164 research outputs found

    Growth orders and ergodicity for absolutely Cesàro bounded operators

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    In this paper, we extend the concept of absolutely Cesàro boundedness to the fractional case. We construct a weighted shift operator belonging to this class of operators, and we prove that if T is an absolutely Cesàro bounded operator of order α with 0 1, then ‖Tn‖=O(n). We apply such results to get stability properties for the Cesàro means of bounded operators

    Avoided energy cost of producing minerals: The case of iron ore

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    There is growing concern about the decline of the ore grade in mines and the increased energy usage for processing and refining metals. In the limit, where no concentrated deposits exist, minerals must be obtained from bare rock. A method for quantitatively assessing the “free bonus” granted by nature in providing concentrated minerals in mines and thus assessing the quality of the different resources is estimating how much energy is needed to concentrate the minerals, as they are already in mines, from bare rock. This bonus granted by nature reduces the costs of human mining and metallurgical processes, as well as the mining effort required of future generations. In this study, the concentration of high-iron-content minerals in common rocks was investigated via a computational model developed using the HSC software. As expected, the range of results for the specific energy for the concentration of iron from common rocks was considerably higher than the energy required by modern processes. This reveals the need to value current iron deposits and the challenge of developing sustainable methods of metal production to satisfy the needs of the present and future generations

    Composition, Structure and Tribotechnical Properties of TiN, MoN Single-Layer and TiN/MoN Multilayer Coatings

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    Results of comprehensive investigations of nanostructed TiN and MoN single layer coatings as well as multilayer coatings consisting of TiN/MoN alternating layers have beenconsidered. The coatings have been deposited by a promising modern method of cathode-arc evaporation (vacuum-arc method). The elemental and phase compositions of coatings, their tribological and physico mechanical properties: friction coefficient, wear, adhesion, hardness, and elastic modulus have been studied and the mechanisms of the coatings fracture have been discussedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Evaluation of water-assisted UV-C light and its additive effect with peracetic acid for the inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica and murine norovirus on whole and fresh-cut strawberries during shelf-life

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    The purpose of the present study was to examine the inactivation of Salmonella enterica (50 μL; 109 CFU g−1), Listeria monocytogenes (50 μL; 109 CFU g−1), and murine norovirus (MNV-1; 50 μL; 107 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) mL−1) on whole and fresh-cut strawberries after 2 min disinfection treatments (water (H2O), chlorine 200 mg L−1 (NaClO), water-assisted ultraviolet-C (UV-C) (WUV), and the combination WUV and 40 mg L−1 of PA (WUV + PA)) in a water tank (15 L) equipped with 4 UV-C lamps (17.2 W each), and after 7 days of cold storage (4 and 10 °C). For MNV-1, dry UV-C treatment (DUV) was also tested. For all UV-C treatments, an irradiation dose of 1.3 kJ m−2 was used. RESULTS: When strawberries were washed with WUV, L. monocytogenes and S. enterica were reduced by 2.8 and 2.2 log CFU g−1, respectively. The addition of 40 mg L−1 of PA to WUV (WUV + PA) increased the reduction range of L. monocytogenes and S. enterica by 1.9 and 0.8 log, respectively. Regarding the wash water, no pathogens were recovered after the WUV + PA treatment (detection limit 50 CFU mL−1). Depending on storage conditions (7 days at 4 or 10 °C), reductions observed were 0.5 to 2.0 log for S. enterica and 0.5 to 3.0 log for L. monocytogenes. The reductions in MNV-1 titer after disinfection treatments ranged from 1.3 to 1.7 log. No significant differences between storage conditions were observed for MNV-1: titers did not decline or were reduced up to 0.3 log after 7 days of cold storage. CONCLUSION: The three-way action for disinfecting strawberries by UV-C irradiation and PA, plus the physical removal of the microorganisms by agitated water, are effective against foodborne pathogens on strawberries and water wash. During storage, WUV had a larger impact on the inactivation kinetics of S. enterica. Storage had little impact on MNV-1 inactivation.The authors are grateful to the Spanish government (Ministerio deEconomía y Competitividad, research project AGL2016-78086-R)and the Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA) Programmeof‘Generalitat de Catalunya’for itsfinancial support. J. Ortiz-Solàthanks the University of Lleida for its PhD grant (BOU186-243/2017 UdL) and M. Anguera thanks them for their techni-cal support. I. Nicolau-Lapeña is in receipt of a predoctoral grantawarded by the‘Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitivi-dad’(grant number BES-2017-079779). The authors gratefullyacknowledged the assistance of Gloria Sánchez and Susana Guixfor teaching them the methodologies related to MNV-1 andRAW 264.7 assays

    Activation of p38 MAPK pathway in the skull abnormalities of Apert syndrome Fgfr2+P253R mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Apert syndrome is characterized by craniosynostosis and limb abnormalities and is primarily caused by FGFR2 +/P253R and +/S252W mutations. The former mutation is present in approximately one third whereas the latter mutation is present in two-thirds of the patients with this condition. We previously reported an inbred transgenic mouse model with the Fgfr2 +/S252W mutation on the C57BL/6J background for Apert syndrome. Here we present a mouse model for the Fgfr2+/P253R mutation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We generated inbred <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>P253R </it></sup>mice on the same C56BL/6J genetic background and analyzed their skeletal abnormalities. 3D micro-CT scans of the skulls of the <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>P253R </it></sup>mice revealed that the skull length was shortened with the length of the anterior cranial base significantly shorter than that of the <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>S252W </it></sup>mice at P0. The <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>P253R </it></sup>mice presented with synostosis of the coronal suture and proximate fronts with disorganized cellularity in sagittal and lambdoid sutures. Abnormal osteogenesis and proliferation were observed at the developing coronal suture and long bones of the <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>P253R </it></sup>mice as in the <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>S252W </it></sup>mice. Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) was observed in the <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>P253R </it></sup>neurocranium with an increase in phosphorylated p38 as well as ERK1/2, whereas phosphorylated AKT and PKCα were not obviously changed as compared to those of wild-type controls. There were localized phenotypic and molecular variations among individual embryos with different mutations and among those with the same mutation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our <it>in vivo </it>studies demonstrated that the Fgfr2 +/P253R mutation resulted in mice with cranial features that resemble those of the <it>Fgfr2</it><sup>+/<it>S252W </it></sup>mice and human Apert syndrome. Activated p38 in addition to the ERK1/2 signaling pathways may mediate the mutant neurocranial phenotype. Though Apert syndrome is traditionally thought to be a consistent phenotype, our results suggest localized and regional variations in the phenotypes that characterize Apert syndrome.</p

    3D-to-2D morphology manipulation of sputter-deposited nanoscale silver films on weakly interacting substrates via selective nitrogen deployment for multifunctional metal contacts

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    The ability to reverse the inherent tendency of noble metals to grow in an uncontrolled three-dimensional (3D) fashion on weakly interacting substrates, including two-dimensional (2D) materials and oxides, is essential for the fabrication of high-quality multifunctional metal contacts in key enabling devices. In this study, we show that this can be effectively achieved by deploying nitrogen (N2) gas with high temporal precision during magnetron sputtering of nanoscale silver (Ag) islands and layers on silicon dioxide (SiO2) substrates. We employ real-time in situ film growth monitoring using spectroscopic ellipsometry, along with optical modeling in the framework of the finite-difference time-domain method, and establish that localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) from nanoscale Ag islands can be used to gauge the evolution of surface morphology of discontinuous layers up to a SiO2 substrate area coverage of ∼70%. Such analysis, in combination with data on the evolution of room-temperature resistivity of electrically conductive layers, reveals that presence of N2 in the sputtering gas atmosphere throughout all film-formation stages: (i) promotes 2D growth and smooth film surfaces and (ii) leads to an increase of the continuous-layer electrical resistivity by ∼30% compared to Ag films grown in a pure argon (Ar) ambient atmosphere. Detailed ex situ nanoscale structural analyses suggest that N2 favors 2D morphology by suppressing island coalescence rates during initial growth stages, while it causes interruption of local epitaxial growth on Ag crystals. Using these insights, we deposit Ag layers by deploying N2 selectively, either during the early precoalescence growth stages or after coalescence completion. We show that early N2 deployment leads to 2D morphology without affecting the Ag-layer resistivity, while postcoalescence introduction of N2 in the gas atmosphere further promotes formation of three-dimensional (3D) nanostructures and roughness at the film growth front. In a broader context this study generates knowledge that is relevant for the development of (i) single-step growth manipulation strategies based on selective deployment of surfactant species and (ii) real-time methodologies for tracking film and nanostructure morphological evolution using LSPR

    Efecto de la variedad y localización en la composición química de guisante y soja destinadas a la alimentación animal

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    El guisante es una buena fuente de PB, especialmente las variedades cultivadas en Asturias pero siem - pre con un menor contenido en PB y GB que la soja. En las dietas para monogástricos hay que recomendar el procesamiento de la cv Furious y las cv obtenidas en Aragón para reducir los posibles problemas causados por los inhibidores de la tripsina. En la soja, la cv Panoramix presentó el mejor con tenido en PB en las tres localizaciones.Proyecto INPULSE, Gobierno de Aragón (grupo de investigación INPASS), personal técnico del Laboratorio de Valoración Nutritiva y Digestibilidad del CITA

    Ground characterisation for PISA pile testing and analysis

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    This paper is the first of a set of linked publications on the PISA Joint Industry Research Project, which was concerned with the development of improved design methods for monopile foundations in offshore wind applications. PISA involved large-scale pile tests in overconsolidated glacial till at Cowden, north-east England, and in dense, normally consolidated marine sand at Dunkirk, northern France. The paper presents the characterisation of the two sites, which was crucial to the design of the field experiments and advanced numerical modelling of the pile–soil interactions. The studies described, which had to be completed at an early stage of the PISA project, added new laboratory and field campaigns to historic investigations at both sites. They enabled an accurate description of soil behaviour from small strains to ultimate states to be derived, allowing analyses to be undertaken that captured both the serviceability and limit state behaviour of the test monopiles

    Single Doses up to 800 mg of E-52862 Do Not Prolong the QTc Interval--A Retrospective Validation by Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modelling of Electrocardiography Data Utilising the Effects of a Meal on QTc to Demonstrate ECG Assay Sensitivity.

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    BACKGROUND: E-52862 is a Sigma-1 receptor antagonist (S1RA) currently under investigation as a potential analgesic medicine. We successfully applied a concentration-effect model retrospectively to a four-way crossover Phase I single ascending dose study and utilized the QTc shortening effects of a meal to demonstrate assay sensitivity by establishing the time course effects from baseline in all four periods, independently from any potential drug effects. METHODS: Thirty two healthy male and female subjects were included in four treatment periods to receive single ascending doses of 500 mg, 600 mg or 800 mg of E-52862 or placebo. PK was linear over the dose range investigated and doses up to 600 mg were well tolerated. The baseline electrocardiography (ECG) measurements on Day-1 were time-matched with ECG and pharmacokinetic (PK) samples on Day 1 (dosing day). RESULTS: In this conventional mean change to time-matched placebo analysis, the largest time-matched difference to placebo QTcI was 1.44 ms (90% CI: -4.04, 6.93 ms) for 500 mg; -0.39 ms (90% CI: -3.91, 3.13 ms) for 600 mg and 1.32 ms (90% CI: -1.89, 4.53 ms) for 800 mg of E-52862, thereby showing the absence of any QTc prolonging effect at the doses tested. In addition concentration-effect models, one based on the placebo corrected change from baseline and one for the change of QTcI from average baseline with time as fixed effect were fitted to the data confirming the results of the time course analysis. CONCLUSION: The sensitivity of this study to detect small changes in the QTc interval was confirmed by demonstrating a shortening of QTcF of -8.1 (90% CI: -10.4, -5.9) one hour and -7.2 (90% CI: -9.4, -5.0) three hours after a standardised meal. TRIAL REGISTRATION: EU Clinical Trials Register EudraCT 2010 020343 13