197 research outputs found

    The Involutive Quantaloid of Completely Distributive Lattices

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    Let L be a complete lattice and let Q(L) be the unital quantale of join-continuous endo-functions of L. We prove the following result: Q(L) is an involutive (that is, non-commutative cyclic ⋆-autonomous) quantale if and only if L is a completely distributive lattice. If this is the case, then the dual tensor operation corresponds, via Raney's transforms, to composition in the (dual) quantale of meet-continuous endo-functions of L. Let sLatt be the category of sup-lattices and join-continuous functions and let cdLatt be the full subcategory of sLatt whose objects are the completely distributive lattices. We argue that (i) cdLatt is itself an involutive quantaloid, and therefore it is the largest full-subcategory of sLatt with this property; (ii) cdLatt is closed under the monoidal operations of sLatt and, consequently, if Q(L) is involutive, then Q(L) is completely distributive as well

    The validity of rheumatoid arthritis diagnoses in Finnish biobanks

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the validity of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) diagnoses in patients participating in Finnish biobanks.Method: We reviewed the electronic medical records of 500 Finnish biobank participants: 125 patients with at least one visit with a diagnosis of seropositive RA, 125 patients with at least one visit with a diagnosis of seronegative RA, and 250 age- and gender-matched controls. The patients were chosen from five different biobank hospitals in Finland. A rheumatologist reviewed the medical records to assess whether each patients' diagnosis was correct. The diagnosis was compared with the diagnostic codes in the Finnish Care Register for Health Care (CRHC) and special reimbursement data of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland.Results: The positive predictive value (PPV) of CRHC diagnosis of RA (for seropositive and seronegative RA combined) was 0.82. For patients with a special reimbursement for anti-rheumatic medications for RA, the PPV was 0.89. The PPV was higher in patients with more than one visit. For one, two, five, and 10 visits, the PPV was 0.82, 0.85, 0.89, and 0.90, respectively, and for patients who also had the special reimbursement, the PPV was 0.89, 0.91, 0.93, and 0.94 for one, two, five, and 10 visits, respectively. In patients positive for anti-citrullinated protein antibodies, the PPV was 0.98.Conclusion: These results demonstrate that the validity of RA diagnoses in Finnish biobanks was good and can be further improved by including data on special reimbursement for medication, number of visits, and serological data.</p

    The Nordic Subpopulation Research Programme: prediction of treatment outcome in patients with low back pain treated by chiropractors - does the psychological profile matter?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is clinically important to be able to select patients suitable for treatment and to be able to predict with some certainty the outcome for patients treated for low back pain (LBP). It is not known to what degree outcome among chiropractic patients is affected by psychological factors.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>To investigate if some demographic, psychological, and clinical variables can predict outcome with chiropractic care in patients with LBP.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective multi-center practice-based study was carried out, in which demographic, clinical and psychological information was collected at base-line. Outcome was established at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit and after three months. The predictive value was studied for all base-line variables, individually and in a multivariable analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all, 55 of 99 invited chiropractors collected information on 731 patients. At the 4<sup>th </sup>visit data were available on 626 patients and on 464 patients after 3 months. Fee subsidization (OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.9-5.5), total duration of pain in the past year (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.0-2.2), and general health (OR 1.2; 95% CI 1.1-1.4) remained in the final model as predictors of treatment outcome at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit. The sensitivity was low (12%), whereas the specificity was high (97%). At the three months follow-up, duration of pain in the past year (OR 2.1; 95% CI 1.4-3.1), and pain in other parts of the spine in the past year (OR1.6; 1.1-2.5) were independently associated with outcome. However, both the sensitivity and specificity were relatively low (60% and 50%). The addition of the psychological variables did not improve the models and none of the psychological variables remained significant in the final analyses. There was a positive gradient in relation to the number of positive predictor variables and outcome, both at the 4<sup>th </sup>visit and after 3 months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Psychological factors were not found to be relevant in the prediction of treatment outcome in Swedish chiropractic patients with LBP.</p

    Minimising Immunohistochemical False Negative ER Classification Using a Complementary 23 Gene Expression Signature of ER Status

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    BACKGROUND: Expression of the oestrogen receptor (ER) in breast cancer predicts benefit from endocrine therapy. Minimising the frequency of false negative ER status classification is essential to identify all patients with ER positive breast cancers who should be offered endocrine therapies in order to improve clinical outcome. In routine oncological practice ER status is determined by semi-quantitative methods such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) or other immunoassays in which the ER expression level is compared to an empirical threshold. The clinical relevance of gene expression-based ER subtypes as compared to IHC-based determination has not been systematically evaluated. Here we attempt to reduce the frequency of false negative ER status classification using two gene expression approaches and compare these methods to IHC based ER status in terms of predictive and prognostic concordance with clinical outcome. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Firstly, ER status was discriminated by fitting the bimodal expression of ESR1 to a mixed Gaussian model. The discriminative power of ESR1 suggested bimodal expression as an efficient way to stratify breast cancer; therefore we identified a set of genes whose expression was both strongly bimodal, mimicking ESR expression status, and highly expressed in breast epithelial cell lines, to derive a 23-gene ER expression signature-based classifier. We assessed our classifiers in seven published breast cancer cohorts by comparing the gene expression-based ER status to IHC-based ER status as a predictor of clinical outcome in both untreated and tamoxifen treated cohorts. In untreated breast cancer cohorts, the 23 gene signature-based ER status provided significantly improved prognostic power compared to IHC-based ER status (P = 0.006). In tamoxifen-treated cohorts, the 23 gene ER expression signature predicted clinical outcome (HR = 2.20, P = 0.00035). These complementary ER signature-based strategies estimated that between 15.1% and 21.8% patients of IHC-based negative ER status would be classified with ER positive breast cancer. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Expression-based ER status classification may complement IHC to minimise false negative ER status classification and optimise patient stratification for endocrine therapies

    Polymorphisms on SSC15q21-q26 Containing QTL for reproduction in Swine and its association with litter size

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    Several quantitative trait loci (QTL) for important reproductive traits (ovulation rate) have been identified on the porcine chromosome 15 (SSC15). To assist in the selection of positional candidate swine genes for these QTL on SSC15, twenty-one genes had already been assigned to SSC15 in a previous study in our lab, by using the radiation hybrid panel IMpRH. Further polymorphism studies were carried out on these positional candidate genes with four breeds of pigs (Duroc, Erhualian, Dahuabai and Landrace) harboring significant differences in reproduction traits. A total of nineteen polymorphisms were found in 21 genes. Among these, seven in six genes were used for association studies, whereby NRP2 polymorphism was found to be significantly (p < 0.05) associated with litter-size traits. NRP2 might be a candidate gene for pig-litter size based on its chromosome location (Du et al., 2006), significant association with litter-size traits and relationships with Sema and the VEGF super families

    Mast Cells Express 11 beta-hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1: A Role in Restraining Mast Cell Degranulation:a role in restraining mast cell degranulation

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    Mast cells are key initiators of allergic, anaphylactic and inflammatory reactions, producing mediators that affect vascular permeability, angiogenesis and fibrosis. Glucocorticoid pharmacotherapy reduces mast cell number, maturation and activation but effects at physiological levels are unknown. Within cells, glucocorticoid concentration is modulated by the 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11β-HSDs). Here we show expression and activity of 11β-HSD1, but not 11β-HSD2, in mouse mast cells with 11β-HSD activity only in the keto-reductase direction, regenerating active glucocorticoids (cortisol, corticosterone) from inert substrates (cortisone, 11-dehydrocorticosterone). Mast cells from 11β-HSD1-deficient mice show ultrastructural evidence of increased activation, including piecemeal degranulation and have a reduced threshold for IgG immune complex-induced mast cell degranulation. Consistent with reduced intracellular glucocorticoid action in mast cells, levels of carboxypeptidase A3 mRNA, a glucocorticoid-inducible mast cell-specific transcript, are lower in peritoneal cells from 11β-HSD1-deficient than control mice. These findings suggest that 11β-HSD1-generated glucocorticoids may tonically restrain mast cell degranulation, potentially influencing allergic, anaphylactic and inflammatory responses

    The CIN4 chromosomal instability qPCR classifier defines tumor aneuploidy and stratifies outcome in grade 2 breast cancer.

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    Purpose: Quantifying chromosomal instability (CIN) has both prognostic and predictive clinical utility in breast cancer. In order to establish a robust and clinically applicable gene expression-based measure of CIN, we assessed the ability of four qPCR quantified genes selected from the 70-gene Chromosomal Instability (CIN70) expression signature to stratify outcome in patients with grade 2 breast cancer. Methods: AURKA, FOXM1, TOP2A and TPX2 (CIN4), were selected from the CIN70 signature due to their high level of correlation with histological grade and mean CIN70 signature expression in silico. We assessed the ability of CIN4 to stratify outcome in an independent cohort of patients diagnosed between 1999 and 2002. 185 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples were included in the qPCR measurement of CIN4 expression. In parallel, ploidy status of tumors was assessed by flow cytometry. We investigated whether the categorical CIN4 score derived from the CIN4 signature was correlated with recurrence-free survival (RFS) and ploidy status in this cohort. Results: We observed a significant association of tumor proliferation, defined by Ki67 and mitotic index (MI), with both CIN4 expression and aneuploidy. The CIN4 score stratified grade 2 carcinomas into good and poor prognostic cohorts (mean RFS: 83.864.9 and 69.4 +- 8.2 months, respectively, p = 0.016) and its predictive power was confirmed by multivariate analysis outperforming MI and Ki67 expression. Conclusions: The first clinically applicable qPCR derived measure of tumor aneuploidy from FFPE tissue, stratifies grade 2 tumors into good and poor prognosis groups