174 research outputs found

    Cooperativas e desenvolvimento de comunidades: promessas e decepções.

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    O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que analisou a aplicação dos princípios cooperativos pelas organizações cooperativas e seus efeitos no desenvolvimento da comunidade onde estão inseridas, em estudo de caso realizado no município de Três Pontas, Minas Gerais. Após análise dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos, verificou-se que o cooperativismo trespontano apresenta inúmeras potencialidades que poderiam impulsionar um melhor desenvolvimento municipal, tanto pela atividade econômica exercida pelas cooperativas, como pelos projetos sociais que elas desenvolvem na vida associativa local. No entanto, não se aprecia sua articulação entre si e com as políticas públicas, de forma a conseguir um vigoroso desenvolvimento local

    EARLINET observations of Saharan dust intrusions over the northern Mediterranean region (2014--2017): properties and impact on radiative forcing

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    Remote sensing measurements of aerosols using depolarization Raman lidar systems from four EARLINET (European Aerosol Research Lidar Network) stations are used for a comprehensive analysis of Saharan dust events over the Mediterranean basin in the period 2014–2017. In this period, 51 dust events regarding the geometrical, optical and microphysical properties of dust were selected, classified and assessed according to their radiative forcing effect on the atmosphere. From west to east, the stations of Granada, Potenza, Athens and Limassol were selected as representative Mediterranean cities regularly affected by Saharan dust intrusions. Emphasis was given on lidar measurements in the visible (532 nm) and specifically on the consistency of the particle linear depolarization ratio (δp532), the extinction-to-backscatter lidar ratio (LR532) and the aerosol optical thickness (AOT532) within the observed dust layers. We found mean δp532 values of 0.24±0.05, 0.26±0.06, 0.28±0.05 and 0.28±0.04, mean LR532 values of 52±8, 51±9, 52±9 and 49±6 sr and mean AOT532 values of 0.40±0.31, 0.11±0.07, 0.12±0.10 and 0.32±0.17, for Granada, Potenza, Athens and Limassol, respectively. The mean layer thickness values were found to range from ∼ 1700 to ∼ 3400 m a.s.l. Additionally, based also on a previous aerosol type classification scheme provided by airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) observations and on air mass backward trajectory analysis, a clustering analysis was performed in order to identify the mixing state of the dusty layers over the studied area. Furthermore, a synergy of lidar measurements and modeling was used to analyze the solar and thermal radiative forcing of airborne dust in detail. In total, a cooling behavior in the solar range and a significantly lower heating behavior in the thermal range was estimated. Depending on the dust optical and geometrical properties, the load intensity and the solar zenith angle (SZA), the estimated solar radiative forcing values range from −59 to −22 W m−2 at the surface and from −24 to −1 W m−2 at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). Similarly, in the thermal spectral range these values range from +2 to +4 W m−2 for the surface and from +1 to +3 W m−2 for the TOA. Finally, the radiative forcing seems to be inversely proportional to the dust mixing ratio, since higher absolute values are estimated for less mixed dust layers

    Atomistic simulations of dislocation mobility in Al, Ni and Al/Mg alloys

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    Dislocation velocities and mobilities are studied by Molecular Dynamics simulations for edge and screw dislocations in pure aluminum and nickel, and edge dislocations in Al-2.5%Mg and Al-5.0%Mg random substitutional alloys using EAM potentials. In the pure materials, the velocities of all dislocations are close to linear with the ratio of (applied stress)/(temperature) at low velocities, consistent with phonon drag models and quantitative agreement with experiment is obtained for the mobility in Al. At higher velocities, different behavior is observed. The edge dislocation velocity remains dependent solely on (applied stress)/(temperature) up to approximately 1.0 MPa/K, and approaches a plateau velocity that is lower than the smallest "forbidden" speed predicted by continuum models. In contrast, above a velocity around half of the smallest continuum wave speed, the screw dislocation damping has a contribution dependent solely on stress with a functional form close to that predicted by a radiation damping model of Eshelby. At the highest applied stresses, there are several regimes of nearly constant (transonic or supersonic) velocity separated by velocity gaps in the vicinity of forbidden velocities; various modes of dislocation disintegration and destabilization were also encountered in this regime. In the alloy systems, there is a temperature- and concentration-dependent pinning regime where the velocity drops sharply below the pure metal velocity. Above the pinning regime but at moderate stresses, the velocity is again linear in (applied stress)/(temperature) but with a lower mobility than in the pure metal.Comment: PDF, 30 pages including figures, submitted to Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. En

    Familial aggregation of MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery scores in a large sample of outpatients with schizophrenia and their unaffected relatives

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    Background The increased use of the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB) to investigate cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia fostered interest in its sensitivity in the context of family studies. As various measures of the same cognitive domains may have different power to distinguish between unaffected relatives of patients and controls, the relative sensitivity of MCCB tests for relative-control differences has to be established. We compared MCCB scores of 852 outpatients with schizophrenia (SCZ) with those of 342 unaffected relatives (REL) and a normative Italian sample of 774 healthy subjects (HCS). We examined familial aggregation of cognitive impairment by investigating within-family prediction of MCCB scores based on probands' scores.Methods Multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze group differences in adjusted MCCB scores. Weighted least-squares analysis was used to investigate whether probands' MCCB scores predicted REL neurocognitive performance.Results SCZ were significantly impaired on all MCCB domains. REL had intermediate scores between SCZ and HCS, showing a similar pattern of impairment, except for social cognition. Proband's scores significantly predicted REL MCCB scores on all domains except for visual learning.Conclusions In a large sample of stable patients with schizophrenia, living in the community, and in their unaffected relatives, MCCB demonstrated sensitivity to cognitive deficits in both groups. Our findings of significant within-family prediction of MCCB scores might reflect disease-related genetic or environmental factors

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Modeling the Gas Thermodynamics in BOSS CMASS galaxies from Kinematic and Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Measurements

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    The thermal and kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effects (tSZ, kSZ) probe the thermodynamic properties of the circumgalactic and intracluster medium (CGM and ICM) of galaxies, groups, and clusters, since they are proportional, respectively, to the integrated electron pressure and momentum along the line-of-sight. We present constraints on the gas thermodynamics of CMASS galaxies in the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) using new measurements of the kSZ and tSZ signals obtained in a companion paper. Combining kSZ and tSZ measurements, we measure within our model the amplitude of energy injection ϵM⋆c2\epsilon M_\star c^2, where M⋆M_\star is the stellar mass, to be ϵ=(40±9)×10−6\epsilon=(40\pm9)\times10^{-6}, and the amplitude of the non-thermal pressure profile to be αNth<0.2\alpha_{\rm Nth}<0.2 (2σ\sigma), indicating that less than 20% of the total pressure within the virial radius is due to a non-thermal component. We estimate the effects of including baryons in the modeling of weak-lensing galaxy cross-correlation measurements using the best fit density profile from the kSZ measurement. Our estimate reduces the difference between the original theoretical model and the weak-lensing galaxy cross-correlation measurements in arXiv:1611.08606 by half, but does not fully reconcile it. Comparing the kSZ and tSZ measurements to cosmological simulations, we find that they under predict the CGM pressure and to a lesser extent the CGM density at larger radii. This suggests that the energy injected via feedback models in the simulations that we compared against does not sufficiently heat the gas at these radii. We do not find significant disagreement at smaller radii. These measurements provide novel tests of current and future simulations. This work demonstrates the power of joint, high signal-to-noise kSZ and tSZ observations, upon which future cross-correlation studies will improve.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review D. Editors' Suggestion. New Fig. 1-2, Tab.
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