905 research outputs found

    Large Networks of Diameter Two Based on Cayley Graphs

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    In this contribution we present a construction of large networks of diameter two and of order 12d2\frac{1}{2}d^2 for every degree d8d\geq 8, based on Cayley graphs with surprisingly simple underlying groups. For several small degrees we construct Cayley graphs of diameter two and of order greater than 23\frac23 of Moore bound and we show that Cayley graphs of degrees d{16,17,18,23,24,31,,35}d\in\{16,17,18,23,24,31,\dots,35\} constructed in this paper are the largest currently known vertex-transitive graphs of diameter two.Comment: 9 pages, Published in Cybernetics and Mathematics Applications in Intelligent System

    Pre-Service Teachers' Experiences During Off-Campus Observation: Basis for Improving the Roles of Teacher Education Institutions and Cooperating Schools

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    Observing experienced teachers is an indispensable part of practicum studies in teacher education. This paper examined the perceptions of pre-service teachers from five major fields of teacher education program on their experiences during off-campus observation in selected secondary schools. This used qualitative content analysis method in order to “subjectively interpret the content of text data through the systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns” (Hsieh & Shanon, 2005 p. 1278) . Data were taken from 136 pre-service teachers through open-ended questions and two high school principals, 10 cooperating teachers, six student supervisors and 12 pre-service teachers through Focus Group Interview (FGI) and Key Informant Interview (KII). Codes and emerging themes were derived using content analysis. Results showed 18 themes for desirable experiences and 24 themes for undesirable experiences. Pre-service teachers' experiences mostly focused on students' attitudes and behaviors. Suggestions to improve off-campus observation from multi-level participants of the study concentrated on preparedness, orientation programs, supervision and monitoring, personal attributes and roles, values, attitudes and behaviors, deployment, post conferences, supervisory plan, observation policies and guidelines, required documents, seminars, time management, evaluation, coordination, and cultural diversity. To sustain the desirable experiences, both cooperating teachers and student supervisors believed that their roles were to serve as model, guide, leader, monitor, planner, and motivator. The varied experiences of pre-service teachers imply that Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs) and cooperating schools should provide opportunities, develop competencies, take responsibilities and strengthen partnership to enhance off-campus observation

    Application of Employability Skills and Contextual Performance Level of Employees in Government Agencies

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    The widespread practice of contractualization even in government institutions is a big challenge facing newly-hired employees in seeking a stable position. Researchers have argued that the quality of practice of employability skills could help employees have better job performance, provide them better working condition or status, and consequently meet the higher expectations of employers. The present study employs descriptive research design to explain the extent of application of employability skills and contextual performance. Based on The Conference Board of Canada's Employability Skills 2000+ and Borman and Motowidlo's Taxonomy of Contextual Performance, two sets of survey questionnaires were adopted to gather data from 220 respondents representing employers and employees from 25 government institutions. Data analysis showed that novice employees in public institutions applied their employability skills such as fundamental, personal management and teamwork skills to some extent. Moreover, results revealed that employees had satisfactory contextual performance. Thus, this may suggest that the application of employability skills and contextual behaviors should be enhanced to meet the increasing and complex challenges of their respective government agencies

    Wax Lipids from Leaf Surfaces of Some Common plants of Malaysia

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    Epicuticular wax lipids from leaves of some common plant species found in the Klang Valley, Malaysia were extracted into dichloromethane for analysis. Extracts were separated into hydrocarbon, carboxylic acid, ketone and alcohol fractions. The fractions after derivatization were then subjected to gas chromatographic (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometric (GC-M5) analyses. The wax yield was highest for Mestta ferrea while the lowest yield was obtained from Eugenia gran dis. In most species studied the m~or n-alkane was found to be hentriacontane (C31 ), followed by tritriacontane (C,,) and nonacosane (C",) , respectively. The n-alkanes exhibit a saw-tooth pattern which is characteristic of a biogenic origin. A strong even-to-odd carbon number predominance is observed for both the n-alkanoic acids and 1)alkanols. Only traces of mainly B-sitosterol were detected in some of the species. The triterpenoids and triterpenes were mostly found in the wax of Mesua ferrea with «- and p-boswellic acids as the major components and minor amounts of «- and p-amyrin. Other biomarkers identified were «and p-amyrones, friedelin, friedelanol, friedelane, olean-12-ene, taraxerene, squalene, dihydronyctanthic acid, dihydroroburic acid and dihydrocanaric acid. This study has shown that the distribution of n-alkanes is a function of the ambient temperature

    Evaluation of Madaris Curriculum Integration for Primary Muslim Education in Mindanao: An Assessment of The Influence of Psychology

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    This study evaluated the Madaris curriculum integration for Muslim primary education in Mindanao. It assessed the psychological effects of such integration on teachers and students in Arabic writing and reading, religiosity, Islamic values, and teacher professional development. This qualitative and quantitative research used a descriptive-evaluative design. The purposive sampling method was used to collect data using a questionnaire which was analyzed statistically. This study showed that the psychological effects of integrating teachers and students to Arabic writing and reading, religiosity, Islamic values, and teacher professional development worked well. Both teachers and students demonstrated the ability to write and read Arabic, values about God, Islam, people, the nation, and the environment

    Pengaruh Brand Equity dan Brand Trust terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Mobil Merek Toyota Kijang Innova (Survey Konsumen pada Dealer PT. Agung Automall Cabang Sutomo Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine the influence of brand equity and brand trust on consumer loyalty Toyota Kijang innova car at PT. Agung Automall Pekanbaru. The sample in this study were taken 72 respondents and the technique used purposive sampling. The data in this study used survey method through questionnaires filled by consumers. Data obtained from the results of the questionnaire then processed tested with statistics through the program SPSS16. The results of analysis used multiple linear regression analysis, determination test (R2), individual significance test (t test) and simultaneous significance test (F test) so it can be seen that brand equity variable had a positive effect on consumer loyalty variable, brand trust variable influences variable loyalty Consumers, and a significant influence between brand equity and brand trust variables on consumer loyalty. The results shows R Square is the coefficient of determination and obtained R Square value of 0.747. That is, brand equity and brand trust affect consumer loyalty by 74.7%


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    Abstrak: Bentuk penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan metode deskriptif. Subjek penelitian adalah guru yang berjumlah 1 orang dan anak yang berjumlah 20 anak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan melalui hasil yang diperoleh setelah diadakan analisis data, secara umum dapat ditarik suatu kesimpulan bahwa: 1) Perencanaan pembelajaran melalui lari estafet dalam meningkatkan keterampilan kinestetik pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di Taman Kanak-Kanak Satu Atap Desa Raja Ngabang  yang disusun dapat dikategorikan “baik”, artinya guru membuat perencanaan dengan merumuskan tujuan pembelajaran, pemilihan tema, pemilihan bahan main, penentuan metode pembelajaran, membuat penilaian hasil belajar. 2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui lari estafet dalam meningkatkan keterampilan kinestetik pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di Taman Kanak-Kanak Satu Atap Desa Raja Ngabang dapat dikategorikan “baik” artinya guru telah melakukan kegiatan pra pembelajaran, membuka pelajaran, kegiatan inti pembelajaran, dan kegiatan penutup. 3) Peningkatan keterampilan kinestetik yang diajarkan melalui lari estafet pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di Taman Kanak-Kanak Satu Atap Desa Raja Ngabang dapat dikategorikan “berkembang sangat baik”, dengan kegiatan antara lain: anak berlari dengan teknik melompat seperti kodok, burung, kucing, ikan, anak memegang tongkat sambil berlari, anak memberikan tongkat sambil berlari. Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Kinestetik, Lari Estafet   Abstrac: The method used is descriptive method with the form of classroom action research. Subjects research is one teachers and 20 childrens. Based on the research that has been done and with the results obtained after performed the data analysis, in general can be concluded that : 1) Planning learning through relay in improving kinesthetic skills in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Satu Atap Desa Raja Ngabang has can be categorized as "good", meaning that teachers planning to formulate learning objectives, selecting the theme, the main material selection, determination of learning methods, making assessment of learning outcomes.2) Implementation of learning through a relay in improving kinesthetic skills in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Satu Atap Desa Raja Ngabang can be categorized as "good" means that the teacher has been conducting pre-learning, open learning, learning core activities, and activities cover. 3) Increased kinesthetic skills taught through a relay race in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Satu Atap Desa Raja Ngabang can be categorized as "very well developed", with activities including: child running with jumping techniques such as frogs, birds, cats, fish, child holding a baton while running, children leave the stick while running. Keywords: Kinesthetic Skills, Running Rel

    Effects of Myristica fragrans Houtt. (nutmeg) extract on chemical characteristic of raw beef during frozen storage

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt.) extract at different concentrations on chemical characteristics of raw beef under frozen storage. Nutmeg extracts at concentrations of 0.25%, 0.65%, 1.25%, 2.50% and 5.00% (g/ml) were used to treat raw beef (2.5 × 2.5 × 1.0 cm; 4 ± 0.5 g) with dilution method. Treated samples were then individually packed in overwrapped trays and stored for 3 weeks at -18 ± 1°C. The effects of the extract on the chemical characteristics such as lipid oxidation, colour, pH, moisture, fat, and protein content of raw beef were evaluated at 0, 4, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days of storage. Lipid oxidation was evaluated based on thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) content. Colour of beef was observed by spectrophotometer in colorimetic parameters CIELabs. Values of pH were measured using pH meter. Moisture, fat and protein content were determined using method by Analysis Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). The result showed that extract at concentration of 1.25% inhibited TBARS value meaning that extract of 1.25% or more was able to maintain the oxidative stability of beef at -18°C. A 1.25% of extract was also able to maintain the redness (a*) of treated beef compared to untreated during frozen storage. The pH values of all samples beef decreased starting from 10th day of storage. Untreated samples (0.00%) showed the lowest pH values compared to other treated samples at the end day of storage. There was no significant different in term of protein content in all treated or untreated samples. However, fat and moisture content were significantly affected by the concentration of nutmeg extract. Treated beef was able to retain its moisture with only loss of moisture ranging from 0.2% - 2.00% while untreated samples had 5.00% loss of moisture. The fat content of untreated samples (0.00%) showed a reduction of 0.2% of fat content at the end of storage compared to all treated sample with only loss of 0.1% - 0.05%. Overall, nutmeg extract can be used to maintain the chemical characteristics of raw beef during storage for 3 weeks