5 research outputs found

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    There are raw materials and metal oxides that might bring about health problems in the production of ceramic. The precautions should be certainly taken when one is working with these raw materials and oxides in producing ceramic. Unless necessary production standards are taken, those working in the production process and those using ceramic products as well as the environment where we work are all at risk due to the diversity of raw materials and chemicals. The precautions to be taken in the production of this matter are quite simple. However, when precautions are not taken, irreversible serious health problems may be faced. Those working in the production of ceramic should be aware of the detriments of this matter and of the ways of protecting themselves. The production should be carried out in a way to prevent these matters from infusing the body and necessary hygienic and safety standards should be followed and the individual controls should be made more often. In addition, working conditions should be kept under control through the laws often updated. In this study, it is aimed to raise awareness about the health problems that can be caused by raw materials and metal oxides used in ceramic production in case of not complying with usage conditions. Raw materials and metal oxides used in ceramics production are generally grouped according to their usage areas and it is stated that each of them may cause which health problems.Seramik üretiminde sağlık sorunlarına neden olabilecek hammadde ve metal oksitler bulunmaktadır. Seramik üretim süreçlerinde bu hammadde ve oksitlerle çalışırken gerekli önlemler mutlaka alınmalıdır. Gerekli üretim standartları dikkate alınmazsa, seramik üretiminde kullanılan hammadde ve kimyasalların çeşitliliği nedeniyle, üretim aşamalarında çalışanlar, seramik ürün kullananlar ve yaşadığımız çevre risk altındadır. Seramiğin üretimi aşamasında alınması gereken önlemler oldukça basittir. Ancak önlem alınmaması durumunda geri dönüşümü olmayan ciddi sağlık sorunları ile karşılaşılabilmektedir. Seramik üretiminde çalışanlar, kullandıkları malzemelerin zararlarını ve korunma yollarını bilmeli, üretim bu maddelerin insan vücuduna girmesini önleyecek şekilde yapılmalı, gerekli hijyen ve güvenlik standartları takip edilmeli, kişisel kontroller arttırılmalı, çalışma koşulları sürekli güncellenen yasalarla denetim altında tutulmalıdır


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    It is a serious problem that the ceramists are exposed to substances detrimental to the health in the production of ceramic. In recent years, the developing technology as well as the increase in the number and the diversity of the chemicals and the raw materials used has increased the severity of the detriment. The product of ceramic, contributing greatly to the needs of the humans, requires the ceramicist to deliberately use the facilities of the ceramic design and its technology in order to protect the health of theirs and the people using such products. The measures to be taken are very easy to apply. However, irreversible risks may occur in terms of health when the necessary attention is ignored. In this study, it is aimed to raise awareness about the causes and consequences of occupational respiratory tract diseases that ceramicists may encounter.It is a serious problem that the ceramists are exposed to substances detrimental to the health in the production of ceramic. In recent years, the developing technology as well as the increase in the number and the diversity of the chemicals and the raw materials used has increased the severity of the detriment. The product of ceramic, contributing greatly to the needs of the humans, requires the ceramicist to deliberately use the facilities of the ceramic design and its technology in order to protect the health of theirs and the people using such products. The measures to be taken are very easy to apply. However, irreversible risks may occur in terms of health when the necessary attention is ignored. In this study, it is aimed to raise awareness about the causes and consequences of occupational respiratory tract diseases that ceramicists may encounter

    Morphological and multivariate statistical analysis of quaternary monogenetic vents in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (Turkey): Implications for the volcano-tectonic evolution

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