67 research outputs found

    Теневой человек как социокультурный феномен

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    Background: Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is a physical condition that is now well established as a predictor of numerous adverse health outcomes, independent of physical activity levels. In order to be able to improve CRF at the population level and to develop effective interventions and public health programmes, it is important to understand why some people are more fit than others. Therefore, the primary aim of the systematic review described in this protocol is to examine individual and interpersonal factors that are correlated with or determine CRF among adults. Methods: The review will focus on quantitative studies that investigate any personal and interpersonal correlates and/or determinants of objectively measured CRF among the general, non-symptomatic, non-institutionalized adult population (aged 18–65 years) worldwide. The databases MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane Library will be searched to identify all relevant published journal articles, and Google Scholar and Scopus will be searched for grey literature. Studies where CRF is not an outcome variable and experimental studies where participants specifically receive a fitness intervention that increases CRF will be excluded. For each study, data extracted will include, among other variables, study characteristics, methodology for selecting participants into the study as well as the participants’ demographic characteristics, types of correlates and determinants of CRF investigated and their measurement methods, the objective measure of CRF used and its measurement method and validity, and the main reported results on the association between the correlates or determinants and CRF. In addition, observational studies will be assessed for methodological quality and risk of bias using a customized version of the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Experimental studies will be assessed using the 27-item Downs and Black “Checklist for Measuring Study Quality”. The final results will be presented as a narrative synthesis of the main findings of all included studies. Discussion: By consolidating and synthesizing the current research on possible individual and interpersonal correlates and determinants of CRF among adults worldwide, we aim to aid future public health actions, as well as identify gaps in our full understanding of what influences CRF

    Dependência de exercício físico: humor, qualidade de vida em atletas amadores e profissionais Physical exercise dependence: mood, quality of life in amateur and professional athletes

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar se existem diferenças nos escores de Dependência de Exercício (DE), escores de humor e qualidade de vida em atletas profissionais e amadores de modalidade esportivas coletivas e individuais. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 116 atletas praticantes de modalidades esportivas coletivas (n = 60, sendo 20 profissionais e 40 amadores) e individuais (n = 56, sendo 16 profissionais e 40 amadores) do gênero masculino. As médias (± desvio-padrão) da idade, estatura, massa corporal e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) foram: 22,13 ± 6,16 anos; 1,77 ± 0,10cm; 72,76 ± 10,04kg; e 23,10 ± 2,04kg/m², respectivamente. Os atletas responderam aos seguintes questionários: Escala de Dependência de Exercício (EDE), Inventário Beck de Depressão, Idate Traço e Estado de Ansiedade, Questionário POMS de perfil de humor, Questionário SF-36 de Qualidade de Vida, em um dia de folga dentro da periodização normal de treinamento, caracterizando o estudo como transversal. O trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Unifesp (# 0616/06). RESULTADOS: Atletas amadores e profissionais apresentaram escores similares de DE, mas quando considerados os tipos de modalidade, os amadores praticantes de modalidades coletivas apresentam maiores escores, o que se inverte quando considerados atletas profissionais. Em relação aos resultados de humor, atletas profissionais apresentaram mais qualidade de vida e menores escores de humor. CONCLUSÃO: Atletas amadores e profissionais praticantes de modalidades esportivas coletivas e individuais respondem diferentemente à DE; o tipo de modalidade e seu envolvimento social e competitivo parecem ser o grande determinante. Além disso, pode-se concluir que atletas profissionais de modalidades coletivas apresentam melhor perfil de humor e qualidade de vida, tanto quando comparados com profissionais de modalidades individuais, quando com atletas amadores praticantes de modalidades coletivas ou individuais.<br>The purpose of this study was to verify if there are differences between exercise dependence (ED), mood and quality of life scores in professional and amateur athletes of individual and collective sport modalities. METHODS: 116 male athletes of collective sport modalities (n=60, 20 professionals and 40 amateurs) and individual sport modalities (n=56, 16 professionals and 40 amateurs) participated in this study. Age, height, weight, BMI mean (± standard-deviation) were: 22.13 ± 6.16 years; 1.77 ± 0.10 cm; 72.76 ± 10.04 kg and 23.10 ± 2.04 kg/m², respectively. The athletes answered the following questionnaires: Exercise Dependence scale (EDE), Beck Depression Inventory, Trait and State of Anxiety - IDATE, POMS - profile of mood states, SF-36 Questionnaire of Quality of Life. The study was approved by the Ethics in Research Committee of UNIFESP (#0616/06). RESULTS: Amateur and professional athletes presented similar scores of ED, but when the kind of modality was considered, the amateurs of collective modalities presented higher scores than professional athletes. CONCLUSION: Amateur and professional athletes of collective and individual sport modalities answered differently to ED, and the sports modality and competitive and social involvement could be determinant. Moreover, it is possible to conclude that professional athletes of collective sports present better profile of mood and quality of life when compared with professional athletes of individual sports when compared with amateur athletes from collective or individual sport modalities

    Avaliação da exposição a metais numa oficina de recuperação de armamento de uma organização militar Exposure assessment to metals in an armament repair shop of a military organization

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação da exposição ocupacional ao chumbo e manganês dos trabalhadores de uma oficina de recuperação de armamento de uma organização militar. O ar do ambiente de trabalho foi avaliado no monitoramento ambiental e os indicadores biológicos de dose interna, para chumbo e manganês, em sangue e na urina, foram utilizados no monitoramento biológico. A concentração de manganês e chumbo nos filtros e fluidos biológicos foi determinada por espectrometria de absorção atômica eletrotérmica. Os resultados do monitoramento ambiental indicaram níveis de Pb e Mn acima do TLV-TWA durante o processo de pintura (313,33 &#956;g m-3) e solda (951 &#956;g m-3). Os indicadores biológicos revelaram que cinco dos nove trabalhadores apresentam níveis de Pb-S que sugerem exposição ambiental ao chumbo (valores entre 5 e 10 &#956;g dL-1). Pode-se concluir que existe uma pequena exposição ocupacional ao chumbo e ao manganês na oficina de tratamento superficial. Tal exposição é influenciada pelas condições meteorológicas e pela demanda variável de trabalho.<br>The aim of this study was the occupational exposure assessment to lead and manganese of workers in an armament repair shop of a military organization. The air of the working environment was assessed in the environmental monitoring while the internal dose biological indicators for lead and manganese, in blood and urine, were used in biological monitoring. Metals concentration in filters and biological fluids were determined by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The results of the environmental monitoring showed lead and manganese levels above the TLV-TWA during the process of painting (313.33 g m-3) and solder (951 &#956;g m-3). The biological indicators revealed that five of the nine employees presented Pb-S levels that suggested an environmental exposure to lead (values between 5 and 10 &#956;g dL-1). It can be concluded that there is a small occupational exposure to lead and manganese in the superficial treatment repair shop. This exposure is influenced by weather conditions and the variable demand of work