75 research outputs found

    Utilization of feed resources in the production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Norway in 2020

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    The utilization of feed resources in Norwegian farming of Atlantic salmon has been reported for 2010, 2012, 2016 and 2020. The present paper is a corresponding documentation for farming of rainbow trout in Norway in 2020. 89,667 tonnes of rainbow trout were produced, which is 6 % of the amount of salmon produced. The 116,990 tonnes of ingredients used for feed sold as trout feed were produced from 13.4 % marine protein sources, 10.8 marine oils, 39.7 % vegetable protein sources, 19.9 % vegetable oils, 12.1 % carbohydrate sources and 3.9 % micro ingredients, which include vitamin and mineral premixes, crystalline amino acids and astaxanthin. In addition, was 0.2 %, or 257 tonnes, of single cell protein, insect meal, fermented products and microalgae used in trout feed. Norwegian fish meal and fish oil constituted 8.8 % of the ingredients, and the remaining 91.2 % were imported ingredients. The economic feed conversion factor (FCR) was 1.30, 1.21 or 1.44 if calculated from feed ingredients ‘as is’, feed ingredients on dry matter basis, or from registered traded feed, respectively. The trout retained 37 %, 43 %, 33 %, 63 % and 63 % of the feed’s dry matter, energy, protein, fat and EPA+DHA, respectively, in the whole body. In fillet, the corresponding retention values were 21 %, 25 %, 23 %, 34 % and 35 %, respectively. The feed utilization in trout was slightly overestimated because of some salmon feed used in the trout production. The feed ingredients used and the feed utilization in trout farming in 2020 were similar to the data for salmon farming, but trout is produced in a smaller quantity.Utilization of feed resources in the production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Norway in 2020publishedVersio

    Utilization of feed resources in the production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway: An update for 2020

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    The utilization of feed resources in Norwegian salmon farming has previously been reported for 2010, 2012 and 2016. This paper presents an update for 2020, giving an overview of the feed ingredients used and retention of nutrients in fillet and whole salmon for the entire Norwegian salmon production. A total of 1,976,709 tonnes of feed ingredients were used to produce 1,467,655 tonnes of salmon. The feed was produced from 22.4 % marine ingredients, 73.1 % vegetable ingredients and 4.1 % micro ingredients such as vitamin and mineral premixes, astaxanthin and crystalline amino acids. In addition, 0.4 %, or 8126 tonnes, of single cell protein, insect meal, fermented products and microalgae were used in salmon feeds. Norwegian marine protein and marine oil constituted 8.3 % of the ingredients. The remaining 91.7 % of the ingredients were imported. The feed conversion factor was 1.35 if calculated from feed ingredients ‘as is’, or 1.25 if calculated form ingredients on dry matter basis. The retention of energy, dry matter, protein, fat, EPA + DHA and phosphorus from feed was 39 %, 33 %, 34 %, 57 %, 49 % and 25 %, respectively, in whole salmon. In fillet, the corresponding retention rates were 25 %, 21 %, 25 %, 35 %, 32 % and 12 %, respectively. The feed ingredients used and the utilization of feed in 2020 resembled that of 2016, except that there was an increase in the amount produced in 2020 and a slight increase in the economic feed conversion ratio (eFCR).Utilization of feed resources in the production of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway: An update for 2020publishedVersio

    Chemical composition of whole body and fillet of slaughter sized Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in Norway in 2020

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    The fish is the end-product in fish farming, but updated data on the composition of slaughter sized farmed salmon and trout are still scarce. The body composition of farmed salmonids changes over time as farming technology, farming routines, feed and genetics develops. Knowledge of the body composition of the farmed fish thus depends on data on today’s produced fish. The body composition also varies with time of the year, geography, feed composition and feed intake. Analysis of samples representative of the whole Norwegian production of salmon and trout requires fish collected from the different geographic areas of production, sampled at different times throughout the year, and fish fed feeds from different feed producers. Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout was collected in summer and in winter. Salmon was collected at four different locations, and trout at two different locations at each sampling time. Whole body and fillet of salmon and trout was analyzed. This study reports the average content of energy, dry matter, ash, crude protein, crude lipids, iron, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, sodium, zinc and phosphorus in whole body and fillet of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout produced in Norway in 2020. Moreover, are the amino acid profiles and the fatty acid profiles given.Chemical composition of whole body and fillet of slaughter sized Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farmed in Norway in 2020publishedVersio

    PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS KARANGAN DESKRIPTIF MELALUI MEDIA LAGU BAGI PEMBELAJAR BIPA : studi kasus terhadap pembelajar bipa tingkat menengah di balai bahasa upi

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    Penelitian yang berjudul “Pembelajaran Menulis Karangan Deskriptif Melalui Media Lagu Bagi Pembelajar BIPA (Studi Kasus terhadap Pembelajar BIPA Tingkat Menengah di Balai Bahasa UPI)” ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kesulitan menulis yang dialami oleh salah satu pembelajar BIPA pada tingkat menengah 3. Kesulitan menulis yang dialami oleh pembelajar BIPA tersebut umumnya dialami oleh pembelajar BIPA, tetapi menurut teori yang diungkapkan oleh Mulyono (2004,hlm.41) bahwa pembelajar BIPA pada tingkat menengah mampu mengembangkan karangan narasi atau deskripsi. Dari ungkapan tersebut maka timbul pertanyaan mengapa pembelajar pada tingkat menengah 3 tersebut masih kesulitan dalam menulis, lalu faktor apa yang menyebabkan pembelajar tersebut mengalami kesulitan menulis. Oleh karena itu, peneliti merasa tertarik untuk mengadakan penelitian dengan tujuan memahami, mendeskripsikan, dan mencari pemecahan masalah atas kesulitan menulis yang dialami oleh pembelajar tersebut. Selain itu, peneliti mencoba mencari tahu apakah tindakan yang diberikan oleh peneliti dapat berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan menulis pembelajar tersebut. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, metode yang digunakan peneliti adalah metode studi yang dipaparkan secara kualitatif. Metode studi kasus digunakan untuk mendapatkan data secara rinci agar tindakan yang diberikan sesuai dengan kemampuan pembelajar BIPA yang mengalami kesulitan menulis. Hasil yang didapat selama melalui beberapa tahap penelitian ternyata berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan menulis pembelajar tersebut. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah motivasi. Pembelajar tersebut memiliki motivasi yang kurang dalam pembelajaran menulis, dan menunjukkan perilaku tidak positif terhadap pembelajaran menulis, karena pembelajar tersebut tidak suka menulis. Pembelajar cenderung menghindari pembelajaran menulis. Selain itu pun pembelajar merasa tidak percaya diri ketika menulis karena menurut pembelajar tata bahasa Indonesia sangat sulit dan tidak beraturan. Hasil tes menulis menunjukkan adanya perkembangan menulis setelah dilakukan tindakan berupa pembelajaran menulis karangan deskriptif melalui media lagu. Selanjutnya, diharapkan adanya penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap pembelajar BIPA yang mengalami kesulitan menulis.----------The research entitled "Learning to write descriptive essay through the use of song for BIPA’s learners” (Study Case Against BIPA Learner Intermediate Language Center UPI)" is motivated Posted Yang experienced difficulty writing Posted prayers One learner BIPA for Intermediate 3. The experienced difficulty writing Posted BIPA is generally experienced learners Posted learners BIPA, but according to the theory disclosed by Mulyono (2004, hlm.41) that learners BIPA for Intermediate able to develop a narrative essay or description. The phrase is so arises from question why for Intermediate 3 learners are still difficulties hearts write, then what factors cause these learners have difficulty writing. By therefore, researchers were interested in conducting research purposes with understand, describe, and see solving differences Yang experienced difficulty writing the Posted learners. In addition , the industry researcher find trying to know whether the action which, given posted researchers may affect the learner's ability to write. Based on the case, researchers used the method is a method of Case Studies which operates described qualitatively. Case Study method used for get detailed operating data that action given in accordance with the ability of the learner BIPA had difficulty writing. The results obtained during phase research through influential against the learners' writing ability. Test results indicate a write developments write taxable income form of action learning descriptive essay writing songs through the media. Furthermore, it is expected for further studies of learners BIPA had difficulty writing


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    Penalaran dan komunikasi statistis, serta academic help-seeking (AHS) merupakan aspek penting bagi perkembangan pengetahuan mahasiswa. Komunikasi statistis penting untuk memperjelas suatu masalah berdasarkan karakteristik data statistik dan penalaran statistis berperan membentuk keterampilan mahasiswa menggunakan konsep, aturan dan proses statistika, sementara AHS merupakan strategi self-regulatory penting yang memberikan kontribusi untuk belajar statistika. Kompetensi mahasiswa terhadap ketiga aspek tersebut masih rendah sehingga perlu dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran pengantar statistika. Salah satu model pembelajaran alternatif yang dapat mencapai kompetensi dimaksud adalah pembelajaran berbasis proyek berbantuan ICT (PBP berbantuan ICT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara komprehensif pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan penalaran statistis (KPS) dan kemampuan komunikasi statistis (KKS), serta pencapaian AHS mahasiswa melalui PBP berbantuan ICT. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran dengan desain kelompok kontrol pretes-postes. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa S1 program studi Pendidikan Matematika pada salah satu universitas di Maluku Utara. Instrumen pengumpulan data meliputi: tes kemampuan awal statistis (KAS), pretes dan postes KPS dan KKS, skala AHS, lembar observasi dan wawancara. Analisis data menggunakan statistik uji: t, t^', Mann-Whitney U, anova dua jalur, dan uji asosiasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pencapaian KPS, KKS, dan AHS mahasiswa yang memperoleh PBP berbantuan ICT secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada mahasiswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional (PK), (2) Peningkatan KPS dan KKS mahasiswa yang memperoleh PBP berbantuan ICT secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada PK ditinjau dari KAS (tinggi dan sedang), (3) Peningkatan KPS dan KKS mahasiswa yang memperoleh PBP berbantuan ICT dengan KAS tinggi dalam kategori tinggi, KAS (sedang, rendah) dalam kategori sedang, dan mahasiswa yang memperoleh PK dengan KAS (tinggi, sedang, rendah) dalam kategori sedang, (4) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara faktor pembelajaran dan KAS terhadap pencapaian dan peningkatan KPS dan KKS mahasiswa, (5) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara pembelajaran dan KAS terhadap pencapaian AHS mahasiswa, (6) Ada asosiasi yang signifikan dan bersifat positif antara KPS dan KKS mahasiswa, KKS dan AHS mahasiswa yang diterapkan melalui PBP berbantuan ICT, namun tidak ada asosiasi yang signifikan antara KPS dan AHS, dan (7) Asosiasi antara KPS dan KKS dalam kategori kuat, antara KPS dan AHS dalam kategori kurang kuat, dan antara KKS dan AHS dalam kategori cukup kuat. PBP berbantuan ICT dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu modal alternatif dalam pembelajaran pengantar statistika untuk meningkatkan KPS dan KKS, serta menciptakan academic help-seeking statistis mahasiswa. ---------- Statistical reasoning and communication and academic help-seeking (AHS) are important aspects for students’ knowledge development. Statistical communication is important to clarify a problem, based on the characteristics of statistic data and statistical reasoning plays role to form students skill in using concepts, rules and statistics process. While academic help-seeking is self-regulatory strategy that contributes to learn statistics. The students still did not have enough ability in three competencies. One of alternative models enhances students’ ability in those three competencies is project-based learning assisted ICT (ICT-assisted PBL). This study aims to analyze comprehensively the achievement and improvement of statistical reasoning ability (SRA) and statistical communication ability (SCA), as well as students’ AHS through ICT-assisted PBL. This study used a mixed methods with pretest posttest control design. The population of this ware undergraduate students of Mathematics Education program at a State University in North Maluku. Data collection instruments include: prior statistical knowledge (PSK) test, pre-test and post-test of statistical reasoning ability and communication statistical ability, AHS scale, observation note and interviews. Analysis statistic used test: t, t', Mann-Whitney U, two-ways ANOVA, and the association test. The results showed that: (1) the students who got with ICT-assisted PBL have higher achievement in SRA, SCA, and AHS than students who got convensition learning (CL), (2) high, middle and low PSK students who got ICT-assisted PBL have enhancement and achievement significantly higher than CL. (3) Improved students’ AHS behavior who got ICT-assisted PBL bases on student’s PSK high, medium and low are in the low category, (4) there is a direct effect of the learning factor and prior statistical knowledge (PSK) to the students’ achievement and improvement of SRA, SCA and AHS, but simultaneously there is no interaction between factors learning and PSK to the student’s achievement and improvement of SRA and SCA, (5) there is not interaction between learning factors and PSK on students’ academic help-seeking, (6) there is significant assosiation and positive between student’s SRA and SCA, student’s SCA and AHS who receive ICT-assisted PBL, but not is significant association between student’s SRA and AHS, and (7) The association between student’s SRA and SCA in the highle category, between the student’s SRA and the AHS in the lower category, and between student’s SCA and AHS in middle category. ICT-assisted PBL can be used as an alternative model in teaching and learning statistics to enhancement statistical reasoning ability and statistical communication and students’ statistical academic help-seeking

    Olaparib monotherapy as primary treatment in unselected triple negative breast cancer

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    Background - The antitumor efficacy of PARP inhibitors (PARPi) for breast cancer patients harboring germline BRCA1/2 (gBRCA1/2) mutations is well established. While PARPi monotherapy was ineffective in patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) wild type for BRCA1/2, we hypothesized that PARPi may be effective in primary TNBCs without previous chemotherapy exposure. Patients and methods - In the phase II PETREMAC trial, patients with primary TNBC >2 cm received olaparib for up to 10 weeks before chemotherapy. Tumor biopsies collected before and after olaparib underwent targeted DNA sequencing (360 genes) and BRCA1 methylation analyses. In addition, BRCAness (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification), PAM50 gene expression, RAD51 foci, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and PD-L1 analyses were performed on pretreatment samples. Results - The median pretreatment tumor diameter was 60 mm (range 25-112 mm). Eighteen out of 32 patients obtained an objective response (OR) to olaparib (56.3%). Somatic or germline mutations affecting homologous recombination (HR) were observed in 10/18 responders [OR 55.6%, 95% confidence interval (CI) 33.7-75.4] contrasting 1/14 non-responders (OR 7.1%; CI 1.3-31.5, P = 0.008). Among tumors without HR mutations, 6/8 responders versus 3/13 non-responders revealed BRCA1 hypermethylation (P = 0.03). Thus, 16/18 responders (88.9%, CI 67.2-96.9), in contrast to 4/14 non-responders (28.6%, CI 11.7-54.7, P = 0.0008), carried HR mutations and/or BRCA1 methylation. Excluding one gPALB2 and four gBRCA1/2 mutation carriers, 12/14 responders (85.7%, CI 60.1-96.0) versus 3/13 non-responders (23.1%, CI 8.2-50.3, P = 0.002) carried somatic HR mutations and/or BRCA1 methylation. In contrast to BRCAness signature or basal-like subtype, low RAD51 scores, high TIL or high PD-L1 expression all correlated to olaparib response. Conclusion - Olaparib yielded a high clinical response rate in treatment-naĂŻve TNBCs revealing HR deficiency, beyond germline HR mutations

    Homologous Recombination Deficiency Across Subtypes of Primary Breast Cancer

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    Purpose - Homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) is highly prevalent in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) and associated with response to PARP inhibition (PARPi). Here, we studied the prevalence of HRD in non-TNBC to assess the potential for PARPi in a wider group of patients with breast cancer. Methods - HRD status was established using targeted gene panel sequencing (360 genes) and BRCA1 methylation analysis of pretreatment biopsies from 201 patients with primary breast cancer in the phase II PETREMAC trial (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02624973). HRD was defined as mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, BRIP1, BARD1, or PALB2 and/or promoter methylation of BRCA1 (strict definition; HRD-S). In secondary analyses, a wider definition (HRD-W) was used, examining mutations in 20 additional genes. Furthermore, tumor BRCAness (multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification), PAM50 subtyping, RAD51 nuclear foci to test functional HRD, tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL), and PD-L1 analyses were performed. Results - HRD-S was present in 5% of non-TNBC cases (n = 9 of 169), contrasting 47% of the TNBC tumors (n = 15 of 32). HRD-W was observed in 23% of non-TNBC (n = 39 of 169) and 59% of TNBC cases (n = 19 of 32). Of 58 non-TNBC and 30 TNBC biopsies examined for RAD51 foci, 4 of 4 (100%) non-TNBC and 13 of 14 (93%) TNBC cases classified as HRD-S had RAD51 low scores. In contrast, 4 of 17 (24%) non-TNBC and 15 of 19 (79%) TNBC biopsies classified as HRD-W exhibited RAD51 low scores. Of nine non-TNBC tumors with HRD-S status, only one had a basal-like PAM50 signature. There was a high concordance between HRD-S and either BRCAness, high TIL density, or high PD-L1 expression (each P Conclusion - The prevalence of HRD in non-TNBC suggests that therapy targeting HRD should be evaluated in a wider breast cancer patient population. Strict HRD criteria should be implemented to increase diagnostic precision with respect to functional HRD

    Rapport/Report 14/2016 – norsk sammendrag

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    -The concentrations of dissolved phosphates (PO4) and total phosphorus was analysed in sludge samples collected from Nofima’s RAS facilities. The highest concentration of phosphorus was found in sludge from the swirl separators that are mounted at each tank, and most (approximately 90 %) of the phosphorus was bound to particles. Hias IKS has developed a biological method for reclamation of water dissolved phosphorus (PO4) from waste water. This method may be applicable for reclaiming phosphorus from aquacultural sludge. A simple test showed that dissolved phosphorus (PO4) from the water fraction was almost completely removed with Hias’ method in sludge samples of 12 ‰ brackish water. However, since only approximately 10 % of the phosphorus in the sludge was dissolved in the water, pretreatment of the sludge to release dissolved PO4, is necessary for Hias’ method to remove phosphorus from aquacultural sludge effectively.Konsentrasjonen av vannløselige fosfater (PO4) og totalt fosfor ble analysert i prøver av slam fra Nofima sitt RAS-anlegg. Slam fra virvelseparator som er montert på hvert kar hadde høyest konsentrasjon av fosfor, og det meste (om lag 90 %) av fosforet var bundet til partikler. Hias IKS har utviklet en biologisk metode for å gjenvinne vannløselig fosfat (PO4) fra avløpsvann som kan være aktuell for å gjenvinne fosfor fra slam fra akvakultur. I en enkel test ble det vannløselige fosfatet tilnærmet fullstendig fjernet fra slamprøver med 12 ‰ brakkvann med Hias’ metode. Siden bare rundt 10 % av fosforet i slammet var løst i vann, er imidlertid forbehandling av slammet for å frigjøre vannløselig PO4 nødvendig for at Hias’ metode skal kunne gjenvinne fosfor fra slam fra akvakultur på en effektiv måte

    Kunnskapsgrunnlag – Slam fra lakseoppdrett

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    Slam fra lakseoppdrett bestür av fôrrester og gjødsel (faeces) som fanges opp med filtersystem og eventuelt tørkes før det transporteres bort. Gjødsel gür lett i oppløsning og er vanskelig ü samle opp, og slam inneholder derfor generelt en betydelig andel fôr. Fôr og gjødsel har ulik sammensetning, og sammensetningen av slammet er derfor avhengig av mengde fôr i slammet. Mengden fôr i slammet har derfor betydning for bruken av slam. Slam brukes blant annet som jordforbedringsmiddel og til biogassproduksjon. Det er noen utfordringer knyttet til bruken av slam, det er ogsü energikrevende ü samle opp, tørke og transportere slammet. Mülinger har vist at oppsamlingen av slam har moderat effektivitet. Dette skyldes trolig at sÌrlig faeces lett gür i oppløsning og er vanskelig ü samle opp. Fôrpellets lar seg lettere filtrere ut. Det er potensiale for ü redusere mengden fôr som gür til spille i slammet. Dette vil bedre ressursutnyttelsen, men vil kreve utvikling av teknologi
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