130 research outputs found

    Overhauling ocean spatial planning to improve marine megafauna conservation

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    Tracking data have led to evidence-based conservation of marine megafauna, but a disconnect remains between the many 1000s of individual animals that have been tracked and the use of these data in conservation and management actions. Furthermore, the focus of most conservation efforts is within Exclusive Economic Zones despite the ability of these species to move 1000s of kilometers across multiple national jurisdictions. To assist the goal of the United Nations General Assembly’s recent effort to negotiate a global treaty to conserve biodiversity on the high seas, we propose the development of a new frontier in dynamic marine spatial management. We argue that a global approach combining tracked movements of marine megafauna and human activities at-sea, and using existing and emerging technologies (e.g., through new tracking devices and big data approaches) can be applied to deliver near real-time diagnostics on existing risks and threats to mitigate global risks for marine megafauna. With technology developments over the next decade expected to catalyze the potential to survey marine animals and human activities in ever more detail and at global scales, the development of dynamic predictive tools based on near real-time tracking and environmental data will become crucial to address increasing risks. Such global tools for dynamic spatial and temporal management will, however, require extensive synoptic data updates and will be dependent on a shift to a culture of data sharing and open access. We propose a global mechanism to store and make such data available in near real-time, enabling a holistic view of space use by marine megafauna and humans that would significantly accelerate efforts to mitigate impacts and improve conservation and management of marine megafauna

    Physical activity level in people with high blood pressure

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    This study aimed to analyze the level of physical activity for people with high blood pressure cared for in a health center. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 310 individuals between 18 and 69 years of age through the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). The majority (80%) of participants presented low or moderate levels of physical activity. The analysis of association between sociodemographic variables and physical activity level revealed that older men from the interior of the state with higher educational levels have a greater chance of exhibiting lower levels of physical activity. The logistic regression model revealed that origin, schooling and diabetes are predictors of low physical activity level. The conclusion is that part of the sample does not match the desirable profile to practice regular physical activity.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el nivel de actividad física de personas portadoras de hipertensión arterial, acompañadas en un centro de atención ambulatorial. Se trata de un estudio transversal desarrollado con 310 individuos de 18 a 69 años. Se utilizó como base el International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). La mayor parte del grupo (80%) fue encuadrada en los niveles de baja y moderada actividad física. En el análisis de asociación entre las variables sociodemográficas y el nivel de actividad física, se verificó que personas del sexo masculino, procedentes del interior del Estado, con más edad y con mayor nivel de escolaridad son más propensas a desarrollar un nivel de actividad física bajo. En el modelo de regresión logística, la procedencia, tiempo de escolaridad y de diabetes fueron indicadores obtenidos como factores de predicción significativos para el nivel bajo de actividad física. Se concluye que parte de la muestra no posee un perfil deseable en relación a la práctica regular de actividad física.O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar o nível de atividade física de pessoas portadoras de hipertensão arterial, acompanhadas em centro de atendimento ambulatorial. É um estudo transversal desenvolvido com 310 indivíduos de 18 a 69 anos. Utilizou-se como base o International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). A maior parcela do grupo (80%) foi enquadrada nos níveis de baixa e moderada atividade física. Na análise de associação entre as variáveis sociodemográficas e o nível de atividade física, verificou-se que pessoas do sexo masculino, procedentes do interior do Estado, mais velhas e com maior nível de escolaridade são mais propensas para desenvolver nível de atividade física baixo. No modelo de regressão logística, a procedência, tempo de escolaridade e de diabetes foram indicadores obtidos como preditores significantes para o nível baixo de atividade física. Concluiu-se que parte da amostra não possui perfil desejável em relação à prática regular de atividade física

    Temporal allocation of foraging effort in female Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus)

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    Across an individual\u27s life, foraging decisions will be affected by multiple intrinsic and extrinsic drivers that act at differing timescales. This study aimed to assess how female Australian fur seals allocated foraging effort and the behavioural changes used to achieve this at three temporal scales: within a day, across a foraging trip and across the final six months of the lactation period. Foraging effort peaked during daylight hours (57% of time diving) with lulls in activity just prior to and after daylight. Dive duration reduced across the day (196 s to 168 s) but this was compensated for by an increase in the vertical travel rate (1500–1600 m•h−1) and a reduction in postdive duration (111–90 s). This suggests physiological constraints (digestive costs) or prey availability may be limiting mean dive durations as a day progresses. During short trips (<2.9 d), effort remained steady at 55% of time diving, whereas, on long trips (>2.9 d) effort increased up to 2–3 d and then decreased. Dive duration decreased at the same rate in short and long trips, respectively, before stabilising (long trips) between 4–5 d. Suggesting that the same processes (digestive costs or prey availability) working at the daily scale may also be present across a trip. Across the lactation period, foraging effort, dive duration and vertical travel rate increased until August, before beginning to decrease. This suggests that as the nutritional demands of the suckling pup and developing foetus increase, female effort increases to accommodate this, providing insight into the potential constraints of maternal investment in this specie

    Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans

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    The extent of increasing anthropogenic impacts on large marine vertebrates partly depends on the animals’ movement patterns. Effective conservation requires identification of the key drivers of movement including intrinsic properties and extrinsic constraints associated with the dynamic nature of the environments the animals inhabit. However, the relative importance of intrinsic versus extrinsic factors remains elusive. We analyze a global dataset of ∼2.8 million locations from >2,600 tracked individuals across 50 marine vertebrates evolutionarily separated by millions of years and using different locomotion modes (fly, swim, walk/paddle). Strikingly, movement patterns show a remarkable convergence, being strongly conserved across species and independent of body length and mass, despite these traits ranging over 10 orders of magnitude among the species studied. This represents a fundamental difference between marine and terrestrial vertebrates not previously identified, likely linked to the reduced costs of locomotion in water. Movement patterns were primarily explained by the interaction between species-specific traits and the habitat(s) they move through, resulting in complex movement patterns when moving close to coasts compared with more predictable patterns when moving in open oceans. This distinct difference may be associated with greater complexity within coastal microhabitats, highlighting a critical role of preferred habitat in shaping marine vertebrate global movements. Efforts to develop understanding of the characteristics of vertebrate movement should consider the habitat(s) through which they move to identify how movement patterns will alter with forecasted severe ocean changes, such as reduced Arctic sea ice cover, sea level rise, and declining oxygen content