2,001 research outputs found

    Direct mapping of surface plasmon dispersion using imaging scatterometry

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    © 2013 American Institute of PhysicsThe iso-frequency contours of diffracted surface plasmons on metallic bigratings have been directly recorded using imaging scatterometry. Metallic rectangular bigratings, formed of two “crossed” surface relief gratings, are used to demonstrate this measurement technique. By deepening one of the constituent gratings, control of the surface plasmon dispersion anisotropy is shown in the recorded iso-frequency maps. Collating the iso-frequency contours over a range of wavelengths from 500 nm to 700 nm leads to a three-dimensional map of the surface plasmon dispersion

    Utilization of Raman spectroscopy to identify breast cancer from the water content in surgical samples containing blue dye

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this record. Data availability: The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Breast conserving surgery (BCS) for breast cancer aims for optimal oncological results with minimal tissue excision. Positive margins due to insufficient resection results in significant numbers of patients requiring re‐excision, which could be resolved with intra‐operative margin analysis (IMA). High wavenumber (HWN) Raman Spectroscopy (RS) examines the difference in protein/lipid environment and water content in tissues. Fluorescence from haemoglobin and blue dye surgical pigments (commonly present in excised breast tissue) can confound HWN RS. We present a Raman system with 785 nm excitation laser and indium gallium arsenide camera capable of quantifying changes in water content in different environments (protein‐rich and lipid‐rich) by measuring the water/total area ratio (W/TAR) of the HWN spectrum. We demonstrate that haemoglobin and blue dye do not adversely affect water content analysis by the W/TAR calculation. Measurement of paired tumour/non‐tumour human breast tissue specimens showed the biochemical differences between tissues, and spectral analysis with W/TAR demonstrated large differences in water content and that our Raman system can accurately differentiate between tumour and non‐tumour tissue, even in the presence of surgical pigments. This provides proof of principle that this Raman system is suitable for further investigation with a view to providing IMA in the clinical environment.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    The Disrupt CAD II Study

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    BACKGROUND: The feasibility of intravascular lithotripsy (IVL) for modification of severe coronary artery calcification (CAC) was demonstrated in the Disrupt CAD I study (Disrupt Coronary Artery Disease). We next sought to confirm the safety and effectiveness of IVL for these lesions. METHODS: The Disrupt CAD II study was a prospective multicenter, single-arm post-approval study conducted at 15 hospitals in 9 countries. Patients with severe CAC with a clinical indication for revascularization underwent vessel preparation for stent implantation with IVL. The primary end point was in-hospital major adverse cardiac events (cardiac death, myocardial infarction, or target vessel revascularization). An optical coherence tomography substudy was performed to evaluate the mechanism of action of IVL, quantifying CAC characteristics and calcium plaque fracture. Independent core laboratories adjudicated angiography and optical coherence tomography, and an independent clinical events committee adjudicated major adverse cardiac events. RESULTS: Between May 2018 and March 2019, 120 patients were enrolled. Severe CAC was present in 94.2% of lesions. Successful delivery and use of the IVL catheter was achieved in all patients. The post-IVL angiographic acute luminal gain was 0.83±0.47 mm, and residual stenosis was 32.7±10.4%, which further decreased to 7.8±7.1% after drug-eluting stent implantation. The primary end point occurred in 5.8% of patients, consisting of 7 non-Q-wave myocardial infarctions. There was no procedural abrupt closure, slow or no reflow, or perforations. In 47 patients with post-percutaneous coronary intervention optical coherence tomography, calcium fracture was identified in 78.7% of lesions with 3.4±2.6 fractures per lesion, measuring 5.5±5.0 mm in length. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with severe CAC who require coronary revascularization, IVL was safely performed with high procedural success and minimal complications and resulted in substantial calcific plaque fracture in most lesions. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT03328949

    Floral temperature and optimal foraging: is heat a feasible floral reward for pollinators?

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    As well as nutritional rewards, some plants also reward ectothermic pollinators with warmth. Bumble bees have some control over their temperature, but have been shown to forage at warmer flowers when given a choice, suggesting that there is some advantage to them of foraging at warm flowers (such as reducing the energy required to raise their body to flight temperature before leaving the flower). We describe a model that considers how a heat reward affects the foraging behaviour in a thermogenic central-place forager (such as a bumble bee). We show that although the pollinator should spend a longer time on individual flowers if they are warm, the increase in total visit time is likely to be small. The pollinator's net rate of energy gain will be increased by landing on warmer flowers. Therefore, if a plant provides a heat reward, it could reduce the amount of nectar it produces, whilst still providing its pollinator with the same net rate of gain. We suggest how heat rewards may link with plant life history strategies

    Local and systemic immunomodulatory mechanisms triggered by Human Papillomavirus transformed cells: a potential role for G-CSF and neutrophils

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    Cervical cancer is the last stage of a series of molecular and cellular alterations initiated with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The process involves immune responses and evasion mechanisms, which culminates with tolerance toward tumor antigens. Our objective was to understand local and systemic changes in the interactions between HPV associated cervical lesions and the immune system as lesions progress to cancer. Locally, we observed higher cervical leukocyte infiltrate, reflected by the increase in the frequency of T lymphocytes, neutrophils and M2 macrophages, in cancer patients. We observed a strong negative correlation between the frequency of neutrophils and T cells in precursor and cancer samples, but not cervicitis. In 3D tumor cell cultures, neutrophils inhibited T cell activity, displayed longer viability and longer CD16 expression half-life than neat neutrophil cultures. Systemically, we observed higher plasma G-CSF concentration, higher frequency of immature low density neutrophils, and tolerogenic monocyte derived dendritic cells, MoDCs, also in cancer patients. Interestingly, there was a negative correlation between T cell activation by MoDCs and G-CSF concentration in the plasma. Our results indicate that neutrophils and G-CSF may be part of the immune escape mechanisms triggered by cervical cancer cells, locally and systemically, respectively.Tis study was supported by Sao Paulo Research foundation: grants 2008/57889-1, 2010/20010-4, 2014/19326-6, by the Brazilian National Counsel of Technological and Scientifc Development: grant 573799/2008-3. KLFA and RAMR had PhD fellowships by Sao Paulo Research Foundation, CRSF has a Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel PhD fellowship. We thank the Pathology Department of the School of Medicine, coordinated by Prof. Venâncio Avancini Ferreira Alves, Universidade de São Paulo for the slides containing histological samples from the biopsies used in this study. We thank Sandra Alexandre Alves for her technical support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of prior statin use on 30-day mortality for patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies suggest that HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors ("statins") may have beneficial effects for patients at risk for some types of infections. We examined the effect of prior outpatient use of statins on mortality for patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study conducted at two tertiary teaching hospitals. Eligible subjects were admitted with a diagnosis of, had a chest x-ray consistent with, and had a discharge ICD-9 diagnosis of pneumonia. Subjects were excluded if they were "comfort measures only" or transferred from another acute care hospital. Subjects were considered to be on a medication if they were taking it at the time of presentation. RESULTS: Data was abstracted on 787 subjects at the two hospitals. Mortality was 9.2% at 30-days and 13.6% at 90-days. At presentation 52% of subjects were low risk, 34% were moderate risk, and 14% were high risk based on the pneumonia severity index. In the multivariable regression analysis, after adjusting for potential confounders including a propensity score, the use of statins at presentation (odds ratio 0.36, 95% confidence interval 0.14–0.92) was associated with decreased 30-day mortality. DISCUSSION: Prior outpatient statin use was associated with decreased mortality in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia despite their use being associated with comorbid illnesses likely to contribute to increased mortality. Confirmatory studies are needed, as well as research to determine the mechanism(s) of this protective effect

    DNA methylation-based classification of glioneuronal tumours synergises with histology and radiology to refine accurate molecular stratification.

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    AIMS: Glioneuronal tumours (GNTs) are poorly distinguished by their histology and lack robust diagnostic indicators. Previously, we showed that common GNTs comprise two molecularly distinct groups, correlating poorly with histology. To refine diagnosis, we constructed a methylation-based model for GNT classification, subsequently evaluating standards for molecular stratification by methylation, histology and radiology. METHODS: We comprehensively analysed methylation, radiology and histology for 83 GNT samples: a training cohort of 49, previously classified into molecularly defined groups by genomic profiles, plus a validation cohort of 34. We identified histological and radiological correlates to molecular classification and constructed a methylation-based support vector machine (SVM) model for prediction. Subsequently, we contrasted methylation, radiological and histological classifications in validation GNTs. RESULTS: By methylation clustering, all training and 23/34 validation GNTs segregated into two groups, the remaining 11 clustering alongside control cortex. Histological review identified prominent astrocytic/oligodendrocyte-like components, dysplastic neurons and a specific glioneuronal element as discriminators between groups. However, these were present in only a subset of tumours. Radiological review identified location, margin definition, enhancement and T2 FLAIR-rim sign as discriminators. When validation GNTs were classified by SVM, 22/23 classified correctly, comparing favourably against histology and radiology that resolved 17/22 and 15/21, respectively, where data were available for comparison. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnostic criteria inadequately reflect glioneuronal tumour biology, leaving a proportion unresolvable. In the largest cohort of molecularly defined glioneuronal tumours, we develop molecular, histological and radiological approaches for biologically meaningful classification and demonstrate almost all cases are resolvable, emphasising the importance of an integrated diagnostic approach

    Clustering and forecasting of dissolved oxygen concentration on a river basin

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    The aim of this contribution is to combine statistical methodologies to geographically classify homogeneous groups of water quality monitoring sites based on similarities in the temporal dynamics of the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, in order to obtain accurate forecasts of this quality variable. Our methodology intends to classify the water quality monitoring sites into spatial homogeneous groups, based on the DO concentration, which has been selected and considered relevant to characterize the water quality. We apply clustering techniques based on Kullback Information, measures that are obtained in the state space modelling process. For each homogeneous group of water quality monitoring sites we model the DO concentration using linear and state space models, which incorporate tendency and seasonality components in different ways. Both approaches are compared by the mean squared error (MSE) of forecasts

    A Randomised Controlled Trial of Two Infusion Rates to Decrease Reactions to Antivenom

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    Background: Snake envenoming is a major clinical problem in Sri Lanka, with an estimated 40,000 bites annually. Antivenom is only available from India and there is a high rate of systemic hypersensitivity reactions. This study aimed to investigate whether the rate of infusion of antivenom reduced the frequency of severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions. Methods and findings: This was a randomized comparison trial of two infusion rates of antivenom for treatment of non-pregnant adult patients (>14 y) with snake envenoming in Sri Lanka. Snake identification was by patient or hospital examination of dead snakes when available and confirmed by enzyme-immunoassay for Russell’s viper envenoming. Patients were blindly allocated in a 11 randomisation schedule to receive antivenom either as a 20 minute infusion (rapid) or a two hour infusion (slow). The primary outcome was the proportion with severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions (grade 3 by Brown grading system) within 4 hours of commencement of antivenom. Secondary outcomes included the proportion with mild/moderate hypersensitivity reactions and repeat antivenom doses. Of 1004 patients with suspected snakebites, 247 patients received antivenom. 49 patients were excluded or not recruited leaving 104 patients allocated to the rapid antivenom infusion and 94 to the slow antivenom infusion. The median actual duration of antivenom infusion in the rapid group was 20 min (Interquartile range[IQR]:20–25 min) versus 120 min (IQR:75–120 min) in the slow group. There was no difference in severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions between those given rapid and slow infusions (32% vs. 35%; difference 3%; 95%CI:−10% to +17%;p = 0.65). The frequency of mild/moderate reactions was also similar. Similar numbers of patients in each arm received further doses of antivenom (30/104 vs. 23/94). Conclusions: A slower infusion rate would not reduce the rate of severe systemic hypersensitivity reactions from current high rates. More effort should be put into developing better quality antivenoms