13 research outputs found

    Reduced dose folinic acid rescue after rapid high-dose methotrexate clearance is not associated with increased toxicity in a pediatric cohort

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).Purpose: Low doses of folinic acid (FA) rescue after high-dose methotrexate (HD-MTX) have been associated with increased toxicity, whereas high doses may be related to a decreased antileukemic effect. The optimal dosage and duration of FA rescue remain controversial. This study was designed to investigate, whether a shorter duration of FA rescue in the setting of rapid HD-MTX clearance is associated with increased toxicity. Methods: We reviewed the files of 44 children receiving a total of 350 HD-MTX courses during treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia according to the NOPHO ALL-2000 protocol. Following a 5 g/m2 HD-MTX infusion, pharmacokinetically guided FA rescue commenced at hour 42. As per local guidelines, the patients received only one or two 15 mg/m2 doses of FA in the case of rapid MTX clearance (serum MTX ≤ 0.2 μmol/L at hour 42 or hour 48, respectively). Data on MTX clearance, FA dosing, inpatient time, and toxicities were collected. Results: Rapid MTX clearance was observed in 181 courses (51.7%). There was no difference in the steady-state MTX concentration, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neutropenic fever, or neurotoxicity between courses followed by rapid MTX clearance and those without. One or two doses of FA after rapid MTX clearance resulted in a 7.8-h shorter inpatient time than if a minimum of three doses of FA would have been given. Conclusion: A pharmacokinetically guided FA rescue of one or two 15 mg/m2 doses of FA following HD-MTX courses with rapid MTX clearance results in a shorter hospitalization without an increase in toxic effects.Peer reviewe

    Deformational plagiocephaly:prevalence, quantification and prevention of acquired cranial asymmetry in infants

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    Abstract The recommendation for infants to sleep supine has decreased the incidence of sudden infant death syndrome by more than a half, but as another consequence, a dramatic rise has been observed in the incidence of acquired cranial asymmetry (deformational plagiocephaly, DP). According to recent data, almost half of otherwise healthy infants are affected by some degree of DP at 7 to 12 weeks of age, and especially in the USA and some Central European countries, major effort is put into treatment of severe DP. However, little is known of the prognosis of DP in the absence of intervention, and although primary preventive strategies are often recommended, a lack of evidence on the effectiveness of such measures persists. Furthermore, although 3D imaging is nowadays frequently used on infants with DP, no data is available on the accuracy of the measurements used to quantify cranial asymmetry. In the present study, the efficacy of a primary preventive program in reducing the incidence of DP was tested in a randomized, controlled trial. The course of DP in the absence of active treatment was studied throughout the first year of life, and factors impacting the prognosis of DP were investigated. The diagnostic accuracy of four 3D stereophotogrammetry-based measurements was also analyzed and compared, with a goal of determining their optimal cut-off values for DP. DP was less prevalent and less severe in the intervention group infants at the end of the RCT (3 months). The point prevalence of DP peaked at 3 months, whereafter spontaneous improvement in DP was seen throughout the follow-up period until 12 months of age. A preferential infant head position at 3 months was the strongest predictor of a subsequently unfavorable course of DP. Cranial asymmetry seen at birth was transient, and none of the older infants with torticollis had presented neck imbalance at birth, but rather appeared to develop the condition postnatally concomitantly with DP. Although all studied asymmetry-related measurements performed well regarding diagnostic accuracy, OCLR produced the most accurate classification of DP. In conclusion, primary preventive guidelines would likely aid in reducing the burden from both DP itself and associated healthcare costs, although substantial spontaneous improvement from DP can usually be expected. The cut-off values defined for the asymmetry-related measurements have clinical implication in both making the diagnosis of DP and determining the target outcomes for treatment.Tiivistelmä Imeväisten nukuttaminen selällään on vähentänyt kätkytkuolemien määrää alle puoleen aiemmasta, mutta käytäntö on myös huomattavasti lisännyt asentoperäisen, ei-synostoottisen vinokalloisuuden esiintyvyyttä; tuoreen tutkimustiedon mukaan jopa lähes joka toisella imeväisellä on nähtävissä jonkinasteista asentovinokalloisuutta 7–12 viikon iässä. Etenkin USA:ssa ja muutamissa Keski-Euroopan maissa vaikea-asteista asentovinokalloisuutta hoidetaan aktiivisesti kypäräortoosein, mutta samanaikaisesti tietämys tilan luonnollisesta kulusta on vähäistä. Vaikka riskitekijöitä tunnetaan ja ehkäiseviä toimenpiteitä usein suositellaan, ei niiden tehosta ole juuri näyttöä. Nykyään 3D-pintakuvantamista käytetään usein vinokalloisten imeväisten seurannassa, mutta epäsymmetrian mittaamiseen käytettyjen muuttujien osuvuudesta ei ole tietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää vastasyntyneiden vanhemmille annettavan vauvan käsittelyohjeistuksen vaikutusta asentovinokalloisuuden ilmaantuvuuteen satunnaistetussa, kontrolloidussa asetelmassa. Lisäksi pitkäaikaisseurannassa kartoitettiin asentovinokalloisuuden luonnollista kulkua ja ennusteeseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä suomalaisilla imeväisillä. Tutkimuksessa myös analysoitiin ja vertailtiin 3D-kuvista laskettavien epäsymmetriaa mittaavien muuttujien diagnostista osuvuutta. Käsittelyohjeita saaneiden lapsilla oli 3 kuukauden iässä merkittävästi vähemmän asentovinokalloisuutta ja kalloasymmetria oli lievempää kuin verrokkiryhmässä. Asentovinokalloisuuden esiintyvyys oli korkeimmillaan juuri 3 kuukauden iässä, jonka jälkeen merkittävää spontaania palautumista oli havaittavissa koko 12 kuukauden ikään jatkuneen seurannan ajan. Vastasyntyneillä nähty kalloasymmetria oli puolestaan ohimenevää, eikä myöskään vastasyntyneenä dokumentoitu kaulan liikerajoitus lisännyt myöhemmän vinokalloisuuden riskiä, vaan vinokalloisilla usein tavattava torticollis (kierokaula) näytti kehittyvän ensimmäisten elinviikkojen aikana yhdessä vinokalloisuuden kanssa. 3 kuukauden iässä havaittu imeväisen halu pitää päätään aina samaan suuntaan käännettynä oli yhteydessä kalloasymmetrian huonompaan spontaaniin palautumiseen. Tutkituista epäsymmetriaa mittaavista muuttujista OCLR erotteli vinokalloiset parhaiten. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että ennaltaehkäisevä ohjeistus voisi vähentää vinokalloisuutta ja siitä aiheutuvia hoitokuluja kustannustehokkaasti, mutta vinokalloisuudelta on lupa odottaa myös merkittävää spontaania palautumista. Tutkimuksessa määritellyillä epäsymmetriaa mittaavien muuttujien raja-arvoilla on käyttöä sekä diagnostiikan että hoidon tavoitteiden määrittelemisen saroilla

    Success and complications in lumbar punctures of pediatric patients with leukemia : a study protocol for a randomized clinical crossover trial of a bioimpedance needle system versus conventional procedure

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    BackgroundAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignancy diagnosed in children. At present, the long-term survival from pediatric ALL is well over 90%. However, the probability of event-free survival is reduced if the lumbar puncture (LP) procedures at the beginning of the patient's intrathecal therapy cause blood leakage into the spinal canal and blast cells contaminate the cerebrospinal fluid. According to the literature, such traumatic LP procedures concern one out of five pediatric patients with ALL.Recently, a novel medical device measuring the tissue bioimpedance at the tip of a spinal needle was found feasible in pediatric patients with ALL. The LP procedure was successful at the first attempt in 80% of procedures, and the incidence of traumatic LPs was then 11%. The purpose of the present study is to compare the bioimpedance spinal needle system with the standard clinical practice resting on a conventional spinal needle and investigate its efficacy in clinical practice.MethodsThe study is a multicenter, randomized, two-arm crossover noninferiority trial of pediatric hemato-oncology patients that will be conducted within the usual clinical workflow. Patients' LP procedures will be performed alternately either with the IQ-Tip system (study arm A) or a conventional Quincke-type 22G spinal needle (study arm B). For each enrolled patient, the order of procedures is randomly assigned either as ABAB or BABA. The total number of LP procedures will be at least 300, and the number of procedures per patient between two and four. After each study LP procedure, the performance will be recorded immediately, and 1-week diary-based and 4-week record-based follow-ups on symptoms, complications, and adverse events will be conducted thereafter. The main outcomes are the incidence of traumatic LP, first puncture success rate, and incidence of post-dural puncture headache.DiscussionThe present study will provide sound scientific evidence on the clinical benefit, performance, and safety of the novel bioimpedance spinal needle compared with the standard clinical practice of using conventional spinal needles in the LP procedures of pediatric patients with leukemia.Peer reviewe

    Reduced dose folinic acid rescue after rapid high-dose methotrexate clearance is not associated with increased toxicity in a pediatric cohort

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    Purpose Low doses of folinic acid (FA) rescue after high-dose methotrexate (HD-MTX) have been associated with increased toxicity, whereas high doses may be related to a decreased antileukemic effect. The optimal dosage and duration of FA rescue remain controversial. This study was designed to investigate, whether a shorter duration of FA rescue in the setting of rapid HD-MTX clearance is associated with increased toxicity. Methods We reviewed the files of 44 children receiving a total of 350 HD-MTX courses during treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia according to the NOPHO ALL-2000 protocol. Following a 5 g/m2 HD-MTX infusion, pharmacokinetically guided FA rescue commenced at hour 42. As per local guidelines, the patients received only one or two 15 mg/m2 doses of FA in the case of rapid MTX clearance (serum MTX ≤ 0.2 μmol/L at hour 42 or hour 48, respectively). Data on MTX clearance, FA dosing, inpatient time, and toxicities were collected. Results Rapid MTX clearance was observed in 181 courses (51.7%). There was no difference in the steady-state MTX concentration, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neutropenic fever, or neurotoxicity between courses followed by rapid MTX clearance and those without. One or two doses of FA after rapid MTX clearance resulted in a 7.8-h shorter inpatient time than if a minimum of three doses of FA would have been given. Conclusion A pharmacokinetically guided FA rescue of one or two 15 mg/m2 doses of FA following HD-MTX courses with rapid MTX clearance results in a shorter hospitalization without an increase in toxic effects

    Trends in age- and sex-adjusted body mass index and the prevalence of malnutrition in children with cancer over 42 months after diagnosis:a single-center cohort study

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    Abstract The adequate nutritional status of pediatric cancer patients is particularly important to enable them to cope with the demands of the disease and its treatment and to maintain normal growth. Malnutrition and obesity have both been associated with reduced survival and increased drug toxicity. We investigated trends in the age- and sex-adjusted body mass index (ISO-BMI) and the prevalence of malnutrition in a Finnish cohort of 139 consecutive children receiving chemotherapy for cancer, with a follow-up period of 42 months after diagnosis. In total, 28% (39/139) of the patients experienced malnutrition (ISO-BMI < 17 or > 10% weight loss), and 12% (16/139) had a nasogastric tube or underwent gastrostomy. Patients with acute or chronic myeloid leukemia (5/10), central nervous system (CNS) tumors (5/13), or solid tumors (13/31) most frequently suffered from malnutrition. There was a significant increase in the ISO-BMI of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (+ 2.1 kg/m²) and lymphomas (+ 2.4 kg/m²) during the first 6 months, and the ISO-BMI of patients with ALL remained higher at 42 months compared to baseline (+ 1.9 kg/m²). Conclusion: The cumulative incidence of malnutrition in Finnish pediatric cancer patients is comparable to that reported in other populations. The nutritional status of patients with acute myeloid leukemia, CNS tumors, or solid tumors should be monitored with extra care to facilitate early intervention in the case of impending malnutrition

    Success and complications in lumbar punctures of pediatric patients with leukemia:a study protocol for a randomized clinical crossover trial of a bioimpedance needle system versus conventional procedure

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    Abstract Background: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignancy diagnosed in children. At present, the long-term survival from pediatric ALL is well over 90%. However, the probability of event-free survival is reduced if the lumbar puncture (LP) procedures at the beginning of the patient’s intrathecal therapy cause blood leakage into the spinal canal and blast cells contaminate the cerebrospinal fluid. According to the literature, such traumatic LP procedures concern one out of five pediatric patients with ALL. Recently, a novel medical device measuring the tissue bioimpedance at the tip of a spinal needle was found feasible in pediatric patients with ALL. The LP procedure was successful at the first attempt in 80% of procedures, and the incidence of traumatic LPs was then 11%. The purpose of the present study is to compare the bioimpedance spinal needle system with the standard clinical practice resting on a conventional spinal needle and investigate its efficacy in clinical practice. Methods: The study is a multicenter, randomized, two-arm crossover noninferiority trial of pediatric hemato-oncology patients that will be conducted within the usual clinical workflow. Patients’ LP procedures will be performed alternately either with the IQ-Tip system (study arm A) or a conventional Quincke-type 22G spinal needle (study arm B). For each enrolled patient, the order of procedures is randomly assigned either as ABAB or BABA. The total number of LP procedures will be at least 300, and the number of procedures per patient between two and four. After each study LP procedure, the performance will be recorded immediately, and 1-week diary-based and 4-week record-based follow-ups on symptoms, complications, and adverse events will be conducted thereafter. The main outcomes are the incidence of traumatic LP, first puncture success rate, and incidence of post-dural puncture headache. Discussion: The present study will provide sound scientific evidence on the clinical benefit, performance, and safety of the novel bioimpedance spinal needle compared with the standard clinical practice of using conventional spinal needles in the LP procedures of pediatric patients with leukemia. Trial registration: ISRCTN ISRCTN16161453. Registered on 8 July 2022

    Parental ability to assess pediatric vital signs

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    Abstract Objective: To evaluate parents’ ability to accurately assess their child’s heart and respiratory rates (RRs) in the context of potential utility for telehealth visits. Study design: In this controlled study of 203 child-parent pairs, parents measured their child’s heart rate (HR) using 4 methods: palpation, auscultation, and 2 photoplethysmographic smartphone applications. Parents measured RR by inspecting the child and tapping the smartphone application. The gold standards were electrocardiogram for the HR and the child’s breaths measured by a health care professional for 60 seconds for the RR. We plotted the measurements using a Bland-Altman plot with 95% limits of agreement. Results: Parents underestimated HR by palpation with a calculated bias of −18 beats per minute (bpm) (SD, 19), with limits of agreement ranging from −56 to 19 bpm. Parents overestimated and underestimated HR by auscultation with limits of agreement ranging from −53 to 46 bpm. Smartphone applications did not improve the accuracy of measurements. The accuracy of parental RR measurements was low. For young children, bias was −0.8 breaths per minute (brpm) (SD, 9.8) with limits of agreement from −20 to 19 brpm, and for older children, bias was 0.9 brpm (SD 7.4) with limits of agreement from 6 to 15 brpm. The sensitivity of parental subjective opinion to recognize accelerated RR was 37% (95% CI, 25%-51%). Conclusion: Parents were not able to assess their child’s RR or HR accurately. Digital remote assessment of children should not rely on parental measurements of vital signs

    A 3D Follow-Up Study of Cranial Asymmetry from Early Infancy to Toddler Age after Preterm versus Term Birth

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    Preterm infants are at higher risk for both symmetrical and asymmetrical head molding. This study involved 3D stereophotogrammetry to assess the cranial growth, molding, and incidence of deformational plagiocephaly (DP) in preterm children compared to term born children. Thirty-four preterm infants and 34 term born controls were enrolled in this study from Oulu University Hospital, Finland. Three-dimensional head images were obtained at the age of 2–4 months (T1), 5–7 months (T2), 11–13 months (T3), and 2.5–3 years (T4) from the term equivalent age (TEA). There was no statistically significant difference in oblique cranial length ratio (OCLR), cephalic index (CI), or weighted asymmetry score (wAS) between the two groups. Occipital flattening, defined by flatness score (FS) was statistically significantly greater in the preterm group than in the term group at T1–T4 (p < 0.05). In both groups, OCLR improved gradually over time. There were no instances, in either group, of severe DP and no moderate DP after T2. Results indicate that DP affects preterm and full-term children almost equally during the first three years of life, and cranial asymmetry resolves at a similar rate in both preterm and term groups after three months of corrected age. Preterm infants present with more occipital flattening than full-term children

    Plagiocephaly after neonatal developmental dysplasia of the hip at school age

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    Abstract Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) may require early abduction treatment with infants sleeping on their back for the first few months of life. As sleeping on back is known to cause deformational plagiocephaly, we assessed school age children treated for dislocation or subluxation of the hip-joint in infancy. Plagiocephaly was analyzed by using cephalic index (CI) and oblique cranial length ratio (OCLR) as anthropometric measurements from 2D digital vertex view photographs. Six of the 58 (10.3%) DDH children and only one of the 62 (1.6%) control children had plagiocephaly (p = 0.041). Furthermore, cross bite was found in 14 (24.1%) of the DDH children and in 7 (10.3%) of the control children. Developmental dysplasia of the hip in infancy was associated with cranial asymmetries and malocclusions at school age. Preventive measures should be implemented. View Full-Tex

    Accuracy of measurements used to quantify cranial asymmetry in deformational plagiocephaly

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    Abstract Objective: Various measurements are used to quantify cranial asymmetry in deformational plagiocephaly (DP), but studies validating cut-off values and comparing the accuracy of such measurements are lacking. In this study, we compared the accuracy of four different measurements in classifying children with and without DP diagnosed by visual assessment, and sought to determine their optimal cut-off values. Study design: Two experts rated 407 3D craniofacial images of children aged between 3 and 36 months old using the Argenta classification. We then measured the following asymmetry-related variables from the images: Oblique Cranial Length Ratio (OCLR), Diagonal Difference (DD), Posterior Cranial Asymmetry Index (PCAI), and weighted Asymmetry Score (wAS). We created receiver operating characteristic curves to evaluate the accuracy of these variables. Results: All variables performed well, but OCLR consistently provided the best discrimination in terms of area under the curve values. Subject’s age had no clear effect on the cut-off values for OCLR, PCAI, and wAS; however, the cut-off for DD increased monotonically with age. When subjects with discrepant expert ratings were excluded, the optimal cut-off values for DP (Argenta class \ge 1) across all age-groups were 104.0% for OCLR (83% sensitivity, 97% specificity), 10.5% for PCAI (90% sensitivity, 90% specificity), and 24.5 for wAS (88% sensitivity, 90% specificity). Conclusion: We recommend using OCLR as the primary measurement, although PCAI and wAS may also be useful in monitoring cranial asymmetry. The threshold of relative asymmetry required for a deformation to appear clinically significant is not affected by the child’s age, and DD has no additional utility in monitoring DP compared to using only OCLR