395 research outputs found

    Fluoride content in children's dentifrices marketed in Lima, Peru

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the concentration of total fluoride (TF) and total soluble fluoride (TSF) in children's dentifrices marketed in the city of Lima, Peru. Three samples of 23 dentifrices (4 without fluoride and 19 with fluoride) were purchased in different pharmacies in Lima, Peru. The TF and TSF concentrations found in the dentifrices were determined by ion-selective electrode, expressed in ppm F (μg F/g of dentifrice). The TF concentration in the majority of the fluoride toothpastes matched that shown on the label, except for one declared as 1450 ppm F by the manufacturer, whereas only 515.1 ppm F was found. The concentration of TSF found in the fluoride toothpastes ranged from 457.5 to 1134.8 ppm F. All the dentifrices were formulated with silica, but one also presented calcium carbonate. In conclusion, 83% of the children's dentifrices marketed in Lima, Peru, were fluoridated, but only 53% contained a TSF concentration greater than 1000 ppm F, the minimum concentration required to provide an anticaries effect33COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESnão te

    Absorção dos macronutrientes pelos capins colonião, gordura jaraguá, napier e pangola

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    The purpose of this investigation was to gain information on the rate of dry matter production and nutrient absorption by the following grasses: colonião (Panicum maximum, Jacq.), gordura (Melinis minutiflora, Beauv), jaraguá (Hyparrehenia rufa, Stapf), pangola (Digitaria Decumbens, Stent) e napier (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum). The test was carried out under field conditions in pots containing fertilized soil. Every 28 days plantas were harvested and analysed N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. Data obtained allowed for the following main conclusions: a) the initial rate of growth of the grasses is rather slow until 28 days. Napier present the highest dry matter production, followed by colonião, jaraguá, gordura and pangola. b) the maxium absorption according to the element was: K, N, Ca, P, Mg and S. c) the following amounts of element absorbed in g per 1 kg of dry matter by the plants 84 days old were:Para determinar a absorção de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio e enxofre em 5 espécies de forragens, conduziu-se um ensaio em vasos ao ar livre. Cada 28 dias até aos 84 dias colhiam-se plantas para a determinação de pêso de matéria sêca, bem como para a análise quantitativa dos macronutrientes. Verificou-se que o máximo de crescimento foi atingido pelo capim napier seguido do colonião, jaraguá, gordura e pangola. O potássio e nitrogênio são absorvidos em maior quantidade do que o cálcio, fósforo, magnésio e enxôfre. As quantidades de nutrientes extraídos pelas plantas aos 84 dias de idade em g por kg de matéria sêca se acham ilustradas abaixo

    Stem cell factor (SCF) and c-kit in the ovine fetal testis in normal and nutrition perturbed pregnancies

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    Stem cell factor (SCF) and c-kit in the ovine fetal testis in normal and nutrition perturbed pregnancie

    Carbono orgânico dissolvido e biodisponibilidade de N e P como indicadores de qualidade do solo

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    Nas últimas décadas, qualidade do solo tem se tornado um tópico importante na ciência do solo. Embora esforços consideráveis tenham sido dedicados com o intuito de definir "qualidade do solo", ainda não há um conceito amplamente aceito pela comunidade cientifica. A seleção de índices qualitativos para definir qualidade do solo é uma tarefa extremamente difícil, e diversas propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas tem sido sugeridas como potenciais indicadores. A matéria orgânica do solo está associada com processos químicos, físicos e biológicos no solo, e, portanto, é considerada um dos melhores indicadores de qualidade do solo. O manejo do solo pode influenciar significativamente a dinâmica do carbono orgânico e o ciclo de N, P, e S. Entretanto, mudanças na concentração total da matéria organica em resposta ao manejo pode ser dificil de ser detectada devido à variabilidade natural do solo. Quando comparada com a matéria orgânica total do solo, a fração mais prontamente disponível, como o carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD), é mais sensível às mudanças no manejo do solo a curto e médio prazo e, portanto, pode ser utilizada como indicador fundamental de qualidade do solo ou das alterações das condições naturais. Embora a fração dissolvida represente apenas uma pequena porção da matéria orgânica total do solo, o COD é móvel no solo e constitui uma importante fonte de C para os microorganismos, podendo facilmente refletir os efeitos de diferentes sistemas de manejo. Inúmeros métodos são utilizados para caracterizar o COD, mas os processos que influenciam sua mineralização e a disponibilidade dos elementos associado com a matéria orgânica (N, P, e S) ainda não são completamente entendidos. Pesquisas futuras devem buscar entender os processos que governam a dinâmica de nutrientes e do COD e como os mesmos afetam a qualidade do solo.Soil quality has become an important issue in soil science. Considerable attempts have been made to define soil quality, but a general concept has not yet been accepted by the scientific community. The selection of quantitative indices for soil quality is extremely difficult, and a considerable number of chemical, physical, and biochemical properties have been suggested as potential indicators of soil quality. Because soil organic matter (SOM) can be associated with different soil chemical, physical and biological processes, it has been widely considered as one of the best soil quality indicator. Land use can significantly influence dynamics of organic carbon and N, P, and S cycle. However, changes in total soil organic carbon (SOC) contents in response to land use may be difficult to detect because of the natural soil variability. In the short to medium term, biological properties and readily decomposable fractions of SOC, such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), are much more sensitive to soil management than is SOM as a whole, and can be used as a key indicator of soil natural functions. Despite the fact that labile C accounts for a small portion of the total organic matter in the soils, DOC is the most mobile and important C-source for microorganisms, and can easily reflect the effects of land use on soil quality. Although several methods are used to characterize DOC, the factors influencing mineralization and bioavailability of elements associated with organic matter (N, P, and S) remains unclear. Future research should focus on the processes that govern DOC and nutrient dynamics and how they affect soil quality

    Black hole thermodynamical entropy

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    As early as 1902, Gibbs pointed out that systems whose partition function diverges, e.g. gravitation, lie outside the validity of the Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) theory. Consistently, since the pioneering Bekenstein-Hawking results, physically meaningful evidence (e.g., the holographic principle) has accumulated that the BG entropy SBGS_{BG} of a (3+1)(3+1) black hole is proportional to its area L2L^2 (LL being a characteristic linear length), and not to its volume L3L^3. Similarly it exists the \emph{area law}, so named because, for a wide class of strongly quantum-entangled dd-dimensional systems, SBGS_{BG} is proportional to lnL\ln L if d=1d=1, and to Ld1L^{d-1} if d>1d>1, instead of being proportional to LdL^d (d1d \ge 1). These results violate the extensivity of the thermodynamical entropy of a dd-dimensional system. This thermodynamical inconsistency disappears if we realize that the thermodynamical entropy of such nonstandard systems is \emph{not} to be identified with the BG {\it additive} entropy but with appropriately generalized {\it nonadditive} entropies. Indeed, the celebrated usefulness of the BG entropy is founded on hypothesis such as relatively weak probabilistic correlations (and their connections to ergodicity, which by no means can be assumed as a general rule of nature). Here we introduce a generalized entropy which, for the Schwarzschild black hole and the area law, can solve the thermodynamic puzzle.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Radiative falloff of a scalar field in a weakly curved spacetime without symmetries

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    We consider a massless scalar field propagating in a weakly curved spacetime whose metric is a solution to the linearized Einstein field equations. The spacetime is assumed to be stationary and asymptotically flat, but no other symmetries are imposed -- the spacetime can rotate and deviate strongly from spherical symmetry. We prove that the late-time behavior of the scalar field is identical to what it would be in a spherically-symmetric spacetime: it decays in time according to an inverse power-law, with a power determined by the angular profile of the initial wave packet (Price falloff theorem). The field's late-time dynamics is insensitive to the nonspherical aspects of the metric, and it is governed entirely by the spacetime's total gravitational mass; other multipole moments, and in particular the spacetime's total angular momentum, do not enter in the description of the field's late-time behavior. This extended formulation of Price's falloff theorem appears to be at odds with previous studies of radiative decay in the spacetime of a Kerr black hole. We show, however, that the contradiction is only apparent, and that it is largely an artifact of the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates adopted in these studies.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX

    Computational Physics on Graphics Processing Units

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    The use of graphics processing units for scientific computations is an emerging strategy that can significantly speed up various different algorithms. In this review, we discuss advances made in the field of computational physics, focusing on classical molecular dynamics, and on quantum simulations for electronic structure calculations using the density functional theory, wave function techniques, and quantum field theory.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, PARA 2012, Helsinki, Finland, June 10-13, 201

    Dermatophylosis in Santa Inês sheep from Distrito Federal

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    Relataram-se quatro casos de dermatofilose em ovinos da raça Santa Inês, no período de um ano. Microscopicamente observaram-se filamentos na forma de "trilho de bonde" e zoósporos nos quatro casos. A tentativa do isolamento do microrganismo foi realizada por meio do método de Haalstra e em apenas um caso obteve-se sucesso, observando-se colônias de aparência lisa, formato circular, cor amarelada e hemolítica em ágar sangue. O exame direto com coloração de Gram mostrou-se um método bastante eficiente na confirmação da presença do microrganismo afetando a epiderme em razão da morfologia típica do agente.Four cases of dermatophylosis were reported in Santa Inês sheep in a study period of one year. Microscopically, septate filaments and coccoid forms zoospores were observed. Attempts to isolate the microorganisms were accomplished using Haastra's method and it was successful in only one case. Dermatophilus congolensis samples have grown on blood agar, colonies where hemolytic, small, round and pigmentation vary from yellow to orange. The gram staining method was efficient to confirm the presence of the microorganism affecting the epidermis due to typical morphology of the agent

    La infusión de linfocitos efectores autólogos en combinación con rituximab de mantenimiento

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    SP-004 Introducción: La combinación de anticuerpos monoclonales anti CD20 con varios regimenes de quimioterapia se considera el tratamiento estándar en pacientes con linfoma folicular (LF). A pesar de los buenos resultados de este tratamiento, un porcentaje importante de los pacientes no se beneficia de esta terapia ensombreciendo de manera considerable su pronóstico. Nuestra hipótesis es que el tratamiento con una suspensión de linfocitos efectores autólogos expandidos ex vivo (células LAK) podría potenciar el efecto biológico del tratamiento con rituximab (R) mediante el incremento de la actividad ADCC. Investigamos la toxicidad y eficacia de dicho tratamiento con un ensayo clínico fase II. Métodos: Entre 2010 y 2012 se reclutaron 20 pacientes con LF en respuesta tras una primera línea de tratamiento con R-CHOP. El objetivo primario de este ensayo, multicéntrico, prospectivo y de un solo brazo fue evaluar la seguridad y eficacia de la infusión de células LAK (administradas cuatrimestralmente en los ciclos pares de R) en combinación con la pauta estándar de R de mantenimiento bimestral durante 2 años. La producción de células LAK se realizó a partir de células de sangre periférica extraídas en los ciclos impares de R para aislar células mononucleadas y estimularlas y expandirlas en cultivo con interleukina-2 durante 8 semanas. Uno de los objetivos secundarios del ensayo fue la evaluación de los fenotipos celulares y de la potencia biológica de las células LAK midiendo su actividad citotóxica. Este ensayo está registrado en ClinicalTrials.gov con número NCT01329354 Resultados: Se registraron 29 eventos adversos (EA) relacionados con la infusión de las células LAK. Las artralgias y las ..