1,142 research outputs found


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    Prophet Mūsā was the first Prophet from the Children of Israel and became the icon of that people. Even though his story is narrated in the Quran in many separate verses and chapters, that story describes a series of sub-stories under one title. So that, it attracts the reader's attention. What is more interesting is that, in the story of Prophet Mūsā, the perspective of the Quran contains educational values, morals (moral-ethics) and faith (theology). These three points emphasize the value of independence (physical), emotional maturity (emotional), and religious maturity (spiritual). So that it becomes an inspiration for the world of education in Indonesia. The Quranic perspective in the story of Prophet Mūsā is found under three main objectives of the moral message of education, namely; to direct people to fear Allah (Q.S. Ṭāhā [20]: 13-14), to guide all the mankind into the noble character (Q.S. al-Qaṣaṣ [28]: 14); and to uphold justice (Q.S. Ṭāhā [20]: 42-47)


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    Abstract: This study presents a theoretical framework for instructional management in Indonesia, taking into account the historical context of curriculum development and aligning it with the principles of sustainable development goals. Instructional management plays a crucial role in optimizing resources to achieve instructional objectives, and its significance is closely tied to the historical evolution of the curriculum in Indonesia. We examine the instructional management practices employed throughout the history of the curriculum in Indonesia, starting from the Rentjana Pelajaran in 1947 to the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum since February 2022. By adopting a historical approach, we provide a narrative exploration of instructional management. This article uncovers insights into the theoretical shifts in learning approaches based on the established policies. Furthermore, the curriculum journey in Indonesia has been predominantly influenced by behavioristic learning theory. However, recent curriculum developments have embraced the principles of sustainable development goals. As a result, this article can serve as a valuable reference for teachers seeking guidance on effective instructional management in the classroom.Abstrak: Studi ini menyajikan kerangka teori untuk manajemen pembelajaran di Indonesia, dengan mempertimbangkan konteks historis pengembangan kurikulum dan menyelaraskannya dengan prinsip-prinsip tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Manajemen pembelajaran memainkan peran penting dalam mengoptimalkan sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, dan signifikansinya terkait erat dengan evolusi historis kurikulum di Indonesia. Kami meneliti praktik manajemen pembelajaran yang digunakan sepanjang sejarah kurikulum di Indonesia, mulai dari Rentjana Pelajaran pada tahun 1947 hingga implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka sejak Februari 2022. Dengan mengadopsi pendekatan historis, kami memberikan eksplorasi naratif tentang manajemen pembelajaran. Artikel ini mengungkap wawasan tentang pergeseran teoritis dalam pendekatan pembelajaran berdasarkan kebijakan yang ditetapkan. Lebih jauh lagi, perjalanan kurikulum di Indonesia sebagian besar dipengaruhi oleh teori pembelajaran behavioristik. Namun, perkembangan kurikulum baru-baru ini telah merangkul prinsip-prinsip tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini dapat menjadi referensi yang berharga bagi para guru yang mencari panduan mengenai manajemen pembelajaran yang efektif di kelas


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    Lembaga pemerintah sudah seharusnya memenuhi tuntutan terkait pelayanannnya yang berkualitas untuk seluruh masayarakat. Hal inilah merupakan wujud dari sebagaian bentuk tata kelola pemerintahan yang diharapkan oleh masyarakat dan juga dikenal dengan wujud Good government governance). Salah satu desa di kabupaten jember lebih tepatnya yakni desa tegalsari kecamatan ambulu yang merupakan salah satu desa binaan bagi prodi pendidikan masyarakat universitas jember merupakan salah satu desa yang sudah menjadi tempat sasaran penyelenggaran program-program permodelan keilmuan serta tempat penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat. Beberapa masalah yang berkaitan dengan kualitas pelayanan publik bagi masyarakat yaitu tingkat proses keterbukaan dan interaksi antara pemerintah desa dengan warga yang belum maksimal, belum adanya media sebagai wadah pengaduan keluhan/aspirasi masyarakat, sehingga belum bisa tersampaikan dan tertampung dengan baik. Maka hal ini membuat permasalahan yang dialami warga tidak dapat tertangani dengan baik oleh pemerintah desa sebagai pelayan masyarakat. Factor penyebabnya adalah khusunya bagi masyarakat yang lokasi tempat tinggalnya dengan kantor desa cukup jauh. Sedangkan pihak BPD pengurusan surat yang masih dilakukan secara manual juga sangat menyita waktu masyarakat. Hasil identifikasi kebutuhan banyak kebutuhan pada masyarakat perlu penanganan/respon yang cepat. Tidak jarang warga kehilangan kesabaran untuk pengurusan  administrasi  tersebut.  Karena  beberapa  surat  keterangan  bersifat  darurat, misalnya: surat keterangan tidak mampu ketika warga mengalami kendala pembayaran di rumah sakit, surat pengantar keterangan kelakuan baikdan juga berbagai kasus surat pengantar lainnya


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    Social norms facilitate agent coordination and conflict resolution without explicit communication. Norms generally involve restrictions on a set of actions or behaviors of agents to a particular strategy and can significantly reduce the cost of coordination. There has been recent progress in multiagent systems (MAS) research to develop a deep understanding of the social norm formation process. This includes developing mechanisms to create social norms in an effective and efficient manner. The hypoth- esis of this dissertation is that equipping agents in networked MAS with “network thinking” capabilities and using this contextual knowledge to form social norms in an effective and efficient manner improves the performance of the MAS. This disser- tation investigates the social norm emergence problem in conventional norms (where there is no conflict between individual and collective interests) and essential norms (where agents need to explicitly cooperate to achieve socially-efficient behavior) from a game-theoretic perspective. First, a comprehensive investigation of the social norm formation problem is performed in various types of networked MAS with an emphasis on the effect of the topological structures on the process. Based on the insights gained from these network-theoretic investigations, novel topology-aware decentralized mech- anisms are developed that facilitate the emergence of social norms suitable for various environments. It addresses the convention emergence problem in both small and large conventional norm spaces and equip agents to predict the topological structure to use the suitable convention mechanisms. It addresses the cooperation emergence prob- lem in the essential norm space by harnessing agent commitments and altruism where appropriate. Extensive simulation based experimentation has been conducted on dif- ferent network topologies by varying the topological features and agent interaction models. Comparisons with state-of-the-art norm formation techniques show that pro- posed mechanisms facilitate significant improvement in performance in a variety of networks

    Slider crank wave energy converter performance analysis with adaptive autoregressing filtering

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    This study investigates a performance analysis of wave excitation force prediction to extract wave power for a slider crank power take-off system (PTOS) based on auto regressive (AR) filters. To efficiently convert wave energy into electricity, the prediction of wave excitation forces into near future to keep the generator and the wave excitation force in sync is important for maximum energy extraction. The study shows a prediction methodology of half period and zero crossings in the practical scenario of irregular ocean waves. The prediction has been tested for different wave periods and with different filter orders in noisy and noiseless environment. The prediction results have been used in the PTOS simulation to analyze the energy extraction. It has been shown that the prediction accuracy in the wave half period between the truth data and the predicted data drives the WEC energy extraction efficiency. The amplitude of the wave force is not used and hence the prediction deviation in the wave force amplitude does not affect the PTOS energy extraction. Further analysis shows that the optimum energy can be extracted at 15th order filter with moderate prediction horizon length

    Assessing the Value of Network Security Technologies

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    Proper configuration of security technologies is critical to balance the access and protection requirements of information. The common practice of using a layered security architecture that has multiple technologies amplifies the need for proper configuration because the configuration decision about one security technology has ramifications for the configuration decisions about others. We study the impact of configuration on the value obtained from a firewall and an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). We also study how a firewall and an IDS interact with each other in terms of value contribution. We show that the firm may be worse off when it deploys a technology if the technology (either the firewall or the IDS) is improperly configured. A more serious consequence for the firm is that even if each of these (improperly configured) technologies offers a positive value when deployed alone, deploying both may be detrimental to the firm. Configuring the IDS and the firewall optimally eliminates the conflict between them, resulting in a non-negative value to the firm. When optimally configured, we find that these technologies may complement or substitute each other. Further, we find that while the optimal configuration of an IDS is the same whether it is deployed alone or together with a firewall, the optimal configuration of a firewall has a lower detection rate (i.e., allow more access) when it is deployed with an IDS than when deployed alone. Our results highlight the complex interactions between firewall and IDS technologies when they are used together in a security architecture, and, hence, the need for proper configuration in order to benefit from these technologies

    Spontaneous Weight Change during Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment: Association with Virologic Response Rates

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    Objective: We examined weight changes during chronic hepatitis C (CHC) therapy and association with virologic response. Methods: Weight changes were compared between subjects achieving rapid, early, and sustained virologic response rates (RVR, EVR, and SVR). RVR, EVR and SVR were compared among patients with or without weight loss of ≥ 0.5 body mass index (BMI) units (kg/m2) at 4, 12, 48 weeks. Results: CHC therapy was initiated in 184 cases. Median pretreatment BMI was 27.7 (18.4-51.3) with 38% overweight and 31% obese (BMI ≥25 and ≥ 30, respectively). Among patients with liver biopsies (n = 90), steatosis was present in 31.6%; fibrosis grade of 1-2/6 in 46%, 3-4 in 37.3% and 5-6 in 14.7%. Mean weight loss at 4, 12, 24 and 48 weeks of therapy were 1.2, 2.6, 3.8 and 3.3 kg, respectively. After 4 and 12 weeks of treatment, 38% and 54.3% had a BMI decrement of ≥ 0.5 kg/m2. For genotype 1, weight loss at 4 weeks was associated with significantly higher EVR (90.0% vs. 70%, p = 0.01) and a tendency towards better RVR and SVR (42.9% vs. 26.0% and 55.2% vs. 34.8%, respectively, p = 0.08). In multivariate analysis, weight loss at 4 weeks was independently associated with EVR (OR 6.3, p = 0.02) but was not significantly associated with RVR or SVR Conclusions: Spontaneous weight loss at 4 and 12 weeks of CHC therapy was associated with improved EVR. Weight loss at 4 weeks was an independent predictor of EVR but not SVR

    EGID: an ensemble algorithm for improved genomic island detection in genomic sequences

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    Genomic islands (GIs) are genomic regions that are originally transferred from other organisms. The detection of genomic islands in genomes can lead to many applications in industrial, medical and environmental contexts. Existing computational tools for GI detection suffer either low recall or low precision, thus leaving the room for improvement. In this paper, we report the development of our Ensemble algorithm for Genomic Island Detection (EGID). EGID utilizes the prediction results of existing computational tools, filters and generates consensus prediction results. Performance comparisons between our ensemble algorithm and existing programs have shown that our ensemble algorithm is better than any other program. EGID was implemented in Java, and was compiled and executed on Linux operating systems. EGID is freely available at http://www5.esu.edu/cpsc/bioinfo/software/EGID

    Assessing the Value of Network Security Technologies

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    Proper configuration of security technologies is critical to balance the access and protection requirements of information. The common practice of using a layered security architecture that has multiple technologies amplifies the need for proper configuration because the configuration decision about one security technology has ramifications for the configuration decisions about others. We study the impact of configuration on the value obtained from a firewall and an Intrusion Detection System (IDS). We also study how a firewall and an IDS interact with each other in terms of value contribution. We show that the firm may be worse off when it deploys a technology if the technology (either the firewall or the IDS) is improperly configured. A more serious consequence for the firm is that even if each of these (improperly configured) technologies offers a positive value when deployed alone, deploying both may be detrimental to the firm. Configuring the IDS and the firewall optimally eliminates the conflict between them, resulting in a non-negative value to the firm. When optimally configured, we find that these technologies may complement or substitute each other. Further, we find that while the optimal configuration of an IDS is the same whether it is deployed alone or together with a firewall, the optimal configuration of a firewall has a lower detection rate (i.e., allow more access) when it is deployed with an IDS than when deployed alone. Our results highlight the complex interactions between firewall and IDS technologies when they are used together in a security architecture, and, hence, the need for proper configuration in order to benefit from these technologies

    Extremism Arabic Text Detection using Rough Set Theory: Designing a Novel Approach

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    The linguistics related research and particularly, sentiment analysis using data-driven approaches, has been growing in recent years. However, the large number of users and excessive amount of information available on social media, make it difficult to detect extremism text on these platforms. The literature revealed a plethora of research studies focusing the sentiment analysis primarily, for English texts, however, very limited studies are available concerning the Arabic language which is the 4th mostly spoken language in the world. We first time in this study, propose a text detection mechanism for extremism orientations distinction in Arabic language, to improve the comprehension of subjective phrases. The study introduces a novel method based on Rough Set theory to enhance the accuracy of selected models and recognize text orientation reliably. Experimental outcomes indicate that the proposed method outperforms existing algorithms by contributing towards feature discriminations. Our method achieved 90.853%, 81.707% and 71.951% accuracies for unigram, bigram, and trigram representations, respectively. This study significantly contributes to the limited research in the field of machine learning and linguistics in Arabic language