5,788 research outputs found

    The Use of Brands in Food Marketing - Results from a Survey of Danish Food Industry Firms

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    The paper tests a number of hypotheses concerning branding behaviour of the food industry found in the literature. Based on a survey of 109 Danish food industry firms conducted in 2004, three aspects of branding strategies are analysed, i) the number of brands owned by the firm, ii) the number of brands introduced by the firm during the past year and iii) the percentage of sales obtained from production under private labels. Firms' branding behaviour is related to structural variables including firm size, degree of vertical integration, value added as well as firms' views on food chain organisation and competitiveness.Brands, Private labels, Food industry, Survey, Marketing, Q13,

    Gene Loss and Horizontal Gene Transfer Contributed to the Genome Evolution of the Extreme Acidophile “Ferrovum”

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    IndexaciĂłn: Web of Science. Scopus.Acid mine drainage (AMD), associated with active and abandoned mining sites, is a habitat for acidophilic microorganisms that gain energy from the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds and ferrous iron and that thrive at pH below 4. Members of the recently proposed genus "Ferrovurn" are the first acidophilic iron oxidizers to be described within the Betaproteobacteria. Although they have been detected as typical community members in AMD habitats worldwide, knowledge of their phylogenetic and metabolic diversity is scarce. Genomics approaches appear to be most promising in addressing this lacuna since isolation and cultivation of "Ferrovurn" has proven to be extremely difficult and has so far only been successful for the designated type strain-Ferrovum myxofaciens" P3G. In this study, the genomes of two novel strains of "Ferrovurn" (PN-J185 and Z-31) derived from water samples of a mine water treatment plant were sequenced. These genomes were compared with those of "Ferrovum" sp. JA12 that also originated from the mine water treatment plant, and of the type strain (P3G). Phylogenomic scrutiny suggests that the four strains represent three "Ferrovum" species that cluster in two groups (1 and 2). Comprehensive analysis of their predicted metabolic pathways revealed that these groups harbor characteristic metabolic profiles, notably with respect to motility, chemotaxis, nitrogen metabolism, biofilm formation and their potential strategies to cope with the acidic environment. For example, while the "F myxofaciens" strains (group 1) appear to be motile and diazotrophic, the non-motile group 2 strains have the predicted potential to use a greater variety of fixed nitrogen sources. Furthermore, analysis of their genome synteny provides first insights into their genome evolution, suggesting that horizontal gene transfer and genome reduction in the group 2 strains by loss of genes encoding complete metabolic pathways or physiological features contributed to the observed diversification.http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb.2016.00797/ful

    "Gestresste" Mitochondrien werden isoliert : ein Protein schlĂ€gt die BrĂŒcke zwischen QualitĂ€tskontrolle und Dynamik

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    Mitochondrien sind die Kraftwerke unserer Zellen. In ihnen findet die Zellatmung statt, die unseren Körper mit lebenswichtiger Energie versorgt. ZusĂ€tzlich teilen sich die Zellorganellen und verschmelzen wieder miteinander im Minutentakt. Was aber passiert, wenn Teile dieses dynamischen Geflechts Defekte aufweisen? Die Antwort dazu könnte ein Protein sein, das auf zwei verschiedene Weisen in die Mitochondrien-Membranen eingebaut wird. Liegt keine kurze Form des Proteins vor, ist das ein Hinweis dafĂŒr, dass die Organellen defekt sind. Die Mitochondrien verbrennen die mit der Nahrung zugefĂŒhrten Kohlenhydrate und Fette unter Verbrauch von Sauerstoff zu Kohlendioxid und Wasser. Bei diesem Vorgang, der Zellatmung, wird ĂŒber eine Reihe von Proteinkomplexen ein elektrochemisches Potenzial aufgebaut, das zur Produktion des EnergietrĂ€gers ATP (Adenosintriphosphat) genutzt wird. ATP kann aus den Mitochondrien abtransportiert werden und steht somit als eine Art Treibstoff fĂŒr alle Stoffwechselprozesse zur VerfĂŒgung. Die Arbeit der Mitochondrien ist der Hauptgrund fĂŒr unseren tĂ€glichen Sauerstoffbedarf. Außerdem tragen die Nano-Kraftwerke der Zelle dazu bei, unsere Körpertemperatur auf 37 °C aufrechtzuerhalten. Aufgrund dieser zentralen Funktionen ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass eine Reihe von Krankheiten beim Menschen durch den Funktionsverlust von Mitochondrien verursacht oder beeinflusst wird. Das sind in erster Linie neurologische oder muskulĂ€re Erkrankungen, aber auch Diabetes, Fettleibigkeit, verschiedene Formen von Krebs und Alterungsprozesse. Folglich ist es von immenser Bedeutung zu verstehen, wie Mitochondrien funktionieren, wie sie ihre FunktionalitĂ€t aufrechterhalten und gegebenenfalls repariert oder entsorgt werden können. Dem können wir am Wissenschaftsstandort Frankfurt hervorragend nachgehen, da sich einige international ausgewiesene Forschungsgruppen in den Fachbereichen Medizin, Biologie, Chemie und am Max-Planck-Institut fĂŒr Biophysik mit verschiedenen Aspekten der mitochondrialen Biologie befassen. In zahlreichen interdisziplinĂ€ren Kooperationen wird so versucht, dieses komplexe System besser zu verstehen

    Show me how you use your mouse and I tell you how you feel? Sensing affect with the computer mouse

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    Computer mouse tracking is a simple and cost-efficient way to gather continuous behavioral data. As theory suggests a relationship between affect and sensorimotor processes, the computer mouse might be usable for affect sensing. However, the processes underlying a connection between mouse usage and affect are complex, hitherto empirical evidence is ambiguous, and the research area lacks longitudinal studies. The present work brings forward a longitudinal field study in which 179 participants hourly self-reported their affect while their mouse usage was tracked both during their self-directed, contextless as well as task-bound computer use over the course of 14 days, resulting in a dataset comprising 10,760 instances of data collection. Extensive statistical analysis using null hypothesis significance testing and machine learning reveal weak and sporadic relationships between mouse usage and longitudinal self-reported affect at best. The results of this study challenge the immediate use of computer mouse tracking for longitudinal affect sensing and point to a necessity for more research

    Nightmares, chronotype, urbanicity, and personality: an online study

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    Chronotype refers to individual differences in sleep timing (“owls” and “larks”) and “eveningness” has been associated with nightmares. However, it has not been tested as to whether neuroticism mediates this relationship. Urbanicity refers to being raised in an urban region and/or currently living in an urban region and is associated with heightened risk for developing mental disorders, and thus might be related to nightmare frequency and nightmare distress. Overall, 2492 persons (1437 women, 1055 men) completed an online survey between 23 March 2015 and 8 April 2015. The mean age of the sample was 47.75 ± 14.41 years. The findings indicate that the previously reported relationship between chronotype and nightmare frequency was mediated by neuroticism and “morningness” was related to higher dream recall compared to persons with a late bedtime preference. Urbanicity was not related to nightmare frequency but to lower nightmare distress, raising the interesting question as to whether beliefs about nightmares might be an important variable that contributes to nightmare distress. Based on the few studies so far, there are still many unresolved questions about the interaction between nightmares, chronotype, and urbanicity

    Does social desirability compromise self-reports of physical activity in web-based research?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study investigated the relation between social desirability and self-reported physical activity in web-based research.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>A longitudinal study (<it>N </it>= 5,495, 54% women) was conducted on a representative sample of the Dutch population using the Marlowe-Crowne Scale as social desirability measure and the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. Social desirability was not associated with self-reported physical activity (in MET-minutes/week), nor with its sub-behaviors (i.e., walking, moderate-intensity activity, vigorous-intensity activity, and sedentary behavior). Socio-demographics (i.e., age, sex, income, and education) did not moderate the effect of social desirability on self-reported physical activity and its sub-behaviors.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study does not throw doubt on the usefulness of the Internet as a medium to collect self-reports on physical activity.</p
