1,212 research outputs found

    Overview of the coordinated ground-based observations of Titan during the Huygens mission

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    Coordinated ground-based observations of Titan were performed around or during the Huygens atmospheric probe mission at Titan on 14 January 2005, connecting the momentary in situ observations by the probe with the synoptic coverage provided by continuing ground-based programs. These observations consisted of three different categories: (1) radio telescope tracking of the Huygens signal at 2040 MHz, (2) observations of the atmosphere and surface of Titan, and (3) attempts to observe radiation emitted during the Huygens Probe entry into Titan's atmosphere. The Probe radio signal was successfully acquired by a network of terrestrial telescopes, recovering a vertical profile of wind speed in Titan's atmosphere from 140 km altitude down to the surface. Ground-based observations brought new information on atmosphere and surface properties of the largest Saturnian moon. No positive detection of phenomena associated with the Probe entry was reported. This paper reviews all these measurements and highlights the achieved results. The ground-based observations, both radio and optical, are of fundamental importance for the interpretation of results from the Huygens mission

    Croissance de diamant nano-cristallin (NCD) par procédés plasmas en configuration matricielle de sources élémentaires (MEPS) microondes

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    La croissance de diamant sur des matĂ©riaux non rĂ©fractaires nĂ©cessite le dĂ©veloppement de procĂ©dĂ©s innovants capables de couvrir de grandes surfaces tout en optimisant l'apport Ă©nergĂ©tique. L'objectif principal de cette thĂšse est d'explorer les possibilitĂ©s de croissance de diamant nano-cristallin sur des surfaces complexes de mĂ©taux non rĂ©fractaires ou des structures en 3D Ă  fort rapport d'aspect. La contrainte principale est que le procĂ©dĂ© doit respecter une gamme de tempĂ©rature 50 ”m) gravĂ©es dans du silicium (puits, tranchĂ©es avec un rapport d'aspect de 1:7). Les propriĂ©tĂ©s de ces dĂ©pĂŽts sont reliĂ©es aux paramĂštres de contrĂŽle du procĂ©dĂ© afin, Ă  termes, d'ĂȘtre capable d'optimiser le procĂ©dĂ©. Ainsi, a-t'il Ă©tĂ© mis Ă©vidence que l'utilisation d'un rĂ©seau matriciel d'applicateurs microondes ponctuels est facilement transposable pour le changement d'Ă©chelle. Ceci permet donc d'envisager un transfert de technologie vers une/des application(s) industrielle(s).Diamond growth on non-refractory materials requires the development of innovative processes capable of covering large surfaces while optimizing the energy input. The main objective of this thesis is to explore the possibilities of nano-crystalline diamond growth on complex surfaces of non-refractory metals or high aspect ratio 3D structures. The main constraint is to find a process with a temperature range 50 ”m) etched in silicon (wells, trenches with an aspect ratio of 1:7). The properties of these deposits are linked to process control parameters in order to be able to optimize the process. Thus, it has been shown that the use of a matrix network of microwave applicators is easily transposable for the upscaling. This, therefore, allow to think a transfer of technology to one or more industrial application(s)

    Are Deicing Salts Necessary to Promote Scaling in Concrete?

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    International audienceThe main purpose of the present study is to investigate the role of the material parameters such as permeability, thermal diffusivity, and pore size distribution on the mechanical behavior of cementitious structures submitted to frost action, such as surface scaling. An experimental device, in which a cement paste specimen is exposed to freezing-thawing cycles under a thermal gradient, has been developed. The experimental results show that under high thermal gradient (up to 1.5°C/mm), skin damage can occur without a saline layer in contact with the frozen surface. This can be explained and quantified in the framework of poromechanics. The model is based on the coupling between liquid-ice crystal thermodynamic equilibrium, liquid water transport, thermal conduction, and elastic properties of the different phases that form the saturated porous material. It eventually predicts that a less permeable sample is more susceptible to damage by surface defacement, which explains the observed experimental result

    Foundations of continuous agent-based modelling frameworks for pedestrian dynamics and their implications

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    This paper addresses the theoretical foundations of pedestrian models for crowd dynamics. While the topic gains momentum, widely different mathematical approaches are actually in use, even if we only consider continuous agent-based models. To clarify their underpinning, we first rephrase the common hierarchical decomposition into strategic, tactical, and operational levels and show the practical interest in preserving the continuity between the latter two levels by working with a floor field, rather than way-points. Turning to local navigation, we clarify how three archetypical approaches, namely, reactive models, anticipatory models based on the idea of times to collision (exemplified by the recently proposed ANDA model), and game theory, differ in their extrapolation of future trajectories, and insist on the oft-overlooked distinction between processes pertaining to decision-making and mechanical effects in dense settings. The differences are illustrated with a comparison of the numerical predictions of instances of these models in the simple scenario of head-on collision avoidance between agents, by varying the walking speed and the reaction times, notably

    Isolement acoustique de parois aux basses fréquences (programmation d'outils prédictifs et confrontations expérimentales dans le cas de planchers solivés en bois)

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    Dans le domaine de l acoustique du bĂątiment, la structuredes constructions en bois est lĂ©gĂšre et ses capacitĂ©s d isolementacoustique sont faibles en particulier pour les basses frĂ©quencesen comparaison Ă  d autres techniques de constructioncomme le bĂ©ton. Les travaux de cette thĂšse se donc sont centrĂ©ssur l Ă©laboration d un outil prĂ©dictif visant Ă  dĂ©terminer lesperformances acoustiques des planchers solivĂ©s en bois afin decomplĂ©ter les outils prĂ©dictifs actuellement sur le marchĂ©. LamĂ©thode des Ă©lĂ©ments finis est adaptĂ©e pour rĂ©soudre ce problĂšmevibro-acoustique car le comportement basses frĂ©quencesest de type modal. Pour gagner en temps de calcul, une rĂ©solutionmixte Ă©lĂ©ments finis formulation intĂ©grale d Huygens etdiffĂ©rentes optimisations ont Ă©tĂ© mises en place. GrĂące Ă  l utilisationde la mĂ©thode des Ă©lĂ©ments finis, il a Ă©tĂ© possible demettre en Ă©vidence des rĂ©sonances de ce problĂšme couplĂ© quifont chuter localement la valeur de l affaiblissement ; celles-cine peuvent ĂȘtre prises en compte par la mĂ©thode des matricesde transfert. NĂ©anmoins, ces deux mĂ©thodes fournissent des alluresmoyennes de courbes d affaiblissement Ă©quivalentes, enparticulier lors d une Ă©tude en tiers d octave. Pour aborder leproblĂšme des transmissions latĂ©rales, nous avons montrĂ© lafaisabilitĂ© de la dĂ©termination expĂ©rimentale des propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniquesĂ©quivalentes d un Ă©lĂ©ment de jonction courant entreles planchers et les murs : le sabot mĂ©tallique. Un modĂšle mĂ©caniquesimplifiĂ© par Ă©lĂ©ments finis permet ainsi un couplagemĂ©canique entre les solives et les poutres en intĂ©grant les effetslocaux de dissipation prĂ©sents pour ce type de jonction.In building acoustics, the structure of wooden construction islightweight and sound insulation at low frequency are weakcompared to other construction techniques like concrete. Thework of this thesis is focus on the development of predictivetools for determining the acoustic performance of wooden joistfloors to complete the existing predictive tools available on themarket. The finite element method (FEM) is adapted to solvethis vibro-acoustic problem because behavior at low frequenciesis modal. To save computation time, a mixed resolutionfinite element with Huygens integral formulations and severaloptimizations were implemented. We could note the interest ofthe FEM : we observed that resonances of the coupled systemdrive locally down the value of the TL, which can not be takeninto account by the method of transfer matrices. However, wenote that these two methods provide equivalent average curveshapes of TL s spectrum. To deal with the problem of flankingtransmissions, penalizing the lightweight construction, we experimentalydetermine the mechanical properties of a equivalentjunction element between floors and walls : the wood joisthanger. Through a simplified mechanical model, this numericalfinite element model allows a mechanical coupling between thejoists and beams by incorporating the local effects of dissipationpresent for this type of junction.LE MANS-BU Sciences (721812109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    SKI2 mediates degradation of RISC 5'-cleavage fragments and prevents secondary siRNA production from miRNA targets in <i>Arabidopsis</i>

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    Small regulatory RNAs are fundamental in eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene regulation. In plants, an important element of post-transcriptional control is effected by 20–24 nt microRNAs (miRNAs) and short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) bound to the ARGONAUTE1 (AGO1) protein in an RNA induced silencing complex (RISC). AGO1 may cleave target mRNAs with small RNA complementarity, but the fate of the resulting cleavage fragments remains incompletely understood. Here, we show that SKI2, SKI3 and SKI8, subunits of a cytoplasmic cofactor of the RNA exosome, are required for degradation of RISC 5â€Č, but not 3â€Č-cleavage fragments in Arabidopsis. In the absence of SKI2 activity, many miRNA targets produce siRNAs via the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6) pathway. These siRNAs are low-abundant, and map close to the cleavage site. In most cases, siRNAs were produced 5â€Č to the cleavage site, but several examples of 3â€Č-spreading were also identified. These observations suggest that siRNAs do not simply derive from RDR6 action on stable 5â€Č-cleavage fragments and hence that SKI2 has a direct role in limiting secondary siRNA production in addition to its function in mediating degradation of 5â€Č-cleavage fragments

    SKI2 mediates degradation of RISC 5â€Č-cleavage fragments and prevents secondary siRNA production from miRNA targets in Arabidopsis

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    Small regulatory RNAs are fundamental in eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene regulation. In plants, an important element of post-transcriptional control is effected by 20-24 nt microRNAs (miRNAs) and short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) bound to the ARGONAUTE1 (AGO1) protein in an RNA induced silencing complex (RISC). AGO1 may cleave target mRNAs with small RNA complementarity, but the fate of the resulting cleavage fragments remains incompletely understood. Here, we show that SKI2, SKI3 and SKI8, subunits of a cytoplasmic cofactor of the RNA exosome, are required for degradation of RISC 5â€Č, but not 3â€Č-cleavage fragments in Arabidopsis. In the absence of SKI2 activity, many miRNA targets produce siRNAs via the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 (RDR6) pathway. These siRNAs are low-abundant, and map close to the cleavage site. In most cases, siRNAs were produced 5â€Č to the cleavage site, but several examples of 3â€Č-spreading were also identified. These observations suggest that siRNAs do not simply derive from RDR6 action on stable 5â€Č-cleavage fragments and hence that SKI2 has a direct role in limiting secondary siRNA production in addition to its function in mediating degradation of 5â€Č-cleavage fragment

    Comportement au gel-dégel d'une structure en ciment

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    Ce travail vise à l'étude du comportement au gel-dégel des matériaux cimentaires. Le model poromécanique développé dans cette optique permet d'étudier l'influence sur la mécanique du couplage entre le changement de phase eau/glace, les transports en milieu poreux, la conduction thermique et le comportement de chacune des phases en présence. Nous pouvons ainsi prédire une pression de pore maximale au voisinage de la surface soumise au gel-dégel pouvant induire un endommagement localisé superficiel. Par la suite, l'influence relative des différents phénomÚnes physiques responsables de l'endommagement au gel-dégel est étudiée, permettant d'identifier les pressions hydrauliques de Powers comme prépondérantes

    Functional characterization of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE 3 in reproductive tissues

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    Arabidopsis encodes ten ARGONAUTE (AGO) effectors of RNA silencing, canonically loaded with either 21‐22 nucleotide (nt) long small RNAs (sRNA) to mediate post‐transcriptional‐gene‐silencing (PTGS) or 24nt sRNAs to promote RNA‐directed‐DNA‐methylation. Using full‐locus constructs, we characterized the expression, biochemical properties, and possible modes of action of AGO3. Although AGO3 arose from a recent duplication at the AGO2 locus, their expression patterns differ drastically, with AGO2 being expressed in both male and female gametes whereas AGO3 accumulates in aerial vascular terminations and specifically in chalazal seed integuments. Accordingly, AGO3 down‐regulation alters gene expression in siliques. Similar to AGO2, AGO3 binds sRNAs with a strong 5’‐adenosine bias, but unlike Arabidopsis AGO2, it binds most efficiently 24nt sRNAs. AGO3 immunoprecipitation experiments in siliques revealed that these sRNAs mostly correspond to genes and intergenic regions in a manner reflecting their respective accumulation from their loci‐of‐origin. AGO3 localizes to the cytoplasm and co‐fractionates with polysomes to possibly mediate PTGS via translation inhibition
