20 research outputs found

    Milk production in dairy cows supplemented with herbal choline and methionine

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the supplementation of herbal choline and methionine to dairy cows on milk production and milk composition during 60 days of lactation, while also identifying the volatile compounds of the herbal methionine and choline. Fourteen compounds were identified for herbal methionine and fifteen in herbal choline including aromas, alcohols, aldehydes and phenolics, some with nutraceutical properties. Twenty-multiparous Holstein cows (body condition score, BCS = 3.1 ± 0.15; mean ± SE) were fed a basal diet (16.3% CP, 1.6% DP and 1.71. Mcal/kg ME). Seven days after calving, cows were randomly assigned to treatments, which consisted of control basal diet or an oral dose of herbal choline (15 g/d) plus herbal methionine (10 g/d). The experiment lasted 60 days with measurements of milk production and composition every 7 days. Supplementation with herbal choline plus herbal methionine improved (P <0.05) milk production (32.96 vs. 34.03 kg/d) and 4% FCM (28.23 vs. 29.91 kg/d). Protein content decreased (P <0.05) on supplemented cows (29.9 vs. 31.7 g/kg). However, no effects on the remaining composition (fat, lactose, total solids and non-fatty solids) was found. Milk production can be improved by supplementing cows with the evaluated herbal sources of choline and methionine.The objective of this study was to evaluate the supplementation of herbal choline and methionine to dairy cows on milk production and milk composition during 60 days of lactation, while also identifying the volatile compounds of the herbal methionine and choline. Fourteen compounds were identified for herbal methionine and fifteen in herbal choline including aromas, alcohols, aldehydes and phenolics, some with nutraceutical properties. Twenty-multiparous Holstein cows (body condition score, BCS = 3.1 ± 0.15; mean ± SE) were fed a basal diet (16.3% CP, 1.6% DP and 1.71. Mcal/kg ME). Seven days after calving, cows were randomly assigned to treatments, which consisted of control basal diet or an oral dose of herbal choline (15 g/d) plus herbal methionine (10 g/d). The experiment lasted 60 days with measurements of milk production and composition every 7 days. Supplementation with herbal choline plus herbal methionine improved (P <0.05) milk production (32.96 vs. 34.03 kg/d) and 4% FCM (28.23 vs. 29.91 kg/d). Protein content decreased (P <0.05) on supplemented cows (29.9 vs. 31.7 g/kg). However, no effects on the remaining composition (fat, lactose, total solids and non-fatty solids) was found. Milk production can be improved by supplementing cows with the evaluated herbal sources of choline and methionine

    Efecto del propionato de calcio en la fermentación in vitro de dietas a base de sorgo

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of calcium propionate (CaPr) on in vitro ruminal fermentation using a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 evaluating CaPr (0 vs. 1%) and grain level (55 vs. 65%). There was a CaPr x Grain interaction in the volume of gas produced (V; p = 0.04). Addition of CaPr prolonged Lag time (1.4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0.01), and increasing the grain level also prolonged Lag time (1.56 vs. 0.89 h; p < 0.03) and gas production rate (0.046 vs. 0.041 h-1; P<0.04). However, there were no differences in CH4, CO2, acetate, propionate and butyrate concentrations. Therefore, the addition of calcium propionate in a diet with 55 or 66% of grain increased Lag phase but it is not affected fermentation pattern or methane losses.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar in vitro el efecto de la adición de propionato de Ca (PrCa). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2x2; PrCa (0 o 1%) y grano (55 o 65%). Se encontró diferencias (p>0,05) entre tratamientos para volumen de gas, pero la tasa de producción de gas no fue diferente (p<0,05), se observó un efecto por parte del grano (p<0,04). La adición de PrCa prolongó el tiempo Lag (1,4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0,01) y aumentando el nivel de grano también prolongó la fase Lag (1,56 vs. 0,89 h; P<0,03) y la tasa de producción de gas (0,046 vs. 0,041 h-1; P <0,04). Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias en la concentración de CH4 y CO2, ni de propionato, acetato y butirato. La adición de propionato de calcio a una dieta con 55 o 65% de grano prolonga la fase Lag pero no afecta el patrón de fermentación o las pérdidas de metano.Fil: Miranda, Luis Alberto. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Lee-Rangel, Héctor Aarón. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Mendoza-Martínez, Germán David.Fil: Crosby-Galván, María Magdalena. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Relling, Alejandro Enrique. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasFil: Pinos-Rodríguez, Juan Manuel. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rojo Rubio, Rolando . Universidad Autónoma del Estado de MéxicoFil: González Hernandez, Milagros. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de Agronomí

    Actividad antihelmíntica in vivo de hojas de Acacia cochliacantha sobre Haemonchus contortus en cabritos Boer

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of supplementing the maintenance diet of Boer goat kids with Acacia cochliacantha leaves. The endpoints evaluated were Haemonchus contortus fecal egg count (FEC) and water and dry matter intake. Two experimental treatments were evaluated on ten recently weaned goat kids (16.850 ± 1.630 kg of initial live weight and three months of age) experimentally infested with H. contortus larvae (L3) (350 larvae per live weight kilogram). Treatment 1 (T1) served as the control and consisted of infested animals without diet supplementation with A. cochliacantha leaves. Treatment 2 (T2) consisted of infested animals fed diets supplemented with 5% of A. cochliacantha leaves. Animals were grouped from highest to lowest based on their FEC. The two animals groups with the highest values were randomly assigned to T1 or T2; this was repeated until completing five repetitions per treatment. The evaluated variables were: FEC (per gram of feces), water intake, and dry matter intake (DMI). The results show that goat kids fed diets with 5% of A. cochliacantha leaves have lower (P 0.05). Se concluye que la adición de hojas de A. cochliacantha en dietas para cabritos tienen actividad antihelmíntica, por lo que esta leguminosa arbórea podría representar una opción en el manejo integral de la nematodiasis de cabritos Boer en crecimiento

    Efecto del propionato de calcio en la fermentación in vitro de dietas a base de sorgo

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar in vitro el efecto de la adición de propionato de Ca (PrCa). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2x2; PrCa (0 o 1%) y grano (55 o 65%). Se encontró diferencias (p0,05) entre tratamientos para volumen de gas, pero la tasa de producción de gas no fue diferente (p0,05), se observó un efecto por parte del grano (p0,04). La adición de PrCa prolongó el tiempo Lag (1,4 vs. 1.04 h; P0,01) y aumentando el nivel de grano también prolongó la fase Lag (1,56 vs. 0,89 h; P0,03) y la tasa de producción de gas (0,046 vs. 0,041 h-1; P 0,04). Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias en la concentración de CH4 y CO2, ni de propionato, acetato y butirato. La adición de propionato de calcio a una dieta con 55 o 65% de grano prolonga la fase Lag pero no afecta el patrón de fermentación o las pérdidas de metano.The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of calcium propionate (CaPr) on in vitro ruminal fermentation using a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 evaluating CaPr (0 vs. 1%) and grain level (55 vs. 65%). There was a CaPr x Grain interaction in the volume of gas produced (V; p = 0.04). Addition of CaPr prolonged Lag time (1.4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0.01), and increasing the grain level also prolonged Lag time (1.56 vs. 0.89 h; p < 0.03) and gas production rate (0.046 vs. 0.041 h-1; P<0.04). However, there were no differences in CH4, CO2, acetate, propionate and butyrate concentrations. Therefore, the addition of calcium propionate in a diet with 55 or 66% of grain increased Lag phase but it is not affected fermentation pattern or methane losses.Instituto de Genética Veterinari

    Utilización de propionato de calcio en borregos.

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    Dado que el costo de los granos aumenta en el mundo es necesario utilizar ingredientes energéticos no convencionales (gluconeogénicos) como propilen glicol, glicerol y propionato de calcio en dietas para rumiantes. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la adición de propionato de calcio (0 y 1 %) y de dos niveles de grano (45 % sorgo + 20 % maíz; 35 % sorgo + 20 % maíz) en dietas para borregos en finalización, en variables productivas, de fermentación ruminal y la glucosa plasmática. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial (2 x 2) de tratamientos (dietas; 55 y 65 % de grano; 0 y 1% propionato de calcio). Así, hubo cuatro dietas (tratamientos) que se proporcionaron a 32 borregos Criollo machos (PV 28.14 ± 2.34 kg) alojados en jaulas individuales durante 42 d. Con los datos se realizó un ANDEVA usando el procedimiento MIXED para mediciones repetidas en el tiempo (GDP, consumo, conversión alimenticia y glucosa) y el procedimiento GLM para las otras variables. Las medias se compararon con la prueba de Tukey (p ≤ 0.05). En el rumen, el pH y la concentración de acetato no cambiaron (p > 0.05), mientras que la concentración de propionato aumentó en borregos (p = 0.03) que recibieron dietas con 55 o 65 % de grano más propionato de calcio. Los tratamientos no afectaron (p > 0.05) la glucosa plasmática. El consumo, GDP, conversión alimenticia y el área de chuleta no presentaron diferencias significativas (p > 0.05), pero el rendimiento en canal tendió (p = 0.06) a aumentar en borregos alimentados con 65 % de grano sin propionato o con 55 % de grano más propionato. El análisis de los resultados de este estudio indica que la adición de propionato de calcio puede sustituir parcialmente la energía aportada por el grano (sorgo + maíz) en dietas para borregos en finalización. _______________ UTILIZATION OF CALCIUM PROPIONATE IN LAMBS. ABSTRACT: The aim of this trial (42 d) was to evaluate the effect of calcium propionate and grain (50:50 corn and sorghum) level on performance, ruminal variables and plasma glucose concentration in 32 finishing criollo lambs (28.14 ± 2.34 kg initial BW). The expiremental design was completely randomized with a factorial arrangement of treatments 2X2 (55 and 65% grain; o and 1 calcium propionate). Data collected over time were analyzed using MIXED procedure (SAS) and treatment means were compared with Tukey test (P<0.05) between treatments for DMI, ADG and feed conversion. Rib eye area was increased by grain (P<0.05) and trend (P<0.06) was observed in carcass yield in lambs feed 65 or 55% grain plus 0 or 1% calcium propionate (52.79 vs 50.62%; 50.06 vs 52.48%). Ruminal pH was decreased (P<0.03) by Ca Propionate. Diets with 65% grain decreased blood glucose (P<0.05) and ruminal acetate concentration (P<0.005). There was a significant interaction for propionate and butyrate (P<0.03) and total VFA (P<0.05). Therefore, it may be concluded that Ca propionate could partially replace the energy from the grain on diets for criollo finish lambs.Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias, especialista en Ganadería).- Colegio de Postgraduados, 2011.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y tecnología (CONACYT). Línea Prioritaria de Investigación No. 11

    Cambio de variables productivas y ruminales en borregos alimentados con una dieta a base de grano de sorgo más un amortiguador ruminal y una mezcla en zimática amilolítica

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    Los rumiantes en producción intensiva reciben dietas basadas en maíz o sorgo y en ambos cereales el almidón es el principal componente. Por tanto, se hizo un experimento de crecimiento (50 d) usando 32 borregos Criollos machos (enteros; 21.4 ± 5 kg PV), alojados en jaulas metabólicas individuales, para evaluar una mezcla enzimática amilolítica α-amilasa proveniente de Bacillus licheniformis y glucoamilasa proveniente de Aspergillus niger y un amortiguador (Acid buf®). Los siguientes tratamientos se asignaron al azar a las unidades experimentales (borregos): A) sin enzima ni amortiguador (testigo); B) α-amilasa (ENMEX®; 1.3 g proteína kg-1 sorgo) y glucoamilasa (ENMEX®; 1.3 g proteína kg-1 sorgo) sin amortiguador; C) sin enzima y con amortiguador (Acid buf®, 0.85% de la dieta); D) α- amilasa ENMEX® (1.3 g proteína kg-1 sorgo) y glucoamilasa ENMEX® (1.3 g proteína kg-1 sorgo) y con amortiguador (Acid buf®, 0.85% de la dieta). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar; el análisis de los datos se hizo mediante el procedimiento MIXED (SAS) y el de las medias con la prueba de Tukey (p≤0.05). Se evaluó ganancia diaria de peso, consumo de alimento y conversión alimenticia, no observándose diferencias significativas (p>0.05) entre los tratamientos. Además se hizo un ensayo metabólico (10 d adaptación; 5 d toma de muestras) usando cuatro borregos Criollos (PV 45± 5 kg) con cánula ruminal y duodenal, alojados en jaulas metabólicas individuales; la alimentación inicial fue ad libitum y luego restringida (90%) para evitar la selectividad. El diseño experimental fue un Cuadro Latino 4x4 y se usaron los tratamientos descritos para el ensayo de crecimiento. El análisis de los datos se hizo mediante el procedimiento MIXED (SAS) y el de las medias con la prueba de Tukey. No hubo diferencias significativas (p>0.05) entre tratamientos para digestibilidad total y ruminal. Para la concentración de ácidos grasos volátiles, pH, lactato y nitrógeno amoniacal sólo hubo diferencias (p≤0.05) a las 1, 2 4 y 24h.________Ruminants in intensive production are fed diets base don corn or sorghum and in both cereals starch is the main component. Therefore, 32 male Criollo male lambs (21.4 ± 5 kg PV) housed in individual metabolic cages, were used in a gropwing trial (50 d) to evaluate an enzymatic amilolytic mixture α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis and glucoamylase from Aspergillus niger and a buffer (Acid buf®). The following treatments were randomly assigned to the experimental units (lambs): A) without enzyme or buffer (control); B) α-amylase (ENMEX®; 1.3 g protein kg-1 sorghum) and glucoamylase (ENMEX®; 1.3 g protein kg-1 sorghum) without buffer; C) without enzyme and with buffer (Acid buf®, 0,85% of the diet); D) α-amylase ENMEX® (1,3 g protein kg-1 sorghum) and glucoamylase ENMEX® (1,3 g protein kg-1 sorghum) and with buffer (Acid buf®, 0,85% of the diet). The experimental design was completely randomized; the analysis of data was performed with procedure MIXED (SAS) and that of treatments means with the Tukey (p≤0.05). The variables evaluated were average daily gain, feed intake and feed conversion and no significant differences (p>0.05) were found between the treatments. In addition a metabolic trial (10 d adaptation; 5 d sampling) was done using four Criollo lambs (PV 45± 5 kg) fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannula and housed in individual metabolic cages. Initially feeding was ad libitum and then restricted (90%) to avoid selectivity. The experimental design was a 4x4Latin Square and the treatments were those described for the growing trial. The analysis of data was performed with procedure MIXED (SAS) and that of treatments means with the Tukey test (p≤0.05). There were no significant differences (p>0.05) between treatments for total and ruminal digestibility. For the volatile fatty acid concentration, pH, lactate and ammonium nitrogen there were significant differences (p≤0.05) only at 1, 2, 4 and 24 h.Tesis ( Doctorado en Ciencias, especialista en Ganadería).- Colegio de Postgraduados, 2007.CONACY

    Application of an Electronic Nose and HS-SPME/GC-MS to Determine Volatile Organic Compounds in Fresh Mexican Cheese

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    Electronic devices have been used to describe chemical compounds in the food industry. However, there are different models and manufacturers of these devices; thus, there has been little consistency in the type of compounds and methods used for identification. This work aimed to determine the applicability of electronic nose (e-nose) Cyroanose 320 to describe the differentiation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in fresh Mexican cheese (F-MC) formulated with milk from two different dairy cattle breeds. The VOCs were described using a device manufactured by Sensigent and Solid-Phase Micro-extraction (SPME) coupled to GC-MS as a complementary method. The multivariate principal components analysis (PCA) and the partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) were used to describe the relationships of VOCs to electronic nose data, sensory data, and response levels. In addition, variable importance in projection (VIP) was performed to characterize the e-nose signals to the VOCs. The e-nose distinguishes F-MC prepared with milk from two dairy breeds. Sensor number 31 correlated with carboxylic acids most in F-MC from Jersey milk. The HS-SPME/GC-MS identified eighteen VOCs in F-MC made with Holstein milk, while only eleven VOCs were identified for F-MC made with Jersey milk. The more significant peaks in both chromatogram analyses were Propanoic acid, 2-methyl-, 1-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-2-methyl-1,3-propanediyl ester in cheese made from Holstein milk and Propanoic acid, 2-methyl-, 3-hydroxy-2,4,4-trimethylpentyl ester in Jersey milk cheese. Both compounds are considered essential carboxylic acids in the dairy industry. Thus, sensor 31 in the electronic nose Cyranose 320 increased its response by essential carboxylic acids identified by HS-SPME/GC-MS as a complementary method. The e-nose Cyranose 320 is potentially helpful for evaluating fresh Mexican cheese authentication independent of cows&rsquo; milk samples from different breeds