528 research outputs found


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    This study aims at determining styles of leadership in improving the performance of personnel, factors affecting the personnel performance, and inhibitors in improving the performance of personnel. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques were done through observation, interview and documentation study. The subjects were principal, vice director, heads of division, and teachers of Dayah. The results showed that: 1) The leadership styles of dayah in improving the performance of personnel was a consultative, participative and instructive leadership style. 2) Factors that affected performance of personnel were the authority and charismatic of the principal in the presence of personnel, and democratic in decision making, and the religious environment, 3) The limiting factors in improving the performance of the personnel were the number of students that exceeds the capacity dormitories which were available, some of the personnel did not have the administration skill background, the minority of personnel who were less active, and were not able to provide financial support for the personnel


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    Penelitian ini untuk meningkat minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama, Islam dikelas VI SD Negeri 006 Sagulung Batam. Setelah mengikuti pembelajaran dengan metode Problem Based Learning. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan tujuan meningkatkan minat belajar siswa dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas, VI SD Negeri 006 Sagulung Batam, karena minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam dikelas tergolong rendah yaitu 48%, ini berdasarkan hasil observasi sebelum dilaksanakan tindakan. Hasil penelitian setelah dilakukan tindakan yakni dengan menerapkan metode Problem Based Learning, minat belajar siswa teijadi peningkatan. Peningkatan tersebut bias dilihat Bari hasil observasi pada siklus pertama, clan siklus kedua. Siklus pertama dengan rata-rata 63%, sedangkan pada siklus kedua dengan rata-rata 86%. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan minat belajar siswa kelas VI SD Negeri 006 Sagulung Batam pada mata pelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam

    Exploring the Social and Environmental Determinants of Child Health in Ilorin, Nigeria

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    Death of children under the age of five years is a major challenge to health profile in Africa and the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Sub-Saharan Africa has been shown to have performedpoorly in the effort to realize the goals due partly to the soaring infant and childhood mortality. This study examines the factors-social and environmental- that affect child health in the Sub-Saharan Africa using theexample of Ilorin in Nigeria. The study adopts a multi-stage sampling procedure to select 300 nursing mothers from the twenty wards of Ilorin metropolis while structured questionnaires was used to obtain information on the socio-economic characteristics of mothers as well as the residential quality in their households. Thus, ten variables were selected; covering residential quality, socio-economic status, access to health care and healthcare options mothers often adopt when illness occur in their children. These variables were expected to offer varying degrees of explanation to the observed pattern of child health in Ilorin metropolis. The surrogateadopted for child health in the study was occurrence of childhood diarrhea during the six weeks preceding the survey. A multiple regression analysis was used to determine the relative contributions of the selected variablesto the observed pattern of child health. The result shows that the variables in the residential quality domain offer the highest explanation for the occurrence of childhood diarrhea while all other variables also possessedpositive relationships. This finding corroborates earlier studies and draws implications for public health in cities of Africa. It particularly advocates for a deliberate intervention by urban administrators in the urban renewal processes that are ongoing in the inner parts of the traditional African cities with a view to providing basic home and environmental services in the old houses in these areas that are being renovated. The study  believes that the MDGs are achievable if micro-level interventions were given priority over and above the macro- scale solutions that may fall short of local realities.Keywords: Under-five mortality, diarrhea, residential quality, MDGs, child health, Nigeri

    Analisis Infeksi Karat Daun (Cephaleuros vircens) pada Tanaman Kelapa Sawit ( Elaeis guineensis jacq) di Perkebunan Jaya Seujahtera Afdeling III PT. ASN

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    Kelapa sawit ( Elaeis guineensis jacq)  merupakan tanaman penghasil minyak tertinggi di indonesia. Luas areal, produksi dan ekspor komoditas kelapa sawit di Indonesia terus meningkat.    Budidaya kelapa sawit tidak terlepas dari gangguan penyakit tanaman termasuk penyakit karat daun (Cephaleuros vircens yang dapat mempengaruhi produktivitas dan hasil  TBS. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui intensitas serangan penyakit karat daun (Cephaleuros vircens) terhadap tanaman kelapa sawit telah dilakukan di Perkebunan PT.Agro Sinergi Nusantara Kebun Jaya Seujahtra Afdeling III. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling  dengan pola zigzag yang dari 5 titik sampel tiap blok. Hasil pengamatan menunjukan bahwa penyakit karat daun (Cephaleuros vircens) setiap minggunya mengalami peningkatan yang bervariasi dengan kejadian penyakit 71%-79%, namun demikian keparahan penyakit masih tergolong kategori sedang dengan persentase keparahan 33% - 36%. laju infeksi setiap minggu berada pada kisaran 0,045-0,056

    Bird/Wildlife Strike Control for Safer Air Transportation in Nigeria

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    Bird strike has become a major threat to air safety globally. Over the years, collision between birds/wildlife and aircrafts has resulted in the death of hundreds of people and is responsible for annual losses worth about US $1.2 billion to the global aviation industry. This paper therefore, focuses on bird/wildlife hazard situation in Nigeria using data on reported bird/wildlife strikes in the country. Available data show that between 2005 and 2010, a total of 209 strike incidents were reported in the country. Kites and hawks were found to be responsible for 57% of reported strikes. Several factors including lack of adequate data, shortage of funds, inadequate training of staff and lack of public awareness about bird/wildlife hazard were found to be militating against effective control in Nigeria. The paper concludes by making recommendations towards reducing bird/wildlife hazard in the country. These include staff training and retraining, developing good data bank based on proper reporting and analysis, improved funding and creation of public awareness about bird/wildlife hazard in the country.Keywords: bird/wildlife, strike, aviation, hazard, contro

    Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Oleh Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pada SD Negeri Lam Ura Kecamatan Simpang Tiga Kabupaten Aceh Besar

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    : The purpose of this study was to determine the program, implementation, follow-up and the obstacles faced by principals in the implementation of academic supervision in improving the professional competence of teachers. This study used descriptive qualitative approach. The technique of data collection used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Subjects of study were principals, vice-principals, teachers and supervisors. Data were analyzed with data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. The results showed that: 1) Programs are arranged at the beginning of each school year based on the results of the follow-up implementation of supervision in the previous year based on the instructions given by the Department of Education. Teachers were not fully involved in setting the programs and it was planned twice in one semester. 2) Implementation of supervision begins with socialization activities for teachers and pre-observation meeting. Supervision activities were carried out by providing guidance and direction on the preparation of learning tools, learning implementation and evaluation of learning through meetings, discussions, individual meetings and classroom observations. Principal recorded all activities on a classroom observation on instrument sheet that will be used as input and consideration for guidance in improving teachers' professional competence. 3) Follow-up is done through discussions between principals and teachers to provide feedback from the results of classroom observation. Results of follow-up were concluded with concrete steps contextually as a way out of the problems faced by teachers in the learning process and as an improvement in the future to improve the quality of learning. 4) Obstacles faced were the supervision schedule was often shifted, the use of teaching methods were still centered on the teacher, the teacher felt clumsy when supervised and teachers were less active in seeking new information about learning

    Implementasi Manajemen Stratejik Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 3 Lhokseumawe

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    Teacher performance improvemens in the implementation of strategic management, strategy and principals in improving teacher performance. To achieve these objectives, this study uses descriptive qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The procedure of data analysis is data reduction, data display, and verification. While the subject of research is principals, vice-principals, and teachers. The results showed that:(1) The procedure improved performance carried out in accordance with the teachers\u27 work rules in Aceh; (2) Improving the teachers performance in the implementation of strategic management is done in stages and follow the development of the situation as desired by the state management and time; and (3) The principal obstacle in the performance improvement teacher strategy include not involve efforts aimed at transforming strategic objectives into action in the form of the organization of the school program, so that the form of the implementation of educational programs take place with less supervision

    Manajemen Konflik Pada Organisasi Sekolah Dalam Meningkatka Kinerja Guru Min Bener Kelipah Kecamatan Bener Kelipah Kabupaten Bener Meriah

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    : Conflict is the portion that can not be separated from human life. Since humans recognize real life then the conflict has been with humans. School as a gathering place for humans can not be separated from the problems of conflict, so that the conflict there were feeling lucky and some are feeling dirugikan.Manajemen conflict of school personnel seek to direct the difference into sameness of thought, of be peace and the ultimate goal of this research is to understand how conflict management in organizations can improve the performance of school teachers Kelipah MIN Bener Bener Kelipah District of the central highlands. The method used is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation, and study documentation. The data analysis techniques with data reduction, data display and making conclusions and verification. That is the subject of this research is the principal, deputy principal and teacher. results showed that: (1) The causes of conflict in the MIN Bener Kelipah is the understanding of teachers and principals about the concept of false conflicts, pressure, feeling aggrieved, oppressed, abused, role conflict and welfare of teachers. (2) The positive impact caused by conflict tehadap teacher performance: is the creation of discipline, increased teacher performance, increasing the quality of the formation of character education respect others. mature attitude and togetherness. While the negative impacts of conflict is the creation of groups within the school organization, the opposition, the decline in teacher performance, stress or crazy. (3) The strategy of conflict control done is: Understanding teachers\u27 economic, social, emotional, psychological, character and character approaches and sanctions (4) barriers to overcome conflicts also often perceived namely: doubt in conflict resolution, the more senior age familial nature , emotional, cultural and social status. Recommendations from this study, using constructive management style, encouraging equal participation and maintain a positive relationship for the duration of the conflict, which creates an atmosphere kondusip for school personnel

    Vocational School-industry Partnership in Improving Graduate Competency

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    A wide variety of educational reform on vocational education in accordance with the policy of link and match requires the schools to do the partnership to encourage the improvement of graduate competency and the demands of the relevance of education to the job needs. The purpose of this research is to illustrate and analyze the partnership strategy of vocational schools with the business world in its efforts to improve the graduate competency. This research has been held at SMK 3 Banda Aceh using qualitative descriptive approach. The instrument in this research is a researcher itself. This is because in qualitative approach, the researchers are essential instruments. As key instruments, researchers have to create their own set of the guidelines, observation, interview and documentary of appraisal guidelines that is used as a general guide in the process of recording. The results of the study show that the strategies adopted by SMK in forge cooperation with the world of business and industry are through the establishment of the cooperation program, working mechanism and analysis of factors that affect the holding of cooperation between the two parties