101 research outputs found

    Modeling sensitivity of biodiffusion coefficient to seasonal bioturbation

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    Biodiffusion coefficient is the predominant parameter used to constrain biological activity in marine sediments. Bioturbation characterization is important because of the dominant role it plays on the flux determination through the sediment-water interface. Biological mixing is quantified through models of radionuclides diagenesis by both a biodiffusion coefficient (Db) and a mixed depth (L) under the basic steady-state assumption. Based on a new global compilation of radionuclide data in marine sediments and on previously published modeling results, we show that short-live radionu-clides are perfectly devoted to quantify biological mixing for sediments associated with L2/Db lower than 125, representing the decay constant of the radionuclide. 75 % of the 234Th-derived Db, and 79 % of the 7Be-derived Db are concerned by this result. However, as transient regimes prevail within marine sediments, especially at a seasonal time scale and within the coastal and shelf environment, it is necessary to model their impacts on Db calculations. A transient model of radionuclide decay and transport is therefore used to perform extensive sensitivity tests of Db calculations in respect to seasonal mixing. Numerical tests of seasonal sensitivity indicate that 234Th and 7Be are the most sensitive tracers to seasonal biological mixing: the steady-state assumptio

    Modeling sensitivity of biodiffusion coefficient to seasonal bioturbation

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    Biodiffusion coefficient is the predominant parameter used to constrain biological activity in marine sediments. Bioturbation characterization is important because of the dominant role it plays on the flux determination through the sediment-water interface. Biological mixing is quantified through models of radionuclides diagenesis by both a biodiffusion coefficient (Db) and a mixed depth (L) under the basic steady-state assumption. Based on a new global compilation of radionuclide data in marine sediments and on previously published modeling results, we show that short-live radionuclides are perfectly devoted to quantify biological mixing for sediments associated with λL2/Db lower than 125, λ representing the decay constant of the radionuclide. 75 % of the234Th-derived Db, and 79 % of the 7Be-derived Db are concerned by this result. However, as transient regimes prevail within marine sediments, especially at a seasonal time scale and within the coastal and shelf environment, it is necessary to model their impacts on Db calculations. A transient model of radionuclide decay and transport is therefore used to perform extensive sensitivity tests of Db calculations in respect to seasonal mixing. Numerical tests of seasonal sensitivity indicate that 234Th and 7Be are the most sensitive tracers to seasonal biological mixing: the steady-state assumption remains valid and applicable for most of natural marine environments. However, systematic tests reveal that incorrect seasonal sensitivity of 234Th is detected for marine environments with λL2/Db lower than 10 and greater than 1000. In these cases, the apparent seasonal variations of the biological activity need to be corrected. The main parameter in selecting the appropriate radionuclide for field analyses is the dimensionless pulse, which defines the relative importance of decay time scale relative to the seasonal time scale. This pulse controls the relative extension of the domain of satisfactory sensitivity. Consequently, long-lived radionuclides (210Pb and 228Th) are not appropriate for predicting seasonal mixing, except for specific environments which display an unexpected sensitivity to seasonal mixing. These marine environments are characterized by a moderate biological mixing and a deep mixed-layer

    Biogeochemical and contaminant cycling in sediments from a human-impacted coastal lagoon â Introduction and summary

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    International audienceFrom 2001 to 2003, the Microbent project (ââBiogeochemical processes at the water sediment interface in eutrophic environmentââ) was carried out within the framework of the Programme National Environnement CoËtier, the French contribution to LandeOcean Interaction in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ). The Microbent programme was focused on the study of sediment biogeochemical cycles of carbon, oxygen, sulphur, iron, nitrogen, and phosphorus in relation to the faunal activity in the sediment and their relation with the mobility of metallic contaminants at the sedimentewater interface (SWI) in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Thau lagoon, France; Fig. 1). The aim of Microbent was to set up an interdisciplinary study bringing together geochemists, sedimentologists, and biologists in order to understand and quantify the main reaction pathways, and the fluxes of contaminants at the SWI, including those related to benthic fauna. Work was focused on the processes which generate contaminant fluxes: (1) early diagenetic processes, which generate the chemical conditions of the environment; (2) processes leading to the transfer of contaminants from particles toward biofilms, water column, and organisms; and (3) processes of sediment mixing by organisms and sediment accumulation

    Temporal variability of lagoon–sea water exchange and seawater circulation through a Mediterranean barrier beach

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    The subterranean flow of water through sand barriers between coastal lagoons and the sea, driven by a positive hydraulic gradient, is a net new pathway for solute transfer to the sea. On the sea side of sand barriers, seawater circulation in the swash-zone generates a flux of recycled and new solutes. The significance and temporal variability of these vectors to the French Mediterranean Sea is unknown, despite lagoons constituting ~ 50% of the coastline. A one-dimensional 224Raex/223Ra reactive-transport model was used to quantify water flow between a coastal lagoon (La Palme) and the sea over a 6-month period. Horizontal flow between the lagoon and sea decreased from ~ 85 cm d−1 during May 2017 (0.3 m3 d−1 m−1 of shoreline) to ~ 20 cm d−1 in July and was negligible in the summer months thereafter due to a decreasing hydraulic gradient. Seawater circulation in the swash-zone varied from 10 to 52 cm d−1 (0.4–2.1 m3 d−1 m−1), driven by short-term changes in the prevailing wind and wave regimes. Both flow paths supply minor dissolved silica fluxes on the order of ~ 3–10 mmol Si d−1 m−1. Lagoon–sea water exchange supplies a net dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) flux (320–1100 mmol C d−1 m−1) two orders of magnitude greater than seawater circulation and may impact coastal ocean acidification. The subterranean flow of water through sand barriers represents a significant source of new DIC, and potentially other solutes, to the Mediterranean Sea during high lagoon water-level periods and should be considered in seasonal element budgets

    Benthic and Planktic Foraminifera as Indicators of Late Glacial to Holocene Paleoclimatic Changes in a Marginal Environment: An Example from the Southeastern Bay of Biscay

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    Benthic and planktic foraminiferal assemblages from two sediment cores (2000 m depth, 44°33′N-2°45′W) were analyzed to first compare modern and dead faunas and next to study changes in the hydrology of the southeastern Bay of Biscay (SE BoB) over the last 12.8 cal ka BP. Considering benthic ecosystem characteristics, the first part of the paleorecord (12.8–7.6 cal ka BP) is composed of laminated sediments that may have resulted from turbiditic overflow events, whereas occurrences of transported species (e.g. Nonionella sp., Cassidulina carinata) attest of continental influence at the core location. After 7.6 cal ka BP, the sediment becomes bioturbated concomitantly to the stabilization of the sea-level. The benthic foraminiferal fauna is largely dominated by Uvigerina peregrina suggesting a high seasonality with seasonal pulsed organic matter fluxes to the seafloor. On the other hand, the planktic foraminiferal composition indicates that surface water masses were under the influence of the polar front in the early record, which retreated at about 11.5 cal ka BP. The early Holocene is characterized by relatively warm and stratified water masses at 8.4–4.8 cal ka BP. The last 4.8 cal ka BP records a gradual sea surface water cooling trend and enhanced foraminiferal production from ~2.6 cal ka BP until present. The early (12.8–10.5 cal ka BP) and late (2.3–1.7 cal ka BP) Holocene are characterized by the presence of the planktic species Globigerinoides ruber probably caused by intrusions of the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), and a negative state of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)

    Invasive Aquatic Plants as Ecosystem Engineers in an Oligo-Mesotrophic Shallow Lake

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    Exotic hydrophytes are often considered as aquatic weeds, especially when forming dense mats on an originally poorly colonized environment. While management efforts and research are focused on the control and on the impacts of aquatic weeds on biodiversity, their influence on shallow lakes’ biogeochemical cycles is still unwell explored. The aim of the present study is to understand whether invasive aquatic plants may affect the biogeochemistry of shallow lakes and act as ecosystem engineers. We performed a multi-year investigation (2013–2015) of dissolved biogeochemical parameters in an oligo-mesotrophic shallow lake of south-west of France (Lacanau Lake), where wind-sheltered bays are colonized by dense mats of exotic Egeria densa Planch. and Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss. We collected seasonal samples at densely vegetated and plant-free areas, in order to extrapolate and quantify the role of the presence of invasive plants on the biogeochemistry, at the macrophyte stand scale and at the lake scale. Results revealed that elevated plant biomass triggers oxygen (O2), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and nitrogen (DIN) stratification, with hypoxia events frequently occurring at the bottom of the water column. Within plants bed, elevated respiration rates generated important amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and ammonium (NH4+). The balance between benthic nutrients regeneration and fixation into biomass results strictly connected to the seasonal lifecycle of the plants. Indeed, during summer, DIC and DIN regenerated from the sediment are quickly fixed into plant biomass and sustain elevated growth rates. On the opposite, in spring and autumn, bacterial and plant respiration overcome nutrients fixation, resulting in an excess of nutrients in the water and in the increase of carbon emission toward the atmosphere. Our study suggests that aquatic weeds may perform as ecosystem engineers, by negatively affecting local oxygenation and by stimulating nutrients regeneration

    Hydrothermal Activity and Paleoenvironments of the Atlantis II Deep

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    International audienceThe Atlantis II Deep is a 65 km2 topographic depression located in the axial trough of the Red Sea at 2,000 m depth. The depression traps 17 km3 of hot and dense brines fed by hydrothermal fluids. This chapter reviews numerous data collected during the last 50 years. Chemical and isotopic data suggest that the processes that lead to the formation of the Atlantis II Deep brines are similar to those that produce open ridge black smoker fluids, but the recharging fluid is sea water in the case of sediment-free ridges, whereas it is sea water that has dissolved evaporites in the case of the Atlantis II Deep. The monitoring of temperature indicates that the heat flux was 0.54 × 109 W between 1965 and 1995. After 1995, the heat flux became 10 times lower. The substratum of the Atlantis II Deep consists of MORB-type basalts, which are covered with 0- to 30-m-thick metalliferous sediments. The solid fraction contains biogenic calcareous and/or siliceous components and silico-clastic detrital particles diluted by metalliferous sediment, which consists of metal oxides, sulphides, carbonates, sulphates, and silicates that precipitated from the hydrothermal fluids. The redox interface between the deepest brine layer and sea water is a major place of mineral precipitation. During glacial periods before the Holocene, the redox boundary was located above the brine–sea water boundary, so that hydrothermal metals spread over a large area of the Red Sea bottom

    Spectrophotometric determination of phosphate in matrices from sequential leaching of sediments

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    The speciation of Phosphorus (P) in geologic materials can inform diverse investigations in such as aquatic biogeochemistry, soil sciences, and paleo-oceanography. Here, we describe in detail a set of sequential extraction schemes to measure P concentrations from several operationally defined phases: pore water, exchangeable or loosely sorbed P, Fe-bound P, P associated with biogenic apatite, P associated with authigenic apatite and carbonate forms, P associated with detrital apatite and inorganic forms, and organic P. The two benefits of the procedures we describe compared to prior methodological studies are: (1) fast, simple and inexpensive colorimetric methods have been developed for P determination in all the different matrices; and (2) the Fe-bound phosphorus pool is separated into two fractions, allowing the P associated with most reactive Fe-fraction to be distinguished from P bound to the remainder of the Fe-oxides. Adaptations of these procedures to optimize the characterization of P pools in a range of material types are also outlined
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