1,104 research outputs found
Emphysematous Pyelonephritis
Os autores apresentam um caso de pielonefrite enfisematosa a E. coli, numa doente diabética de 63 anos. Os exames imagiológicos(Rx simples do abdómen, ultrassonografia e tomografia computorizada) permitiram estabelecer o diagnóstico. A nefrostomia percutânea, combinada com o tratamento
mĂ©dico, contribuiu para a favorável evolução clĂnica
Morphologic and Genetic Analysis of Synhimantus (Synhimantus) laticeps from a Long-Eared Owl (Asio otus)
The long-eared owl (Asio otus) is a medium-sized owl species that is well-distributed in almost all of the territories in Portugal. Nematodes were found in the oral cavity of a long-eared owl (A. otus) admitted to CRASSA (Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre of Santo Andre). During a physical exam and stabilization of the bird, five nematodes were collected. The worms were examined and measured under light microscopy, and photos were taken. After a morphological analysis was conducted, all the nematodes (five females) were identified as Synhimantus (Synhimantus) laticeps. Two specimens were subjected to molecular analysis, which confirmed the result. This study provides a combined morphological and genetic approach to S. laticeps. To the authors' best knowledge, this is the first report including genetic sequencing of S. laticeps in a long-eared owl (A. otus) from Portugal.This work was supported by the projects UIDB/CVT/00772/2020 and LA/P/0059/2020 funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). S.S.-S. thanks FCT for the financial support of his PhD work under the 2021 scholarship 2021.09461.BD contract through the Maria de Sousa-2021 program
Acute hemorrhagic oedema of infancy
O edema hemorrágico agudo infantil é uma forma rara de vasculite leucocitoclásica cutânea, que ocorre
em crianças com menos de 4 anos de idade. As principais manifestações sĂŁo lesões cutâneas purpĂşricas, edema perifĂ©rico e febre. Apesar dos achados clĂnicos serem dramáticos, quer na aparĂŞncia das lesões, quer na rapidez de instalação, o prognĂłstico permanece excelente, com recuperação espontânea em poucas semanas. A sua origem
está pouco esclarecida, mas infecções subjacentes, fármacos e vacinas tĂŞm sido referidas como possĂveis factores etiolĂłgicos.
Descrevemos uma criança de 7 meses com quadro clĂnico e histolĂłgico tĂpicos de edema hemorrágico agudo infantil que surgiu na sequĂŞncia de uma infecção do tracto urinário, em tratamento com amoxicilina e ácido clavulâmico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The Dynamics of Nestedness Predicts the Evolution of Industrial Ecosystems
In economic systems, the mix of products that countries make or export has
been shown to be a strong leading indicator of economic growth. Hence, methods
to characterize and predict the structure of the network connecting countries
to the products that they export are relevant for understanding the dynamics of
economic development. Here we study the presence and absence of industries at
the global and national levels and show that these networks are significantly
nested. This means that the less filled rows and columns of these networks'
adjacency matrices tend to be subsets of the fuller rows and columns. Moreover,
we show that nestedness remains relatively stable as the matrices become more
filled over time and that this occurs because of a bias for industries that
deviate from the networks' nestedness to disappear, and a bias for the missing
industries that reduce nestedness to appear. This makes the appearance and
disappearance of individual industries in each location predictable. We
interpret the high level of nestedness observed in these networks in the
context of the neutral model of development introduced by Hidalgo and Hausmann
(2009). We show that, for the observed fills, the model can reproduce the high
level of nestedness observed in these networks only when we assume a high level
of heterogeneity in the distribution of capabilities available in countries and
required by products. In the context of the neutral model, this implies that
the high level of nestedness observed in these economic networks emerges as a
combination of both, the complementarity of inputs and heterogeneity in the
number of capabilities available in countries and required by products. The
stability of nestedness in industrial ecosystems, and the predictability
implied by it, demonstrates the importance of the study of network properties
in the evolution of economic networks.Comment: 26 page
Determinants of the income velocity of money in Portugal: 1891–1998
This paper performs a long-run time series analysis of the behaviour of the income velocity of money in Portugal between 1891 and 1998 by assessing the importance of both macroeconomic and institutional factors and looking for particularities in the Portuguese case. We estimate two cointegration vectors for the income velocity of money, macroeconomic variables and institutional variables. It is apparent that one of these vectors reflects the relationship between income velocity and macroeconomic variables, while the other reflects the relationship between income velocity and institutional variables. Moreover, a regression analysis reveals that the usual U-shaped pattern is displayed with a relatively late inflection point located around 1970, which is consistent with the Spanish case. It is further noted that this is a feature of countries with a late economic and institutional development process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The major barriers to evidence-informed conservation policy and possible solutions
Conservation policy decisions can suffer from a lack of evidence, hindering effective decision-making. In nature conservation, studies investigating why policy is often not evidence-informed have tended to focus on Western democracies, with relatively small samples. To understand global variation and challenges better, we established a global survey aimed at identifying top barriers and solutions to the use of conservation science in policy. This obtained the views of 758 people in policy, practice, and research positions from 68 countries across six languages. Here we show that, contrary to popular belief, there is agreement between groups about how to incorporate conservation science into policy, and there is thus room for optimism. Barriers related to the low priority of conservation were considered to be important, while mainstreaming conservation was proposed as a key solution. Therefore, priorities should focus on convincing the public of the importance of conservation as an issue, which will then influence policy-makers to adopt pro-environmental long-term policies.NERC (1653183)
Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment
Kenneth Miller Trust (unknown)
NERC (1653183)
NERC (NE/L002507/1)
European Commission (308454
Molecular detection and phylogenetic analysis of the gene H from canine distemper virus isolates circulating at the municipality of Campinas, SĂŁo Paulo
Canine distemper virus (CDV), a Morbillivirus of the family Paramyxoviridae, is the etiological agent of neurological and systemic disease in dogs. The laboratory diagnosis of infection requires viral isolation or detection of genetic material of the virus in secretions or tissues of dogs with clinical suspicion of the disease. The genetic diversity among isolates of CDV can be assessed by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the gene that encodes the viral hemagglutinin (H gene), and there is currently a special interest in comparing the strains currently circulating in the field with the genogroup America-1, which comprises strains present in vaccines available in the market. In this study, the molecular detection of CDV gene H was performed from biological samples harvested ante-and post-mortem from 15 dogs with clinical signs suggestive of canine distemper in the metropolitan region of Campinas, SĂŁo Paulo. Ten of the 15 dogs examined had at least one positive organ under molecular detection and the obtained amplicons were sequenced and further analyzed by molecular phylogenetic analysis. Similarly to what has already been reported on previous studies regarding the diversity of the gene H in other countries, the phylogenetic reconstruction obtained for the samples of cases of distemper from Campinas region showed they were grouped with the North American, European and Japanese newly described samples, a genetic group distinguished from classical samples of CDV, named America-1, which encompasses the vaccine strains Snyder Hill, Onderstepoort and Lederle.O vĂrus da cinomose canina (CDV), um Morbillivirus da famĂlia Paramyxoviridae, Ă© o agente etiolĂłgico de doença neurolĂłgica e sistĂŞmica em cĂŁes. O diagnĂłstico laboratorial da infecção requer o isolamento viral ou detecção do material genĂ©tico do vĂrus em secreções ou tecidos de cĂŁes com suspeita clĂnica da doença. A diversidade genĂ©tica entre os isolados de CDV pode ser aferida pelo sequenciamento efilogenia molecular do gene que codifica a hemaglutinina viral (gene H), havendo atualmente um especial interesse em comparar as amostras circulantes a campo com o genogrupo AmĂ©rica-1, que abrange as cepas presentes nas vacinas disponĂveis no mercado. No presente estudo, foi realizada a detecção molecular do gene H de CDV a partir de amostras biolĂłgicas colhidas ante- e post- -mortem de 15 cĂŁes com sinais clĂnicos sugestivos de cinomose na regiĂŁo metropolitana de Campinas, SĂŁo Paulo. Dez dos 15 cĂŁes analisados tiveram ao menos um ĂłrgĂŁo positivo na detecção molecular e os amplicons obtidos foram submetidos ao sequenciamento nucleotĂdico seguido de análise filogenĂ©tica molecular. De forma semelhante ao que já foi reportado para estudo analisando a diversidade do gene H em outros paĂses, a reconstrução filogenĂ©tica obtida para as amostras de casos de cinomose da regiĂŁo de Campinas demonstrou as mesmas foram agrupadas junto a amostras norte-americanas, europeias e japonesas recentes, em um grupo genĂ©tico distinto do grupo de amostras clássicas de CDV, nomeado America-1, o qual engloba as estirpes vacinais Snyder Hill, Onderstepoort e Lederle.7277Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂfico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq
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