21 research outputs found

    PENGEMBANGAN MODEL PENERIMAAN BIOPESTISIDA (Studi Kasus Pada Petani Sayuran di Desa Cipada Kecamatan Cisarua Kabupaten Bandung Barat)

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    Pertanian tradisional ditandai penggunaan pestisida sintetik yang tinggi sehingga meninggalkan residu pestisida sintetik. Di lain pihak, kesadaran konsumen untuk mendapatkan produk pertanian yang bebas dari pestisida sintetik cenderung meningkat sehingga diperlukan penggunaan pestisida yang ramah lingkungan. Biopestisida merupakan pestisida yang ramah lingkungan, tetapi penggunaan oleh petani di lapangan cenderung rendah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu penelitian mengenai kesediaan petani menggunakan biopestisida dan pengembangan model penerimaan biopestisida oleh petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kesediaan petani sayuran di Desa Cipada untuk menggunakan biopestisida dan mengembangkan suatu model penerimaan biopestisida oleh petani sayuran. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survei wawancara terstruktur dengan jumlah petani sayuran di Desa Cipada sebanyak 30 orang. Penerimaan biopestisida oleh petani diasumsikan dalam dua kondisi. Pada kondisi pertama, biopestisida memiliki performa yang sama dengan pestisida sintetik. Pada kondisi kedua, biopestisida memiliki performa lebih rendah 10%-20% dibandingkan dengan pestisida sintetik. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel contoh kemudahan. Analisis data menggunakan metode deskripsi dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi pertama 97% petani sayuran di Desa Cipada menyatakan kesediaannya menggunakan biopestisida, sedangkan 3% lainnya tidak bersedia. Faktor peningkat penerimaan biopestisida adalah tingkat pendidikan, lama pengalaman bertani, persepsi penurunan keefektivan pestisida, pengetahuan responden tentang produk biopestisida, dan luas lahan. Faktor pengurang penerimaan biopestisida adalah status kepemilikan lahan, persepsi kecenderungan serangan hama dan penyakit yang meningkat, persepsi resistensi hama, persepsi kehadiran hama baru, persepsi perubahan musim, pengetahuan responden pada bahaya pestisida, pengalaman komplikasi kesehatan setelah penggunaan pestisida, dan pendapatan dari pertanian. Faktor pengurang ini harus diperhatikan dalam proses pengenalan biopestisida. Pada kondisi kedua, persentase petani sayuran di Desa Cipada yang bersedia menggunakan biopestisida adalah 40% dan 60% lainnya menyatakan tidak bersedia. Kata kunci : biopestisida, petani sayuran, penerimaan biopestisida, pengembangan model penerimaan biopestisida. Traditional agriculture is characterized by the high use of chemical pesticide (highly) so that it leaves chemical pesticide residues. On the other hand, consumers awareness to get free of chemical pesticide agriculture product tends to increase so that the use of environmentally friendly pesticides is required. Biopesticides' are environmentally friendly pesticides, but actually the number of farmers who use it is still low. Therefore, we need to develop a biopesticides acceptance model by vegetable farmer. This research aims to measure the willingness of acceptance biopesticides by vegetable farmer in Cipada, and develop a biopesticides acceptance model. We use the structured interviews survey method with 30 respondents as the research method. Acceptance of biopesticides by the vegetable farmers in Cipada is assumed into two conditions. In the first condition, biopesticides have the same performance with chemical pesticides. In the second conditions, biopesticides have a perform ance of 10%-20% lower than chemical pesticides. Convenience sampling is used to take the samples in this research. To analyze the data, we use descriptive statistic. The results of the research show that in first condition, 97% of the respondents are willing to accept biopesticides, while 3% of the respondents are not. The increasing factors of biopesticides acceptance are education level, years of farm experience, decreasing of pesticides efectivity perseption, vegetable farmer knowledge about biopesticides, and farming area. Mean while, the decreasing factor of biopesticides acceptance are farming area ownership, increasing pest attack and plant disease perception, pest resistance perception, new pest presence perception, weather change perception, vegetable farmer knowledge about the hazard of pesticides, experience of healthy risk by using of pestisicides, and farmer income. Then in the second conditions, the percentage of respondents who are willing to use biopesticides is 40% and the others are not willing to use. Key words: biopesticides, vegetable farmers, acceptance of biopesticides, developing of biopesticides acceptance model

    Optimization of Fermented Tofu with High Isoflavone Content through Variation of Inoculum Percentages and Ratios of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides

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    Tofu is a traditional food that can be found in several countries, such as Indonesia and Japan. Tofu is often made using the backslopping method, which brings the risk of pathogenic microorganism contamination and can lead to failure in production. Standardization of the production process is necessary in order to yield highly nutritious tofu that is safe to be consumed. In this research, standardization was investigated by variation of the inoculum percentages and ratios of Lactobacillus plantarum (a), Lactobacillus acidophilus (b), and Leuconostoc mesenteroides (c). The inoculum percentages used in this research were 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5%, while the inoculum ratios between a, b, and c were (a:b:c) 2:1:1; 1:2:1; 1:1:2; and 1:1:1. The optimum inoculum ages for a, b, and c were 8, 6, and 2 hours respectively. The highest growth rates of a, b, and c were 0.060h-1, 0.054h-1, and 0.092h-1 respectively. The highest lactic acid production rates of a, b, and c were 0.072%h-1, 0.063%h-1, and 0.126%h-1 respectively. The inoculum percentage and ratio that produced the highest isoflavones content was 12.5%(2:1:1), with the highest bacterial population growth rate being 0.019h-1, the highest formation rate of lactic acid being 0.045%h-1, and the isoflavone aglycones level being 0.445 mg/mL

    A Sequential Isolation and Isolate Identification of Thermophilic Oil Degrading Bacteria from Bangko Reservoir

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    Sari. Telah dilakukan isolari bakteri termofilik pendegradasi minyak bumi dari Sumur Bangko dengan cara bertahap karena prosedur isolasi biasanya belum tentu dapat mengisolasi bakteri pendegradasi secara lengkap. Isolasi tahap I dilakukan langsung dari crude oil di dalam medium basal Stone Mineral Salt Solution ditambah ekstrak ragi (SMSSe) pada 50 °C. Isolasi tahap II dan III dilakukan dari sumber isolat yang sama, medium basal dan kondisi kultur yang sama, tetapi medium pengisolasi diperkaya dengan minyak sisa degradasi (MSD) isolat campuran tahap sebelumnya. Pada tahap I diperoleh 4 isolat, yaitu Bacillus polynyxa, B. licheniformis, Bacilus sp.1, dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa; pada tahap II diperoleh 3 isolat, yaitu Bacillus sp.2, B. stearothermophllus, dan B. brevis; sedangkan pada tahap III hanya diperoleh 1 isolat, yaitu B. coagulans. Semua isolat ini nantinya digunakan untuk mendegradasi crude oil. A Sequential Isolation and Isolate Identification of Thermophilic Oil Degrading Bacteria from Bangko ReservoirAbstract. A study on the isolation of thermophilic oil-degrading bacteria from the crude oil (petroleum) of Banko reservoir has been conducted on a sequential way. The conventional isolation procedure did not isolate the bacteria completely. The first isolation stage was performed directly on the crude oil sample by using Stone Mineral Salt Solution plus yeast extract (SMSSe), as basal medium, at 50°C. The second and third isolation stages used the same source, basal medium, and condition as the first stage, but were enriched with a depleted-oil obtained from the crude oil degraded from the previous stage's mixed culture bacteria. Four bacterial isolates were recovered from the first isolation stage, identified as Bacillus polymyxa, B. Licheniformis, Bacillus sp.1, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The second stage gave another three different bacterial isolates, identified as Bacillus sp.2, B. stearothermophillus, and B. brevis; whereas the third stage gave only one isolate namely Bacillus coagulans. These isolates could be applied for the degradation of crude oil

    Quality Improvement of Semi-Wet Terasi by Optimizing the Starter Culture Ratio of Controlled Fermentation

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    Terasi is a traditional fermented shrimp paste used in Indonesian dish as condiments. Due to its affordability, the paste is widely consumed among the general population, and thus has a great impact in Indonesia. Currently, small-scale or home industry is common for terasi production, and natural fermentation process is the traditional method. Fermentation process is considered complete when desired aromatic odors are obtained. However, this makes the fermentation process subjective, because the decision is solely dependent on the producer. Additionally, natural fermentation poses a higher risk for contamination of microbial pathogens. As a result, the quality of the final product varies greatly from region to region. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of terasi by means of controlled fermentation. Hence, the objective of the research is to optimize the controlled fermentation condition of terasi by determining the most optimal ratio of mixed starter culture. Optimal fermentation conditions were determined by analyzing the effect of the various starter inoculum on the inner microbial community, and results indicated that mixed culture of Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Bacillus subtilis, and Lactobacillus murinus with ratio of 2:1:2 was the most effective for suppressing the growth of unwanted microorganisms. The difference in the microbial composition also resulted to a change in the metabolite profile of terasi

    Biosolubilisasi Lignit Mentah Hasil Iradiasi Gamma dan oleh Trichoderma asperellum

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    Biosolubilisasi batubara adalah proses mengubah padatan batubara menjadi bahan bakar cairdengan bantuan mikroorganisme. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkanbiosolubililisasi batubara lignit hasil iradiasi gamma (10 kGy) dengan lignit mentah olehkapang terseleksi Trichoderma asperellum. Perlakuan terdiri dari A (MSS + lignit iradiasigamma 5% + T. asperellum) dan B (MSS + lignit mentah 5% + T. asperellum) dengan kultursub-merged. Parameter yang diukur adalah pH medium, kolonisasi, analisis logam denganAnalisis Aktivasi Netron (AAN) dan produk biosolubilisasi dengan menggunakanspektrofotometer UV-Vis 250nm and 450nm. Sampel yang memiliki tingkat biosolubilisasitertinggi akan dianalisis lanjut dengan FTIR dan GCMS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwatingkat biosolubilisasi kapang T. asperellum pada lignit mentah (B) lebih tinggi dibandingkandengan lignit iradiasi gamma (A) berdasarkan karakteristika produk biosolubilisasi batubaralignit yang meliputi analisis senyawa fenolik dan aromatik terkonjugasi. Analisis logammenunjukkan terjadinya pengurangan kandungan logam batubara saat proses biosolubilisasi.Analisis produk biosolubilisasi dengan FTIR memperlihatkan kemiripan spektra pada keduaperlakuan. Analisis GCMS menunjukkan kisaran jumlah rantai karbon yang terdeteksi padaproduk biosolubilisasi untuk perlakuan A dan B adalah C6 — C35 dan C10 — C35 yang didominasioleh senyawa asam aromatik, alifatik dan fenil ester. Produk biosolubilisasi pada keduaperlakuan dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti minyak bumi dan direkomendasikan untukdilakukan deoksigenasi sehingga kualitas bahan bakar dapat ditingkatkan. Biosolubilization is a promising technology for converting solid coal to liquid oilby addition of microorganism. Aim of this research is to compare between gamma irradiatedlignite (10 kGy) with raw lignite in biosolubilization by selected fungi Trichoderma asperellum.Treatments were A (MSS + gamma irradiated lignite 5% + T. asperellum) and B (MSS + rawlignite 5% + T. asperellum) with sub-merged culture. There were two parameters observed i.e.biosolubilization product based on absorbance value at 250nm and 450nm and metal analysis byneutron activation analysis (NAA). The highest biosolubilization will be analyzed by FTIR andGCMS. The results showed that biosolubilization of raw lignite (B) was higher than sterilizedlignite (A) based on absorbance value at 250nm and 450nm. The metal of lignite was decreasedafter incubation. FTIR analysis showed that both of treatment had similar spectra onbiosolubilization products. GCMS analysis showed that both of treatment had differentnumber of hydrocarbon, i.e. C6 — C35 (A) and C10 — C35 (B) and dominated by aromatic acids aliphatic and phenylethers. Both of treatment product had the potency as oil substituted butits recommended to deoxygenate for higher quality

    Nitrogen optimization on rhamnolipid biosurfactant production from Pseudoxanthomonas sp. G3 and its preservation techniques

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    Biosurfactant is a microbial bioproduct that is used to reduce the surface tension, and can acted as emulsifier, dispersant, and anti-adhesive. Optimization of biosurfactant production needs to be done, not only to increase its production quantity, but also to reduce overall production cost. This study aims to determine the most suitable and optimum concentration of nitrogen source for biosurfactant production and its preservation techniques. The biosurfactant was produced by Pseudoxanthomonas sp. G3 using minimal salt medium with 2% light crude oil as carbon source and different nitrogen sources in the form of urea, sodium nitrate, and ammonium nitrate. The activity of biosurfactants were measured by emulsification index (E24), interfacial tense (IFT), oil drop assay, and dry weight. Potassium sorbate 0.2% (w/v) was used as preservative agent. The results showed that biosurfactant production using sodium nitrate as a nitrogen source provides the highest activity and yield. The E24 value was 76.63% and the clear zone diameter observed was 0.875 cm. The overall decreased in IFT was 35.4% and the biosurfactant dry weight was 0.45 gL-1. Microbial contamination occurred after 3 weeks of storage in the treatment without the addition of preservative. It also showed that the activity of biosurfactants (emulsification and IFT) were gradually decreased during storage. In conclusion, the optimum biosurfactant production by Pseudoxanthomonas sp. G3 was obtained by the addition of sodium nitrate 0.3% (w/v). Meanwhile, the most effective biosurfactant preservation method was by adding potassium sorbate which was stored at 4 ℃

    Closed Aquaculture System: Zero Water Discharge for Shrimp and Prawn Farming in Indonesia

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    This chapter focuses on the development and application of zero water discharge (ZWD) system, which has become an alternative solution to conventional methods of aquaculture production. With this system, it is expected to answer many issues in aquaculture cultivation, such as environmental damage, disease outbreak, and land-use change, and to create a sustainable aquaculture cultivation system. ZWD system is an improved batch system with an emphasis on microbial manipulation in rearing tank. The principle of microbial selection is based on the role of each microbial component in nutrient cycle in the rearing tank. This chapter contains in detail how methods and stages are performed in order to conduct this system, including design of construction system, cultivation of microbial components, initial conditioning of this system, and microbial manipulation. The performance of the system was tested in crustacean culture such as white shrimp and giant freshwater prawns, and it showed that the system can increase the average survival rate of 10–20%. In addition, the technical and economic feasibility of this system was evaluated to illustrate the production efficiency upon the application of this system in the industry

    Identifikasi Mikroba dari Lendir Estrus dan Deteksi Kebuntingan Sapi Kawin Berulang di Sleman, Yogyakarta

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    Repeat breeding is condition of cows that have normal or near normal estrous cycles but fail to become pregnant after several insemination. In this study, we investigated the microbes in the cervical and vaginal mucus of beef cattle and dairy cows that experience repeat breeding and detected the pregnancy after the third or more artificial insemination. A total of 14 beef cattle and 6 dairy cows that experience repeat breeding in the cattle herd in the Yogyakarta region of Indonesia were used as samples in this study. Cervical and vaginal mucus samples were collected using plastic sheet when the cow was re-estrus. The samples were put into the 5 ml Brain Heart Infusion Broth for bacterial isolation and identification. Pregnancy examination was carried out on day 45 after artificial insemination using ultrasound method. Bacteria that could be isolated and identified from cervical mucus and vaginal mucus of beef cattle and dairy cows included Bacillus sp., Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas sp. Some cows detected positive in pregnancy examination even though the bacteria were presence in the cervical and/or vaginal mucus. There was various composition of bacteria found in the cervical mucus and vaginal mucus, of beef cattle and dairy cows with repeat breeding in livestock groups in Yogyakarta. The presence of bacterial in the cervical and vaginal mucus during estrus was not always become the causes of failed pregnancy

    Optimization of enrichment and isolation media of thermophilic hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria isolated from oil reservoir of West Java for microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) application

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    Microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) is a tertiary oil recovery process which aims to increase the crude oil recovery uptake to 55% from its original oil in place. In its application, indigenous microorganisms are commonly used as the main biological agents, but the isolation processes become more complicated due to environment’s extreme condition. This study aims to determine the optimum formulation for the enrichment and isolation medium, in order to obtain a highly diverse of indigenous hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria. The isolation process was carried out in two stages; the isolation of mild oil fraction degrading bacteria, and isolation of the heavy oil fraction degrading bacteria which confirmed by the SARA (saturated, aromatic, resinic, and asphaltic) fraction chromatography analysis. Four enrichment and five isolation media were formulated based on the distinction in the macro-and micronutrient composition. Overall, a total of 92 isolates were successfully isolated. The highest bacterial diversities were achieved in the enrichment medium B (crude oil used as carbon source which supplemented with sodium lactate) and isolation medium I (nutrient agar with twice agar concentration), each with 37 and 33% of obtained isolates, respectively. The newly formulated medium can be further utilized to isolate various types of indigenous bacteria from the oil well which were able to degrade SARA fraction from crude oil. The result showed that ABG2-7 as the isolate with the highest activity on SARA degradation. The amount of 15% inoculum of ABG2-7 isolate was able to degrade heavy crude oil, thus might serve as potential bacteria for MEOR application