201 research outputs found

    Digital audio workstations in music therapy: An interpretivist study of how music therapists in a mental health setting experience working with digital audio workstations.

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    The use of digital audio workstations (DAW) in music therapy is has been little researched. This interpretivist study explores how music therapist in a mental health setting experience the use of DAWs in their praxis. The aim of the study was to give praxis accounts of using DAW in therapeutic contexts, for the benefit of other music therapists DAWs, and contribute to the discourse on music therapy and music technology. The empirical data material was collected through four semi-structured interpretivist interviews and analysed using a hermeneutic approach and social constructivist perspective toward epistemology. Findings were categorised into four major themes: 1) a structuring resource, 2) aesthetic experience, 3) using clients strength and resources and, 4) making things and connectedness. The findings suggest that therapeutic goals such as agency, empowerment and mutual collaboration and constructing positive identities are facilitated and reinforced by creative processes using DAWs. Significant findings were discussed in relation to other research on music therapy and DAWs and relevant humanistic theory surrounding the field of mental health and mental health recovery.Master's Thesis in Music TherapyMAHF-INMUTMAHF-MUTPMUTP35

    Varieties of beliefs and practices among young Muslims in Norway : a discourse analytical approach

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    Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D), VID Specialized University, Centre of Mission and Global Studies, Stavanger 2021Research on young Muslims in Norway has tended to focus more on those who are active in Muslim organisations than those who construct their beliefs and practices mainly apart from such settings and communities. The aim of this study is to increase our knowledge regarding the religiosity of young Muslims who are situated in highly secular and religiously pluralistic social contexts outside of their family. The approach is discourse analytical, and the research aim is to investigate what discourses that are reproduced, combined, transformed, and contested in a sample of young Muslims’ articulation of their beliefs and practices. Interviews with fifteen (Sunni) Muslims aged 20-32 are analysed. The findings are presented and discussed in three articles and in the extended abstract. An overarching finding is a great variation in the discursive repertoires, and thereby in ways to ‘be a Muslim’, and that this variation is connected to belonging and identification with different environments outside the young Muslims’ family of origin. The first article taps into discussions regarding the extent and forms of religious individualisation among young Muslims in Western Europe. In line with the discourse analytical framework, individualisation is conceptualised as a liberal moral discourse becoming authoritative in the shaping of peoples’ beliefs and practices. The article investigates how this discourse is negotiated in relation to the Islamic orthodox discourse which revolves around ideas of submission and obedience to a normative framework. It finds a variety of ways to negotiate and combine the two discourses, and thereby highly different religious identities, depending on which discursive premises and logics that are dominant in the individual Muslim’s repertoire. It is argued that the variation is connected to the young Muslims different degrees of identification with and situatedness in dominantly ‘Muslim’ social environments on the one hand, and highly secular-pluralistic environments on the other. The second article looks at how the Islamic orthodox and the liberal moral discourse intersect in different ways with a ‘therapeutic’ religious discourse. While this vocabulary and outlook is found to be highly dominant in the material, there are also examples of how the ‘individualistic ethos’ of the therapeutic discourse is limited by, or adjusted to, an alternative Islamic orthodox conceptualisation of self-realisation. The study also finds a different religious vocabulary among some of the interviewees which centers more on social transformation and activism rather than personal transformation and wellbeing. 7 The third article looks at a sub-sample of the interviewees who distinguish themselves by constructing their religious identity explicitly in opposition to the Islamic orthodoxy and whose interpretations of Islamic concepts and practices are highly ‘subjectivist’ in that they are dominantly grounded in their own reasoning and experiences. It is argued that the commonalities in these young Muslims’ interpretations of Islam point to a convergence between the discourse of contemporary spirituality and non-orthodox Islamic discourses such as ‘progressive Islam’ and Sufism. Finally, it is argued that this convergence represents an alternative Muslim identity to the more secular or revivalist variants among young Muslims in Europe.Forskning pĂ„ unge muslimer i Norge har i stor grad fokusert pĂ„ de som er aktive i student- og ungdomsorganisasjoner og mindre grad pĂ„ de som i stĂžrre grad former sin tro og praksis pĂ„ utsiden av slike felleskap. MĂ„let med denne studien er Ă„ Ăžke vĂ„r kunnskap om religiĂžsitet blant unge muslimer som fĂžler sterk tilhĂžrighet til sekulĂŠre og pluralistiske sosiale kontekster. Studiens tilnĂŠrming er diskursanalytisk, og temaet er hvilke diskurser som blir reprodusert, kombinert, transformert og utfordret i et utvalg av unge muslimers formuleringer av sin tro og praksis. Kvalitative intervjuer med et utvalg (Sunni)muslimer i alderen 20-32 Ă„r analyseres. De ulike diskursene som kombineres og forhandles i deres beskrivelser og fortellinger presenteres og diskuteres i tre artikler som analyseres videre i ‘kappen’. Et samlet hovedfunn er stor variasjon i sammensetning av diskursive repertoarer, og dermed i mĂ„ter Ă„ uttrykke sin identitet som ‘Muslim’ pĂ„, og dernest at denne variasjonen er nĂŠrt knyttet til sosialisering og tilhĂžrighet i ulike grupper av jevnaldrende. Den fĂžrste artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i en diskusjon om omfanget av og formene for religiĂžs individualisering blant unge muslimer. I trĂ„d med det diskursanalytiske rammeverket, blir individualisering forstĂ„tt som at en liberal moralsk diskurs blir autoritativ i konstruksjonen av religiĂžs identitet. Artikkelen undersĂžker hvordan denne liberale moralske diskursen forhandles sammen med den islamske ortodokse diskursen som involverer normer som underkastelse og lydighet til et normativt rammeverk basert pĂ„ guddommelig vilje. UndersĂžkelsen finner en rekke mĂ„ter Ă„ forhandle og kombinere de to diskursene pĂ„ som igjen reflekteres i ulike religiĂžse identiteter, avhengig av hvilke diskursive premisser og strukturer 8 som er dominerende i den enkeltes repertoar. Basert pĂ„ de unge muslimenes narrativer og refleksjoner knyttet til eksklusivisme versus pluralisme argumenters det for at variasjonen henger sammen med ulik grad av identifikasjon med og deltakelse i henholdsvis ‘muslimske’ sosiale miljĂžer pĂ„ den ene siden og sekulĂŠr-pluralistiske miljĂžer pĂ„ den andre. Den andre artikkelen ser pĂ„ hvordan de to overnevnte diskursene, den islamsk-ortodokse og den liberale moralske diskursen, komplimenteres av andre diskurser som strukturer formidlingen av tro og praksis pĂ„ bestemte mĂ„ter, og i dette tilfelle i en ‘terapeutisk’ retning. I hvilken grad og hvordan den terapeutiske religiĂžse diskursen gjenspeiles i de unge muslimenes formulering av sin tro og praksis, undersĂžkes og diskuteres. Et hovedfunn er at den terapeutiske diskursen gjenspeiles i betydelig grad, men at det individualistiske premisset som denne diskursen bygger pĂ„ ofte justeres basert pĂ„ en alternativ, islamsk-ortodoks forstĂ„else av selvrealisering. Studien finner ogsĂ„ blant noen av de unge muslimene, spesielt mennene, at en religiĂžs diskurs som sentrer omkring sosial transformasjon og aktivisme er mer dominerende enn den terapeutiske. Den tredje artikkelen ser pĂ„ et mindre utvalg av de femten deltakerne i studien som skiller seg ut ved at de konstruerer sin religiĂžse identitet eksplisitt i motsetning til den islamske ortodoksien, og hvis forstĂ„else og tolkning av islamske begreper og praksiser er preget av subjektivisme pĂ„ den mĂ„ten at de legitimerer sine tolkninger i hovedsak med egen tenkning og opplevelser. Et sentralt argument er at fellestrekkene i de unge muslimenes ‘alternative’ formuleringer av Islamsk tro og praksis peker mot en interdiskursiv sammenbinding av liberale islamske diskurser med repertoarer fra en ‘nyĂ„ndelig’ diskurs. Denne ‘spirituelle’ varianten av islam hevdes videre Ă„ representere et alternativ til de mer sekulĂŠre eller vekkelsesorienterte variantene av islam blant unge muslimer i Europa.submittedVersio

    Hvordan kan sykepleiere bidra til en best mulig postoperativ smertelindring hos lÄrhalsbruddpasienter?

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    I denne oppgaven er problemstillingen ”hvordan kan sykepleiere bidra til en best mulig postoperativ smertelindring hos lĂ„rhalsbruddpasienter?”. Metoden jeg har benyttet for Ă„ finne svar pĂ„ problemstillingen er et litteratursĂžk. FĂžrst i oppgaven presentere jeg den teorien som jeg har valgt Ă„ bruke som den teoretiske plattformen. Deretter presenteres de artiklene som skal tas med i drĂžftningen. Etter den presentasjonen kommer en drĂžftningsedel. Den er inndelt i tre deler. FĂžrst drĂžftes sykepleierens lindrende rolle. Der ser jeg pĂ„ hvilke rolle sykepleieren har i forhold til smertelindring, og hva som er hennes oppgaver og ansvar. Videre kommer en del om medikamentell smertelindring der sykepleierens rolle i den medikamentelle smertelindringen drĂžftes. Sist kommer en drĂžftning av ikke-medikamentell smertelindring og sykepleierens rolle i forhold til bruk av denne typen tiltak. Oppgaven avsluttes med en oppsummering og konklusjon. I konklusjonen kommer det frem at sykepleieren har et stort ansvar innenfor smertelindring. Deres kunnskaper kan vĂŠre med pĂ„ Ă„ bidra til at pasienten fĂ„r en tilstrekkelig smertelindring. Sykepleieren mĂ„ bĂ„de ha kunnskaper om medikamentell og ikke-medikamentell smertelindring, og de mĂ„ kunne sette sammen ulike tiltak fra begge grupper for Ă„ gi hver enkel pasient en optimal smertelindring. I tillegg er det viktig at sykepleiere som jobber med postoperativ smerte er klar over den positive effekten som informasjon har, og at hun benytter seg av dette i den daglige pleien

    The genomic basis of lipid accumulation in Mucor circinelloides VI 04473

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    Den dimorfe muggsopparten Mucor circinelloides kan akkumulere opp til 80% av ens egen biomasse i lipider som er av interesse for ernĂŠring og fĂłr (som for eksempel flerumettede fettsyrer). Derfor er den et lovende alternativ til dyr og planter som rĂ„materiale. Å optimere utbyttet er dermed av stor industriell interesse. Dzurendova et al. (2021b) viste at fravĂŠr av kalsium, kombinert med ulike nivĂ„ av fosfor, Ăžkte lipid-produksjonen i Mucor circinelloides VI 04473. MĂ„let med denne avhandlingen var Ă„ undersĂžke det genomiske grunnlaget for lipid akkumulering, og den regulatoriske gen-responsen pĂ„ fravĂŠr av kalsium, i MC VI 04473. Fenotypiske data fra gasskromotografi og Fouriertransformasjon infrarĂžd spektroskopi kombinert med genuttrykksdata fra RNA sekvensering ble analysert. Fenotypiske data viste at den stĂžrste Ăžkningen i lipidakkumulering forekom i behandlingen hvor kalsium-fravĂŠr ble kombinert med lave nivĂ„ av fosfor. Interessante funn av nedregulerte gener i denne behandlingen omfattet nedbrytning av fettsyrer, lipid signalisering, lipid transport, og kalsium-bindende proteiner. Interessante funn blant oppregulerte gener var relatert til cellevekst, polyfosfat- og karbohydrat-metabolisme, og stresstoleranse. Analysen av differensielt uttrykte gener mellom kalsium-fravĂŠr og kalsium-nĂŠrvĂŠr resulterte i utpekningen av enkelte gener som var relatert til bĂ„de lipidakkumulering og kalsium-fravĂŠr. Dog, videre forskning kreves for Ă„ kunne belyse sammenhengen mellom kalsium og lipidakkumulering. Forbedring av genom-annotasjonen til MC VI 04473 kan bidra til Ă„ belyse denne sammenhengen.The filamentous dimorphic fungi Mucor circinelloides can accumulate up to 80% of its biomass in lipids of interest to feed and nutrition (like polyunsaturated fatty acids). This makes it a promising raw material alternative to animals and plants. Optimizing the lipid yield is therefore of great industrial interest. Dzurendova et al. (2021b) demonstrated that calcium starvation, combined with different levels of phosphorus, increased the lipid production in Mucor circinelloides VI 04473. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the genomic basis of lipid accumulation, and the gene regulatory response to calcium starvation in MC VI 04473. Phenotypic data from gas chromatography and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy combined with gene expression data from RNA sequencing was analyzed. Phenotypic data showed that the greatest increase in lipid accumulation occurred in the treatment with a combination of calcium starvation and low level of phosphorus. Interesting findings in downregulated genes under this treatment included degradation of fatty acids, lipid signaling, lipid transportation and calcium binding proteins. In upregulated genes, findings were related to cellular growth, polyphosphate and carbohydrate metabolism and stress resistance. The analysis of differentially expressed genes between absence of calcium and presence of calcium resulted in the identification of some genes relevant to both lipid accumulation and calcium starvation. However, further studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between calcium and lipid accumulation. Improved genome annotation for MC VI 04473 can assist in further analysis of this relationship

    Microlepidoptera of Croatia: a bibliography and review of the published and some unpublished records of species from the families Micropterigidae, Eriocraniidae, Hepialidae, Nepticulidae, Opostegidae, Heliozelidae, Adelidae, Prodoxidae, Incurvariidae and Tischeriidae, and Alucitidae and Pterophoridae

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    A bibliography and review of the published records of species from several Microlepidoptera families in Croatia are presented. Altogether 274 species from eight superfamilies, 12 families and 55 genera of Microlepidoptera occurring in Croatia are presented. The paper is a summarization of available published records, from historical publications to recent studies. It also includes material collected during field surveys conducted by the second and third author in 2018 and 2019 in Croatia. Eight out of the 61 recorded species were not previously reported from that country and are considered new to its fauna. Furthermore, the findings of 10 species reconfirm their occurrence in the fauna of Croatia, as they are the first recent records in 100 years or more. Except for the families Pyralidae and Crambidae, no checklists for Croatian microlepidopterous families have been published in the form of journal articles. This paper represents a first summary of available published records and a first species list of the families Micropterigidae, Eriocraniidae, Hepialidae, Nepticulidae, Opostegidae, Heliozelidae, Adelidae, Prodoxidae, Incurvariidae and Tischeriidae, and Alucitidae and Pterophoridae in Croatia. By making data about the occurrence of species from these families in Croatia available, this list is a major contribution to the overall knowledge of the Croatian fauna of Microlepidoptera. It aims at increasing the interest in these micromoth families in that country and inspiring future research into this group. It is also hoped that it will encourage the creation of checklists of these microlepidopterous families or even all micromoths in Croatia

    Lesestiler og lesemetoder i praktisk matematikk, 1P

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    Masteroppgave i matematikkdidatikkMAT699VID-MAUMA

    Maleri, tekstil, slakt og honning

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    Skriftlig del av masterprosjekt. Avdeling Kunst og hÄndverk, 202

    Nine aditions to the Croatian pyraloid moth fauna (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea)

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    During the last few years, numerous surveys were undertaken to improve the knowledge of the Croatian pyraloid moth fauna. The first author carried out research from 2016 until 2022 on the island of Brač in Dalmatia. The second and third authors carried out research in 2018 and 2019 in the area around Zadar in Dalmatia and the region of Lika. The fourth author collected specimens in 2012 and 2022 in the area of Ć ibenik, Dalmatia, and the fifth author in 2008, in the area of Split, also in Dalmatia. A list of all recorded species from several locations in Dalmatia and Lika is presented, containing the first data on pyraloid moths from the island of Brač. Throughout these surveys, a total of 163 species were recorded, of which nine are new to the Croatian moth fauna. From the family Pyralidae, the following species were recorded for the first time: Aphomia foedella (Zeller, 1839), Apomyelois bistriatella (Hulst, 1887), Delplanqueia inscriptella (Duponchel, 1836), Epischnia asteris Staudinger, 1870, Melathrix coenulentella (Zeller, 1846), Phycita asselbergsi Slamka, 2019 and Phycitodes saxicola (Vaughan, 1870). From the family Crambidae the following species were reported for the first time from Croatia: Hyperlais lutosalis (Mann, 1862), and Pyrausta rectefascialis Toll, 1936. The rare and endangered thermophilic species Ostrinia quadripunctalis (Denis & SchiffermĂŒller, 1775) and the myrmecophilous Aglossa signicostalis Staudinger, 1870 were also identified. These findings are the second records from Croatia and hereby represent a contribution to their known distribution in Croatia. The finding of two specimens identified as Evergestis infirmalis Staudinger, 1870 – previously unreported from Croatia and the Balkan Peninsula – is presented. DNA barcode data reveal a possible misidentification with all the Evergestis caesialis (Herrich-SchĂ€ffer, [1849]) identified from Croatia. Images of the imago and the genitalia, as well as the DNA barcode sequences, are also presented. With these nine additions to the checklist, the Croatian pyraloid moth fauna now numbers 406 species

    New species and new combinations in Afrotropical \u3ci\u3eEucosmocydia\u3c/i\u3e Diakonoff, 1988 (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae)

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    Eight new species of Eucosmocydia Diakonoff are described and illustrated from the Afrotropical region: E. pappeana Brown and Razowski, new species (TL: Kenya); E. deinbolliana Brown and Razowski, new species (TL: Kenya); E. ugandensis Aarvik, new species (TL: Uganda); E. lecaniodiscana Brown and Razowski, new species (TL: Kenya); E. nigeriana Brown and Razowski, new species (TL: Nigeria); E. pan­coviana Brown and Razowski, new species (TL: Kenya); E. kirimiriana Brown and Razowski, new species (TL: Kenya); and E. macabensis Brown and Razowski, new species (TL: Mauritius). Three additional species are transferred to the genus: E. hymenosa (Razowski, 2013), new combination (TL: Nigeria); E. chlorobathra (Meyrick, 1911), new combination (TL: Seychelles); and E. trigonoptila (Meyrick, 1921), new combination (TL: Mozambique). We also transfer to the genus E. catamochla (Meyrick, 1932), new combination (TL: Indonesia), the first species recorded outside the Afrotropical region. We recognize two species groups in Eucosmocydia, and this contribution focuses on the oedipus Diakonoff, 1988 group (n = 13 species), the males of which are characterized by a unique flattened lobe from the base of the hindwing. Six species from Kenya were reared exclusively from native fruit of Sapindaceae; E. mixographa (Meyrick) was formerly reported from Fabaceae and Euphorbiaceae
