26 research outputs found

    Extreme precipitation events over northern Italy. Part I: A systematic classification with machine‐learning techniques

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    Extreme precipitation events (EPEs) are meteorological phenomena of major concern for society. They can have different characteristics depending on the physical mechanisms responsible for their generation, which in turn depend on the large and mesoscale conditions. This work provides a systematic classification of EPEs over northern–central Italy, one of the regions in Europe with the highest frequency of these events. The EPE statistics have been deduced using the new high‐resolution precipitation dataset ArCIS (Climatological Archive for Central–Northern Italy), that gathers together a very high number of daily, quality‐controlled and homogenized observations from different networks of 11 Italian regions. Gridded precipitation is aggregated over Italian operational warning‐area units (WA). EPEs are defined as events in which daily average precipitation in at least one of the 94 WAs exceeds the 99th percentile with respect to the climate reference 1979–2015. A list of 887 events is compiled, significantly enlarging the database compared to any previous study of EPEs. EPEs are separated into three different dynamical classes: Cat1, events mainly attributable to frontal/orographic uplift; Cat2, events due to frontal uplift with (equilibrium) deep convection embedded; Cat3, events mainly generated by non‐equilibrium deep convection. A preliminary version of this classification is based on fixed thresholds of environmental parameters, but the final version is obtained using a more robust machine‐learning unsupervised K‐means clustering and random forest algorithm. All events are characterized by anomalously high integrated water vapour transport (IVT). This confirms IVT as an important large‐scale predictor, especially for Cat2 events, which is shown to be the most important category in terms of impacts and EPE area extension. Large IVT values are caused by upper‐level waves associated with remotely triggered Rossby wave packets, as shown for two example Cat2 events

    Impacts of climate change and rising atmospheric CO2 on future projected reference evapotranspiration in Emilia-Romagna (Italy)

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    The continuous increase of atmospheric CO2 content mainly due to anthropogenic CO2 emissions is causing a rise in temperature on earth, altering the hydrological and meteorological processes and affecting crop physiology. Evapotranspiration is an important component of the hydrological cycle. Thus, understanding the change in evapotranspiration due to global warming is essential for better water resources planning and management and agricultural production. In this study, the effect of climate change with a focus on the combined effect of temperature and elevated CO2 concentrations on reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was evaluated using the Penman–Monteith equation. A EURO-CORDEX regional climate model (RCM) ensemble was used to estimate ETo in five locations in the Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy) during the period 2021–2050. Then, its projected changes in response to different CO2 concentrations (i.e., 372 ppm and 550 ppm) under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) scenarios (i.e., RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) were analyzed. Simulation results with both scenarios, without increasing CO2 levels (372 ppm), showed that the annual and summertime ETo for all locations increased by an average of 4 to 5.4% with regard to the reference period 1981–2005, for an increase of air temperature by 1 to 1.5 °C. When the effect of elevated CO2 levels (550 ppm) was also considered in combination with projected changes in temperature, changes in both annual and summer ETo demand for all locations varied from − 1.1 to 2.2% during the 2021–2050 period with regard to the reference period 1981–2005. This shows that higher CO2 levels moderated the increase in ETo that accompanies an increase in air temperature

    Evaluation of groundwater contamination sources by plant protection products in hilly vineyards of Northern Italy

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    Abstract In Europe, 25% of groundwater has poor chemical status. One of the main stressors is agriculture, with nitrates and plant protection products (PPPs) causing failure in 18% and 6.5%, respectively, of groundwater bodies (by area). EU legislation for the placement of the PPPs on the market is one of the most stringent in the world. However, recent monitoring studies in hilly vineyards of Tidone Valley, north-west of Italy, show presence of PPPs used for grapevine cultivation in 15 out of 26 groundwater wells monitored, at values above the Environment Quality Standard (EQS) for groundwater (0.1 ÎŒg/L). However, no information about the contamination sources are available. Therefore, the objective of the present work is to evaluate the groundwater contamination sources by PPPs, in a small catchment with intensive viticulture, by collecting and integrating monitoring data, sub-surface water movement data and territorial characteristics. The results show that in wells used for PPP's mixture preparation and sprayer washing located at the top of hilly vineyards, with low slope and no water movement in the surrounding soil, the contamination is most likely from point sources. On the contrary, for wells located in a fenced area at the bottom of the hill, far away from vineyards and being used for drinking water production, the contamination is most likely from diffuse sources. Our results were used to raise awareness on groundwater contamination from PPPs among farmers in the study area; moreover a waterproof platform for sprayers washing, equipped with wastewater recovery and disposal system, able to avoid point-source contamination, was implemented in a local demonstration farm. Several demonstration activities were then organised with the farmers of the entire Valley in order to show its functionality and promote its diffuse use


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    Acute coronary syndromes have been classified according to the finding of ST-segment elevation on the presenting ECG, with different treatment strategies and practice guidelines. However, a comparative description of the clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute coronary syndrome elderly patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention during index admission has not been published so far

    Rapporto 2007 su consumo e dipendenze da sostanze in Emilia-Romagna.

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    Report on the state of legal and illegal substances use in the territory of Emilia-Romagna Region.Il report analizza il fenomeno delle dipendenze nel territorio della Regione Emilia-Romagna. La descrizione del fenomeno si sviluppa intorno all\u27analisi degli indicatori individuati dall\u27Osservatorio Europeo delle Dipendenze di Lisbona (OEDT): 1-uso di sostanze nella popolazione generale (questo indicatore va a rilevare i comportamenti nei confronti di alcol e sostanze psicoattive da parte della popolazione generale); 2-prevalenza d\u27uso problematico delle sostanze psicoattive; 3-domanda di trattamento degli utilizzatori di sostanze; 4-mortalit? degli utilizzatori di sostanze; 5-malattie infettive. Altri due importanti indicatori che si stanno sviluppando, e che vengono qui illustrati, sono l\u27analisi delle Schede di Dimissione Ospedaliera (SDO) e gli indicatori relativi alle conseguenza sociali dell\u27uso di droghe (criminalit? droga correlata). Inoltre sono state applicate diverse metodologie standard di stima sia per quantificare la quota parte sconosciuta di utilizzatori di sostanze che non afferiscono ai servizi, sia per identificarne alcune caratteristiche

    Host genetics and COVID-19 severity: increasing the accuracy of latest severity scores by Boolean quantum features

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    The impact of common and rare variants in COVID-19 host genetics has been widely studied. In particular, in Fallerini et al. (Human genetics, 2022, 141, 147–173), common and rare variants were used to define an interpretable machine learning model for predicting COVID-19 severity. First, variants were converted into sets of Boolean features, depending on the absence or the presence of variants in each gene. An ensemble of LASSO logistic regression models was used to identify the most informative Boolean features with respect to the genetic bases of severity. After that, the Boolean features, selected by these logistic models, were combined into an Integrated PolyGenic Score (IPGS), which offers a very simple description of the contribution of host genetics in COVID-19 severity.. IPGS leads to an accuracy of 55%–60% on different cohorts, and, after a logistic regression with both IPGS and age as inputs, it leads to an accuracy of 75%. The goal of this paper is to improve the previous results, using not only the most informative Boolean features with respect to the genetic bases of severity but also the information on host organs involved in the disease. In this study, we generalize the IPGS adding a statistical weight for each organ, through the transformation of Boolean features into “Boolean quantum features,” inspired by quantum mechanics. The organ coefficients were set via the application of the genetic algorithm PyGAD, and, after that, we defined two new integrated polygenic scores (IPGSph1 and IPGSph2). By applying a logistic regression with both IPGS, (IPGSph2 (or indifferently IPGSph1) and age as inputs, we reached an accuracy of 84%–86%, thus improving the results previously shown in Fallerini et al. (Human genetics, 2022, 141, 147–173) by a factor of 10%


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    The European Center for Weather Forecasts ECMWF operates within the European Copernicus project for the dissemination of meteorological, environmental and satellite data. In the present work are compared the hourly data of the ERA5 reanalysis, recently produced by ECMWF and made available through the Copernicus Climate Service, with surface observational meteorological data from ARPAE and DISTAL databases. The comparison was made for the 2008-2018 period, using data from the stations of Cadriano (DISTAL), Martorano, San Pancrazio, San Pietro Capofiume and Rimini Urbana (ARPAE). The hourly data, extracted from ERA5 database, refer to: 2m air temperature, 10m horizontal and vertical wind components, 2m dew point temperature, surface net solar radiation and global solar radiation. From these data the 2m daily wind speed, Dew point temperature, 2m daily minimum and maximum temperature were deducted. The data extracted from ARPAE database are: 2m minimum and maximum daily temperature, 2m dew point temperature, daily net radiation, hourly global radiation and daily mean wind speed at 10m. From these data, daily global radiation and 2m wind speed at 2m were calculated. Grid values are compared with local observation using the nearest grid point method. The final aim of this work is the elaboration of climate indices for the Emilia-Romagna region for agro-meteorological purposes, starting from the ERA5 data

    Influenze pedo-ambientali su produzione, qualit\ue0 e caratteristiche sensoriali dell'Albana di Romagna.

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    The Albana is the typical white grapevine variety of the Romagna hills, where it occupies more than 2.500 ha. The Italian DOCG \u201cAlbana di Romagna\u201d, created in 1987, is one of the oldest in the country. Highest concentrations of this variety can be found around Imola and the hills of Ravenna although the productions of Bertinoro, in Forl\uec zone, are well know for their quality. As part of a zoning project of the Romagna hills, the classic territory of the Albana was object of an accurate geo-pedologic, climatic, agronomic and viti-enological assessment. The results have highlighted some environments in which Albana wines display recognisable sensory characteristics