362 research outputs found
Estimation of Percentage on Malnutrition Occurrences in East Java Using Geographically Weighted Regression Model
The Province of East Java has its own characteristics that differentiate it from any other regions. Dissimilarities in characteristics of a region may encompass issues such as social, economic, cultural, parenting, education, and the environment, so as to cause the difference in case of severe under nutrition between one region to another. Sufferers of malnutrition in one region may be linked and influenced by the surrounding regions. Therefore, we need a statistical modeling that is able to take into account the spatial factor. Statistical methods that can be used to analyze the data and also takes into account the spatial factor are the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). This study is aimed to determine the case of malnutrition models in East Java Province using GWR model with kernel adaptive bi-square weighting and comparing it to the conventional linear regression model. The data used in the study are secondary data obtained from the National Socio-Economic Survey and Basic Health Research (2010) conducted in 38 districts in East Java. Estimation is done by using the Weighted Least Squares method that provides different weighting values to each region. The result showed that there are 38 models of the malnutrition case that is different for each district in East Java. The GWR model with bi-square kernel weighting function is better in modelling the case of malnutrition in East Java compared to the conventional linear regression models that are based on the criteria of goodness that is the R-square, Mean Square Error and the Akaike Information Criterion
Feeling Good about Giving: The Benefits (and Costs) of Self-Interested Charitable Behavior
In knowledge-intensive settings such as product or software development, fluid teams of individuals with different sets of experience are tasked with projects that are critical to the success of their organizations. Although building teams from individuals with diverse prior experience is increasingly necessary, prior work examining the relationship between experience and performance fails to find a consistent effect of diversity in experience on performance. The problem is that diversity in experience improves a team's information processing capacity and knowledge base, but also creates coordination challenges. We hypothesize that team familiarity - team members' prior experience working with one another - is one mechanism that helps teams leverage the benefits of diversity in team member experience by alleviating coordination problems that diversity creates. We use detailed project- and individual-level data from an Indian software services firm to examine the effects of team familiarity and diversity in experience on performance for software development projects. We find the interaction of team familiarity and diversity in experience has a complementary effect on a project being delivered on time and on budget. In team familiarity, we identify one mechanism for capturing the performance benefits of diversity in experience and provide insight into how the management of experience accumulation affects team performance.Diversity, Experience, Knowledge, Software, Team Familiarity
Evaluation of Simultaneous and Simultaneous Spatial Autoregressive Equation with Three Stage Least Square Method (Case Study on GRDP, Poverty and Unemployment Data in Papua in 2018)
In the simultaneous equation (SM), the dependent variable in an equation could be an independent variable in another equation. Dependent variables are called endogenous variables and independent variables are called exogenous variables. If the observations in SM are locations and contain spatial autocorrelation, then a spatial dependency model can be added. Adding dependencies to endogenous variables is modeled as spatial autoregressive regression (SAR). Addition of SAR to the SM model hereinafter referred to as simultaneous spatial autoregressive regression (SM SAR). Estimation of parameters in the SM SAR can use the Three Stage Least Square (3SLS) method as used in SM. This study aims to predict this SM SAR model on GRDP, poverty and unemployment data in Papua in 2018. SM consists of three equations. The weight matrix used in each equation can be the same or a combination of inverse distance, rook contiguity, exponential weight and K-NN matrices. The results showed the addition of SAR in SM could reduce MSE by 0.31and an increase in R2 by 4.68% compared to the SM model
Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion Approach to Disaster Management Policy: The Case of the Bali Disaster Response Authority
This article describes the application of the GEDSI (Gender Equality, Disability, and Social Inclusion) approach to disaster management policies with special reference to the Province of Bali. The province, which frequently experiences natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and floods, recognizes the need to pay attention to gender differences, disabilities and social inclusion in all aspects of disaster management. The GEDSI approach promotes active participation and an equal role for all community members in dealing with disasters. The findings show that Bali is committed to ensuring equal access to information, protection and disaster management services for vulnerable groups. It seeks to integrate a gender perspective in disaster management planning, including ensuring women's participation in decision-making and their involvement in policy implementation. In addition, the GEDSI approach also emphasizes social inclusion and the needs of people with disabilities. Bali seeks to remove physical and social barriers that may impede the participation and accessibility of persons with disabilities during disasters. Disabled persons-friendly facilities and services are provided, and disability groups are involved in policy planning and evaluation. With the GEDSI approach, disaster management in Bali can be inclusive and responsive to the needs of all individuals. This approach will ensure equity, respect human rights and enhance sustainability in the face of natural disasters
Modeling of Malaria Prevalence in Indonesia with Geographically Weighted Regression
Malaria is a public health problem that can lead to death, especially in high-risk groups i.e. infants, toddlers and pregnant women. This disease is still endemic in most parts of Indonesia. The relation of location factor between regions with the surrounding region was assumed to give the effect of spatial variability in the prevalence of malaria in the region. It would lead to the prevalence of malaria modeling using classical regression methods become less precise due to the assumption of homogeneity of variance was not met. It could be overcome by Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) modeling. In GWR analysis, the selection weighting function was one determinant of the analysis results. GWR analysis resulted on the prevalence of malaria in Indonesia, GWR model with bisquare kernel weighting function had a better value of R2 and AIC than GWR models with gaussian kernel weighting function
Sistem Pengukuran Kinerja Menggunakan Metode Performance Prism di PT Karung Emas Manyar Gresik
PT. Karung Emas adalah Perusahaan penunjang bagi industri atau Perusahaan lain dikarenakan karung adalah komponen utama dalam proses pengemasan hasil akhir suatu produk.Pengukuran kinerja sangat penting bagi Perusahaan, dengan mengukur kinerja, Perusahaan dapat melakukan analisa apakah Perusahaan berjalan pada arah yang benar atau tidak dalam mencapai tujuan Perusahaan. Dengan mengunakan metode Performance Pirsm dalam pengukuran kinerja pada PT Karung Emas sistem pengukuran kinerja menjadi terintergrasi dan komprehensif dimana dalam penentuan Key Performance indicator pada PT Karung Emas ini mengidentifikasi 5 sisi Performance Prism yaitu stakeholder kebutuhan, stakehoder konribusi, strategi, proses dan kapabilitas.Hasil peneitian menunjukan terdapat 24 KPI untuk kinerja kebutuhan stakeholder, 24 KPI kontribusi stakeholder, 15 KPI kinerja strategi, 15 KPI kinerja proses, 15 KPI kinerja kapabilitas. Terdapat lima KPI yang harus dilakukan perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kinerja Perusahaan yaitu KPI kebutahan stakeholder dari konsumen, KPI kontribusi stakeholder dari investor , KPI strategi dari masayarakat, KPI proses dari konsumen dan KPI kapibiitas dari konsumen
Pendidikan melalui Edutainment Film untuk Meningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Sejak Dini Tentang Bahaya Penyalahgunaan Narkoba pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Limbangan Kabupaten Kendal
Meningkatnya kasus narkoba, khususnya di kalangan usia muda dan anak-anak, penyebaran HIV/AIDS semakin meningkat dan mengancam. Pemahaman tentang bahaya narkoba perlu diperkenalkan sejak dini kepada anak-anak agar mereka nantinya tidak terjerumus dalam penyalahgunaan obat-obat terlarang. Pendidikan melalui edutainment film ini cukup efektif dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan merubah sikap siswa dalam pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkoba sejak dini. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan peningkatan skor pengetahuan dan sikap peserta setelah dilakukannya kegiatan pendidikan tersebut.Disarankan : (1) bagi Dinas Kesehatan dan Puskesmas, penyuluhan kesehatan mengenai bahaya penyalahgunaan narkoba perlu selalu dilaksanakan di sekolah-sekolah sejak dini mungkin, (2) bagi Dinas Pendidikan dan pihak sekolah, kegiatan ini perlu terus dikembangkan dan ditindaklanjuti agar anak-anak didik mampu mengenali jenis-jenis narkoba, mengetahui bahaya dan dampak narkoba bagi kesehatan serta mampu menolak dan mencegah perilakuperilaku negatif, pengabdian selanjutnya diharapkan media yang digunakan dapat lebih variatif dan inovatif lagi
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Furniture Berbasis Web pada PT. Vinotindo Graha Sarana Menggunakan PHP dan MySQL
Perkembangan dunia internet sekarang ini sangat pesat, karena semakin banyak Perusahaan swasta, instansi pemerintahan dan istitusi pendidikan membutuhkan layanan informasi yang sangat cepat.. Sistem penjualan banyak dilakukan secara online, sehingga mempermudah pelanggan. Dalam penelitian ini akan membuat Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang Furniture berbasis Web pada PT. Vinotindo Graha Sarana. Saat ini masih menggunakan sistem penjualan secara manual, sehingga pelanggan kurang mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dan cepat. Karena pelanggan harus datang ke PT. Vinotindo Graha Sarana untuk mendapat informasi dan melakukan pemesana, selaim itu membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam transaksi penjualan. Diharapkan dengan sistem penjualan berbasis web akan meningkatkan penjualan dan mempermudah transaksi penjualan dengan pelangga
Pengaruh Promosi, Kualitas Perlayanan Dan Citra Perusahaan Terhadap Volume Penjualan
The study aims to determine the effect of promotion, service quality and corporate image on sales volume at PT Bintang Sidoraya Buleleng Regency. The technique used in this study is a questionnaire with a measuring instrument in the form of a rating scale of 1-5 and the determination of the sample in this study using the slovin formula, namely as many as 65 customer stores from PT Bintang Sidoraya Buleleng Regency. The data analysis techniques used are Classical Assumption Test analysis, Data Description Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Coefficient of Determination Test (R2), Simultaneous Significance Test (F Test), Individual Significance Test (T Test), using computer program assistance (SPSS). ) Version 26.00 for Windows. The results of the analysis show that promotion has a significant positive effect on sales volume with the result (2.892) with a t-count value greater than t-table (1.670). Service quality has a significant positive effect on sales volume with the result (4,742) with a value greater than t-table (1,670). Company image has a significant positive effect on sales volume with the result (5.416) with a t-count value greater than t-table (1.670).
Keywords: Promotion, Service Quality, Company Image, Sales Volum
Pengembangan Model Agrowisata Salak Berbasis Masyarakat Di Desa Sibetan
Sibetan village, Karangasem is a centers of Salak plant in Bali. In this area was found 13 cultivar, but the agrotourism based on salak plant has not been developed optimally so that the visitors in agro salak is very low at 0.008% of the total of 462 233 tourists visiting Karangasem regency. This study aims to :1) identify the biophysical aspects of agrotourism based on salak plants, (2) study the characteristic patterns of the local institutional to support agrotourism-based community, (3) study the perceptionsand preferences of groups and visitors in the development of agrotourism, and (4) formulating development models of agrotourism based on salak plants. The research was conducted using survey method with rapid rural appraisal (RRA) and participatory rural appraisal (PRA), and a SWOT analysis. The result shows that 1) Sibetan village has the potential agrotourism-based community with superior object salak garden, processed products made from plants and fruits, unique culture and beautiful scenery in the hills Muding, Banjar Dukuh. 2) Society is very interested in developing agrotourism-based community. 3) People really need assistance both in the field of planning, development and management of agrotourism products and assistance in post-harvest processing. 4) Need to restructure the biophysical, social aspects, cultural, institutional, funding from government and other sources, marketing and increased a network of cooperation.
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