1,849 research outputs found

    Efeitos da hidroterapia no equilíbrio em idosos: uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaContexto: O Envelhecimento Biológico é um processo dinâmico e progressivo que conduz o organismo a alterações morfológicas, funcionais e biomecânicas. Objectivos: Avaliar o efeito de diferentes programas de Hidroterapia no equilíbrio dos idosos. Método: Recorreu-se ao uso da base de dados B-On e PubMed para encontrar artigos científicos que fossem úteis no esclarecimento deste estudo. De tal forma, foram estabelecidos os seguintes critérios de inclusão: estudos experimentais controlados randomizados que estivessem de acordo com a temática abordada e/ou comparassem com o meio terrestre; publicações feitas a partir de 2005; amostra com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos e intervenção executadas por fisioterapeutas. Resultados: Efectuou-se uma análise e discussão de 6 artigos experimentais com propósito de cumprir o objectivo deste estudo. Conclusão: Pôde-se concluir-se que um programa global de Hidroterapia que inclua exercícios de alongamento, de fortalecimento, de resistência e de equilíbrio apresentou resultados significativos na melhora do equilíbrio, embora sem diferenças significativas entre o meio terrestre. Contudo, torna-se numa alternativa viável para indivíduos com falta de confiança, com elevado risco de quedas e com sintomatologia álgica com consequente limitação articular. Background: Biological Aging is a dynamic and progressive process that leads to morphological, functional and biochemical changes in our body. Objectives: Evaluate the effect of different Hydrotherapy programs for balance in elderly. Methods: Resorted to the use of database B-On and PubMed to find scientific articles that was useful to clarify this study. As such, it was established the following inclusion criteria: randomized controlled experimental studies that were in line with the thematic discussed and/or comparing with the land environment; publications made since 2005; over 60 years of age and intervention performed by physiotherapists. Results: Performed an analysis and discussion of six experimental studies with propose of achieving the objective of this study. Conclusions: It could be concluded that a global Hydrotherapy program that includes stretching exercises, endurance, strength and balance provided significant improvements in balance, but no significant differences between land environment. However, becomes a viable alternative for individuals with lack of confidence, with a high risk of falls and pain symptoms with consequent joint limitation

    Epistemologia e Prática da Mediação: Por Uma Cultura de Paz

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    Procuramos analisar a estreita relação estabelecida entre a existência de conflito, a procura da paz e a mediação, entendida esta hoje, em Portugal, como uma atividade socioprofissional com múltiplas formas de abordagem, aplicável em distintos campos de atuação e passível de integrar diferentes modelos de intervenção. De fato, a mediação pode inscrever-se num amplo contexto de pacificação social, que pode tomar formas tão díspares como uma simples via alternativa de resolução de conflitos, um meio autêntico, eficaz e construtivo de resolução de conflitos, um importante modo de regulação social ou um verdadeiro modelo de intervenção social. Independentemente dessas circunstâncias que delimitam, simultaneamente, sua epistemologia e sua pragmática, a mediação preconiza, sem exceção, o empoderamento dos indivíduos que a procuram e a alteração das suas premissas conflituais iniciais para um acordo que se pretende “co-construído” pelos intervenientes. Muitas e pertinentes questões podem, assim, ser colocadas e isso é o que nos propomos debater.We try to analyze, the close relationship established between the existence of conflict, the search for peace and mediation, understood in Portugal today, as a socio-professional activity with multiple forms of approach, applicable in different fields of activity and which can integrate different intervention models. Indeed, mediation can be part of a larger context of social peace, which may take such diverse forms as a simple alternative route to conflict resolution; an authentic environment, effective and constructive conflict management; an important mode of social regulation; or a real model of social intervention. Regardless of the circumstances that define, simultaneously, its epistemology and its pragmatic, mediation promotes, without exception, the empowerment of individuals who seek it and changing its initial conflicting premises for an agreement that is to be “co-built” by individuals. Many relevant questions can thus be asked and this is what we propose to discuss.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Farmers' Demand for Information about Agribusiness

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    This study is focused on the habits of the Brazilian farmers that access the Internet for searching information to their economical activities. The main goal is to understand how come those agents of the agribusiness use the formal and informal (personal contact) means of communication, as well as the functions that each of those means accomplish to this public. In other words, it intends to identify the channels of communication of major importance to farmers (used more often, considered the ones of more credibility and preferred among them). That is possible by means of a questionnaire sent exclusively by e-mail, answered by Brazilian farmers. The motivation of the study is to contribute to make the communication more efficient to those who work on farms. That can produce benefits to the communication companies and to the public. The results show that the Internet is the mean of communication more often used and preferred on the process of searching information about the agribusiness among Brazilian farmers. The personal contact, not considered in the valuation about preference, appears in second position in the ranking for intensity of use. On the other hand, the radio, regional press newspapers and newsletters of class entities were the less consulted and the last ones in the ranking of preference.Agribusiness, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Anorexia nervosa and family relationships: perceived family functioning, coping strategies, beliefs, and attachment to parents and peers

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    This ex post facto study explored the differences in perceived family characteristics between a group of 34 female patients with anorexia nervosa and 34 females without eating pathology. All participants filled out the following self-report scales: FACES II, F-COPES, IPPA and the Family Beliefs Questionnaire. The results showed that, in contrast with participants without pathology, patients perceived their families as less cohesive and less capable of redefining stressful events in order to make them more manageable. However, they perceived their families as being more able to acquire and accept help, and presented more family beliefs related to a sense of an individual responsibility/self-blaming. In addition, patients seemed to trust less their mothers and peers and to communicate less with their peers, and to show more detachment to mothers, fathers, and peers. Of all studied variables, detachment from friends and mother, as well as perceived higher family capacity to seek out community resources and accept help were the most important variables to the discrimination between groups.Este estudio ex post facto ha explorado las diferencias entre la percepción de características familiares de 34 mujeres jóvenes con anorexia nerviosa y 34 mujeres jóvenes sin patología alimentaria. Todas las participantes completaron los siguientes instrumentos de auto-respuesta: FACES II, F-COPES, IPPA y el Cuestionario de Creencias Familiares. Los resultados demostraron que, en comparación con el grupo de mujeres sin patología alimentaria, las pacientes consideran a sus familias menos unidas y menos capaces de redefinir de una forma más aceptable las experiencias y situaciones de estrés. Sin embargo, consideran a sus familias más capaces de buscar y aceptar ayuda, y presentan más creencias familiares relacionadas con la responsabilidad individual/auto-censura. En comparación con el grupo sin patología alimentaria, las pacientes parecen confiar menos en sus madres y amigos, parecen comunicarse menos con los amigos, y tienden a demostrar una mayor alienación en relación a la madre, al padre y a los amigos. De todas las variables en estudio, la alienación en relación a los amigos y a la madre, así como la mayor capacidad para buscar y aceptar ayuda fueron las variables más importantes para discriminar los grupos

    Nas margens do Tâmega - mercado de trabalho, pobreza e exclusão, interacções e intervenções

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    Estudo realizado para servir de suporte à prevenção e combate à pobreza e à exclusão resultantes do desemprego, incidindo na região do Tâmaga (NUT III - Amarante, Baião, Felgueiras, Lousada, Marco de Canaveses, Paços de Ferreira, Paredes e Penafiel.Study for mutually supportive in preventing and combating poverty and social exclusion resulting from unemployment, focusing on the region of the Tâmega (NUT III - Amarante, Baião, Felgueiras Lousada, Marco Canaveses, Paços de Ferreira, Paredes and Penafiel

    The pathological gambler and his spouse: how do their narratives match?

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    This case study compares the narratives of a pathological gambler and his spouse concerning family, marital and individual matters. It does so through identifying each of the key players’ narratives individually (analysis of self-report questionnaires) and interactively (couples therapy sessions analysis). The results show that the gambler has a rather more positive view of gambling-related issues than does his spouse, and this fact is most apparent when it comes to marital and family issues. The gambler’s perspective is less positive when it comes to non-relationship issues (financial and professional issues). A few hypotheses are put forward to explain these results and these are summarized in three effects: denial, idealization/guilt relief, and disappointment/retaliation. Some implications for clinical practice are also identified, such as the need to set therapy objectives which are truly shared by both members of the couple, as well as guidelines for future research, such as studies focused on gender differences.Cette étude compare les récits d’un joueur pathologique et de sa conjointe concernant des questions familiales, conjugales et individuelles. La démarche a consisté à cerner chaque récit individuellement (analyse de questionnaires d’auto-évaluation) et en interaction avec l’autre (analyse de séances de thérapies de couple). Les résultats indiquent que le joueur a une perception plus positive des problèmes liés au jeu que sa conjointe et que cette caractéristique est plus marquée lorsqu’il est question des enjeux conjugaux et familiaux. La perception du joueur est cependant moins positive lorsqu’il est question d’enjeux non relationnels (enjeux financiers et professionnels). Les quelques hypothèses proposées pour expliquer ces résultats peuvent être résumées par les trois effets suivants : le déni, l’idéalisation/le soulagement de la culpabilité, la déception/les représailles. L’étude signale également les conséquences des résultats dégagés sur la pratique clinique, comme la nécessité d’établir des objectifs de thérapie qui sont véritablement partagés par les deux partenaires du couple, et dresse des lignes de conduite pour des recherches futures, par exemple sur les différences entre les hommes et les femmes

    Eliciting emotions, a strategy for fashion communication

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    ISBN 978-972-8692-93-3Fashion Communication strategies are facing significant changes. New digital communication technologies are transforming human communication and interactions, allowing people to increasingly share more contents and information through mobile media and social networks. Thus, leading to a significant progress in developing online experiences. To gain notoriety and loyalty, brands need to emotionally connect with consumers. Hence Fashion Communication strategies should take into account the consumer needs and desires in order to provide powerful emotional experiences. The present work aimed at perceiving users emotional relation to new digital media, based on an exploratory study of an application developed for iPad, promoting a particular Fashion project. The usability tests provided important insights to demystify user’s relationship with the app and highlighted valuable inputs to be considered when designing exciting and memorable experiences, opening new possibilities for developing strong personal bonds between Fashion brands and consumers.This work is financed by FEDER funds through the Competitivity Factors Operational Programme ‐  COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of  the project POCI‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐00713

    O Modelo Integrativo Change & Grow: evolução de sintomas emocionais e comportamentais na perturbação da adição

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    Introdução: A dependência é considerada um fenómeno complexo, inserido num contexto de igual complexidade, dada a quantidade de variáveis que nele interfere, e ao mesmo tempo, por ele influenciadas. O tratamento desta perturbação deve ser planeado tendo em consideração a singularidade e necessidades de cada paciente, não se focando apenas no tipo de substância ou problema e centrando-se efetivamente nas pessoas e na relação que estas estabelecem com o agente causador da dependência. Objetivo: O presente estudo procura avaliar e analisar a evolução de determinadas variáveis como sintomas psicopatológicos (e.g. depressão, ansiedade e stress), processos psicológicos/regulação emocional (e.g., auto compaixão e a inflexibilidade psicológica), experiências precoces na infância (memórias de calor e segurança na interação com os pais) e estados emocionais (e.g., vergonha externa e interna, autoestima, afeto positivo e afeto negativo), de pacientes em várias fases do tratamento, com diagnóstico de perturbações relacionadas com o uso de substâncias e perturbações com outras adições, perturbações de personalidade e problemas emocionais e comportamentais, que se encontram em regime de internamento em Comunidade Terapêutica. Método: A amostra do nosso estudo longitudinal foi constituída por 32 pacientes, com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e 55 anos, de ambos os sexos, em tratamento. Os pacientes preencheram uma folha de dados sociodemográficos e questionários fidedignos em dois momentos distintos, com um intervalo de cinco meses, para avaliar sintomas de psicopatologia (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales -DASS-21), vivências de vergonha (Internalized Shame Scale – ISS; Other as Shamer-Brief - OAS2), a inflexibilidade psicológica (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II -AAQ-II), a auto compaixão (Self – compassion Scale - SELFCS), afeto positivo e afeto negativo (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule –PANAS), e as memórias precoces de calor e segurança (Early Memories of Warmth and Safeness Scale - EMWS). Resultados: Os resultados obtidos indicam que, à exceção das memórias precoces de calor e segurança, houve diferenças significativas em todos os valores reportados pelos pacientes nos dois momentos. Verificou-se uma redução significativa a nível dos sintomas psicopatológicos. Relativamente aos processos de regulação emocional, verificou-se um aumento da auto compaixão e uma diminuição da inflexibilidade psicológica. Por último, verificou-se ainda uma diminuição dos estados emocionais como a vergonha externa e interna, bem como do afeto negativo, verificando-se, simultaneamente, um aumento da autoestima e do afeto positivo, após cinco meses de intervenção Conclusão: O presente estudo tem um papel inovador por abordar e dar a conhecer a intervenção com o Modelo Terapêutico Change & Grow, indicando os seus resultados efeitos promissores ao nível da mudança terapêutica. Realçamos as implicações clínicas dos resultados obtidos. O tratamento através do Modelo Terapêutico Change & Grow, por se tratar de um modelo integrativo de várias correntes da psicologia, e por conseguinte holístico, não se foca somente na abstinência de substâncias ou na diminuição da sintomatologia, mas procura promover o desenvolvimento pessoal, o crescimento interior e a mudança através da valorização pessoal, transformando estilos de vida em trajetórias individuais mais funcionais, adaptativas e equilibradas, em suma mais saudáveis. / Introduction: Addiction is considered a complex phenomenon, set within a framework of equal complexity, given the amount of variables which interfere with it, and at the same time, are influenced by it. The treatment for this disorder should be designed taking into account the uniqueness and needs of each patient, not just focusing on the type of substance or problem, but effectively targeting the people and the relationship they establish with the agent that causes the addiction. Objective: This study seeks to assess and analyse the evolution of certain variables such as psychopathological symptoms (e.g., depression, anxiety and stress), psychological processes / emotional regulation (e.g., self-compassion and psychological inflexibility), early childhood experiences (memories of warmth and safeness when interacting with parents) and emotional states (e.g., external and internal shame, self-esteem, positive affect and negative affect), on patients at various treatment stages, diagnosed with disorders related to substance use and disorders with other addictions, personality disorders and emotional and behavioural problems, who are in-patient therapeutic community. Method: The sample of our longitudinal study consisted of 32 patients, aged between 15 and 55 years, of both sexes, in treatment. Patients filled in a sociodemographic data sheet and reliable questionnaires at two distinct moments, with an interval of five months to evaluate symptoms of psychopathology (Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales -DASS-21), shame experiences (Internalized Shame Scale – ISS; Other as Shamer-Brief - OAS2), psychological inflexibility (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II -AAQ-II), self-compassion (Self – compassion Scale - SELFCS), positive affect and negative affect (Positive and Negative Affect Schedule -PANAS), and early memories of warmth and safeness (Early Memories of Warmth and Safeness Scale - EMWS). Results: The results indicate that, except for the early memories of warmth and safeness, there were significant differences in all the figures reported by patients at the two moments. Psychological symptoms were significantly reduced. As far as the emotional regulation processes were concerned, self-compassion increased and psychological inflexibility decreased. Finally, there was also a decline in emotional states such as external and internal shame, as well as the negative affect, being simultaneously verified an increased self-esteem and positive affect, after five months of intervention. Conclusion: This study is groundbreaking as it addresses and raises awareness to the intervention with the Therapeutic Model Change & Grow, whose results show promising effects on the therapeutic change. We highlight the clinical implications of the results. The Therapeutic Model Change & Grow treatment, since it is an integrative model of several psychology trends, and therefore holistic, does not focus only on the abstinence from substances or the decrease of symptoms, but seeks to promote personal development, inner growth and change through personal enrichment, by modifying lifestyles into more functional, adaptive and balanced, in short, healthier individual trajectories