285 research outputs found

    Co-located wave and offshore wind farms: A preliminary approach to the shadow effect

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    In recent years, with the consolidation of offshore wind technology and the progress carried out for wave energy technology, the option of combine both technologies has arisen. This combination rest mainly in two main reasons: in one hand, to increase the sustainability of both energies by means of a more rational harnessing of the natural resources; in the other hand, to reduce the costs of both technologies by sharing some of the most important costs of an offshore project. In addition to these two powerful reasons there are a number of technology synergies between wave and wind systems which makes their combination even more suitable. Co-located projects are one of the alternatives to combine wave-wind systems, and it is specially for these project were so-called shadow effect synergy becomes meaningful. In particular, this paper deals with the co-location of Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) technologies into a conventional offshore wind farm. More specifically, an overtopping type of WEC technology was considered in this work to study the effects of its co-location with a conventional offshore wind park. This study aims to give a preliminary approach to the shadow effect and its implications for both wave and offshore wind energies


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    In recent years, with the consolidation of offshore wind technology and the progress carried out for wave energy technology, the option of co-locate both technologies at the same marine area has arisen. Co-located projects are a combined solution to tackle the shared challenge of reducing technology costs or a more sustainable use of the natural resources. In particular, this paper deals with the co-location of Wave Energy Conversion (WEC) technologies into a conventional offshore wind farm. More specifically, an overtopping type of WEC technology was considered in this work to study the effects of its co-location with a conventional offshore wind park

    Hybrid Wave and Offshore Wind Farms: a Comparative Case Study of Co-located Layouts

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    Marine energy is one of the most promising alternatives to fossil fuels due to the enormous energy resource available. However, it is often considered uneconomical and difficult. Co-located offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters have emerged as a solution to increase the competitiveness of marine energy. Among the benefits of colocated farms, this work focuses on the shadow effect, i.e. the reduction in wave height in the inner part of the farm, which can lead to significant savings in operation and maintenance (O&M) costs thanks to the augmented weather windows for accessing the wind turbines. The aim of this study is to quantify the wave height reduction achieved within a co-located wave-wind farm. Different locations and a large number of layouts are analysed in order to define the optimum disposition


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    Solid samples, either of realistic waste model or coal, and spiked with Cd, Pb or Zn, were burned in an electrically-heated fluid bed reactor coupled to a customized ICP spectrometer, for on-line analysis of vaporized metals. For waste samples, a single kinetic law (whatever the metal), predicting the vaporization characteristic time and the time course of the metal concentration in the solid, was obtained. Tests with burning coal samples, spiked with Cd (at 820°C) and Zn (temperature range 680°C to 820°C), proved that this law is still valid, with a slight tendency to underestimation for both Cd and Zn vaporization rates. The transient metal concentration in burning coal was also very well predicted

    Post-combustion calcium looping process with a high stable sorbent activity by recarbonation

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    [EN] This paper presents a novel sorbent regeneration technique for post-combustion calcium looping CO2 capture systems. The advantage of this technique is that it can drastically reduce the consumption of limestone in the plant without affecting its efficiency and without the need for additional reagents. The method is based on the re-carbonation of carbonated particles circulating from the carbonator using pure CO2 obtained from the gas stream generated in the calciner. The aim is to maintain the CO2 carrying capacity of the sorbent close to optimum values for CaL post-combustion systems (around 0.2). This is achieved by placing a small regeneration reactor between the carbonator and the calciner. This reactor increases slightly the conversion of CaO to carbonate so that it exceeds the so-called maximum CO2 carrying capacity of the sorbent. This increase compensates for the loss of CO2 carrying capacity that the solids undergo in the next calcination-carbonation cycle. Two series of experiments carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer over 100 cycles of carbonation-recarbonation-calcination show that the inclusion of this recarbonation step is responsible for an increase in the residual CO2 carrying capacity from 0.07 to 0.16. A conceptual design of the resulting capture system shows that a limestone make-up flow designed specifically for a CO2 capture system can approach zero, when the solid sorbents purged from the CaL system are re-used to desulfurize the flue gas in the existing power plant.We thank the European Commission for the financial support received through the “CaOling” Project, funded under the 7th Framework Programme.Peer reviewe

    Evaluation of CO2 carrying capacity of reactivated CaO by hydration

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    [EN] Steam hydration has been proposed as a suitable technique for improving the performance of CaO as a regenerable sorbent in CO2 capture systems. New hydration experiments conducted in this study, confirm the reported improvements in the capacity of sorbents to carry CO2. An examination of the textural properties of the sorbent after hydration and mild calcination revealed a large increase in the area of reaction surface and the formation of a fraction of pores ≈20 nm diameter that enhance the CO2 carrying capacity and increase the carbonation reaction rate. However, these changes in textural properties also lead to lower values of crushing strength as measured in the reactivated particles. Experiments conducted with a high hydration level of the sorbent (Ca molar conversion to Ca(OH)2 of 0.6) in every cycle produced a sixfold increase in the sorbent residual CO2 carrying capacity. This improvement has been estimated to be achieved at the expense of a very large consumption of steam in the system (about 1.2 mol of steam per mol of captured CO2). The trade off between the improvements in CO2 capture capacity and steam consumption is experimentally investigated in this work, it being concluded that there is need to design a comprehensive sorbent reactivation test that takes into account all of the hydration reactivation process.This work is partially supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme (CaOling project). I. Martínez thanks Diputación General de Aragón for the F.P.I. fellowship and MICINN for the F.P.U. fellowship.Peer reviewe

    A Review of Solar Thermochemical CO2 Splitting Using Ceria-Based Ceramics With Designed Morphologies and Microstructures

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    This review explores the advances in the synthesis of ceria materials with specific morphologies or porous macro- and microstructures for the solar-driven production of carbon monoxide (CO) from carbon dioxide (CO2). As the demand for renewable energy and fuels continues to grow, there is a great deal of interest in solar thermochemical fuel production (STFP), with the use of concentrated solar light to power the splitting of carbon dioxide. This can be achieved in a two-step cycle, involving the reduction of CeO2 at high temperatures, followed by oxidation at lower temperatures with CO2, splitting it to produce CO, driven by concentrated solar radiation obtained with concentrating solar technologies (CST) to provide the high reaction temperatures of typically up to 1,500°C. Since cerium oxide was first explored as a solar-driven redox material in 2006, and to specifically split CO2 in 2010, there has been an increasing interest in this material. The solar-to-fuel conversion 1097efficiency is influenced by the material composition itself, but also by the material morphology that mostly determines the available surface area for solid/gas reactions (the material oxidation mechanism is mainly governed by surface reaction). The diffusion length and specific surface area affect, respectively, the reduction and oxidation steps. They both depend on the reactive material morphology that also substantially affects the reaction kinetics and heat and mass transport in the material. Accordingly, the main relevant options for materials shaping are summarized. We explore the effects of microstructure and porosity, and the exploitation of designed structures such as fibers, 3-DOM (three-dimensionally ordered macroporous) materials, reticulated and replicated foams, and the new area of biomimetic/biomorphous porous ceria redox materials produced from natural and sustainable templates such as wood or cork, also known as ecoceramics

    Solar thermochemical CO2 splitting using cork-templated ceria ecoceramics

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    This work addresses the solar-driven thermochemical production of CO and O2 from two-step CO2-splitting cycles, using both ceria granules prepared from cork templates (CG) and ceria foams from polyurethane templates (CF). These materials were cycled in a high-temperature indirectly-irradiated solar tubular reactor using a temperature-swing process. Samples were typically reduced at 1400 °C using concentrated solar power as a heating source and subsequently oxidised with CO2 between 1000-1200 °C. On average, CO production yields for CG were two times higher than for CF, indicating that the morphology of this three-dimensionally ordered macroporous (3-DOM) CeO2 improves the reaction kinetics. Their performance stability was demonstrated by conducting 11 cycles under solar irradiation conditions. Slightly increasing the reduction temperature strongly enhanced the reduction extent, and thus the CO production yield (reaching about 0.2 mmol g-1 after reduction at 1450 °C in inert gas), while decreasing the oxidation temperature mainly improved the CO production rate (up to 1.43 μmol s-1 g-1 at 1000 °C). Characterisation of the 3-DOM structure, by means of XRD and SEM, provided insights into the reactivity behaviour of the developed materials. The pre-sintered ceria granules retained their structure after cycling. The fact that the mean cell size of CG is smaller (at least one order of magnitude) than that of CF suggests that its exposed surfaces enhanced reaction rates by a factor of two. Moreover, the maximum fuel production rate of CG was roughly three times greater than that reported previously for a ceria reticulated porous foam with dual-scale porosity