19 research outputs found

    Seyahat Notları ve Oryantalist Bilgi Üretimi : Eduard Sachau (1845-1930) Örneği

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    19. yüzyılda misyoner, oryantalist, asker, yönetici ve araştırmacılar olmak üzere farklı meslek gruplarından birçok Avrupalı, Osmanlı topraklarını dolaşarak arkalarında seyahat kitapları bırakmışlardır. Klasik bilimsel çalışmaların aksine alternatif bir araştırma modeli olarak kabul edilebilecek olan seyahat yazını bir anlatı türü olarak sosyal bilimlerin farklı disiplinleri için oldukça sübjektif verilere dayansa da yoğun ve zengin bir bilimsel materyal sunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bir Alman oryantalist ve seyyah olan Eduard Sachau (1845-1930) Osmanlı toprakları içerisinde 1879'da başlayarak yaklaşık altı ay süren bir seyahat gerçekleştirmiş ve seyahat notlarını "Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien" ("Suriye ve Mezopotamya Seyahati") adıyla 1883 yılında Almanya'da kitap olarak yayımlamıştır. Aslında bir filolog olan Sachau, tıpkı bir sosyolog, antropolog ve arkeolog gibi dolaşarak Osmanlı taşrasında yaşayan Arap, Kürt, Türk, Nasturi, Yakubi ve Yezidiler hakkında önemli bilgiler sunmuştur. Bu çalışma, bir bilim insanı olarak Sachau'nun seyahatinin oryantalist bilgi üretim süreci olduğunu iddia etmekte ve onun süreçte bu topladığı bilgiyi farklı yollarla akademik metinlere transfer ettiğini öne sürmektedir.In the 19th century, many Europeans from different professions, including missionaries, orientalists, soldiers, administrators and researchers, travelled around Ottoman territories and left books behind. Contrary to classical scientific studies, travel writing can be considered as an alternative research model. Although travelogues are based on highly subjective data for the social science as a narrative genre, it provides intense and rich scientific materials. In this context, Eduard Sachau (1845-1930), a German orientalist and traveller, made a journey within the Ottoman territory in 1879, which lasted about six months. He then published his notes as a book in 1883 in Germany under the title "Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien" ("Journey to Syria and Mesopotamia"). Although Sachau was originally a philologist, he travelled as a sociologist, anthropologist and archaeologist, and provided important information about the Arabs, Kurds, Turks, Nesturian, Yakubi and Yezidis who lived on Ottoman territory. This article firstly claims that Sachau's travel is a process of orientalist-knowledge production. Secondly, it demonstrates how he converted these collected information into academic texts in different ways


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    19. yüzyılın sonlarında Almanların Doğu’yu siyasi olarak keşifleri ile tarihsel olarak kendi içerisinde filolojik bir gelenek yaratan Alman oryantalizmi disiplinleşme sürecinde antropoloji, etnoloji, hukuk ve siyaset bilimleri ile ilişki kurarak sosyo-kültürel çalışmalara yönelmiştir. Almanya’da Doğu çalışmalarının kültürel konsepte eğilimini İslam bilimlerinin kurucusu olarak anılan Carl Heinrich Becker (1876-1933) yönlendirirken Martin Hartmann (1851-1918), modern Doğu’nun Alman oryantalizminin temel bir parçası olmasını sağlamıştır. Alman sömürgeciliğinin başlaması ile beraber Fransa ve İngiltere örneklerinde olduğu gibi Doğu bilimlerinin uygulanabilirliği meselesi oryantalist bilgi ile siyasetin kesişmesine yol açmıştır. Bu yeni konsept ortaya Becker ve Hartmann’ın öncülük ettiği Doğu’yu merkeze alan dergi, kurum ve metinlerden oluşan somut bir şey çıkarmıştır. Bu gelişmelerin bir sonucu olarak 19. yüzyılın sonlarından I. Dünya Savaşı’na kadar bir taraftan Alman oryantalizminde Osmanlı Devleti ve İslam ile ilgili çalışmalar artarken diğer taraftan da bu çalışmalar ideolojik ve siyasi bir boyut kazanmıştır. Bu çalışma, Almanların oryantalizme kattıkları ideolojik ve siyasi boyutun sınırlarını Becker ve Hartmann örneğinde Osmanlı toplum ve siyaset söylemi üzerinden izah etmeye çalışmaktadır. Metinleri ve aktiviteleri ile Becker ve Hartmann’ın özellikle I. Dünya Savaşı’nın başlaması ile iktidar üzerindeki etkisine ve onların ne oranda etkiye maruz kaldıklarını bu çalışma tartışmaya açmaktadır. Geçişkenlikler ve karşıtlıklar üzerinden inşa edilen bu çalışma, Kaiser II. Wilhelm’in 1888’de iktidara gelmesinin ardından 1918’de savaşın bitişini içine alan süre ile sınırlandırılarak metin üretiminin en yoğun olduğu 1900- 1918 yılları arasına odaklanmaktadı

    Asymptomatic Unilateral Full-Thickness Macular Hole in a Patient with Bietti Crystalline Dystrophy During 13-Year Follow-up with Optical Coherence Tomography

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    A 39-year-old woman with progressive bilateral visual decline was diagnosed as having Bietti crystalline dystrophy in 2008. The disease course was monitored with optical coherence tomography until 2021. During the last routine eye examination in 2021, a full-thickness, slightly eccentric, visually asymptomatic macular hole with an intact foveola was noted in the left eye. No surgical treatment was recommended. The pathogenesis of full-thickness macular hole remained unclear as there were only subtle signs of prior very mild macular edema and vitreomacular interface abnormality. A degenerative process was also possible


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    This research was carried out to assess yield and agronomic and physiological parameters of barley genotypes under rainfed conditions. The experiments were set up with 25 barley genotypes in a completely randomized blocks design with four replications during the 2017-2018 growing cycle at two locations in Edirne and Tekirdağ in the Trakia region, Turkey. Grain yield, plant height, days of heading, peduncle length, spike length, spike number per square meter, kernel number per spike, spike weight, flag leaf area, NDVI, canopy temperature, chlorophyll content, 1000-kernel weight, test weight, protein ratio, grain uniformity were investigated. The results of the study showed that there were significant differences among genotypes based on investigated characters. The highest grain yield (8509 kg ha-1) was computed for the G22 line. Grain yield was positively slightly correlated with spike weight, kernel number per spike, NDVI (Z55), 1000-kernel weight, test weight, and grain uniformity but no correlated with flag leaf area. There was a significant positive relation with spike weight and flag leaf area, spike length and kernel number per spike. Flag leaf area positively significantly correlated with kernel number per spike, and slightly positively correlated with spike length. Biomass (NDVI) at Z55 growth stage had a positive direct effect on grain yield, spike weight, peduncle length, spike number per square meter, 1000-kernel weight, test weight, protein ratio and grain uniformity. A negative correlation was observed between canopy temperature with grain yield, spike number per square meter, plant height, biomass (at Z55), 1000-kernel weight, test weight, protein ratio and grain uniformity. Therefore, biomass and canopy temperature would be important selection criteria for improved grain yield and yield components in the breeding material studied


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    Wheat is one of the most important crops in the world with the largest production of any crop owing to its ability to adapt to environmental conditions. Bread wheat, a major cereal crop, is subject to several biotic stresses. These stresses affect the crop’s yield, quality and yield components. Different mechanisms have been adopted by plants to counter the wide range of biotic and abiotic stresses faced. Leaf rust (Puccinia triticina), stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici), septoria leaf blotch (Septoria tritici), and powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici) are mainly and widespread imported diseases of wheat in the Trakia region, Turkey. This research was established with 25 genotypes in RCBD with 4 replications, and four environments in the Trakia region, in the 2017-2018 growing seasons. According to the result, there were significant differences among genotypes for yield and biotic stress factors. The mean yield of the genotypes was 6161 kg ha-1, the highest yield was determined in G21 (6807 kg ha-1) and Köprü (6776 kg ha-1). The lowest infection was observed in the Keşan location. G9 highly was tolerant or highly resistant to leaf rust across four environments. Genotypes G17, G19, and G24 were highly tolerant to LR showed 0-TR reaction across four environments. It was no observed any stripe rust infection in ten genotypes, and six genotypes showed a 0-TR reaction. Because of the lowest infection, there was almost no negative association between grain yield and leaf rust in Edirne and Keşan location but in Tekirdağ and in Lüleburgaz location there was a slightly negative relationship between grain yield and leaf rust. Stripe rust infection was low due to unfavourable environmental conditions and it was not observed in ten genotypes. G7 was tolerant to septoria leaf blotch and four genotypes (G7, G18, G19 and G25) were highly tolerant to powdery mildew across four environments under rainfed conditions

    Hydatid cysts in muscles: clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of this atypical presentation

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    ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: Hydatid cysts are rarely detected in muscle tissue (0.7-0.9%), even in endemic countries. The aim of this study was to present information regarding the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management of muscle echinococcosis.METHODS: Twenty-two patients with hydatid cysts in the muscle were followed from January 2006 through December 2014.RESULTS: Twenty-four sites of muscle involvement were observed in the 22 patients. Fifteen (68%) of our patients were women, while seven (32%) were men. The mean age was 28.1 ± 15.4 (6-61) years. The most frequent locations were the thigh (27.2%) and the paravertebral region (13.6%). Most patients reported a painless slow-growing mass with normal overlying skin. Most (90.2%) cases were treated by surgical excision and fine-needle aspiration.CONCLUSIONS: Primary muscle hydatid cyst should be considered in the differential diagnosis in cystic masses of the muscular system without pain and localized enlargement of soft tissue, especially in endemic areas. Hydatid cyst should be investigated using serological tests and imaging modalities. If possible, total surgical excision of hydatid cyst in the muscle should be performed