670 research outputs found


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    Open 8 Days a Week -- from Gary Grier\u27s Cracker Jack (2008

    Finding the Correlation between Features and Covid using Machine Learning

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    Commissioner of Dead Horses

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    Modern Casing Design Optimization

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    Master's thesis in Petroleum engineering“Working Stress Design” is the most used casing design method and has been for many years, on the Norwegian continental shelf as well as all over the globe. It is a simple method which in essence comprises of calculating the differential pressure on a casing wall in given well conditions with regard to specific scenarios that can be expected to occur in the well. Every casing has its own strength with regard to burst, collapse and tension and by comparing this to the calculated load, a design factor is obtained which is required to surpass statutory safety factors imposed on the company by nations, the company itself, or by other regulatory agencies. There exist fairly advanced casing design programs on the market which require a great amount of input variables and usually at a cost which equals their advanced nature. In this thesis a casing design program has been designed in excel with the main goal of being as simple as possible with as few as possible input variables needed, and still provide the user with the required load calculations as well as other relevant information. It has only one page where the user is needed to interact with the program, and it presents all the relevant results in one page. All the calculations and lookup functions are conducted in the background to only provide the user with the information needed. The program presents results on design factors, weak point in the well, full or reduced well integrity and kick margin values for each specific casing string or liner. The program has been tested in case studies for two different wells obtained from the industry and has provided satisfactory results with regards to the mechanics of the program. Some limitations due to a different casing string setup in the second well has been identified and this provides an opportunity improve the program in order to handle non-standard or modernized casing string compositions

    Climate services and their role in long-term business strategy

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    Several Blue-Action partners attended and contributed to the 2017 Arctic Circle event in Reykjavik, Iceland, 13- 15 October 2017. More information about the event and full programme: http://www.arcticcircle.org/ These are the sessions we have been contributing to: http://www.blue-action.eu/index.php?id=401

    Selecting Maximally Informative Frequency Subsets for Acoustic Surveys

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    Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    Wave Extremes in the North East Atlantic from Ensemble Forecasts

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    A method for estimating return values from ensembles of forecasts at advanced lead times is presented. Return values of significant wave height in the North-East Atlantic, the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea are computed from archived +240-h forecasts of the ECMWF ensemble prediction system (EPS) from 1999 to 2009. We make three assumptions: First, each forecast is representative of a six-hour interval and collectively the data set is then comparable to a time period of 226 years. Second, the model climate matches the observed distribution, which we confirm by comparing with buoy data. Third, the ensemble members are sufficiently uncorrelated to be considered independent realizations of the model climate. We find anomaly correlations of 0.20, but peak events (>P97) are entirely uncorrelated. By comparing return values from individual members with return values of subsamples of the data set we also find that the estimates follow the same distribution and appear unaffected by correlations in the ensemble. The annual mean and variance over the 11-year archived period exhibit no significant departures from stationarity compared with a recent reforecast, i.e., there is no spurious trend due to model upgrades. EPS yields significantly higher return values than ERA-40 and ERA-Interim and is in good agreement with the high-resolution hindcast NORA10, except in the lee of unresolved islands where EPS overestimates and in enclosed seas where it is biased low. Confidence intervals are half the width of those found for ERA-Interim due to the magnitude of the data set.Comment: 27 pp, 10 figures, J Climate (in press

    Balanced scorecard i Durapart AS : en studie av balanced scorecard i en attføringsbedrift

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    Temaet for utredningen er Balanced Scorecard, også på norsk kalt balansert målstyring, på toppledernivå og avdelingsnivå i attføringsbedriften Durapart AS. Robert S. Kaplan og David P. Norton har laget en modell, Balanced Scorecard, som hovedsakelig er et verktøy som handler om at bedrifter skal kunne styre etter og måle andre områder enn kun de finansielle, som tradisjonelt og historisk sett har vært dominerende. Kaplan og Norton anbefaler tre andre perspektiv som bedrifter bør fokusere på i tillegg til de finansielle områdene. Modellen inkluderer et finansielt perspektiv, et kundeperspektiv, et internt perspektiv og et lærings- og vekstperspektiv. Modellen til Kaplan og Norton handler også om mer enn kun å måle verdier i flere perspektiv. Det kanskje viktigste formålet med styringsverktøyet er at det skal sørge for at bedriften til en hver tid følger sine strategiske målsettinger, som gjør at Balanced Scorecard mer kan kalles et styringssystem i forhold til å være et rent målesystem for å kontrollere bedriftens resultater. Balanced Scorecard kobler bedriften sin misjon, visjon og strategi opp til operasjonelle mål og måltall, og bidrar med dette til at strategien blir effektivt kommunisert ut i bedriftshierarkiet