197 research outputs found

    The Maastricht Convergence Criteria and Optimal Monetary Policy for the EMU Accession Countries.

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    The EMU accession countries are obliged to fulfill the Maastricht convergence criteria prior to entering the EMU. This paper uses a DSGE model of a two-sector small open economy, to address the following question: How do the Maastricht convergence criteria modify optimal monetary policy in an economy facing domestic and external shocks? First, we derive the micro founded loss function that represents the objective function of the optimal monetary policy not constrained to satisfy the criteria. We find that the optimal monetary policy should not only target inflation rates in the domestic sectors and aggregate output fluctuations but also domestic and international terms of trade. Second, we show how the loss function changes when the monetary policy is constrained to satisfy the Maastricht criteria. The loss function of such a constrained policy is characterized by additional elements penalizing fluctuations of the CPI inflation rate, the nominal interest rate and the nominal exchange rate around the new targets which are potentially different from the steady state of the unconstrained optimal monetary policy. Under the chosen parameterization, the unconstrained optimal monetary policy violates two criteria: concerning the CPI inflation rate and the nominal interest rate. The constrained optimal policy results in targeting the CPI inflation rate and the nominal interest rate that are 0.7% lower (in annual terms) than the CPI inflation rate and the nominal interest rate in the countries taken as a reference. The welfare costs associated with these constraints need to be offset against credibility gains and other benefits related to the compliance with the Maastricht criteria that are not modelled. JEL Classification: F41, E52, E58, E61EMU accession countries, Maastricht convergence criteria, optimal monetary policy

    Monetary and fiscal policy aspects of indirect tax changes in a monetary union

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    In recent years a number of European countries have shifted their tax structure more strongly towards indirect taxes, motivated, inter alia, by the intention to foster competitiveness. Against this background, this paper develops a tractable two-country model of a monetary union, characterised by national fiscal and supranational monetary policy, with price-setting firms and endogenously determined terms of trade. The paper discusses a number of monetary and fiscal policy questions which emerge if one of the countries shifts its tax structure more strongly towards indirect taxes. Qualitatively, it is shown that the long-run effects of such a unilateral policy shift on output and consumption within and between the two countries depend sensitively on whether indirect tax revenues are used to lower direct taxes or to finance additional government expenditures. Moreover, short-run dynamics are shown to depend significantly on the speed at which fiscal adjustments take place, on the choice of the inflation index stabilised by the central bank, and on whether the tax shift is anticipated or not. Quantitatively, the calibrated model version indicates that only if the additional indirect tax revenues are used to finance a cut in direct taxes there is some, though limited scope for non-negligible spillovers between countries. JEL Classification: E61, E63, F42Currency union, fiscal regimes, monetary policy

    Language teaching and the new technology - a necessary innovation or innovatory necessity

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    Nowadays the range of technologies available for use in teaching and learning languages has become very diverse therefore the ways that they are being used in classrooms have become central to language practice. Innovative approaches to language development are often considered necessary in the digital age. Does however the investment we are making in new technologies give us proper value for money? Many researches have already pointed out that the new technologies do not have any intrinsic value and just their use does not guarantee success in mastering a language. In order to stimulate acquisition they have to be seamlessly integrated into process of learning. In our study we wanted to find out what approach to new technologies (their presence and role in classroom practice) take three groups of people involved in language learning/teaching process; namely, experienced teachers, future teachers and present pupils as older teachers are very often regarded as people who are “technology unfriendly”, pupils on the other hand are normally perceived as enthusiast of every innovation


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    The article describes the general characteristics of logistics centres. In particular, their functions, types and characteristics of the model logistics centre were presented. The logistics centres associated in Europlatforms have been described, focusing on those countries where the number of centres is the largest, i.e. Germany, Spain, France and Italy. The factors determining the decision making regarding the selection of the optimal location of a logistics centre in Europe have been discussed, and also the places currently enjoying the greatest interest in the logistics industry have been shown. The development perspectives of Polish logistic facilities are presented and factors influencing the investment attractiveness of Poland are described

    The development of placement tests in Polish as a foreign language

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    The placement test is a special examination used to test students’ language proficiency so that they may be placed in an appropriate course. It should be relatively short, yet comprehensive. The test used in the Jagiellonian University Center for Polish Language and Culture in the World has been based on the standards set in two documents, namely the Common European Framework of Reference (2001) and the Polish Language Proficiency Standards (2003). It consists of 2 parts - written and oral. In the written part it concentrates on assessing students’ knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, as well as reading and writing abilities. The oral part assesses students’ productive and interactive skills. The article presents all the development stages of the placement test and its subsequent modifications. It also discusses the choice of testing tasks and the means of evaluating students’ production

    Glycosylation and Glycoproteins in Thyroid Cancer: A Potential Role for Diagnostics

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    Rozdział książki Updates in the Understanding and Management of Thyroid Cancer Edited by Thomas J. Fahe

    Skin prick test with inhaled allergens in the general population of Lodz province

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    Introduction: Skin prick tests are a common, fast and safe method used for atopy screening and identification of sensitizing allergens. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of the positive skin prick test (SPT) with common inhaled allergens in the general population of Lodz province and to identify the most common allergens. Material and methods: A random sample of 1522 subjects aged from 3 to 80 was taken. Demographic data and medical histories were collected from all participants via standardized questionnaires. Skin prick tests were performed with ten aeroallergens. Results: The complete data from 1340 subjects (1057 adults and 283 children) were included for further analysis. At least one positive reaction to a tested aeroallergen was observed in 24.4% of studied subjects (24% of adults and 25.4% of children). Positive tests were observed most frequently in the group of patients with rhinitis. 12.2% of subjects showed a positive skin reaction without clinical symptoms of an allergic disease. The most common sensitizing allergens were house dust mites. No significant differences in sex and age between groups with positive SPT and negative SPT were observed in the study. Statistically significant differences between the studied regions (p = 0.037) were noticed in the case of the number of positive reactions and the kind of sensitizing allergen. Conclusions: The distribution of positive skin tests in the above study was similar to several epidemiological studies from central and eastern Europe. Skin prick tests are valuable epidemiological tools in the diagnosis of atopy and allergy.Wstęp: Punktowe testy skórne są powszechnie stosowaną, szybką, dość tanią i bezpieczną metodą diagnostyczną, wykorzystywaną w alergologii do identyfikacji czynnika odpowiedzialnego za rozwój choroby alergicznej. Celem badania było określenie częstości pozytywnych wyników punktowych testów skórnych z powszechnie występującymi w środowisku alergenami wziewnymi w populacji ogólnej oraz identyfikacja najczęstszych alergenów. Materiał i metody: Badaniom poddano losowo wybraną 1522-osobową grupę mieszkańców województwa łódzkiego w wieku od 3 do 80 lat. Dane demograficzne i wywiad chorobowy zbierano, opierając się na standaryzowanych kwestionariuszach. Testy skórne wykonano zestawem 10 alergenów wziewnych powszechnie występujących w Polsce. Wyniki: Kompletne dane zebrane od 1340 osób zostały poddane analizie (1057 dorosłych i 183 dzieci). Co najmniej jeden dodatni odczyn w testach stwierdzono u 24,4% badanych osób (24% dorosłych i 25,4% dzieci). Najczęściej dodatnie testy stwierdzano u osób skarżących się na nieżyt nosa, 12,2% osób z dodatnimi testami nie zgłaszało objawów alergii. Najczęściej stwierdzanym alergenem, na który obserwowano dodatnie testy, były roztocza kurzu domowego. Nie stwierdzono różnic częstości występowania dodatnich testów zależnych od płci i wieku. Zróżnicowanie obserwowano zaś między badanymi rejonami (miastem, terenami podmiejskimi i wsią) (p = 0,037). Wnioski: Rozkład dodatnich testów skórnych w tym badaniu odpowiada wynikom badań z Europy Środkowej i Europy Wschodniej. Alergiczne testy skórne są wartościowym narzędziem epidemiologicznym do oceny występowania atopii w populacji ogólnej

    The underdiagnosis and undertreatment of asthma in general population of the Lodz Province (Poland)

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    Introduction: Hundreds of studies investigating the epidemiology of asthma in various populations have been conducted in the past 30 years, yielding a large body of interesting data, including data on prevalence and risk factors. Less information is, however, available on the accurate diagnosis of asthma and its correct treatment. Epidemiological studies of the prevalence of asthma in the general population was conducted between 1998 and 2000 in the Lodz Province in Poland. The present analysis is an evaluation of the detectability and treatment of this disease. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 1522 randomly selected residents of the Lodz Province aged 3 to 80 years. The demographics and medical history were collected using standardised questionnaires. All the respondents underwent skin prick tests and screening spirometry. Additional diagnostic tests were performed in doubtful cases. Results: Complete data collected from 1340 subjects (1057 adults and 283 children) were included in the analysis. The prevalence of asthma was calculated at 7.3% in adults and 8.5% in children. The accurate diagnosis of asthma had not been made in 71% of symptomatic children and 49% of the adults. Forty-eight percent of adult asthmatics had not used any antiasthmatic medication in the previous 12 months. Subjects suffering from asthma had most commonly used the following drugs in the previous 12 months: β2-agonists (46.8%), anticholinergics (13%), inhalation glucocorticoids (36.4%), oral glucocorticoids (16.9%), parenteral glucocorticoids (3.9%), xanthine derivatives (33.8%) and cromones (11.7%). Conclusions: The results of this study reveal shortcomings in the healthcare system which require appropriate actions aimed at early diagnosis and improvement of allergy treatment before the patient’s health deteriorates irreversibly.Wstęp: W ostatnich 30 latach przeprowadzono setki badań nad epidemiologią astmy w różnych populacjach. Badania te dostarczyły wielu interesujących danych, w tym dotyczących chorobowości i czynników ryzyka. Mniej jest jednak dostępnych informacji dotyczących wykrywalności astmy i jej właściwego leczenia. W latach 1998-2000 na terenie województwa łódzkiego przeprowadzono badania epidemiologiczne nad częstością występowania astmy w populacji ogólnej. Obecna analiza danych dotyczy oceny wykrywalności i terapii tej choroby. Materiał i metody: Badanie przeprowadzono na losowo wybranej grupie mieszkańców województwa łódzkiego, liczącej 1522 osoby w wieku 3-80 lat. Dane demograficzne i wywiad chorobowy zbierano na podstawie standaryzowanych kwestionariuszy. U wszystkich respondentów wykonano punktowe testy skórne i przesiewową spirometrię. W wątpliwych przypadkach przeprowadzano dodatkowe testy diagnostyczne. Wyniki: Kompletne dane zebrane od 1340 osób (1057 dorosłych i 283 dzieci) zostały włączone do dalszej analizy. Częstość występowania astmy oskrzelowej u osób dorosłych oszacowano na 7,3%, a u dzieci - na 8,5%. Właściwa diagnoza astmy nie była wcześniej postawiona u 71% dzieci i u 49% badanych dorosłych z objawami tej choroby. Czterdzieści osiem procent osób dorosłych chorujących na astmę w ostatnich 12 miesiącach nie stosowało żadnych leków przeciwastmatycznych. Osoby chorujące na astmę w ciągu ostatnich 12 miesięcy najczęściej stosowały leki z grupy β2-agonistów - 46,8%, 13% - leki cholinolityczne, 36,4% - wziewne glikokortykosteroidy, 16,9% - doustne glikokortykosteroidy, 3,9% - parenteralne glikokortykosteroidy, 33,8% - ksantyny i 11,7% - kromony. Wnioski: Wyniki tego badania ujawniają braki w systemie opieki zdrowotnej. Taka sytuacja wymaga wprowadzania stosownych zmian. Powinny być one nakierowane na wczesną diagnostykę i poprawę leczenia alergii, zanim jeszcze dojdzie do nieodwracalnego pogorszenia stanu zdrowia