17 research outputs found
The novel object recognition memory: neurobiology, test procedure, and its modifications
Animal models of memory have been considered as the subject of many scientific publications at least since the beginning of the twentieth century. In humans, memory is often accessed through spoken or written language, while in animals, cognitive functions must be accessed through different kind of behaviors in many specific, experimental models of memory and learning. Among them, the novel object recognition test can be evaluated by the differences in the exploration time of novel and familiar objects. Its application is not limited to a field of research and enables that various issues can be studied, such as the memory and learning, the preference for novelty, the influence of different brain regions in the process of recognition, and even the study of different drugs and their effects. This paper describes the novel object recognition paradigms in animals, as a valuable measure of cognition. The purpose of this work was to review the neurobiology and methodological modifications of the test commonly used in behavioral pharmacology
Competitive outcome of Daphnia-Simocephalus experimental microcosms: salinity versus priority effects
Competition is a major driving force in freshwaters, especially given the cyclic nature and dynamics of pelagic food webs. Competition is especially important in the initial species assortment during colonization and re-colonization events, which depends strongly on the environmental context. Subtle changes, such as saline intrusion, may disrupt competitive relationships and, thus, influence community composition. Bearing this in mind, our objective was to assess whether low salinity levels (using NaCl as a proxy) alter the competitive outcome (measured as the rate of population biomass increase) of Daphnia-Simocephalus experimental microcosms, taking into account interactions with priority effects (sequential species arrival order). With this approach, we aimed to experimentally demonstrate a putative mechanism of differential species sorting in brackish environments or in freshwaters facing secondary salinization. Experiments considered three salinity levels, regarding NaCl added (0.00, 0.75 and 1.50 g L(-1)), crossed with three competition scenarios (no priority, priority of Daphnia over Simocephalus, and vice-versa). At lower NaCl concentrations (0.00 and 0.75 g L(-1)), Daphnia was a significantly superior competitor, irrespective of the species inoculation order, suggesting negligible priority effects. However, the strong decrease in Daphnia population growth at 1.50 g L(-1) alleviated the competitive pressure on Simocephalus, causing an inversion of the competitive outcome in favour of Simocephalus. The intensity of this inversion depended on the competition scenario. This salinity-mediated disruption of the competitive outcome demonstrates that subtle environmental changes produce indirect effects in key ecological mechanisms, thus altering community composition, which may lead to serious implications in terms of ecosystem functioning (e.g. lake regime shifts due to reduced grazing) and biodiversity
Characterization of the structure for medication preparation in teaching-hospitals: factors that interfere with the quality of care Características en la estructura para la preparación de medicamentos en hospitales de enseñanza: factores que influyen en la calidad de la asistencia Caracterização da estrutura para o preparo de medicamentos em hospitais de ensino: fatores que interferem na qualidade da assistência
This article describes the physical environment, material and human resources of the structure for the preparation of medicaments. It is an exploratory descriptive study. Data were collected through scripts structured for observation and interview carried out with a sample of 92 (76%) nurse auxiliaries and all nurses of, two hospitals in Recife, PE, Brazil. Results showed that the environment in which medication is prepared is in disagreement with current legislation, the available materials need to be reviewed and professionals need to get their knowledge updated. It is concluded that the structure in the system of medication is essential and the factors pointed out in the study interfere with the quality of the process of medication.<br>Este artículo describe la estructura de preparación de medicamentos en su ambiente físico, recursos materiales y humanos. Se trata de un estudio exploratorio descriptivo. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de guías estructuradas tanto para la observación y entrevista, las cuales fueron aplicadas en 92% y 76% de los auxiliares de enfermería y en el 100% de los enfermeros de dos hospitales de Recife, PE. Los resultados muestran que el ambiente de preparación de medicamentos no esta de acuerdo con la legislación vigente, considerando que los materiales requieren ser revisados y los profesionales capacitados. Se concluye que la estructura dentro del sistema de medicación es esencial y que los factores señalados influyen en la calidad de tal proceso.<br>Este artigo descreve a estrutura do preparo de medicamentos em seu ambiente físico, recursos materiais e humanos. Trata-se de estudo exploratório e descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de roteiros estruturados para observação e entrevista, aplicados em amostras de 92 e 76% dos auxiliares de enfermagem e 100% dos enfermeiros, em dois hospitais na cidade de Recife, PE. Os resultados mostraram que o ambiente do preparo de medicamentos se encontra em discordância com a legislação vigente, os materiais disponíveis precisam ser revisados e os profissionais necessitam de capacitação. Concluiu-se que a estrutura em um sistema de medicação é essencial e que os fatores apontados interferem na qualidade do processo de medicação
Análise das funções cognitivas e sono na equipe de enfermagem nos turnos diurno e noturno
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a memória de curto prazo, a atenção e o padrão do sono na equipe de enfermagem nos turnos diurno e noturno. Participaram 109 sujeitos de uma instituição hospitalar de Minas Gerais, distribuídos nos turnos: diurno (n= 68) e noturno (n=41). Utilizou-se, para coleta de dados: Diário de sono e Testes da Bateria WAIS III. Os resultados para a medida da qualidade do sono dos sujeitos do turno noturno apresentou diferença significativa (p<0,0001) ANOVA. Os sujeitos do turno diurno tiveram melhor desempenho no Subteste de Digit Symbol, com diferença significativa (p=0,0008), pelo teste Mann-Whitney. Concluiu-se que a qualidade do sono do grupo do noturno mostrou médias menores, em comparação ao diurno, embora apresentassem um tempo total de sono maior. Os níveis de atenção mostraram-se melhores para o grupo do turno diurno