121 research outputs found

    Eesti vÀhiregister 40

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    Eesti Arst 2018; 97(1):49–5

    VĂ€hielulemuse suurenemine Eestis aastatel 2010–2014 jĂ€tkus

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    EesmĂ€rk. Anda ĂŒlevaade vĂ€hielulemusest Eestis aastatel 2010–2014 ja analĂŒĂŒsida muutusi vĂ”rreldes ajavahemikuga 2005–2009.Metoodika. Viie aasta suhteline elulemusmÀÀr (5SE) aastatel 2010–2014 arvutati perioodhĂŒbriidmeetodil, kasutades Eesti vĂ€hiregistri andmeid aastatel 2005–2012 tĂ€iskasvanutel diagnoositud vĂ€hi esmasjuhtude kohta (n = 59 234). 5SE aastatel 2010–2014 arvutati 27 paikme vĂ”i paikmerĂŒhma puhul ja vanusele kohandatud 5SE nĂ€itajaid vĂ”rreldi ajavahemiku 2005–2009 vastavate nĂ€itajatega 16 sagedasema paikme puhul.Tulemused. 5SE aastatel 2010–2014 oli suurim naha mittemelanoomi (5SE ĂŒle 100%), munandivĂ€hi (93%), eesnÀÀrmevĂ€hi (90%), kilpnÀÀrmevĂ€hi (88%), Hodgkini tĂ”ve (85%), nahamelanoomi (79%), rinnavĂ€hi (79%) ja emakakehavĂ€hi (78%) korral. 5SE oli kĂ”ige vĂ€iksem söögitoru- (9%), maksa- (4%) ja kĂ”hunÀÀrmevĂ€hi (5%) puhul. Vanusele kohandatud 5SE aastatel 2010–2014 ĂŒletas ajavahemiku 2005–2009 vastavaid nĂ€itajaid statistiliselt olulisel mÀÀral eesnÀÀrme-, kÀÀrsoole- ja maovĂ€hi ning nahamelanoomi korral.JĂ€reldused. VĂ€hielulemusnĂ€itajad suurenevad Eestis jĂ€tkuvalt, kuid mahajÀÀmus vĂ”rreldes LÀÀne- ja PĂ”hja-Euroopa riikidega iseloomustab endiselt paikmeid, mille puhul Ă”igeaegse diagnoosimise ja adekvaatse raviga on vĂ”imalik saavutada suur elulemus (esmajoones rinna- ja soolevĂ€hk ning nahamelanoom). LĂ€hiaastatel peaks vĂ€hitĂ”rje keskenduma senisest enam vĂ€hi varasele avastamisele (sh kĂ€igusolevate sĂ”eluuringute tĂ”hustamisele), patsientide ladusamale liikumisele tervishoiusĂŒsteemis, ravi tsentraliseerimisele ja vĂ€hitĂ”rje tulemuste sĂŒsteemsele seirele. Eesti Arst 2016; 95(6):366–37

    VĂ€hielulemus Eestis 2005–2009

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    EesmĂ€rgid. Uuringu eesmĂ€rk oli anda ĂŒlevaade vĂ€hielulemusest Eestis aastail 2005–2009 surmapĂ”hjuste infoga tĂ€iendatud Eesti vĂ€hiregistri andmebaasi pĂ”hjal. Meetodid. Viie aasta suhtelist elulemust (5SE) analĂŒĂŒsiti perioodmeetodil, kasutades Eesti vĂ€hiregistri andmeid aastatel 2000–2008 tĂ€iskasvanutel elupuhuselt diagnoositud vĂ€hi esmasjuhtude kohta. PerioodelulemusmÀÀrad aastatel 2005–2009 pĂ”hinevad 44 996 vĂ€hijuhu andmetel. Artiklis on esitatud 5SE 26 vĂ€hipaikme vĂ”i paikmerĂŒhma kohta. Tulemused. Suurimat elulemust (5SE ule 80%) tĂ€heldati naha mittemelanoomi, Hodgkini lĂŒmfoomi ja kilpnÀÀrmevĂ€hi puhul. 5SE oli vahemikus 70–80% munandi-, eesnÀÀrme-, rinna ja emakakehavĂ€hi korral. KĂ”ige vĂ€iksem elulemus (10% ja vĂ€hem) iseloomustas kopsu-, söögitoru-, maksa- ja kĂ”hunÀÀrmevĂ€hki. MĂ”ne pahaloomulise kasvaja puhul (suuÔÔne-, kilpnÀÀrme- ja neeruvĂ€hk ning nahamelanoom) oli elulemus naistel oluliselt suurem kui meestel. JĂ€reldused. Uuringutulemused kinnitasid elulemuse ulatuslikku varieerumist vĂ€hipaikmeti. Rinna- ja eesnÀÀrmevĂ€hi ning mitte-Hodgkini lĂŒmfoomi 5SE ĂŒletas EUNICE vastava prognoosi. Paljude paikmete puhul jĂ€i 5SE prognoositust siiski tagasihoidlikumaks. Edasistes uuringutes tuleks keskenduda elulemuse suvaanalĂŒĂŒsile paikmeti, et selgitada eri tegurite mĂ”ju. Eesti Arst 2013; 92(8):437–44

    Eakate vĂ€hielulemus Eestis 2005–2009

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    EesmĂ€rk. Uuringu eesmĂ€rk oli anda ĂŒlevaade 70aastaste ja vanemate isikute vĂ€hielulemusest Eestis 2005–2009.Meetodid. Uuringus kasutati Eesti vĂ€hiregistri andmeid aastatel 2000–2008 elupuhuselt diagnoositud mao-, kÀÀrsoole-, pĂ€rasoole-, kopsu-, rinna-, eesnÀÀrme-, neeru- ja kusepĂ”ievĂ€hi esmasjuhtude kohta. Ühe ja viie aasta suhtelist elulemust (vastavalt 1SE ja 5SE) hinnati kolmes vanuserĂŒhmas (70–74, 75–79 ja ≄ 80 aastat) perioodmeetodil. Arvutati tĂ€htsamad andmekvaliteedi nĂ€itajad.Tulemused. Suurimat elulemust tĂ€heldati eesnÀÀrmevĂ€hi korral (1SE 88%, 5SE 70%) ning vĂ€himat kopsuvĂ€hi korral (1SE 23%, 5SE 6%). KĂ”igi vaadeldud paikmete puhul oli elulemus kĂ”ige suurem 70–74 aasta vanustel patsientidel ja vanuse kasvades elulemus vĂ€henes. Eakate naiste elulemus oli suurem kui meestel.JĂ€reldused. 70aastaste ja vanemate vĂ€hihaigete elulemus on Eestis oluliselt vĂ€iksem kui keskealiste vĂ€hihaigete elulemus. Vajab tĂ€iendavat uurimist, kui suurt mĂ”ju elulemusele avaldavad kaasuvad haigused, ravisoostumus ja sotsiaal-majanduslikud tegurid. Eesti Arst 2015; 94(10):589–59

    Livia Augusta ja Agrippina Noorem

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    VĂ€hihaigestumus 2009–2013 ja 20 aasta trendid Eestis

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    EesmĂ€rk. Anda vĂ€rske ĂŒlevaade vĂ€hihaigestumusest Eestis ning analĂŒĂŒsida pikaajalisi trende vĂ€hihaigestumuses ja -suremuses.Metoodika. Eesti vĂ€hiregistri andmete pĂ”hjal arvutati tavaline ja vanuse jĂ€rgi standarditud haigestumuskordaja 100 000 inimaasta kohta (HK) mees- ja naisrahvastikus 27 paikme/paikmerĂŒhma kohta aastatel 2009−2013. Vanuse jĂ€rgi standarditud haigestumus- (1994–2013) ja suremustrende (1994–2014) analĂŒĂŒsiti valitud paikmete puhul muutuspunkti regressiooni abil.Tulemused. Aastatel 2009–2013 diagnoositi aastas keskmiselt 7899 vĂ€hi esmasjuhtu (4008 meestel, 3891 naistel). Vanuse jĂ€rgi standarditud HK oli meestel 395,8 ja naistel 259,0. Sagedamad paikmed olid meestel eesnÀÀre, kops ning kÀÀr- ja pĂ€rasool; naistel rind, naha mittemelanoom ning kÀÀr- ja pĂ€rasool. Nii meestel kui ka naistel suurenes koguvĂ€hihaigestumus 20 aasta jooksul, kuid suremus vĂ€henes. Sagedamatest paikmetest suurenes eesnÀÀrme-, rinna- ning kÀÀr- ja pĂ€rasoolevĂ€hi haigestumus ning vĂ€henes meeste kopsuvĂ€hihaigestumus. Suremuse pĂŒsiv langustrend ilmnes rinnavĂ€hi ning meeste kopsuvĂ€hi puhul. EmakakaelavĂ€hi haigestumus suurenes jĂ€tkuvalt ja suremus ei vĂ€henenud.JĂ€reldused. VĂ€hihaigestumuse kasv Eestis jĂ€tkus. Ennetatavate pahaloomuliste kasvajate seas tĂ€heldati positiivseid muutusi ĂŒksnes meeste kopsuvĂ€hi puhul. VĂ€hitĂ”rje kĂ”igi aspektide tĂ”hustamiseks vajab Eesti hoolikalt kavandatud jĂ€tkustrateegiat. VĂ€hitĂ”rje tulemuste usaldusvÀÀrseks hindamiseks tuleb ka edaspidi suurt rĂ”hku panna kvaliteetsete registriandmete kogumisele

    Calculating age-adjusted cancer survival estimates when age-specific data are sparse: an empirical evaluation of various methods

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    We evaluated empirically the performance of various methods of calculating age-adjusted survival estimates when age-specific data are sparse. We have illustrated that a recently proposed alternative method of age adjustment involving the use of balanced age groups or age truncation may be useful for enhancing calculability and reliability of adjusted survival estimates

    Effect of an antepartum Pap smear on the coverage of a cervical cancer screening programme: a population-based prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Almost one-third of Norwegian women aged 25–69 years invited to have a Pap smear do not attend during the recommended period, and thus constitute a population with high-risk of cervical cancer (CC). Since the incidence of precancerous lesions of the cervix peak with occurrence of pregnancies within the same decade in women aged 25 to 35 years of age, antepartum care presents an opportunity to offer a Pap smear thereby increasing the coverage of the programme. The study objective was to describe the effect of the antepartum Pap smear on the coverage of a cytological CC screening programme. METHODS: Among 2 175 762 women resident in Norway in 31.12.1996, all women who gave birth in 1996–7 were identified from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. Attendance to the cervical cancer screening was assessed by linkage to the Cytology Registry separately for the pregnant and non-pregnant women cohorts. The results were stratified by age, history of previous Pap smear and history of invitation to the CC screening programme. Logistic regression was used to estimate the relative probabilities of having a Pap smear adjusted for age, screening history, and time since invitation, for pregnant and non-pregnant women, respectively. RESULTS: 69% of the pregnant women had a Pap smear during one year of follow-up since beginning of the pregnancy with the majority taken during the antepartum period. Irrespectively of age or history of having a Pap smear, pregnant women were 4.3 times more likely to have a Pap smear during follow-up compared to non-pregnant women. 63.2% of the pregnant women had a smear as response to the invitation letter compared to 28.7% of the non-pregnant women, OR = 2.1 (95% CI 1.9 to 2.4). As an indication of "over-screening", 5397 pregnant women (57.8%) with a smear shortly before the start of follow-up also had a new Papsmear, compared to 83 023 (32.3%) in non-pregnant. CONCLUSION: Pap smear screening during pregnancy increases the coverage of the CC screening programme. The contribution of the antepartum Pap smear to "over-screening" exists but its effect is modest in countries where women on average become pregnant after the start of recommended age of screening

    Colorectal cancer survival in the USA and Europe: a CONCORD high-resolution study.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the extent to which stage at diagnosis and adherence to treatment guidelines may explain the persistent differences in colorectal cancer survival between the USA and Europe. DESIGN: A high-resolution study using detailed clinical data on Dukes' stage, diagnostic procedures, treatment and follow-up, collected directly from medical records by trained abstractors under a single protocol, with standardised quality control and central statistical analysis. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 21 population-based registries in seven US states and nine European countries provided data for random samples comprising 12 523 adults (15-99 years) diagnosed with colorectal cancer during 1996-1998. OUTCOME MEASURES: Logistic regression models were used to compare adherence to 'standard care' in the USA and Europe. Net survival and excess risk of death were estimated with flexible parametric models. RESULTS: The proportion of Dukes' A and B tumours was similar in the USA and Europe, while that of Dukes' C was more frequent in the USA (38% vs 21%) and of Dukes' D more frequent in Europe (22% vs 10%). Resection with curative intent was more frequent in the USA (85% vs 75%). Elderly patients (75-99 years) were 70-90% less likely to receive radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Age-standardised 5-year net survival was similar in the USA (58%) and Northern and Western Europe (54-56%) and lowest in Eastern Europe (42%). The mean excess hazard up to 5 years after diagnosis was highest in Eastern Europe, especially among elderly patients and those with Dukes' D tumours. CONCLUSIONS: The wide differences in colorectal cancer survival between Europe and the USA in the late 1990s are probably attributable to earlier stage and more extensive use of surgery and adjuvant treatment in the USA. Elderly patients with colorectal cancer received surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy less often than younger patients, despite evidence that they could also have benefited

    Cancer survival in the elderly: Effects of socio-economic factors and health care system features (ELDCARE project)

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    The purpose of the ELDCARE project is to study differences in cancer survival for elderly patients by country, taking into account the socio-economic conditions and the characteristics of health care systems at the ecological level. Fifty-three European cancer registries, from 19 countries, participating in the EUROCARE 3 programme, collected information to compute relative survival on patients aged 65-84 years, diagnosed over the period 1990-1994. National statistics offices provided the macro-economic and labour force indicators (gross domestic product, total health expenditure, and proportion of people employed in the agriculture sector) as well as the features of national health care systems. Survival for several of the cancer sites had high positive Pearson's correlations (r) with the affluence indicators (usually r > 0.7), but survival for the poor prognosis cancers (lung, ovary, stomach) and for cervix uteri was not so well correlated. Among the medical resources considered, the number of computed tomography scanners was the variable most related to survival in the elderly; the number of total health practitioners in the country did not show any relationship. Survival was related to the marital status of elderly women more strongly than for men and younger people. The highest correlations of survival with the percentage of married elderly women in the population were for cancers of the rectum (r = 0.79) and breast (r = 0.66), while survival correlated negatively with the proportion of widows for most cancers. Being married or widowed is for elderly people, in particular elderly women, an important factor influencing psychological status, life habits and social relationships. Social conditions could play a major role in determining health outcomes, particularly in the elderly, by affecting access to health care and delay in diagnosis
