143 research outputs found

    Genetic analysis of upland rice for grain yield and some agronomic traits under Striga hermonthica infestation in Uganda.

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    Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Breeding. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2018.Abstract available in PDF file


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    Penduduk di Provinsi Jambi memiliki masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut sebesar sebesar 37,7%, dan anak usia 10-14 tahun di Indonesia menyikat gigi setiap harinya sebesar 96,5%, dan yang menyikat gigi dengan waktu yang tepat hanya 1,4 %.  Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat edukasi pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi danmulut pada murid SDN 23/IX dan SDN 56/IX Desa Pondok Meja Kecamatan Mestong Jambi. Metode Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yaitu metode penyuluhan dan demonstrasi, untuk mengedukasi pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dan keterampilan cara menyikat gigi pada murid kelas IV SDN 23/IX dan SDN 56/IX Desa Pondok Meja Kecamatan Mestong Kab. Muaro Jambi yang berjumlah 86 orang.  pengetahuan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut pada murid kelas IV SDN 23/IX dan SDN 56 Desa Pondok Meja Kecamatan Mestong Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dari 38,1% menjadi 90,5% dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menyikat gigi dari yang mampu 20% menjadi mampu 80%. Luaran lainnya adalah artikel jurnal untuk publikasi kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan, keterampilan menyikat gigi, media vide

    Sources of Information, Training Needs, Preparation and Response to Disaster of Selected Communities in Central Luzon, Philippines

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    Nature has its due course and disaster is always an aftermath of a catastrophic event. The purpose of this study is to assess the sources of information, training needs, preparation, and response of the community to disaster. To achieve this purpose, the study used a descriptive design with the survey as the instrument for data gathering. For the respondents, 136 individuals took part in the survey which took two months to accommodate. The researcher created a simple survey instrument and subjected it to reliability and validity tests. In analyzing the data, the researcher used weighted mean, standard deviation, t-test, and analysis of variance. Results showed that the radio is the most common source of information to disaster. Respondents emphasized the need for disaster training in the community and they also indicated that they partially observed the preparation and response in their communities. At the same time, there were significant differences observed in the sources of information, training needs, preparation, and response to the disaster of the respondents when grouped according to their communities. Furthermore, a significant difference emerged in the training needs when grouped according to the members of the family. Based on the results, the researcher recommends a community disaster preparation enhancement program for the involved communities in the study


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    Since the advent of the pandemic, students exposed to gadgets were even more dependent than ever before. This study aims to analyze tertiary students' gadget screen time usage during the pandemic. The proponent used a descriptive research via online survey as the primary data gathering tool. The study subjected the gathered data to statistical treatment. Results show that students responded that it is "important" and they "agree" to reduce gadget screen time use. The students also "agree" on the context of expectations about screen time use, and they "often" observe a family model of screen time use in their households. Furthermore, significant differences were found in the attitude, self-efficacy, expectations, and family model of screen time use when grouped according to demographic profile. Finally, the proponent shared some implications at the end of the study

    Differences of Horizontal Brushing Method And Combination Method Towards Students' Score Plaque For Class V SDN 22/IV Jambi City

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    Problem statement:. This tooth brushing technique consists of several methods that can be used. Its success also depends on the brushing method used. Tooth brushing methods include Bass, Stillman, Fones, Horizontal, Vertical, Roll, and Combination. The behavior of brushing teeth in Jambi Province is 96.4% who brush their teeth every day and 0.69% when brushing their teeth properly.Objectives: 1) To find out the average plaque score for elementary school students who brush their teeth using the horizontal method and the combination method as measured by PHP-M. 2) Knowing the difference between horizontal brushing and the combination method on plaque scores in elementary school students in Jambi City.Method: The method used in this research is to use the waterfall method. The data will be analyzed analytically (bivariate). After getting the data, then the data is tested for normality, when the data is declared more than 0.05 then the Independent T Test is used, which is a type of parametric test to find out whether there is a difference from the estimated value with the value of the statistical calculation.Scientific finding results, and a short conclusion : The obtained significance is 0.000 less than the significant level (α) = 0.05, which means that there is a significant difference between the average plaque scores after the combination method group treatment with the horizontal method. In table t obtained t count -6.119, which means that the average plaque score after the combination method group treatment is lower than the horizontal group

    Disaster Knowledge and Household Preparations of Selected Communities in Central Luzon, Philippines: Basis for Enhanced Community Disaster Education Program

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    Disaster is nature’s worst event that can happen anytime and anywhere. It creates unfathomable destruction to everything. This study aimed to analyse and explore the disaster knowledge and household preparations of individuals in selected communities located in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study used a descriptive research design with the survey as the primary data gathering tool. One hundred thirty (130) respondents took part in the survey from two identified communities in Central Luzon using purposive sampling technique. This study also adopted and modified a research instrument which was subjected to validity and reliability test. The researcher subjected the data gathered with the following statistical tools: weighted mean, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson-r with the help of SPSS 20. The study then generated the following findings (1) the respondents were knowledgeable about disasters and the households were prepared in time of a disaster. In addition, there was a significant difference in the disaster knowledge respondents when grouped according to the community. Also, there exists a relationship between the community of the respondents and their disaster knowledge. Furthermore, a moderate and direct relationship also exists between disaster knowledge and household preparations. Based on the findings the researcher provided a suggestion for an enhanced community disaster education program


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    This study examined first-generation Mandingo parents’ lived experiences in maintaining their native language with children 3–7 years old. A review of previous studies showed parents of dual language learner students had a positive attitude toward maintaining their native languages (M. Lee et al., 2015) and supporting bilingual programs in elementary school (Morgan, 2015). A phenomenological analysis method was used to gain an understanding of the participants’ lived experiences concerning language use with children ages 3–7 years inside and outside the home. The participants were selected using three criteria: they had to be first-generation Mandingo-speaking immigrants, they had to be willing to participate, and they had to use Mandingo with their children at home. Results showed the Mandingo-speaking parents positively perceived language use and experiences with their children inside and outside the home. At the center of language learning within the Mandingo community was the broad worldview of the African philosophy of personhood (Fairfax, 2017). This philosophy is a moral code demonstrated through a person’s character and actions. Based on the study’s findings, I propose a study to compare the experiences of first-generation parents with those of second- or third-generation Mandingo-speaking immigrants. Such a study would establish more insight into the universal and unique factors surrounding learning and maintaining a native language within the immigrant community


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    TITLEThe influence of dental training with tooth brushing module to educational level of elementary school teachers in SD Unggul Sakti JambiABSTRACTElementary school health training is a main objective of health promotion. Society, which is the health promotion primary target must be empowered to accept and able to maintain and develop their own health. The increase of teacher’s participation and skill in health service is in accordance with authority delegation scope, that teachers are able to play active role in guiding their students in increasing dental and oral hygiene. The purpose of the research is to find out the impact of increasing the training using how to brush teeth module towards SD Unggul Sakti Kota Jambi teachers’ knowledge.It is a quasi experiment with pre-test and post-test control group design. The respondents are 18 Elementary school Unggul Sakti Jambi city teachers as control group and 18 Elementary School Sari Putra teachers as control group. For the knowledge variable, the data collection is by filling questionaire about elementary school teacher knowledge about brushing teeth before and after the training using brushing teeth module. The data analyzed with Wilcoxon test.Research result shows that p 0,001, which means that there is a significant differentiation of teacher’s knowledge between before and after the training. Median value (min-Max) 20 (19-20) (experiment group) and after the observation, the median value (Min-Max) 8.5 (7-14). So, it can be concluded that there is an impact of training using brushing teeth module towards SD Unggul Sakti Kota Jambi teacher’s knowledge. Keywords : elementary teacher training, knowledge, how to brush teet

    The Relationship between Academic Procrastination and Academic Performance of Freshmen Students from a Teacher Education Institution

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    The academic environment is full of challenges and obstacles. With this idea, students promote some unconventional practices in studying. One of which is academic procrastination. This study analyzed the relationship between academic procrastination and academic performance of freshmen students from a teacher education institution. The researcher used a descriptive-correlational research design for this study. Ninety (90) freshmen students took part in the survey using a convenience sampling technique in the academic year of 2018-2019. This study used an adapted instrument for data gathering through a survey. The study also utilized SPSS 20 to analyze the data. Results showed that the respondents procrastinate in their academic activities. In terms of academic performance, professional education subjects got the lowest rating score and the major subjects got the highest. In addition, the program, scholarship status, and religion of the respondents got significant statistical differences. Furthermore, the study also obtained a low indirect relationship between academic procrastination, general education subjects, and professional education subjects. From the findings of the study, the researcher provided pertinent recommendations for parents, students, instructors, and the institution

    Existing Human factors Risks in Eastern Africa Aviation Operation: Focus on skill Risks and Aeromedical factors. A Cross-sectional Study.

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    Background: Aviation safety in the Africa region has continued to be a concern for the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the industry as a whole. ICAO’s 2012 accident statistics show that Africa had an accident rate of 5.3 per one million departures with 3% of the worldwide traffic distribution. A study set out to examine the existing human factors risks in the region’s aviation operation with a particular focus on skill and aeromedical risks exist in the Eastern African region. Methodology: A cross-sectional study research design was used with quantitative methods of data collection applied; perceptual information was collected by the use of a survey. Results: Four categories of variables investigated skills required for the job and had a positive moderately strong correlation with values between 0.4-0.6 and were statistically significant with p ˂0.05. Another four had a weak positive correlation which is less than 0.4. Eleven out of fifteen categories of the aeromedical variables had a positive moderately strong correlation with values between 0.4-0.6. Four had a weak positive correlation which was less than 0.4. Results did show current skill-related risks in public safety, operations monitoring, quality control, troubleshooting, design and telecommunications, and public safety. Most of the above skills had a direct correlation with each other.  Conclusions: Aeromedical factors affecting performance included fitness and health, stress, time pressure, and deadlines, sleep-related issues, fatigue, cigarette smoking, alcohol, pain, and nervousness. Recommendations: There is a need for redefining human factors risks in Eastern Africa and incorporating them in the curriculum at all levels to ensure that individuals are capable of functioning effectively and safely in a range of situations and environments continuous as well as aeromedical assessment should be designed to fully capture the existing skill related and aeromedical risks in the region and improve the region’s safety record
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