ожирении — отсутствовала нормальная суточная динамика АД, а при избыточной массе тела  более  выраженно  удлинялся  интервал  QT ночью (p=0,023). Заключение. Факторы риска развития сердечно-сосудистых болезней — хроническая патология ЛОР-органов, а также рост ребенка ≥85го перцентиля половозрастной нормы, особенно при повышенном индексе массы тела. Для персонифицированной профилактики  развития сердечно-сосудистых болезней у детей необходимо исследование ночной гемодинамики


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    Obesity — one of the main challenges for the public health around the world in the twenty-first  century. It is a leading risk factor for serious complications of the cardiovascular system resulting in 17 million deaths worldwide each year. In Russia only, among young people, the prevalence of the disease is 11,8–16,6% and growing, especially in the last decade. Along with obesity, the problem of sleep disorder becomes increasingly urgent. One of the main factors of sleep disorders with children is the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA), which is considered  as one of the main causes  of cardiovascular  problems  development  among adults. Depending  on the methods for its diagnosis, children’s OSA occurs in 1–13% of cases, and there is reason to believe that it often remains undiagnosed. With sleep disorders, children get stuck in a vicious circle that causes the development of insulin resistance, nocturnal hypoglycemia, and changes in carbohydrate metabolism.Ожирение  — одна из главных  проблем,  стоящих перед общественным здравоохранением  в ХХI веке. Оно является ведущим фактором  риска  серьезных  осложнений  работы  сердечно-сосудистой системы и приводит  ежегодно к 17 миллионам смертельных исходов во всем мире. В России только среди лиц молодого возраста распространенность заболевания  составляет  11,8–16,6% и продолжает увеличиваться, особенно в последнее  десятилетие.  С учетом роста ожирения все более актуальной становится проблема нарушений сна, часто сопутствующая этой патологии. Одно из главных мест в нарушениях сна у детей принадлежит синдрому обструктивного  апноэ сна (СОАС), который у взрослых рассматривается в качестве одной из основных причин развития сердечно-сосудистых катастроф. Детский СОАС в зависимости от используемых для его диагностики методов встречается в 1–13% случаев, и есть основания полагать, что он часто остается невыявленным. При нарушениях сна у детей запускается порочный круг, обусловливающий развитие инсулинорезистентности, ночной гипогликемии, изменения углеводного обмена


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    The article is devoted to the actual problem of modern pediatrics and neurology ― a comprehensive diagnosis and correction of sleep disorders in children. Detail the features of the clinical manifestations of sleep disorders in childhood (insomnia and parasomnia), great attention is paid to sleep apnea syndrome as a risk factor for somatic and psychopathological disorders in children. Highlight the current capabilities of complex instrumental diagnosis of sleep disorders with the use of highly effective methods of polysomnography and pulse oximetry. The actual dimensions as non-drug and drug treatment of sleep disorders in children, taking into account the pathogenetic features of their occurrence. From the standpoint of evidence-based medicine demonstrate efficient methods of herbal medicine, developed on the basis of traditional Chinese recipes, as well as modern nootropics and magnesium preparations. It is shown that sleep disorders in children not only lead to a deterioration of emotional mood, cognitive function, health and school performance, but also are associated with increasing risk of somatic disorders, which determines the need for timely diagnosis and comprehensive differentiated medical and psychological data correction of pathological conditions, taking into account the neurophysiological and biochemical mechanisms of their development, as well as polymorphism of clinical manifestations, in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and quality of life of patients.  Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме современной педиатрии и неврологии ― комплексной диагностике и коррекции нарушений сна у детей. Подробно рассмотрены особенности клинических проявлений расстройств сна в детском возрасте (инсомний и парасомний), большое внимание уделено синдрому обструктивного апноэ сна как фактору риска развития соматических и психопатологических нарушений у детей. Освещены современные возможности комплексной инструментальной диагностики расстройств сна с применением высокоэффективных методов полисомнографии и пульсоксиметрии, а также актуальные аспекты как немедикаментозной, так и лекарственной терапии нарушений сна в детском возрасте с учетом патогенетических особенностей их возникновения. С позиций доказательной медицины продемонстрирована высокая эффективность способов фитотерапии, разработанных на основе традиционных китайских рецептов, а также современных ноотропных средств и препаратов магния. Показано, что расстройства сна у детей не только приводят к ухудшению эмоционального настроя, когнитивных функций, работоспособности и школьной успеваемости, но и сопряжены с нарастающим риском развития соматических нарушений, что определяет необходимость проведения своевременной диагностики и комплексной дифференцированной медико-психологической коррекции данных патологических состояний с учетом нейрофизиологических и биохимических механизмов их развития, а также полиморфизма клинических проявлений с целью повышения эффективности лечения и улучшения качества жизни пациентов.