14 research outputs found

    Özel Eğitim Gerektiren Çocukların Ailelerini Yönlendirmede Vakıfların Rolü

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    Pemantauan Senyawa Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (Ddt) dan Turunannya di Daerah Cianjur, Jawa Barat

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    Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) merupakan senyawa organik yang relatif bertahan lama di lingkungan, sulit terdegradasi melalui proses kimia, biologi, dan fotolisis serta sukar larut di dalam air tetapi cenderung larut dalam lemak. Oleh karena sifatnya ini, POPs cenderung bersifat akumulatif dan bertahan di lingkungan. Selain itu, sen­yawa ini juga bersifat semivolatil sehingga dapat berada dalam fase uap ataupun terserap di dalam partikel debu, sehingga POPs dapat menempuh jarak yang jauh di udara (long-range air transport) sebelum akhirnya terdepo­sisi di bumi. Dari beberapa bentuk senyawa POPs, senyawa insektisida organoklorin yang paling bertahan lama dan mempunyai sifat bioakumulasi, diantaranya adalah Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane ( DDT ). Pemantauan kualitas lingkungan akibat pencemaran kelompok senyawa POPs, termasuk senyawa DDT dan turunannya telah dilakukan didaerah holtikultura Cianjur. Sampel diambil di beberapa lokasi yaitu PLTA Cijedil, Desa Cibeureum, Desa Sukatani, Agropolitan, dan Desa Sindang Jaya. Matriks yang diambil adalah air, sedimen sungai, dan tanah pertanian/perkebunan. Sampling air dan sedimen sungai dilakukan dengan metode sesaat sedangkan untuk tanah, menggunakan metode komposit tempat. Pemantauan ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menginventarisir jenis dan kon­sentrasi residu senyawa POPs yang terdapat di lingkungan terutama DDT dan turunannya. Isomer DDT yang paling banyak terbentuk di lingkungan adalah p,p\u27-DDT ( 80 % ) dan o,p\u27-DDT ( 20 % ). Senyawa POPs diekstrak dengan menggunakan pelarut organik, kemudian di clean-up dan dianalisis dengan GCMS menggunakan kolom kapiler non polar. Pada pemantauan tahun 2011, senyawa p,p\u27-DDT tidak terdeteksi dalam sampel sedimen, tetapi pada tahun 2012, ditemukan sekitar 3.7 ng/g dalam sedimen Sungai Cibeureum dekat PLTA Cijedil, Cugenang -Jawa Barat dan meningkat sebesar 6.95 ng/g pada tahun 2012 di lokasi yang sama. Masih pada tahun 2011, p,p\u27-DDT dan p,p\u27-DDE ditemukan tertinggi di tanah perkebunan Desa Sindang Jaya, Cipanas – Jawa Barat sebesar 446 ng/g, dan 184 ng/g, Tahun 2012 dan 2013 DDT dan turunannya masih terdeteksi namun konsentrasi cenderung menurun. Sementara itu pada sampel air tidak ditemukan senyawa DDT dan turunanny

    Üstün Zekalı ve Yetenekli Bireylerin Eğitimi Politikalarına Yönelik Nitel Bir Çalışma (Özel Sektör Çalışanları)

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, üstün zekâlı ve yeteneklilerin eğitimi konusunda eğitim programı uygulayan özel sektör çalışanlarının üstün zekâlı ve yeteneklilerin eğitimi hakkındaki görüşlerini ortaya koymak ve üstün zekâlı ve yeteneklilerin eğitiminde özel sektör uygulamalarının yerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaç çerçevesinde çalışma grubunu üstün zekâlı ve yeteneklilerin eğitimi alanında eğitim programı uygulayan biri üniversite ve altısı özel okul olmak üzere yedi özel okul%252Fkurum çalışanları oluşturmaktadır. Nitel araştırma olarak desenlenen bu çalışmada araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile elde edilen katılımcı görüşlerin analizinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. İçerik analizi sonucunda tema, kategori, frekanslar elde edilmiş ve daha sonra bazı görüşlere yer verilmiştir. Yapılan içerik analiz sonucunda elde edilen görüşler 21 tema ve 74 kategori altında toplanmıştır. Özel sektör çalışanlarının tesadüfen veya merak ederek üstün zekâlı ve yeteneklilerin eğitimi alanına ilgi duydukları ve üstün zekâlı ve yetenekli bireylere yönelik uygulanan eğitim programlarının Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı kazanımları ile uyumlu olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte bu araştırmanın sonuçları farklılaştırma yapılarak üst düzey düşünme becerilerini geliştirmeye yönelik olduğunu, öğrenci seçiminde standart testlerin yanı sıra öğretmen gözlemlerinin ve öğretmen seçiminde ise birçok etkenin önemli olduğunu göstermiştir. Ancak eğitim programlarının uygulanmasında mevzuatın uygun olmasına rağmen, özel sektörün destek görmediği, üstün zekâlı ve yeteneklilerin eğitiminin devlet eliyle yapılmaya çalışıldığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Devlet-özel sektör işbirliği içerisinde daha verimli çalışmaların yapılabileceği ve özel sektöründe eğitim politikalarıyla desteklenmesi gerektiği sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır

    Effectiveness of Teacher Education Program Developed For Teachers of Gifted Students

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    In this study, in order to prevent unwanted behaviors of gifted students at a secondary school, a 30 hours education program based on Glasser’s choice theory was developed according to Taba model and implemented to subject teachers. During the development of program, in-service training needs of teachers were determined based on interviews with school administrators, counselors, teachers and classroom observations. The training program prepared in line with these needs was implemented by the researcher for ten weeks, to a group consisting of ten teachers. The program includes the ways how students' needs of belonging, power, fun and freedom can be met according to Glasser's choice theory in the school environment, activities in order to develop success identity, internal motivation and responsibility awareness in gifted students. The effectiveness of the education was evaluated by the frequency survey of the behaviors of the students applied to the teachers, teacher interviews and classroom observations. Results showed that education given to the teachers was effective in reducing unwanted behaviors of students and increased the scores of teachers’ in the field of quality teacher-student interaction, creating student centered learning environment, creating quality school environment and preventive behavior management

    The phenotypic and molecular genetic spectrum of Alström syndrome in 44 Turkish kindreds and a literature review of Alström syndrome in Turkey.

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    Alström syndrome (ALMS) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by multiple organ involvement, including neurosensory vision and hearing loss, childhood obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiomyopathy, hypogonadism, and pulmonary, hepatic, renal failure and systemic fibrosis. Alström Syndrome is caused by mutations in ALMS1, and ALMS1 protein is thought to have a role in microtubule organization, intraflagellar transport, endosome recycling and cell cycle regulation. Here, we report extensive phenotypic and genetic analysis of a large cohort of Turkish patients with ALMS. We evaluated 61 Turkish patients, including 11 previously reported, for both clinical spectrum and mutations in ALMS1. To reveal the molecular diagnosis of the patients, different approaches were used in combination, a cohort of patients were screened by the gene array to detect the common mutations in ALMS1 gene, then in patients having any of the common ALMS1 mutations were subjected to direct DNA sequencing or next-generation sequencing for the screening of mutations in all coding regions of the gene. In total, 20 distinct disease-causing nucleotide changes in ALMS1 have been identified, eight of which are novel, thereby increasing the reported ALMS1 mutations by 6% (8/120). Five disease-causing variants were identified in more than one kindred, but most of the alleles were unique to each single patient and identified only once (16/20). So far, 16 mutations identified were specific to the Turkish population, and four have also been reported in other ethnicities. In addition, 49 variants of uncertain pathogenicity were noted, and four of these were very rare and probably or likely deleterious according to in silico mutation prediction analyses. ALMS has a relatively high incidence in Turkey and the present study shows that the ALMS1 mutations are largely heterogeneous; thus, these data from a particular population may provide a unique source for the identification of additional mutations underlying Alström Syndrome and contribute to genotype-phenotype correlation studies. J Hum Genet 2015 Jan; 60(1):1-9

    Efficacy of colistin and non-colistin monotherapies in multi-drug resistant acinetobacter baumannii bacteremia/sepsis

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    Objective: This retrospective study aimed to investigate the efficacies of colistin and non-colistin monotherapies in multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii bacteremia (MDR-AB). Materials and methods: Cases with MDR-AB from 27 tertiary-referral hospitals between January 2009 and December 2012 were included. Patients' data that were on either colistin monotherapy (CM) or non-colistin monotherapy (NCM) were compared. Mortality on Day 14 was the primary endpoint, whereas microbiological eradication and clinical outcome were the secondary ones. Results: Eighty-four cases were included in the study with 36 being in the CM group and 48 in the NCM group. Thirty-eight (45.2%) cases were male and the mean age was 60.2 years. The mean durations of pre-MDR-AB hospital stay and intensive care unit stay were 25.8 days and 20.9 days, respectively. All of the cases had fever (>38°C). The mean Pitt bacteremia score (PBS) of the patients was calculated as 6.8, APACHE 2 score as 18.9 and the Charlson co-morbidity index (CCI) as 3.7 (CM: 3.6 vs. NCM: 3.9). Twenty (55.6%) cases in the CM group and 26 cases in the NCM group (54.2%) (p=0.81) died; 9 cases in the CM group (25%) and 16 cases in the NCM group (33.3%) had treatment failure (P=0.55). Bacteriological eradication was achieved in 20 (55.6%) cases in the CM group and in 36 cases (75%) in the NCM group (P=0.061). Conclusions: No significant difference could be identified between the colistin monotherapy and non-colistin monotherapy options in MDR-AB cases with respect to the results of efficacy and 14-day mortality