908 research outputs found
Igbo Theory Of Knowledge: Theoretical And Methodological Considerations
Ontological truth held by traditions in the history of human knowledge is that man irresistibly, desires to know. The Igbo is not precluded from treading this rational part. Contrarily, Eurocentricâs as a mythology enunciates an I-other/we-they epistemic divide, serving an ideological project. White is rational black is not. This ideological space differentiation sought to foundation every other construct, in economics and politics, in the socio-culture and religion, and even in epistemology. It is argued that philosophical enterprise arises out of individual rational activities. Whatever is thought and discussed of any reality and sphere of human activity stems out of a particular epistemic matrix and paradigms, mental or ideological coloration of a people. It is not the case that every thought or rational enquiry amounts to a philosophy. Similarly cultural practices cannot be exhumed as philosophy. But given this moulding, the problems of relativism and commensurability not withstanding, we can talk of Igbo theory of knowledge as reflecting a perspective of this universal enterprise
A protocol for the largeâscale analysis of reefs using Structure from Motion photogrammetry
1. Substrate complexity is an essential metric of reef health and a strong predictor of several ecological processes connected to the reef, including disturbance, resilience, and associated community abundance and diversity. /
2. Underwater Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry has been growing rapidly in use over the last 5 years due to advances in computing power, reduced costs of underwater digital cameras and a push for reproducible data. This has led to the adaptation of an originally terrestrial survey technique into the marine realm, which can now be applied at the habitat scale. /
3. This technique allows researchers to make detailed 3D reconstructions of reef surfaces for morphometric analysis of reef physical structure and perform largeâscale imageâmosaic mapping. SfM is useful for both reefâscale and colonyâscale assessments, where visual or acoustic methods are impractical or not sufficiently detailed. /
4. Here we provide a protocol for the collection, analysis and display of 3D reef data, focussing on largeâscale habitat assessments of coral reefs using primarily openâsource software. We further suggest applications for other underwater environments and scales of assessment, and hope this standardized protocol will help researchers apply this technology and inspire new avenues of ecological research
Pengaruh intensitas mengikuti bimbingan penyuluhan Islam terhadap tingkat frustasi akibat kemiskinan (studi kasus siswa MAN I Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegal)
Penelitian ini berjudul âPengaruh Intensitas Mengikuti Bimbingan Penyuluhan Islam Terhadap Tingkat Frustasi Akibat Kemiskinan (Studi Kasus Siswa MAN I Pagerbarang Kabupaten Tegalâ dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui secara mendalam tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan bimbingan penyuluhan Islam dan apakah ada pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dalam pelaksanaan bimbingan penyuluhan Islam terhadap penanggulangan frustasi akibat kemiskinan pada siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Pagerbarang Kab. Tegal.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, yang menekankan analisisnya dengan menggunakan data-data angka yang diolah dengan metode statistik. Adapun yang penulis gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian fild resech (penelitian lapangan) dengan menggunakan metode survei dan menggunakan kuesioner/angket sebagai alat pengumpulan data yang pokok. Setelah data terkumpul dilakukan penskoran terhadap variabel X dan variabel Y. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui angket yang dibagikan kepada sejumlah responden dan sudah ditentukan jumlahnya yaitu 50 responden, dari jumlah siswa miskin yang berjumlah 131
Berdasarkan angket yang terkumpul, kemudian dilakukan proses pengolahan data, dan hasil yang diperoleh dari penghitungan menggunakan analisis Regresi linier bahwa Freg sebesar 11,627 dan besar nilai Ftabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% adalah 4.08 dan taraf signifikansi 1% adalah 7.31. Hal ini berarti Freg > Ftabel pada taraf signifikansi 5% dan 1%.
Dengan demikian, hipotesis awal yang diajukan diterima (Ha diterima), yaitu terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara bimbingan penyuluhan Islam terhadap penanggulangan frustasi akibat kemiskinan pada siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Pagerbarang Kab. Tegal.
Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadikan bahan pembelajaran bagi pelaku dakwah baik daâi di sini adalah Guru Pembimbing maupun madâu, yang disini adalah siswa Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Pagerbarang Kab. Tegal
This thesis is titled âThe Economic Thinking of Subchan Zaenuri Echsan in Indonesia at 1953-1973.â The main problem which is studied in this thesis is âHow the Economic Thinking of Subchan Zaenuri Echsan in Indonesia at 1953-1973.â These problems are divided into four research questions namely (1) What was the background which caused the economic thinking from Subchan Zaenuri Echsan towards economy concept in Indonesia in 1953 until 1973, (2) What was the economy concept from Subchan Zaenuri Echsan, (3) How the role of Subchan Zaenuri Echsan in implementing economic thinking in Indonesia at 1953 until 1973, (4) How the effect of Subchan Zaenuri Echsan economic thinking towards economy development in Indonesia from 1953 until 1973. Research method which is used is historical method, namely, source collection, source critiques, interpretation and historiography. The background of Subchan Zaenuri Echsan economic thinking was caused by economy condition and also government policies at that time which was not able to improve economy condition, especially, Indonesian people prosperity and democracy in economy sector was not achieved. In Old Order era, economy system which was used was Guided Economy. Guided Economy is a policy which emphasized the role of government in running economy in one country which was very dominant, it caused people involvement as economy actor was limited so it made people could not be creative and free in developing their own economy. Subchan Zaenuri Echsan economic thinking was made to improve economy condition and also people prosperity and democracy in economy sector. Economy of development was one way to improve prosperity of Indonesian people. Subchan Zaenuri Echsan implemented his economy thinking through national seminar about economy, which was realized by government in 1967. Besides, Subchan Zaenuri Echsan economic thinking was seen in the beginning of New Order era which began to improve and set the policies which is suitable with the economy condition at that time. It can be seen from economy policy which is used by New Order administration, which was more tend to economy development, infrastructure development and also people prosperity were become main priority. Nevertheless, in the practice there was inconsistency in implementing such policies, so, Subchan Zaenuri Echsan criticized the New Order administration policies which had distorted from initial goal --------- Skripsi ini berjudul âPemikiran Ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan di Indonesia Tahun 1953-1973â. Masalah utama yang diangkat dalam skripsi ini adalah âBagaimana Pemikiran Ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan di Indonesia Tahun 1953-1973â. Dari masalah utama tersebut dibagi menjadi empat pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu (1) Apa yang melatarbelakangi munculnya pemikiran Subchan Zaenuri Echsan terhadap konsep ekonomi di Indonesia pada tahun 1953 sampai 1973, (2) Apa konsep ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan, (3) Bagaimana peranan Subchan Zaenuri Echsan dalam mengimplementasikan pemikiran ekonomi di Indonesia pada tahun 1953 sampai 1973, (4) Bagaimana dampak dari pemikiran ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan terhadap perkembangan ekonomi di Indonesia pada tahun 1953 sampai 1973. Metode penelitian adalah metode historis yaitu pengumpulan sumber, kritik sumber, interpretasi dan historiografi. Latar belakang munculnya pemikiran ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan disebabkan oleh keadaan perekonomian serta kebijakan pemerintah pada saat itu tidak mampu memperbaiki keadaan, khususnya kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia serta demokrasi di bidang ekonomi tidak tercapai. Pada masa pemerintahan Orde Lama diberlakukan kebijakan ekonomi yaitu Ekonomi Terpimpin. Ekonomi Terpimpin merupakan kebijakan yang menonjolkan peranan serta campur tangan pemerintah dalam menjalankan perekonomian sangat dominan, hal ini menyebabkan keterlibatan rakyat sebagai pelaku ekonomi terbatas sehingga membuat rakyat tidak dapat berkreasi dengan bebas dalam mengembangkan ekonominya sendiri. Pemikiran ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan muncul untuk memperbaiki keadaan perekonomian serta kesejahteraan rakyat dan demokrasi di bidang ekonomi. Ekonomi pembangunan merupakan salah satu cara untuk memperbaiki kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia. Subchan Zaenuri Echsan mengilementasikan pemikiran ekonominya melalui seminar nasional ekonomi, yang selanjutnya direalisasikan pada tahun 1967 oleh pemerintah. Selain itu, pemikiran ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan diimplementasikan melalui ketetapan MPRS yaitu pada tahun 1966 dan 1968, dimana pada tahun tersebut Subchan Zaenuri Echsan merupakan salah satu Wakil Ketua MPRS. Dampak dari pemikiran ekonomi Subchan Zaenuri Echsan terlihat pada masa pemerintahan awal Orde Baru yang mulai berbenah dan menentukan kebijakan yang sesuai dengan keadaan ekonomi pada masa itu. Hal ini terlihat dari kebijakan ekonomi yang digunakan oleh pemerintahan Orde Baru, lebih kepada pembangunan ekonomi, sarana dan prasarana serta kesejahteraan rakyat di utamakan. Namun, dalam perjalanannya terjadi ketidak stabilan dalam melaksankan kebijakan tersebut, sehingga Subchan Zaenuri Echsan mengkritisi kebijakan pemerintahan Orde Baru yang telah menyimpang dari tujuan semula
Mushroom to manoeuvre? Using photogrammetry to track the movement and survival of free-living corals
Mushroom corals can play an important role in tropical reef ecosystems by providing habitat and performing important ecological functions. Unlike most stony corals, free-living mushroom corals can move, both passively and actively, and can use this ability to escape competition or harmful environments. However, as their movement is typically slow, occurs over relatively small scales, and is traditionally hard to measure, their movement ecology is little researched. Nevertheless, quantitative geospatial data on speciesâ movement, distribution, survival, and interaction can improve mechanistic modelling of community dynamics in various environments. We use âstructure from motionâ photogrammetry to track 51 individual coralsâ 3D movement and survival over one year within an isolated and enclosed lagoon. This technique essentially provides a large-scale quantitative community time-lapse and allows detailed individual level life-history data to be collected over spatial and temporal scales that were previously impractical
Evaluating the efficacy of small-scale marine protected areas for preserving reef health: A case study applying emerging monitoring technology
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are widely used as management tools to conserve species and ecosystems at risk from human impact. Coastal managers often focus MPA designation on biogenic reef environments due to their value and sensitivity to damage. However, difficulties in enforcement and a lack of capacity to adequately monitor MPAs often make it hard for managers to assess the effectiveness of MPAs, particularly in underâresourced, lowâincome coastal countries.
Reef community data were collected at three longâterm managed reserves within the Western Visayas region of the central Philippines in order to assess the state of reef community structure inside and outside of these smallâscale locally managed MPAs. In addition, 3D structural data were captured using recently developed 'Structure from Motion' photogrammetry techniques, demonstrating how multiple quantitative metrics of physical structural complexity and health can be recorded in such analyses.
These communityârun MPAs were shown to be effective even when small (10â20 ha). Mean fish biomass density was five times greater within presentâday protected sites, alongside significantly increased levels of fish diversity, richness, and size. No significant structural differences were observed inside and outside of MPAs; however, average reef rugosity, height, and roughness were significantly higher in unfished reefs compared to blastâfished reefs. Reef substrate complexity, coral composition, and level of management, were also shown to structure fish community assemblages, with the link between reef structure and fish richness/abundance disrupted outside of MPAs.
The Structure from Motion technique allows a greater range of quantitative morphometrics to be assessed than traditional methods and at relatively low cost. The technique is rapid, nonâdestructive and can be archived, increasing the value of data for managers wishing to quantify reef health and efficiently monitor benthic changes through time. We discuss both the limitations and benefits of this technology's future use
KSHV SOX mediated host shutoff: the molecular mechanism underlying mRNA transcript processing
Onset of the lytic phase in the KSHV life cycle is accompanied by the rapid, global degradation of host (and viral) mRNA transcripts in a process termed host shutoff. Key to this destruction is the virally encoded alkaline exonuclease SOX. While SOX has been shown to possess an intrinsic RNase activity and a potential consensus sequence for endonucleolytic cleavage identified, the structures of the RNA substrates targeted remained unclear. Based on an analysis of three reported target transcripts, we were able to identify common structures and confirm that these are indeed degraded by SOX in vitro as well as predict the presence of such elements in the KSHV pre-microRNA transcript K12-2. From these studies, we were able to determine the crystal structure of SOX productively bound to a 31 nucleotide K12-2 fragment. This complex not only reveals the structural determinants required for RNA recognition and degradation but, together with biochemical and biophysical studies, reveals distinct roles for residues implicated in host shutoff. Our results further confirm that SOX and the host exoribonuclease Xrn1 act in concert to elicit the rapid degradation of mRNA substrates observed in vivo, and that the activities of the two ribonucleases are co-ordinated
A recurrent mosaic mutation of SMO, encoding the hedgehog signal transducer smoothened, is the major cause of Curry-Jones syndrome
Curry-Jones syndrome (CJS) is a multisystem disorder characterized by patchy skin lesions, polysyndactyly, diverse cerebral malformations, unicoronal craniosynostosis, iris colobomas, microphthalmia, and intestinal malrotation with myofibromas or hamartomas. Cerebellar medulloblastoma has been described in a single affected individual; in another, biopsy of skin lesions showed features of trichoblastoma. The combination of asymmetric clinical features, patchy skin manifestations, and neoplastic association previously led to the suggestion that this could be a mosaic condition, possibly involving hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Here, we show that CJS is caused by recurrent somatic mosaicism for a nonsynonymous variant in SMO (c.1234C>T [p.Leu412Phe]), encoding smoothened (SMO), a G-protein-coupled receptor that transduces Hh signaling. We identified eight mutation-positive individuals (two of whom had not been reported previously) with highly similar phenotypes and demonstrated varying amounts of the mutant allele in different tissues. We present detailed findings from brain MRI in three mutation-positive individuals. Somatic SMO mutations that result in constitutive activation have been described in several tumors, including medulloblastoma, ameloblastoma, and basal cell carcinoma. Strikingly, the most common of these mutations is the identical nonsynonymous variant encoding p.Leu412Phe. Furthermore, this substitution has been shown to activate SMO in the absence of Hh signaling, providing an explanation for tumor development in CJS. This raises therapeutic possibilities for using recently generated Hh-pathway inhibitors. In summary, our work uncovers the major genetic cause of CJS and illustrates strategies for gene discovery in the context of low-level tissue-specific somatic mosaicism
The Development of Arabic Learning Model by Using Multimedia of Computer at UIN STS Jambi
This research and development result in a learning model that could be used to improve oral communication that was divided into five different learning phase, which is, orientation phase, ordering command phase, role exchange phase, structured practice phase, and guided practice phase. It could also improve oneâs understanding of arabic grammar/qawaid (nahwu wa sharfi) which consists of elements in Arabic language that consist of Letters (harf), Words (kalimatu), Sentences (jumlatu), sibhuljumlah and articles (uslub) and fit into Arabic grammar. The result of this study implies that development result study model emphasize in college studentsâ activities in their learning process. The learning process done by the lecturers using Arabic language as the language of instruction started by the pronunciation of the vocabularies and itâs demonstration without translating it into Bahasa Indonesia. After they were capable of demonstrating the acquired vocabularies, college students trained in reproducing the language orally using question and answer activities, whether structurally, or guided. The study results showed that the quality of this multimedia teaching of Arabic language fall into the âfineâ category, acquiring average score of 43.92 and ideal percentage of 87.85%
A review of thermal impact of surface acoustic waves on microlitre droplets in medical applications
The surface acoustic waves (SAW) propagate inside the microdroplets resulting in kinetic and thermal impacts. The kinetic drives fluid particles inside the droplet while thermal impact increases the liquidâs temperature. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research investigations related to internal kinetics and heating inside the microdroplet caused by the acoustic waves. The main factors that affect the kinetics and convection heat transfer are the piezoelectric materials, shape of the interdigital transducer (IDT) and mode of acoustic waves. Internal streaming (kinetic) leads to particle mixing, particle manipulation, cell sorting, cell patterning, cell separation, measuring the concentration of immunoglobulin and so forth. The effect of changing the mode of waves and the shape of IDT on the relevant applications are presented. Internal convection heat transfer is important where heating of the liquid is essential for many applications such as monitoring blood coagulation in the human plasma and an acoustic tweezer for particle trapping. Experimental methods developed by researchers to realise uniform temperature with constant heating and cooling cycles are also discussed. Such methods are widely used in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect COVID-19 infection. The heating of the droplet can be efficiently controlled by changing the input power and by varying the duty factor
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