1,094 research outputs found

    On the Executability of Interactive Computation

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    The model of interactive Turing machines (ITMs) has been proposed to characterise which stream translations are interactively computable; the model of reactive Turing machines (RTMs) has been proposed to characterise which behaviours are reactively executable. In this article we provide a comparison of the two models. We show, on the one hand, that the behaviour exhibited by ITMs is reactively executable, and, on the other hand, that the stream translations naturally associated with RTMs are interactively computable. We conclude from these results that the theory of reactive executability subsumes the theory of interactive computability. Inspired by the existing model of ITMs with advice, which provides a model of evolving computation, we also consider RTMs with advice and we establish that a facility of advice considerably upgrades the behavioural expressiveness of RTMs: every countable transition system can be simulated by some RTM with advice up to a fine notion of behavioural equivalence.Comment: 15 pages, 0 figure

    Classical orbital paramagnetism in non-equilibrium steady state

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    We report the results of our numerical simulation of classical-dissipative dynamics of a charged particle subjected to a non-markovian stochastic forcing. We find that the system develops a steady-state orbital magnetic moment in the presence of a static magnetic field. Very significantly, the sign of the orbital magnetic moment turns out to be {\it paramagnetic} for our choice of parameters, varied over a wide range. This is shown specifically for the case of classical dynamics driven by a Kubo-Anderson type non-markovian noise. Natural spatial boundary condition was imposed through (1) a soft (harmonic) confining potential, and (2) a hard potential, approximating a reflecting wall. There was no noticeable qualitative difference. What appears to be crucial to the orbital magnetic effect noticed here is the non-markovian property of the driving noise chosen. Experimental realization of this effect on the laboratory scale, and its possible implications are briefly discussed. We would like to emphasize that the above steady-state classical orbital paramagnetic moment complements, rather than contradicts the Bohr-van Leeuwen (BvL) theorem on the absence of classical orbital diamagnetism in thermodynamic equilibrium.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Has appeared in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy special issue on 'Physics of Neutron Stars and Related Objects', celebrating the 75th birth-year of G. Srinivasa

    The microbiological quality of rainwater used for toilet flushing, cleaning and watering the garden- pilot study 2005

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    Regenwater opgevangen in reservoirs en toegepast voor onder andere toiletspoeling is vaak fecaal verontreinigd en bevat soms ziekteverwekkende bacterien. Om het infectierisico bij toepassing van dit water te kunnen schatten is aanvullend onderzoek nodig waarbij ziekteverwekkers worden gekwantificeerd en getypeerd en waarbij onderzocht wordt in welke mate gebruikers worden blootgesteld aan het besmette water.Regenwater is aanvankelijk onbesmet, maar bij afstromen langs oppervlakken en tijdens opslag in reservoirs kan besmetting optreden met micro-organismen die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken. Dit kan gebeuren wanneer bijvoorbeeld vogelfeces van het dak wordt gespoeld of ratten of andere dieren toegang hebben tot het reservoir of open leidingen. Onderzoek van opgevangen hemelwater op vier verschillende locaties in Nederland toonde de aanwezigheid van de indicatoren voor fecale verontreiniging, bacterien van de coligroep, E. coli en enterococcen, in respectievelijk 28, 27 en 27 van de 28 onderzochte monsters aan. De potentieel ziekteverwekkende bacterien Campylobacter en Legionella pneumophila werden elk een maal op een locatie aangetroffen. Aeromonas en Clostridium perfringens, die ook ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken, werden in respectievelijk 20 en 23 van de 28 monsters gevonden. Salmonella en Vibrio werden op geen van de locaties aangetroffen. De aanwezigheid van ziekteverwekkende micro-organismen in regenwater toegepast voor toiletspoeling kan negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid hebben. Op basis van de verkregen resultaten is het nog niet mogelijk om het risico op het oplopen van een infectie bij blootstelling aan dit water te schatten omdat daarvoor nog aanvullende typerings- en blootstellingsgegevens nodig zijn.Rainwater collected in reservoirs and used for toilet flushing, for example, is often fecally contaminated and sometimes contains pathogenic bacteria. Estimating risk of infection caused by use of this water, will require additional research for enumerating and typing pathogens and for determining exposure to the contaminated water. Rainwater at the source is not contaminated with potential human pathogenic micro-organisms, but may become so at surface run-off and during storage in containers. This may occur when bird faeces runs off roofs, or rats or other animals have access to rainwater reservoirs or open mains. Examination of collected rainwater at four different sites in the Netherlands showed the presence of faecal indicator bacteria as total coliforms, E. coli and intestinal enterococci in 28, 27 and 27, respectively, of the 28 samples examined. Each of the potential human pathogenic bacteria, Campylobacter and Legionella pneumophila, was detected once at one sampling site. Aeromonas and Clostridium perfringens, which may also cause disease in humans, were detected in 20 and 23 of the 28 tested samples, respectively. Salmonella and Vibrio were not detected in any of the samples. The presence of potential pathogenic micro-organisms in rainwater used for toilet flushing may have adverse health effects. However, on the basis of the above results, and because additional typing and exposure data are required, it is not yet possible to estimate the risk of infection at exposure to this water.VROM Inspecti

    The microbiological quality of rainwater used for toilet flushing, cleaning and watering the garden- pilot study 2005

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    Rainwater collected in reservoirs and used for toilet flushing, for example, is often fecally contaminated and sometimes contains pathogenic bacteria. Estimating risk of infection caused by use of this water, will require additional research for enumerating and typing pathogens and for determining exposure to the contaminated water. Rainwater at the source is not contaminated with potential human pathogenic micro-organisms, but may become so at surface run-off and during storage in containers. This may occur when bird faeces runs off roofs, or rats or other animals have access to rainwater reservoirs or open mains. Examination of collected rainwater at four different sites in the Netherlands showed the presence of faecal indicator bacteria as total coliforms, E. coli and intestinal enterococci in 28, 27 and 27, respectively, of the 28 samples examined. Each of the potential human pathogenic bacteria, Campylobacter and Legionella pneumophila, was detected once at one sampling site. Aeromonas and Clostridium perfringens, which may also cause disease in humans, were detected in 20 and 23 of the 28 tested samples, respectively. Salmonella and Vibrio were not detected in any of the samples. The presence of potential pathogenic micro-organisms in rainwater used for toilet flushing may have adverse health effects. However, on the basis of the above results, and because additional typing and exposure data are required, it is not yet possible to estimate the risk of infection at exposure to this water.Regenwater opgevangen in reservoirs en toegepast voor onder andere toiletspoeling is vaak fecaal verontreinigd en bevat soms ziekteverwekkende bacterien. Om het infectierisico bij toepassing van dit water te kunnen schatten is aanvullend onderzoek nodig waarbij ziekteverwekkers worden gekwantificeerd en getypeerd en waarbij onderzocht wordt in welke mate gebruikers worden blootgesteld aan het besmette water.Regenwater is aanvankelijk onbesmet, maar bij afstromen langs oppervlakken en tijdens opslag in reservoirs kan besmetting optreden met micro-organismen die ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken. Dit kan gebeuren wanneer bijvoorbeeld vogelfeces van het dak wordt gespoeld of ratten of andere dieren toegang hebben tot het reservoir of open leidingen. Onderzoek van opgevangen hemelwater op vier verschillende locaties in Nederland toonde de aanwezigheid van de indicatoren voor fecale verontreiniging, bacterien van de coligroep, E. coli en enterococcen, in respectievelijk 28, 27 en 27 van de 28 onderzochte monsters aan. De potentieel ziekteverwekkende bacterien Campylobacter en Legionella pneumophila werden elk een maal op een locatie aangetroffen. Aeromonas en Clostridium perfringens, die ook ziekte bij de mens kunnen veroorzaken, werden in respectievelijk 20 en 23 van de 28 monsters gevonden. Salmonella en Vibrio werden op geen van de locaties aangetroffen. De aanwezigheid van ziekteverwekkende micro-organismen in regenwater toegepast voor toiletspoeling kan negatieve gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid hebben. Op basis van de verkregen resultaten is het nog niet mogelijk om het risico op het oplopen van een infectie bij blootstelling aan dit water te schatten omdat daarvoor nog aanvullende typerings- en blootstellingsgegevens nodig zijn

    Dependency of magnetocardiographically determined fetal cardiac time intervals on gestational age, gender and postnatal biometrics in healthy pregnancies

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    BACKGROUND: Magnetocardiography enables the precise determination of fetal cardiac time intervals (CTI) as early as the second trimester of pregnancy. It has been shown that fetal CTI change in course of gestation. The aim of this work was to investigate the dependency of fetal CTI on gestational age, gender and postnatal biometric data in a substantial sample of subjects during normal pregnancy. METHODS: A total of 230 fetal magnetocardiograms were obtained in 47 healthy fetuses between the 15(th )and 42(nd )week of gestation. In each recording, after subtraction of the maternal cardiac artifact and the identification of fetal beats, fetal PQRST courses were signal averaged. On the basis of therein detected wave onsets and ends, the following CTI were determined: P wave, PR interval, PQ interval, QRS complex, ST segment, T wave, QT and QTc interval. Using regression analysis, the dependency of the CTI were examined with respect to gestational age, gender and postnatal biometric data. RESULTS: Atrioventricular conduction and ventricular depolarization times could be determined dependably whereas the T wave was often difficult to detect. Linear and nonlinear regression analysis established strong dependency on age for the P wave and QRS complex (r(2 )= 0.67, p < 0.001 and r(2 )= 0.66, p < 0.001) as well as an identifiable trend for the PR and PQ intervals (r(2 )= 0.21, p < 0.001 and r(2 )= 0.13, p < 0.001). Gender differences were found only for the QRS complex from the 31(st )week onward (p < 0.05). The influence on the P wave or QRS complex of biometric data, collected in a subgroup in whom recordings were available within 1 week of birth, did not display statistical significance. CONCLUSION: We conclude that 1) from approximately the 18(th )week to term, fetal CTI which quantify depolarization times can be reliably determined using magnetocardiography, 2) the P wave and QRS complex duration show a high dependency on age which to a large part reflects fetal growth and 3) fetal gender plays a role in QRS complex duration in the third trimester. Fetal development is thus in part reflected in the CTI and may be useful in the identification of intrauterine growth retardation

    A fatal pseudo-tumour: disseminated basidiobolomycosis

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    BACKGROUND: Basidiobolomycosis is a rare disease caused by the fungus Basidiobolus ranarum, member of the class Zygomycetes, order Entomophthorales, found worldwide. Usually basidiobolomycosis is a subcutaneous infection but rarely gastrointestinal manifestations have been described; 13 adults and 10 children and a few retroperitoneal or pulmonary cases. In gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis the colon is most frequently involved, usually presenting with subacute mild abdominal pain. In contrast to children only very few described adult patients had hepatic masses. Definitive diagnosis requires culture, serological testing can be helpful. The fungal morphology and the Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon are characteristic histological features. There are no prominent risk factors. Usually surgery and prolonged antifungal therapy are required. CASE PRESENTATION: A 61 year old man presented with progressive left abdominal pain and constipation since a few months. Colonoscopy showed an obstructing tumour in the descending colon, and a hemicolectomy was performed. Histology showed inflammation, possibly caused by a fungal or parasitic infection, without definite identification of an organism. A few weeks postoperatively a CT scan made because of abdominal discomfort, revealed a livermass (6 cm). Treatment with metronidazole, directed against an amoebic liver abscess, was unsuccessful. He developed a marked eosinophilia (27.7%). A liver biopsy was performed and the patient was referred to a university hospital. A repeated CT scan showed a livermass of 9 cm diameter. Review of colon and liver biopsy samples showed extensive necrosis and histiocytes, multinucleated giant cells and numerous eosinophils. Grocott stained sections contained unusually large hyphae surrounded by strongly eosinophilic material in haematoxylin and eosin stained sections (Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon). A presumptive diagnosis of Basidiobolus spp. infection was made and treated with amphotericin B (Itraconazol contra-indicated because of renal insufficiency). A few days later the patient died of a septic shock. After autopsy Basidiobolus ranarum was cultured from liver, gallbladder and colon. CONCLUSION: Our patient died of gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis with an obstructing colon tumour and a large hepatic mass. This was a rare presentation of basidiobolomycosis and the second fatal case described worldwide

    P-rex1 cooperates with PDGFRβ to drive cellular migration in 3D microenvironments

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    Expression of the Rac-guanine nucleotide exchange factor (RacGEF), P-Rex1 is a key determinant of progression to metastasis in a number of human cancers. In accordance with this proposed role in cancer cell invasion and metastasis, we find that ectopic expression of P-Rex1 in an immortalised human fibroblast cell line is sufficient to drive multiple migratory and invasive phenotypes. The invasive phenotype is greatly enhanced by the presence of a gradient of serum or platelet-derived growth factor, and is dependent upon the expression of functional PDGF receptor β. Consistently, the invasiveness of WM852 melanoma cells, which endogenously express P-Rex1 and PDGFRβ, is opposed by siRNA of either of these proteins. Furthermore, the current model of P-Rex1 activation is advanced through demonstration of P-Rex1 and PDGFRβ as components of the same macromolecular complex. These data suggest that P-Rex1 has an influence on physiological migratory processes, such as invasion of cancer cells, both through effects upon classical Rac1-driven motility and a novel association with RTK signalling complexes
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