13 research outputs found

    Boreaalisen metsÀnpohjan haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden vaihto

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    Terrestrial ecosystems, mainly plants, emit large amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere. In addition to plants, VOCs also have less-known sources, such as soil. VOCs are a very diverse group of reactive compounds, including terpenoids, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. Due to their high reactivity, VOCs take part in chemical reactions in the atmosphere and thus also affect Earth s radiation balance. In this study, chamber and snow gradient techniques for measuring boreal soil and forest floor VOC fluxes were developed. Spatial and temporal variability in fluxes was studied with year-round measurements in the field and the sources of boreal soil VOCs in the laboratory with fungal isolates. Determination of the compounds was performed mass spectrometrically. This study reveals that VOCs from soil are emitted by living roots, above- and belowground litter and microbes. The strongest source appears to be litter, in which both plant residuals and decomposers play a role in the emissions. Temperature and moisture are the most critical physical factors driving VOC fluxes. Since the environment in boreal forests undergoes strong seasonal changes, the VOC flux strength of the forest floor varies markedly during the year, being highest in spring and autumn. The high spatial heterogeneity of the forest floor was also clearly visible in VOC fluxes. The fluxes of trace gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) from soil, which are also related to the soil biological activity and physical conditions, did not correlate with the VOC fluxes. Our results show that emissions of VOCs from the boreal forest floor accounts for as much as several tens of percent, depending on the season, of the total forest ecosystem VOC emissions. This can be utilized in air chemistry models, which are almost entirely lacking the below-canopy compartment.Maaekosysteemit tuottavat ilmakehÀÀn suuria mÀÀriÀ haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitÀ, jotka nimensÀ mukaisesti sisÀltÀvÀt pÀÀasiassa hiiltÀ ja vetyÀ, mutta monet myös esimerkiksi happea ja typpeÀ. Haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitÀ kutsutaan usein lyhenteellÀ VOCs englanninkielisen nimensÀ mukaisesti (Volatile Organic Compounds). Kasvien lisÀksi myös maaperÀ ja vesistöt ovat VOC-lÀhteitÀ, mutta niiden suhteellinen osuus ekosysteemien kokonaistuotosta on huonosti tunnettu. Haihtuviin orgaanisiin yhdisteisiin kuuluu laaja joukko reaktiivisia yhdisteitÀ, muun muassa terpeenejÀ, alkoholeja ja aldehydejÀ. Voimakkaasta reaktiivisuudestaan johtuen nÀmÀ yhdisteet osallistuvat ilmakehÀn kemiallisiin reaktioihin; alailmakehÀn otsonin- ja hiukkasmuodostuksen kautta niillÀ on vaikutuksia aina ilmanlaatuun ja maapallon sÀteilytasapainoon saakka. TÀssÀ tutkimuksessa oli tavoitteena kehittÀÀ menetelmiÀ haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden mittaamiseen ja tutkia niiden vuodenaikaista vaihtelua boreaalisen havumetsÀn pohjakerroksessa. VOC-tuottoa mitattiin ympÀrivuotisesti useamman vuoden ajan maasto-olosuhteissa sekÀ laboratoriossa pÀÀstöjen lÀhteiden sekÀ ajallisen ja paikallisen vaihtelun selvittÀmiseksi. Mittaukset suoritettiin kammio- ja gradienttimenetelmillÀ ja yhdisteet analysoitiin massaspektrometreillÀ. Mittaukset osoittivat, ettÀ boreaalinen metsÀnpohja tuottaa runsaasti erilaisia haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitÀ, jotka ovat perÀisin sekÀ karikkeesta ettÀ maaperÀn aktiivisista komponenteista, kuten juuret ja mikrobit. MerkittÀvimmÀksi lÀhteeksi osoittautui karike, jossa sekÀ maatuvilla kasvinosilla ettÀ hajottajilla on roolinsa kokonaispÀÀstöissÀ. Boreaalisella vyöhykkeellÀ vuodenajoilla on suuri vaikutus ekosysteemien toimintaan, ja tÀmÀ havaittiin myös haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden pÀÀstöissÀ, jotka olivat selvÀsti suurempia kevÀisin ja syksyisin. YksittÀisistÀ ympÀristötekijöistÀ lÀmpötila ja kosteus vaikuttivat eniten VOC-pÀÀstöjen suuruuteen. Suuret paikalliset erot metsÀnpohjan sekÀ maaperÀn rakenteessa ja olosuhteissa nÀkyivÀt pÀÀstöjen voimakkaana vaihteluna mittauspisteiden vÀlillÀ. Tutkimuksessa mitattiin myös merkittÀvimpien kasvihuonekaasujen (CO2, CH4 ja N2O) voita maaperÀstÀ, mutta vaikka nekin ovat riippuvaisia maaperÀn biologisesta aktiivisuudesta ja ympÀristöoloista, ei yhteyttÀ haihtuvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden pÀÀstöihin havaittu. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettÀ boreaalisen metsÀnpohjan osuus ekosysteemin VOC-kokonaispÀÀstöistÀ vaihtelee muutamien prosenttien ja useiden kymmenien prosenttien vÀlillÀ vuodenajasta riippuen. Tuloksia voidaan kÀyttÀÀ esimerkiksi ilmakemian malleissa, josta reaktiivisten orgaanisten yhdisteiden tuotto latvuston alla on aiemmin kÀytÀnnössÀ kokonaan puuttunut

    Boreal forest soil is a significant and diverse source of volatile organic compounds

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    Vegetation emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are intensively studied world-wide, because oxidation products of VOCs contribute to atmospheric processes. The overall aim of this study was to identify and quantify the VOCs that originate from boreal podzolized forest soil at different depths, in addition to studying the association of VOC concentrations with VOC and CO2 fluxes from the boreal forest floor.Peer reviewe

    Role of needle surface waxes in dynamic exchange of mono- and sesquiterpenes

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) produced by plants have a major role in atmospheric chemistry. The different physicochemical properties of BVOCs affect their transport within and out of the plant as well as their reactions along the way. Some of these compounds may accumulate in or on the waxy surface layer of conifer needles and participate in chemical reactions on or near the foliage surface. The aim of this work was to determine whether terpenes, a key category of BVOCs produced by trees, can be found on the epicuticles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and, if so, how they compare with the terpenes found in shoot emissions of the same tree. We measured shoot-level emissions of pine seedlings at a remote outdoor location in central Finland and subsequently analysed the needle surface waxes for the same compounds. Both emissions and wax extracts were clearly dominated by monoterpenes, but the proportion of sesquiterpenes was higher in the wax extracts. There were also differences in the terpene spectra of the emissions and the wax extracts. The results, therefore, support the existence of BVOC associated to the epicuticular waxes. We briefly discuss the different pathways for terpenes to reach the needle surfaces and the implications for air chemistry.Peer reviewe

    Nitrogen balance of a boreal Scots pine forest

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    The productivity of boreal forests is considered to be limited by low nitrogen (N) availability. Increased atmospheric N deposition has altered the functioning and N cycling of these N-sensitive ecosystems by increasing the availability of reactive nitrogen. The most important components of N pools and fluxes were measured in a boreal Scots pine stand in HyytiĂ€lĂ€, Southern Finland. The measurements at the site allowed direct estimations of nutrient pools in the soil and biomass, inputs from the atmosphere and outputs as drainage flow and gaseous losses from two micro-catchments. N was accumulating in the system, mainly in woody biomass, at a rate of 7 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Nitrogen input as atmospheric deposition was 7.4 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Dry deposition and organic N in wet deposition contributed over half of the inputs in deposition. Total outputs were 0.4 kg N ha−1 yr−1, the most important outputs being N2O emission to the atmosphere and organic N flux in drainage flow. Nitrogen uptake and retranslocation were equally important sources of N for plant growth. Most of the assimilated N originated from decomposition of organic matter, and the fraction of N that could originate directly from deposition was about 30%. In conclusion, atmospheric N deposition fertilizes the site considerably, but there are no signs of N saturation. Further research is needed to estimate soil N2 fluxes (emission and fixation), which may amount up to several kg N ha−1 yr−1.Peer reviewe

    Comparing three vegetation monoterpene emission models to measured gas concentrations with a model of meteorology, air chemistry and chemical transport

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    Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are essential in atmospheric chemistry because of their chemical reactions that produce and destroy tropospheric ozone, their effects on aerosol formation and growth, and their potential influence on global warming. As one of the important BVOC groups, monoterpenes have been a focus of scientific attention in atmospheric research. Detailed regional measurements and model estimates are needed to study emission potential and the monoterpene budget on a global scale. Since the use of empirical measurements for upscaling is limited by many physical and biological factors, such as genetic variation, temperature and light, water availability, seasonal changes, and environmental stresses, comprehensive inventories over larger areas are difficult to obtain. We applied the boundary-layer–chemistry-transport model SOSA (model to Simulate the concentrations of Organic vapours and Sulphuric Acid) to investigate Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) monoterpene emissions in a boreal coniferous forest at the SMEAR (Station for Measuring forest Ecosystem–Atmosphere Relations) II site, southern Finland. SOSA was applied to simulate monoterpene emissions with three different emission modules: the semiempirical G95, MEGAN (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature) 2.04 with improved descriptions of temperature and light responses and including also carbonyl emissions, and a process-based model SIM–BIM (Seasonal Isoprenoid synthase Model – Biochemical Isoprenoid biosynthesis Model). For the first time, the emission models included seasonal and diurnal variations in both quantity and chemical species of emitted monoterpenes, based on parameterizations obtained from field measurements. Results indicate that modelling and observations agreed reasonably well and that the model can be used for investigating regional air chemistry questions related to monoterpenes. The predominant modelled monoterpene concentrations, α-pinene and Δ3-carene, are consistent with observations.Peer reviewe

    Comparison of static chambers to measure CH4 emissions from soils

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    The static chamber method (non-flow-through-non-steady-state chambers) is the most common method to measure fluxes of methane (CH4) from soils. Laboratory comparisons to quantify errors resulting from chamber design, operation and flux calculation methods are rare. We tested fifteen chambers against four flux levels (FL) ranging from 200 to 2300 g CH4m−2 h−1. The measurements were conducted on a calibration tank using three quartz sand types with soil porosities of 53% (dry fine sand, S1), 47% (dry coarse sand, S2), and 33% (wetted fine sand, S3). The chambers tested ranged from 0.06 to 1.8 m in height, and 0.02 to 0.195 m3 in volume, 7 of them were equipped with a fan, and 1 with a vent-tube. We applied linear and exponential flux calculation methods to the chamber data and compared these chamber fluxes to the reference fluxes from the calibration tank. The chambers underestimated the reference fluxes by on average 33% by the linear flux calculation method (Rlin), whereas the chamber fluxes calculated by the exponential flux calculation method (Rexp) did not significantly differ from the reference fluxes (p < 0.05). The flux under- or overestimations were chamber specific and independent of flux level. Increasing chamber height, area and volume significantly reduced the flux underestimation (p < 0.05). Also, the use of non-linear flux calculation method significantly improved the flux estimation; however, simultaneously the uncertainty in the fluxes was increased. We provide correction factors, which can be used to correct the under- or overestimation of the fluxes by the chambers in the experiment.Peer reviewe

    Boreaalinen metsÀnpohja on merkittÀvÀ reaktiivisten yhdisteiden lÀhde

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    VÀitöskirjaselosteSeloste vÀitöskirjasta: Aaltonen, Hermanni 2012. Exchange of volatile organic compounds in the boreal forest floor. Dissertationes Forestales 154