7,593 research outputs found

    Cross-diffusion systems for image processing: II. The nonlinear case

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    In this paper the use of nonlinear cross-diffu\-sion systems to model image restoration is investigated, theoretically and numerically. In the first case, well-posedness, scale-space properties and long time behaviour are analyzed. From a numerical point of view, a computational study of the performance of the models is carried out, suggesting their diversity and potentialities to treat image filtering problems. The present paper is a continuation of a previous work of the same authors, devoted to linear cross-diffusion models. \keywords{Cross-diffusion \and Complex diffusion \and Image restoration

    Caracterização do óleo de pinhão-manso (Jatropha curcas L.).

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    O pinhão manso (Jatropha curcas L.), pertencente a familia Euphorbiaceae, e uma planta nativa da America tropical, naturalizada em partes tropicais e subtropicais da Africa e Asia. Sua distribuição geografica e bastante vasta devido a sua rusticidade, resistencia a longas estiagens, bem como a pragas e doencas, sendo adaptavel a condicoes edafoclimaticas muito variaveis. O fruto de J.curcas contem oleo viscoso que pode ser usado na industria de cosmeticos, como substituto do querosene, e na fabricacao de sabao e combustivel para motores diesel. Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar o oleo de pinhao manso segundo sua composicao quimica e parâmetros fisico-quimicos, tendo em vista sua utilizacao para a producao de biocombustivel..

    Genetic and environmental variation impact transferability of polygenic risk scores

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    Even when polygenic risk scores (PRSs) are trained in African ancestral populations, Kamiza and colleagues showed that genetic and environmental variation within sub-Saharan African populations impacts prediction performance, highlighting the challenges of clinical implementation of PRSs for risk assessment

    Collaboration networks from a large CV database: dynamics, topology and bonus impact

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    Understanding the dynamics of research production and collaboration may reveal better strategies for scientific careers, academic institutions and funding agencies. Here we propose the use of a large and multidisciplinar database of scientific curricula in Brazil, namely, the Lattes Platform, to study patterns of scientific production and collaboration. In this database, detailed information about publications and researchers are made available by themselves so that coauthorship is unambiguous and individuals can be evaluated by scientific productivity, geographical location and field of expertise. Our results show that the collaboration network is growing exponentially for the last three decades, with a distribution of number of collaborators per researcher that approaches a power-law as the network gets older. Moreover, both the distributions of number of collaborators and production per researcher obey power-law behaviors, regardless of the geographical location or field, suggesting that the same universal mechanism might be responsible for network growth and productivity.We also show that the collaboration network under investigation displays a typical assortative mixing behavior, where teeming researchers (i.e., with high degree) tend to collaborate with others alike. Finally, our analysis reveals that the distinctive collaboration profile of researchers awarded with governmental scholarships suggests a strong bonus impact on their productivity.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Temperature oscillations of magnetization observed in nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite

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    We report on unusual magnetic properties observed in the nanofluid room-temperature ferromagnetic graphite (with an average particle size of l=10nm). More precisely, the measured magnetization exhibits a low-temperature anomaly (attributed to manifestation of finite size effects below the quantum temperature) as well as pronounced temperature oscillations above T=50K (attributed to manifestation of the hard-sphere type pair correlations between ferromagnetic particles in the nanofluid)

    Características morfológicas e moleculares e acúmulo de proteína em grãos de variedades de arroz do Maranhão.

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    O grão de arroz apresenta baixos teores de proteína, mas contém glutelina, uma proteína de melhor qualidade para a alimentação humana do que a de outros cereais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar, por meio de descritores morfológicos e moleculares (RAPD), algumas variedades tradicionais de arroz do Estado do Maranhão que apresentam altos teores de proteínas nos grãos (mais de 10%) e são tolerantes ao estresse nutricional e ao Al tóxico. As 33 variedades estudadas foram separadas em cinco grupos baseados nas características morfológicas e quatro grupos utilizando marcadores RAPD, que não coincidiram entre si. Teores elevados de proteína no grão estavam presentes aleatoriamente em todos os grupos. No entanto, verificou-se maior acúmulo de proteína em plantas cujas sementes tinham uma menor relação comprimento/largura de grão.Título em inglês: Morphological and molecular traits and accumulation of grain protein in rice varieties from Maranhão, Brazil

    Life course path analysis of total and central adiposity throughout adolescence on adult blood pressure and insulin resistance

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    Background and aim: We aimed to study whether the effect of adolescent adiposity on adult blood pressure and insulin resistance was mediated by adult adiposity. Methods and results: Data from the EPITeen cohort at 13, 17 and 21 years was used (n = 2211). Sex- and age-specific body mass index z-scores (BMIz) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) were used as indicators of total and central adiposity, respectively. Systolic blood pressure (SBP), glucose and insulin were assessed at 21 years and the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA-IR) was used as a marker of insulin resistance. Path analysis was applied to evaluate direct and indirect effects of adiposity (13, 17 and 21y) on adult SBP and HOMA-IR, separately for total and central adiposity and for each outcome. Results are presented as standardized regression coefficients [β (95%CI)]. The total effect of BMIz at 13 years on SBP at 21 years was 0.211 (0.178; 0.244), totally mediated by adult BMIz. Total effect of BMIz 13y on HOMA-IR was 0.248 (0.196; 0.299). Although this effect was mostly mediated by BMIz 21y, an additional direct effect from BMIz 17y was found [β = −0.240 (−0.315; −0.164)]. Central adiposity was also positively associated with SBP and HOMA-IR at 21 years, and the effect of adolescent WHR was totally mediated by adult WHR for both outcomes. Conclusions: The effect of adolescent adiposity on adult SBP and HOMA-IR was mostly mediated by adult adiposity. However, for HOMA-IR an additional direct effect from total adiposity at 17 years was found.This study was supported by national funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) within the Epidemiology Research Unit e Institute of Public Health, University of Porto (UID/DTP/047507/2013). Individual grants to JA (SFRH/BD/78153/2011) and to SS (SFRH/BD/81123/2011) by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology e FCT are gratefully acknowledged

    Watersheds are Schramm-Loewner Evolution curves

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    We show that in the continuum limit watersheds dividing drainage basins are Schramm-Loewner Evolution (SLE) curves, being described by one single parameter κ\kappa. Several numerical evaluations are applied to ascertain this. All calculations are consistent with SLEκ_\kappa, with κ=1.734±0.005\kappa=1.734\pm0.005, being the only known physical example of an SLE with κ<2\kappa<2. This lies outside the well-known duality conjecture, bringing up new questions regarding the existence and reversibility of dual models. Furthermore it constitutes a strong indication for conformal invariance in random landscapes and suggests that watersheds likely correspond to a logarithmic Conformal Field Theory (CFT) with central charge c7/2c\approx-7/2.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    The Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor

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    We present the design and preliminary calibration results of a novel highly miniaturised particle radiation monitor (HMRM) for spacecraft use. The HMRM device comprises a telescopic configuration of active pixel sensors enclosed in a titanium shield, with an estimated total mass of 52 g and volume of 15 cm3^3. The monitor is intended to provide real-time dosimetry and identification of energetic charged particles in fluxes of up to 108^8 cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} (omnidirectional). Achieving this capability with such a small instrument could open new prospects for radiation detection in space.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    Two Kerr black holes with axisymmetric spins: An improved Newtonian model for the head-on collision and gravitational radiation

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    We present a semi-analytical approach to the interaction of two (originally) Kerr black holes through a head-on collision process. An expression for the rate of emission of gravitational radiation is derived from an exact solution to the Einstein's field equations. The total amount of gravitational radiation emitted in the process is calculated and compared to current numerical investigations. We find that the spin-spin interaction increases the emission of gravitational wave energy up to 0.2% of the total rest mass. We discuss also the possibility of spin-exchange between the holes.Comment: 8 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures, psbox macro include