383 research outputs found

    Dynamics of resilience in forced migration: a 1-year follow-up study of longitudinal associations with mental health in a conflict-affected, ethnic Muslim population.

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    OBJECTIVE: The concept of 'resilience' is of increasing interest in studies of mental health in populations facing adversity. However, lack of longitudinal data on the dynamics of resilience and non-usage of resilience-specific measurements have prevented a better understanding of resilience-mental health interactions. Hence, the present study was conducted to investigate the stability of levels of resilience and its associations with sociodemographic and mental health exposures in a conflict-affected internal-migrant population in Sri Lanka. DESIGN: A prospective follow-up study of 1 year. SETTING: Puttalam district of North Western province in postconflict Sri Lanka (baseline in 2011, follow-up in 2012). PARTICIPANTS: An ethnic Muslim population internally displaced 20 years ago (in 1990) from Northern Sri Lanka, aged 18 or above and currently in the process of return migration. MEASURES: It was hypothesised that levels of resilience would be associated with mental health outcomes. Resilience was measured on both occasions using the 14-item Resilience Scale (RS-14), social support by the Multidimensional Social Support Scale and Lubben Social Network Scale and common mental disorders by the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ). RESULTS: Of 450 participants interviewed at baseline in 2011, 338 (75.1%) were re-interviewed in 2012 after a 1-year follow-up. The mean resilience scores measured by RS-14 were 80.2 (95% CI 78.6 to 81.9) at baseline and 84.9 (83.5 to 86.3) at follow-up. At both time points, lower resilience was independently associated with food insecurity, lower social support availability and social isolation. At both time points, there were significant associations with common mental disorders (CMDs) in unadjusted analyses, but they only showed independence at baseline. The CMD prevalence, maintenance and incidence at follow-up was 8.3%, 28.2% and 2.2%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In this displaced population facing a potential reduction in adversity, resilience was more strongly and robustly associated with economic and social factors than with the presence of mental disorder

    Probability distributions comparative analysis in assessing rainfall process in time and space

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    The need for a reliable rainfall model to produce accurate simulation of rainfall series is imperative in water resources planning. Simulated series are used when there are shortages of observed series at location of interest. This study focuses on modelling of rainfall series with a range of probability distributions representing rainfall intensity of the Space-Time Neyman Scott (ST-NS) model. Theoretically, the ST-NS model is constructed by having parameters to represent the physical attributes of rainfall process. Therefore having appropriate distributions to describe the parameters are critical so that credible rainfall series could be generated. In this study, the performance of four probability distributions namely Mixed-Exponential, Gamma, Weibull and Generalized Pareto in representing rainfall intensity are assessed and compared. Model construction of the ST-NS model involved the merging of rainfall data from sixteen stations located all over Peninsular Malaysia. Simulations of hourly rainfall series for each distribution are carried at out of sample site. Performance assessments between the distributions are conducted using Root Mean Square Error, Akaike Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test and Anderson-Darling Test. Results revealed that mixture type distributions tend to perform better. The performance of both Mixed-Exponential and Generalized Pareto are very similar and both are equally good at representing rain intensity in Peninsular Malaysia. The adopted method and the results could also be extended to other tropical regions

    Nuclear maturation of immature bovine oocytes after vitrification using open pulled straw and cryotop methods

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    To date, at least two well known methods have been widely used for vitrification of oocytes and embryos at different stages in a variety of species. However, there is no reported data regarding the comparative effectiveness of these two methods for vitrification of immature bovine oocytes. The objective of this study is to compare the nuclear maturation of immature bovine oocytes vitrified using open pulled straw (OPS) and cryotop methods. Two experiments were conducted in this study. In the first experiment, cytotoxicity of vitrification solutions (VS) from both methods was studied. After removal of cryoprotectants, cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) was cultured in vitro and cleavage rate was monitored on Day 2 post-insemination (pi), whereas, morulae and blastocyst yields on Days 5 and 8 pi, respectively. The VS solutions significantly reduced zygotic cleavage rate, morulae and blastocyst rates compared with the control group (P < 0.05). The lowest cleavage rate resulted from prolonged exposure time to OPS-VS solutions (35.1%; P < 0.05). However, the morulae and blastocyst rates were significantly higher (P < 0.05) for embryos derived from oocytes exposed to cryotop solutions (40.5 and 22.4%, respectively). In the second experiment, effectiveness of both vitrification methods was compared for cryopreservation of immature bovine oocytes. After warming, COCs were cultured in vitro for 24 h. The polar body (PB+) and metaphase-II (MII) stage rates differed significantly among treatment groups. Oocytes vitrified using cryotop solution and device showed higher percentages of PB+ (36%) and MII (51%) rates. In addition, the lowest percentage of degenerated oocytes resulted from cryotop solution. The highest degenerated oocytes obtained by equilibration in OPS solution and vitrified using OPS device (40%; P < 0.05). In conclusion, our data demonstrated that cryotop solution was less toxic to the immature bovine oocytes and vitrification with the cryotop method resulted in higher survival and nuclear maturation rates.Key words: Immature oocyte, bovine, vitrification, cryotop, open pulled straw (OPS)

    An integrated approach of GRA coupled with principal component analysis for multi-optimization of shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process

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    Welding distortion is a critical issue as it leads to severe deterioration of structural integrity of welded work piece and dimensional precision. This study aims at studying the e ects of shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) parameters on the evolution of mechanical properties, including tensile strength, impact toughness, and hardness, along with angular distortion on a welded joint from SA 516 grade 70. Such parameters are analyzed and optimized by employing the Taguchi method and Grey relational analysis. SA 516 grade 70 is commercially used for fabrication of storage tanks, boilers and pressure vessels. SMAW is investigated with three levels of root gap, groove angle, electrode diameter, and pre-heat temperature, which were varied on a butt joint in flat (1 G) position to determine their e ects on response variables at room temperature. Nine experiments were designed using a Taguchi L9 orthogonal array, welded according to American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) section IX, and samples were prepared and tested as per ASTM A 370. The Taguchi method and Grey relational analysis were employed to observe the most significant parameters and optimal levels that synergically yield improved responses. Results are validated by conducting confirmatory experiments that show good agreement with optimum results

    Validating the ISO 9000 Construct of Measurement Instrument Through Application of RASCH Model

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    There are numerous researches conducted on the issues related to ISO 9001 quality management system. Among the issue is the impact of the ISO 9001 quality management system implementation on the performance of the organization. However the findings from the research appeared as inconclusive. Few literature suggest that the inconclusive result may due to the level of ISO 9000 implementation therefore further research is required. Generally the data collected for these types of researches are through mailed questionnaires and analyzed it using SPSS and SEM. In line with that this study also developed questionnaires correspond to a 5 point Likert to assess the implementation of ISO 9000 in the organization. As a result 231 items are identified within five dimensions. The five dimensions are derived from ISO 9001 and ISO 9004 quality management standards requirement and guidelines. Among the dimensions are management responsibility, resource management, product realization, measurement improvement and innovation and organizational performance. The questionnaires are sent to 78 automotive based companies located in the Northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. 19 questionnaires were returned and used as pilot test to validate and calibrate the instrument. The responds from the organization are tabulated and run in WinSteps software for the purpose of validating and calibrating the instrument by implementing the Rasch ‘quality control' and reduction of items. Not all the outfit items are removed from the instruments, Rasch Model did provide room for the researcher to make decision either to remove or not those outfit items. In this study those outfit items need to be corrected in order to ensure that the instrument is reliable and fit to measure the performance of the organization. As a result 68 items are removed from the questionnaires

    Hedgerow Systems and Livestock in Philippine Grasslands: GHG Emissions

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    Hedgerow systems are widely adopted in the smallholder farms in the sloping grassland areas of Claveria, Mindanao, Philippines. The system is effective in addressing soil erosion problems and in conserving the topsoil. Gmelina arborea and Eucalyptus deglupta are two fast-growing timber species that are planted in hedgerow systems while maize is planted in the alley areas in between the hedgerows. Livestock holdings are widespread in Claveria, with 74% of the households having livestock. Cattle and carabao are the most common livestock in smallholder farms providing draught power for land preparation and transportation. In hedgerow systems, fodder tree leaves and crop residues are fed to livestock, while animal manure is added to the soil. Thus, these systems may serve as both a source and sink of methane and nitrogen oxides, depending on the management practices and component trees and crops of the system. This study aims to estimate methane emissions from livestock holdings and nitrogen oxide emissions through fertilization, tree litterfall and decomposition, maize residue incorporation and livestock manure from G. arborea and E. deglupta hedgerow systems

    Influence of Water Quality Index (WQI) on biotic indices of benthic macroinvertebrate at highland rivers in Kelantan and Pahang

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    A physicochemical survey of water quality and benthic macroinvertebrates at two rivers namely Sungai Dekong and Dawai in Lojing Highland was conducted on 23 and 24, January 2014. Three stations were selected for physicochemical water quality, one station at Sungai Dekong and two other stations at Sungai Dawai. On the other hand, benthic macroinvertebrates were collected at nine stations, i.e. three stations at Sungai Dekong and the other six stations at Sungai Dawai. Result shows that, Station 1 (Sungai Dekong) recorded Very Poor Biological Monitoring Working Party, BMWP (2.0-12.0), Poor Average Species per Taxon, ASPT (2.0-4.0), Poor Citizen Monitoring Biotic Index, CMBI (2.0-2.3), Fairly Poor Family Biotic Index, FBI (5.3-6.0) and Poor Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera or EPT Index (0.0). However, the Water Quality Index WQI (70.01) falls into Class III which can be categorized as Slightly Polluted River. On the other hand, Station 2 (Sungai Dawai downstream) recorded better Biotic and Ecological Index but lower Water Quality Index as compared to Station 1. It recorded Moderate BMWP (26.0-84.0), Very Good ASPT (5.3-6.5), Good CMBI (2.7-3.2), Excellent FBI (3.4-4.3) and Moderate EPT Index (2.0-5.0). However, the WQI (54.99) falls into Class III, and can be categorized as Polluted River. Finally, Station 3 (the most upstream station at Sungai Dawai) recorded almost similar Biotic and Ecological Index with Station 2 but in terms of WQI revealed a significant difference. Station 3 recorded Poor BMWP (34.0-46.0), Very Good ASPT (6.5-6.8), Good CMBI (2.9-3.1), Excellent FBI (3.1-3.9) and Moderate EPT Index (3.0-4.0). However, it's WQI (84.48) falls into Class II which could be categorized as Cleaned River. As a conclusion, physicochemical river water quality was not the only contributing factor to the Biotic Index at the highland rivers as per other factors such as river substrates, river discharge, aquatic plants, river riparian and river canopy

    Research on citizen participation of public information service platform amidst the COVID-19 outbreak in China

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    Facing the global epidemic prevention and control situation, public information services are an important part of ensuring the smooth operation of the government and the normal life of citizens. Among them, Internet companies assume a significant part in assisting with uncovering epidemiological information, such as the "same journey query"platform that can query the public transportation itinerary of patients with pneumonia suspected diagnosis. Citizens can understand their health status and make independent declarations to avoid the spread of immunity. To better understand the requirements, willingness, and elements impacting citizen participation, this study constructs a citizen participation model based on the public service system, combined with the Chinese government's public information interactive management process. Through empirical analysis of the survey data, it is discovered that expectations and perceived quality are the key factors that can significantly affect public participation. It can be concluded that improving the quality of the platform and public expectations will help increase public satisfaction and trust, and ultimately increase public participation. The result is conducive to the better participation of enterprises, governments, and citizens in public information services, and gives insight to future related research

    Psychiatric services in primary care settings: a survey of general practitioners in Thailand

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    BACKGROUND: General Practitioners (GPs) in Thailand play an important role in treating psychiatric disorders since there is a shortage of psychiatrists in the country. Our aim was to examine GP's perception of psychiatric problems, drug treatment and service problems encountered in primary care settings. METHODS: We distributed 1,193 postal questionnaires inquiring about psychiatric practices and service problems to doctors in primary care settings throughout Thailand. RESULTS: Four hundred and thirty-four questionnaires (36.4%) were returned. Sixty-seven of the respondents (15.4%) who had taken further special training in various fields were excluded from the analysis, giving a total of 367 GPs in this study. Fifty-six per cent of respondents were males and they had worked for 4.6 years on average (median = 3 years). 65.6% (SD = 19.3) of the total patients examined had physical problems, 10.7% (SD = 7.9) had psychiatric problems and 23.9% (SD = 16.0) had both problems. The most common psychiatric diagnoses were anxiety disorders (37.5%), alcohol and drugs abuse (28.1%), and depressive disorders (29.2%). Commonly prescribed psychotropic drugs were anxiolytics and antidepressants. The psychotropic drugs most frequently prescribed were diazepam among anti-anxiety drugs, amitriptyline among antidepressant drugs, and haloperidol among antipsychotic drugs. CONCLUSION: Most drugs available through primary care were the same as what existed 3 decades ago. There should be adequate supply of new and appropriate psychotropic drugs in primary care. Case-finding instruments for common mental disorders might be helpful for GPs whose quality of practice was limited by large numbers of patients. However, the service delivery system should be modified in order to maintain successful care for a large number of psychiatric patients

    Bromocarbons in the tropical coastal and open ocean atmosphere during the Prime Expedition Scientific Cruise 2009 (PESC 09)

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    Atmospheric concentrations of very short-lived species (VSLS) bromocarbons, including CHBr3, CH2Br2, CHCl2Br, CHClBr2, and CH2BrCl, were measured in the Strait of Malacca and the South China and Sulu–Sulawesi seas during a two-month research cruise in June–July 2009. The highest bromocarbon concentrations were found in the Strait of Malacca, with smaller enhancements in coastal regions of northern Borneo. CHBr3 was the most abundant bromocarbon, ranging from 5.2 pmol mol−1 in the Strait of Malacca to 0.94 pmol mol−1 over the open ocean. Other bromocarbons showed lower concentrations, in the range of 0.8–1.3 pmol mol−1 for CH2Br2, 0.1–0.5 pmol mol−1 for CHCl2Br, and 0.1–0.4 pmol mol−1 for CHClBr2. There was no significant correlation between bromocarbons and in situ chlorophyll a, but positive correlations with both MODIS and SeaWiFS satellite chlorophyll a. Together, the shortlived bromocarbons contribute an average of 8.9 pmol mol−1 (range 5.2–21.4 pmol mol−1) to tropospheric bromine loading, which is similar to that found in previous studies from global sampling networks (Montzka et al., 2011). Statistical tests showed strong Spearman correlations between brominated compounds, suggesting a common source. Log–log plots of CHBr3/CH2Br2 versus CHBr2Cl/CH2Br2 show that both chemical reactions and dilution into the background atmosphere contribute to the composition of these halocarbons at each sampling point. We have used the correlation to make a crude estimate of the regional emissions of CHBr3 and to derive a value of 32 Gg yr−1 for the Southeast (SE) Asian region (10◦ N–20◦ S, 90–150◦ E). Finally, we note that satellite-derived chlorophyll a (chl a) products do not always agree well with in situ measurements, particularly in coastal regions of high turbidity, meaning that satellite chl a may not always be a good proxy for marine productivity