92 research outputs found

    Spin and orbital magnetic moment of reconstructed √2 × √2R45º magnetite(001)

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    © 2015 American Physical Society. The surface of a magnetite single crystal with (001) orientation has been prepared by sputtering/annealing cycles providing the √2×2√2R45º reconstruction. The distribution of magnetic domains on the surface has been imaged by x-ray magnetic dichroism in a photoemission microscope. The easy axes are along the surface in-plane 110 directions. The near-surface magnetic moment was determined by applying the sum rules to XMCD spectra obtained with different kinetic energies of the secondary electrons. A reduced total moment of 3.3 μB and a ratio of about 0.10 between orbital and spin moment was found, which we attribute to the surface reconstruction.Peer Reviewe

    The ALBA spectroscopic LEEM-PEEM experimental station : Layout and performance

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    The spectroscopic LEEM-PEEM experimental station at the CIRCE helical undulator beamline, which started user operation at the ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility in 2012, is presented. This station, based on an Elmitec LEEM III microscope with electron imaging energy analyzer, permits surfaces to be imaged with chemical, structural and magnetic sensitivity down to a lateral spatial resolution better than 20nm with X-ray excited photoelectrons and 10nm in LEEM and UV-PEEM modes. Rotation around the surface normal and application of electric and (weak) magnetic fields are possible in the microscope chamber. In situ surface preparation capabilities include ion sputtering, high-temperature flashing, exposure to gases, and metal evaporation with quick evaporator exchange. Results from experiments in a variety of fields and imaging modes will be presented in order to illustrate the ALBA XPEEM capabilities

    Generation and Imaging of Magnetoacoustic Waves over Millimeter Distances

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    Using hybrid piezoelectric-magnetic systems we have generated large amplitude magnetization waves mediated by magnetoelasticity with up to 25 degrees variation in the magnetization orientation. We present direct imaging and quantification of both standing and propagating acoustomagnetic waves with different wavelengths, over large distances up to several millimeters in a nickel thin film.The authors acknowledge Jordi Prat of ALBA for his help during experiments. F. M. acknowledges support from the MINECO through Grant No. RYC-2014-16515. F. M., B. C., and R. C. acknowledge support from MINECO through Grants No. SEV-2015-0496 and No. MAT2017- 85232-R. F. M., J. M. H., and N. S. acknowledge funding from MINECO through Grant No. MAT2015-69144-P. We thank Werner Seidel and Sander Rauwerdink from PDI for assistance in the preparation of acoustic delay lines on LiNbO3. L. A. and M. F. acknowledge support from MINECO through RTI2018-095303-B-C53. This project was partially supported by the ALBA in-house research program through Projects No. ALBA-IH2015PEEM and ALBAIH2017PEEM.Peer reviewe

    Qu­antification of propagating and standing surface acoustic waves by stroboscopic X-ray photoemission electron microscopy

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    The quantification of surface acoustic waves (SAWs) in LiNbO3 piezoelectric crystals by stroboscopic X-ray photoemission electron microscopy (XPEEM), with a temporal smearing below 80 ps and a spatial resolution below 100 nm, is reported. The contrast mechanism is the varying piezoelectric surface potential associated with the SAW phase. Thus, kinetic energy spectra of photoemitted secondary electrons measure directly the SAW electrical amplitude and allow for the quantification of the associated strain. The stroboscopic imaging combined with a deliberate detuning allows resolving and quantifying the respective standing and propagating components of SAWs from a superposition of waves. Furthermore, standing-wave components can also be imaged by low-energy electron microscopy (LEEM). Our method opens the door to studies that quantitatively correlate SAWs excitation with a variety of sample electronic, magnetic and chemical properties

    Generation and Imaging of Magnetoacoustic Waves over Millimeter Distances

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    Using hybrid piezoelectric-magnetic systems we have generated large amplitude magnetization waves mediated by magnetoelasticity with up to 25 degrees variation in the magnetization orientation. We present direct imaging and quantification of both standing and propagating acoustomagnetic waves with different wavelengths, over large distances up to several millimeters in a nickel thin film

    Initial Stages of the Growth of Mixed Iron-cobalt Oxides on Ru(0001)

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    Mixed iron-cobalt oxides have been grown on a Ru(0001) single crystal substrate by reactive molecular beam epitaxy. The growth has been followed by low-energy electron microscopy and diffraction. Chemical characterization has been performed by selected area x-ray absorption spectroscopy. As previously known, iron grows into a wetting layer of FeO. In contrast, cobalt grows into three-dimensional islands of CoO, of either with a (111) -most common- or a (100) orientation. For mixed compositions, flat 2D growth is regained. Depending on temperature, either segregation into two FeCo compositions or a single phase is detected. In all cases the structure corresponds to an in-plane expanded (111)-oriented halite one. When only one phase is observed or for the Co-rich phase in the two phase film, its crystal structure is rotated by 30° relative to the Ru substrate, unlike the Co-poor phase which appears aligned with the substrate

    Helical surface magnetization in nanowires: the role of chirality

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    Nanomagnetism is nowadays expanding into three dimensions, triggered by the discovery of new magnetic phenomena and their potential use in applications. This shift towards 3D structures should be accompanied by strategies and methodologies to map the tridimensional spin textures associated. We present here a combination of dichroic X-ray transmission microscopy at different angles and micromagnetic simulations allowing to determine the magnetic configuration of cylindrical nanowires. We have applied it to permalloy nanowires with equispaced chemical barriers that can act as pinning sites for domain walls. The magnetization at the core is longitudinal and generates at the surface of the wire helical magnetization. Different types of domain walls are found at the pinning sites, which respond differently to applied fields depending on the relative chirality of the adjacent domains

    Self-organized single crystal mixed magnetite/cobalt ferrite films grown by infrared pulsed-laser deposition

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    We have grown mixed magnetite/cobalt ferrite epitaxial films on SrTiO3 by infrared pulsed-laser deposition. Diffraction experiments indicate epitaxial growth with a relaxed lattice spacing. The films are flat with two distinct island types: nanometric rectangular mounds in two perpendicular orientations, and larger square islands, attributed to the two main components of the film as determined by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The origin of the segregation is suggested to be the oxygen-deficiency during growth.Peer Reviewe

    Resonant and Off-Resonant Magnetoacoustic Waves in Epitaxial Fe3Si/GaAs Hybrid Structures

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    Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) provide an efficient dynamical coupling between strain and magnetization in micro- and nanometric systems. Using a hybrid device composed of a piezoelectric, GaAs, and a ferromagnetic Heusler alloy thin film, Fe3Si, we are able to quantify the amplitude of magnetoacoustic waves generated with SAWs via magnetic imaging in an x-ray photoelectron microscope. The cubic anisotropy of the sample, together with a low damping coefficient, allows for the observation of resonant and nonresonant magnetoelastic coupling. Additionally, via micromagnetic simulation, we verify the experimental behavior and quantify the magnetoelastic shear strain component in Fe3Si, which appears to be large (b2=10±4MJm−3)

    Magnetic domains in SrFe12O19/Co hard/soft bilayers

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    ESRF (The european Synchrotron) User Meeting 2022, 7 - 9 February, 2022 . -- online meeting . -- https://www.esrf.fr/fr/home/events/conferences/2022/user-meeting-2022.html .-- Youtube access: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsWatK2_NAmyYnkC-bXhvT70wsYaTmojqThe nature of the magnetic coupling between a SrFe12O19 particle (hard phase) and a Co layer grown on top (soft phase) has been studied by means of photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) and spatially-resolved x-ray absorption (XAS) and magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at CIRCE, ALBA synchrotron (Spain). Our study reveals the soft metallic overlayer presents an in-plane magnetization despite the strong out-of-plane magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the hard platelet. Thus, the two phases show completely uncorrelated magnetic domain patterns. Micromagnetic simulations seem to indicate the degree of exchange-coupling is low or null, although the conditions for rigid coupling are a priori well met