436 research outputs found

    Implicit renewal theory for exponential functionals of L\'evy processes

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    We establish a new functional relation for the probability density function of the exponential functional of a L\'evy process, which allows to significantly simplify the techniques commonly used in the study of these random variables and hence provide quick proofs of known results, derive new results, as well as sharpening known estimates for the distribution. We apply this formula to provide another look to the Wiener-Hopf type factorisation for exponential functionals obtained in a series of papers by Pardo, Patie and Savov, derive new identities in law, and to describe the behaviour of the tail distribution at infinity and of the distribution at zero in a rather large set of situations

    Language Functions Used by the Main Character in Sherlock Holmes II: a Game of Shadows Movie

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    This research focused on language functions used by the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. The aims were to find the use of language functions and describe the dominant types of language functions used in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. The data were the dialogue of the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie in the first forty minutes of the movie. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. The findings show that there are six types of language functions used by the main character in “Sherlock Holmes” movie. They are expressive, directive, referential, metalinguistic, phatic, and poetic. The most dominant type of language function is metalinguistic. It means that the main character conveys code analysis by asking questions to the people so that he might invent clue for the sake of his investigation


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    Perkembangan suatu kota terjadi dengan adanya kegiatan atau aktivitas masyarakat yang secara tidak langsung dapat membantu perkembangan dan perekonomian kota tersebut. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut terjadi dengan memanfaatkan potensi dari daerah tersebut. Perkembangan dan pertumbuhan kota dapat terjadi karena adanya saling keterkaitan dengan daerah-daerah sekitar atau hinterland atau antar daerah didalam kota itu sendiri. Keterkaitan yang terjadi dapat berupa adanya pergerakan barang atau jasa, manusia, uang, kredit dan investasi. Semakin besar keterkaitan yang terjadi, maka semakin besar pula pengaruhnya terhadap perkembangan kota tersebut


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    Dalam ruang lingkup kenotariatan dikenal dua macam saksi, yaitu saksi pengenal dan saksi instrumenter.Saksi instrumenter diwajibkan oleh hukum untuk hadir pada pembuatan akta Notaris. Tugas saksi instrumenter ini adalah membubuhkan tanda tangan, memberikan kesaksian tentang kebenaran isi akta dan dipenuhinya formalitas yang diharuskan oleh undang-undang. Biasanya, yang menjadi saksi instrumenter ini adalah karyawan Notaris itu sendiri. Artikel ini akan mengangkat permasalahan dengan topik Menilai Kedudukan Hukum Saksi Instrumenter Sebagai Saksi Akta Notaris di Pengadilan.Kata-Kunci: Saksi Instrumenter; Akta Notaris; Pengadilan.Within the scope of a notary, there are two kinds of witnesses, namely identifying witnesses and instrumenter witnesses. Instrumental witnesses are required by law to be present at the making of a notary deed. The task of this instrumenter witness is to put a signature, testify about the truth of the contents of the deed and fulfill the formalities required by law. Usually, the witnesses for this instrument are the Notary's employees themselves. This article will raise issues with the topic of Assessing the Legal Position of Instrumental Witnesses as Witnesses of Notary Deeds in Court.Keywords: Instrumenter Witness; Notarial Deed; Court

    Pengaruh Guided Imagery Terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Anak Usia 7-13 Tahun Saat Dilakukan Pemasangan Infus Di RS Royal Prima Jambi

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    Pemasangan infuse dapat  menimbulkan  nyeri pada anak.Guided Imagery merupakan strategi nonfarmakologi yang dapat menurunkan nyeri.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh Guided Imagery terhadap tingkat nyeri anak saat pemasangan infuse.Jenis penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan sampel 30 intervensi dan 30 kontrol di RS Royal Prima Jambi.             Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Tingkat nyeri responden saat di lakukan pemasangan infus di kaji dengan menggunakan Wong Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale. Tingkat nyeri responden antara Kelompok intervensi dengan Kelompok control di yang menunjukkan 50% responden mengalami nyeri sedang sebelum dilakukan tindakan relaksasi guided imagery, dan sisanya sebanyak 43,3% mengalami nyeri berat, 6,7%  responden mengalami nyeri tak tertahankan. 80 % responden mengalami nyeri sedang setelah dilakukan tindakan relaksasi guided imagery, dan sisanya sebanyak 20 % mengalami nyeri berat, 0% mengalami nyeri tak tertahankan.             Ada pengaruh signifikan antara relaksasi guided imagery terhadap tingkat nyeri pada pasien pada saat pemasanagn infus di RS Royal Prima Jambi (p-value : 0,002, 95% CI). Perubahan tingkat nyeri pasien terhadap pemasangan infus sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan relaksasi guided imagery

    Studi Pemanfaatan Pandan Duri (Pandanus Tectorius) Di Hutan Tembawang Oleh Masyarakat Desa Riam Mengelai Kecamatan Boyan Tanjung Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Study Using Thorns Pandan (Pandanus Tectorius) in Tembawang Forest by Village Riam Mengelai in Boyan

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    Tembawang forest has a very large role for the life of the local community and society which are located around the forest area. Utilizing thorns pandan (Pandanus tectorius) is a forest conservation efforts in order to be able to enjoy the benefits of forests to the future. The method used is descriptive whereas for data collection used a structured interview using a questionnaire. The number of respondents in this study were 100 respondents. The results reveal that the level of utilization of pandanus thorns by society tends to be high. A total of 62 respondents (62%) had a utilization rate of thorns pandan in high tembawang woods, as many as 30 respondents (30%) had a utilization rate of thorns pandan tembawang forests are and as much as 8 resonden (8% ) has a utilization rate of thorns pandan in low tembawang forest. Keyword: Tembawang forest, thorns panda

    Diagnostic Challenge of Adult-onset Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in a Remote Hospital

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    Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic endocrinological disease due to an autoimmune process. The prevalence of T1DM is 9.5% worldwide, with the incidence of 15 out of 100,000 people, ranging from childhood to 40 years of age. Autoimmunity-related late-onset Diabetes Mellitus (DM) patients could be diagnosed as classic T1DM or latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA). A 30-year-old male patient with unremarkable previous medical history was admitted to the emergency room with dyspnea for the last three days that was worsened six-hour before admission. Physical examinations showed a body Mass Index (BMI) of 18.75 kg/m2, irregular pulse, and Kussmaul breathing. The patient was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) on May 23, 2019. He was discharged with subcutaneous insulin pen injections. Two years later, he was readmitted with DKA due to discontinuing his treatment. He stated that the reason for stopping the insulin was because he was tired of injecting it. The patient was hospitalized and was discharged with oral antidiabetic agents to cope with his injection tiredness issue. One week later, the patient complained of dyspnea and was diagnosed with recurrent DKA. He was hospitalized and prescribed subcutaneous insulin. In this kind of situation, a diagnosis of LADA for patients presenting with DKA without prior history of DM in early adulthood needs to be considered. In contrast to the classic T1DM, the need for insulin occurs late in LADA. Affordable and widely available ancillary examinations are needed, including in remote hospitals. Finally, motivational support for patients is as important as the pharmacological treatment since lifelong insulin injections are needed

    Pengaruh Perubahan Massa Zeolit Terhadap Kadar Ph Limbah Pabrik Gula Melalui Media Filtrasi

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    Pabrik gula merupakan salah satu industri yang menghasilkan limbah (padat, gas dan cair). Limbah pabrik gula menjadi salah satu permasalahan karena memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Limbah cair menjadi sorotan karena akan dibuang ke sungai yang airnya sering dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Limbah cair umumnya lebih bersifat bahan organik yang mudah terurai oleh mikroorganisme yang jika dibuang ke perairan akan menyebabkan turunnya pH. Dibutuhkan suatu cara penanganan limbah cair pabrik gula yang dapat menghasilkan bahan buangan yang tidak menimbulkan pencemaran. Filtrasi merupakan proses pemisahan campuran solida likuida melalui media porous yang mana solida tersuspensi tertahan di dalam media dan likuida atau cairannya terlewatkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode filtrasi. Variasi massa zeolit adalah 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 gram untuk mengetahui Perubahan kadar pH pada limbah cair pabrik gula. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan massa zeolit menyebabkan peningkatan kadar pH sebasar 6,09 sampai dengan 6,64
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