37 research outputs found

    Smear layer removal in canals shaped with reciprocating rotary systems

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    The aim was to assess the presence of smear layer after canal instrumentation with two reciprocating rotary systems and a continuous motion one. Thirty canals were shaped with Reciproc, WaveOne or Mtwo systems. Smear layer was assessed following a three value scale at coronal, middle and apical levels with a scanning electron microscopy. Reciproc scores: coronal third, 20% of the cases: 0, 60%: 1, 20%: 2; middle third, 10%: 0, 20%: 1, 70%:2; apical third: 2 in all cases. WaveOne scores: coronal third, 0 (40%), 1 (30%) and 2 (30%); middle third, 0 (20%), 1 (50%), 2 (30%); apical third, 0 (20%), 2 (80%) of cases. MTwo scores: coronal third 0 (50%), 1 (30%) 2 (20%); middle third 0 (20%), 1 (50%), 2 (30%); apical third, 0 (10%), 1 (10%), 2 (80%). No significant differences (p>0.05) were found between the three used systems

    Dynamic Spatial Autoregressive Models with Time-varying Spatial Weighting Matrices

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    We propose a new spatio-temporal model with time-varying spatial weighting matrices, by allowing for a general parameterization of the spatial matrix. The filtering procedure of the time-varying unknown parameters is performed using the information contained in the score of the conditional distribution of the observables. We provide conditions for the stationarity and ergodicity of the filtered sequence of the spatial matrices as well as for the consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE). An extensive Monte Carlo simulation study to investigate the finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator is also reported. We finally analyze the association between eight European countries' perceived risk, suggesting that the economically strong countries have their perceived risk increased due to their spatial connection with the economically weaker countries, and we investigate the evolution of the spatial connection between the house prices in different areas of the UK, identifying periods when the usually adopted sparse weighting matrix is not sufficient to describe the underlying spatial process

    Dialogo com Euler

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    O desemprego do tempo: narrativas de trabalhadores desempregados em diferentes ambientes sociais

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    The article intends to show some ways the unemployed deal with their own conditions. It assume that different contexts and places would allow different ways to deal with unemployment to develop. Therefore, we had semi-prepared interviews in localities where unemployment is an institutional theme professional - employment services - as much as localities where there wasn’t this kind of concern, although there were unemployed people - such as taverns and churches. The interviews intended to establish themes on experienced unemployment through varied dimensions, from the speech of the experience of the unemployed workers, passing through different representations of unemployment in the society. Amongst the established categories of analysis, time emerged remarkably, in several ways, and became consolidated as the main category, making a synthesis of what we found. We considered that, in fact, different expressions about unemployment surfaced at places with different social functions and those activities, together with the individuals’ representations on unemployment, were the axis that shaped the form and subject of the interviews, pointing both similarities and dissimilarities. In this context, we identified three dimensions on the subjects’ speeches as fundamental on their ways of dealing with unemployment: causes of unemployment, emotional existence and critique about the situation.O artigo apresenta alguns modos pelos quais pessoas desempregadas lidam com sua situação. Partiu da hipĂłtese de que diferentes contextos e locais possibilitariam a expressĂŁo de distintos modos de lidar com o desemprego. Para tanto, realizamos entrevistas semi-dirigidas em locais onde o desemprego Ă© um tema institucional - serviços de recolocação profissional - e em lugares onde nĂŁo hĂĄ essa preocupação mas onde seria provĂĄvel encontrar pessoas sem emprego - bares e igrejas. As entrevistas procuraram tematizar o desemprego vivido em vĂĄrias dimensĂ”es, a partir do relato da experiĂȘncia dos trabalhadores desempregados, passando pelas diferentes representaçÔes do desemprego na sociedade. Entre as categorias de anĂĄlise que estabelecemos, o tempo, sob vĂĄrios aspectos, apareceu sempre de forma marcante e consolidou-se como categoria central, que pĂŽde sintetizar bem o que encontramos. Consideramos que realmente surgiram diferentes manifestaçÔes do desemprego em locais com diferentes funçÔes sociais e que essas funçÔes, somadas Ă s representaçÔes dos indivĂ­duos sobre o desemprego, eram os eixos que norteavam a forma e o conteĂșdo das entrevistas, apontando tanto semelhanças quanto diferenças. Dentro disso, houve trĂȘs dimensĂ”es que identificamos nos discursos de todos os entrevistados como fundamentais nos seus modos de lidar com o desemprego: causas do desemprego, vivĂȘncia afetiva e crĂ­ticas Ă  situação

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic