18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of architectural design studios in terms of physical variables.

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    TEZ11016Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2015.Kaynakça (s. 173-178) var.iii, 188 s. : res. (bzs. rnk.), tablo ; 29 cm.Mimarlık eğitiminin simgesi ve paylaşım mekanları Mimari Tasarım Stüdyolarıdır. Bu mekânlar, mimarlık okullarında tasarım alternatiflerinin denendiği, tasarım problemlerinin en çok konuşulduğu ve tartışıldığı ortamlar olması bakımından, mimarlık eğitiminde ayrı bir önem taşımaktadır. Bu bağlamda etkin bir iletişim ortamı olan tasarım stüdyolarından; • Kullanıcı gereksinimlerini karşılayabilmesi, • Çalışmaya motive edebilmesi, • Öğrenci-eğitmen etkileşiminin sağlıklı bir şekilde gerçekleşebilmesi beklenmektedir. Bu mekan gereksinimlerinin gerçekleşmesinde ise fiziksel değişkenler önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu amaçla, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi ve Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Bölümleri Mimari Tasarım Stüdyolarının öncelikle fiziksel özelliklerinin tespiti, daha sonra bu mekanların kullanıcılarına yönelik bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Tez kapsamında erişilebilirlik, mekan büyüklüğü, gürültü, iklimlendirme, ışık, renk, yerleşim düzeni, donatı ve güvende hissetme durumu fiziksel değişkenler açısından irdelenmiştir. Ayrıca, mimarlık öğrencilerine uygulanan anketler, fiziksel mekanlarda yapılan basit gözlemler ve öğretim üyeleriyle odak grup görüşmelerinden elde edilen veriler ile stüdyoların fiziksel değişkenleri analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlarının, tasarım stüdyolarının fiziksel koşulları ile ilgili kaynak oluşturması beklenmektedir.Architectural design studios are the symbol and sharing places of the architectural education. These places have a particular importance in architectural education as they are the places where design alternatives are tested in schools of architecture and they are the environments where design problems are mostly discussed. In this context, design studios as effective communication environments are expected; • to fulfil the requirements of users, • to motivate people to work, • to allow a healthy student-teacher interaction. Physical variables play an important role in fulfilling the requirements of this place. With this aim, a field study has been conducted in order to evaluate the physical conditions of Architectural Design Studios of Department of Architecture of Cukurova University, Dokuz Eylul University, Gazi University, Karadeniz Technical University and Yildiz Technical University and these places. Within the scope of the thesis, accessibility, size of space, noise, air conditioning, light, colour, layout, equipment and condition of feeling safe have been investigated in terms of physical variables. In addition, physical variables of the studios have been analysed by using the data obtained from the surveys on architecture students, the simple observations made in physical spaces and the focus group discussions with lecturers. The results of this study are expected to provide a source for design studios

    Conceptual analysis of livable cities in the context of Ted Talks

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    Today, livable urban spaces are very important in terms of the healthy conduct of both individual and social life. Shaped in line with human needs such as education, housing, economy, cultural and social life, the city and the livability of the city is one of the current discussion topics with its variable and dynamic structure in addition to the factors it contains. From this point of view, the concept of "livability" has been questioned in the context of urban planning. Considering the temporal resilience of cities, the semantic dimension - qualitative studies - and therefore concepts are very powerful tools. Concepts are the basis of interpretation or theorizing. The aim of the study is to develop a different perspective by revealing the measurability of more livable and happier cities and the criteria they contain through discussions and discourses on this subject. In this context, the TED platform, which is easily accessible by large masses today and popular in terms of social awareness, has been used. The content of 65 texts focusing on urban research in TED Talks between 2007 and 2023 has been analyzed and a conceptual analysis has been made through NVivo, a qualitative analysis program. The content analysis method has been used in the evaluation of the texts, and discussions and interpretations have been made based on frequency frequencies.  In light of the data obtained, it has been seen that more livable cities have been associated with the codes "architectural design", "technology", "energy" and "climate" respectively. As a result; it can be said that the concept of urban livability cannot be independent of the climate crisis, ecology discussions, and energy efficiency discourses as a solution to this crisis, and architectural designs that follow the technological level of the age, and the parameters discussed in the face of changing needs and situations over time can also change

    The Effectiveness of Manual Therapy in Supraspinatus Tendinopathy

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    Objectives: The aim of this randomized controlled study was to assess the efficacy of manual therapy in the treatment of patients with symptomatic supraspinatus tendinopathy. Methods: Seventy-seven patients (age range, 30 to 55 years) with supraspinatus tendinopathy, were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment groups: a supervised exercise program (Group 1), a supervised exercise program combined with joint and soft tissue mobilization (Group 2), or a home-based rehabilitation program (Group 3). All patients had rehabilitation for 12 weeks. Pain level was evaluated with a visual analogue scale (VAS) and the range of motion (ROM) was measured with a goniometer. The Modified American Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (MASES) score was used in functional assessment. Flexion, abduction, internal and external rotation strengths were measured with a manual muscle test. All patients were evaluated before, and at the 4th and 12th week of the rehabilitation. Results: All groups experienced significant decrease in pain and an increase in shoulder muscle strength and function by both the 4th and 12th weeks of treatment (p0.05). However, the greatest improvement in functionality was found in Group 2. Conclusion: Supervised exercise, supervised and manual therapy, and home-based exercise are all effective and promising methods in the rehabilitation of the patients with subacromial impingement syndrome. The addition of an initial manual therapy may improve the results of the rehabilitation with exercise

    Prognostic Factors in Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

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    Background: Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is still a complex and challenging process which requires clinical evidence regarding its etiology, treatment and prognostic factors. Therefore, determination of prognostic factors might aid in the selection of proper treatment modality. Aims: The aim of this study is to analyze whether there is correlation between SSNHL outcomes and (1) systemic steroid therapy, (2) time gap between onset of symptoms and initiation of therapy and (3) audiological pattern of hearing loss. Study Design: Retrospective chart review. Methods: Patients diagnosed at our clinic with SSNHL between May 2005 and December 2011were reviewed. A detailed history of demographic features, side of hearing loss, previous SSNHL and/or ear surgery, recent upper respiratory tract infection, season of admission, duration of symptoms before admission and the presence of co-morbid diseases was obtained. Radiological and audiological evaluations were recorded and treatment protocol was assessed to determine whether systemic steroids were administered or not. Treatment started ≤5 days was regarded as “early” and >5 days as “delayed”. Initial audiological configurations were grouped as “upward sloping”, “downward sloping”, “flat” and “profound” hearing loss. Significant recovery was defined as thresholds improved to the same level with the unaffected ear or improved ≥30 dB on average. Slight recovery was hearing improvement between 10-30dB on average. Hearing recovery less than 10 dB was accepted as unchanged. Results: Among the 181 patients who met the inclusion criteria, systemic steroid was administered to 122 patients (67.4%), whereas 59 (32.6%) patients did not have steroids. It was found that steroid administration did not have any statistically significant effect in either recovered or unchanged hearing groups. Early treatment was achieved in 105 patients (58%) and 76 patients (42%) had delayed treatment. Recovery rates were no different in these two groups; however, when unchanged hearing rates were compared, it was statistically significantly lower in the early treatment group (p<0.05). When hearing outcomes were compared according to initial audiological pattern, significant recovery and unchanged hearing rates did not differ between groups; however, slight recovery rate was highest in the “flat” type audiological configuration (p<0.05). Conclusion: According to this patient series, oral steroid therapy does not have any influence on the outcomes of SSNHL. However, mid-frequency hearing loss of flat type and initiation of treatment earlier than 5 days from the onset of symptoms, seem to have positive prognostic effects. Further randomized controlled subject groups might contribute to determine prognostic factors of SSNHL

    Comparison Of Voice And Swallowing Parameters After Endoscopic Total And Partial Arytenoidectomy For Bilateral Abductor Vocal Fold Paralysis A Randomized Trial

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    IMPORTANCE Total arytenoidectomy is claimed to increase risk of aspiration and cause more voice loss than other operations performed for bilateral abductor vocal fold paralysis (BVFP). However, objective evidence for such a conclusion is lacking. There is no study comparing swallowing and voice after total and partial arytenoidectomy. OBJECTIVE To compare voice and swallowing parameters after endoscopic total and partial arytenoidectomy for BVFP. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, case-control study conducted at a tertiary referral university, the study population comprised 20 patients with BVFP. INTERVENTIONS Endoscopic total and partial arytenoidectomy. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Decannulation, duration of operation, Voice Handicap Index, acoustic and aerodynamic analysis, postoperative breathing ability, subjective comparison of preoperative and postoperative voice, speech intensity, and functional outcome swallowing scale. RESULTS Median duration of partial and total arytenoidectomies were 59 and 49 minutes, respectively. This difference was statistically significant (P = .04). Comparisons of preoperative and postoperative Voice Handicap Index, acoustic and aerodynamic measures, postoperative breathing ability, subjective comparison of preoperative and postoperative voice, speech intensity, and functional outcome swallowing scale were not statistically significantly different between both groups. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Endoscopic total and partial arytenoidectomy are very successful static surgical options for BVFP. Partial takes longer than total arytenoidectomy. They both provide a comfortable airway, acceptable voice, and acceptable deglutition. It may be a sound practice to perform partial arytenoidectomy initially for primary BVFP cases and reserve total arytenoidectomy for revision cases.WoSScopu

    Total And Partial Laser Arytenoidectomy For Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis

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    Introduction. Treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP) has evolved from external irreversible procedures to endolaryngeal laser surgery with greater focus on anatomic and functional preservation. Since the introduction of endolaryngeal laser arytenoidectomy, certain modifications have been described, such as partial resection procedures and mucosa sparing techniques as opposed to total arytenoidectomy. Discussion. The primary outcome measure in studies on BVFP treatment using total or partial arytenoidectomy is avoidance of tracheotomy or decannulation and reported success ranges between 90 and 100% in this regard. Phonation is invariably affected and arytenoidectomy worsens both aerodynamic and acoustic vocal properties. Recent reports indicate that partial and total arytenoidectomies have similar outcome in respect to phonation and swallowing. We use CO2 laser assisted partial arytenoidectomy with a posteromedially based mucosal flap for primary cases and reserve total arytenoidectomy for revision. Lateral suturing of preserved mucosa provides tension on the vocal fold leading to better voice and leaves no raw surgical field to unpredictable scarring or granulation. Conclusion. Arytenoidectomy as a permanent static procedure remains a traditional yet sound choice in the treatment of BVFP. Laser dissection provides a precise dissection in a narrow surgical field and the possibility to perform partial arytenoidectomy.PubMedWoSScopu