290 research outputs found

    Mass hierarchy, 2-3 mixing and CP-phase with Huge Atmospheric Neutrino Detectors

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    We explore the physics potential of multi-megaton scale ice or water Cherenkov detectors with low (1\sim 1 GeV) threshold. Using some proposed characteristics of the PINGU detector setup we compute the distributions of events versus neutrino energy EνE_\nu and zenith angle θz\theta_z, and study their dependence on yet unknown neutrino parameters. The (Eνθz)(E_\nu - \theta_z) regions are identified where the distributions have the highest sensitivity to the neutrino mass hierarchy, to the deviation of the 2-3 mixing from the maximal one and to the CP-phase. We evaluate significance of the measurements of the neutrino parameters and explore dependence of this significance on the accuracy of reconstruction of the neutrino energy and direction. The effect of degeneracy of the parameters on the sensitivities is also discussed. We estimate the characteristics of future detectors (energy and angle resolution, volume, etc.) required for establishing the neutrino mass hierarchy with high confidence level. We find that the hierarchy can be identified at 3σ3\sigma -- 10σ10\sigma level (depending on the reconstruction accuracies) after 5 years of PINGU operation.Comment: 39 pages, 21 figures. Description of Fig.3 correcte

    Effects of Supersymmetric Threshold Corrections on High-Scale Flavor Textures

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    Integration of superpartners out of the spectrum induces potentially large contributions to Yukawa couplings. These corrections, the supersymmetric threshold corrections, therefore influence the CKM matrix prediction in a non-trivial way. We study effects of threshold corrections on high-scale flavor structures specified at the gauge coupling unification scale in supersymmetry. In our analysis, we first consider high-scale Yukawa textures which qualify phenomenologically viable at tree level, and find that they get completely disqualified after incorporating the threshold corrections. Next, we consider Yukawa couplings, such as those with five texture zeroes, which are incapable of explaining flavor-changing proceses. Incorporation of threshold corrections, however, makes them phenomenologically viable textures. Therefore, supersymmetric threshold corrections are found to leave observable impact on Yukawa couplings of quarks, and any confrontation of high-scale textures with experiments at the weak scale must take into account such corrections.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to JHE

    Mass hierarchy discrimination with atmospheric neutrinos in large volume ice/water Cherenkov detectors

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    Large mass ice/water Cherenkov experiments, optimized to detect low energy (1-20 GeV) atmospheric neutrinos, have the potential to discriminate between normal and inverted neutrino mass hierarchies. The sensitivity depends on several model and detector parameters, such as the neutrino flux profile and normalization, the Earth density profile, the oscillation parameter uncertainties, and the detector effective mass and resolution. A proper evaluation of the mass hierarchy discrimination power requires a robust statistical approach. In this work, the Toy Monte Carlo, based on an extended unbinned likelihood ratio test statistic, was used. The effect of each model and detector parameter, as well as the required detector exposure, was then studied. While uncertainties on the Earth density and atmospheric neutrino flux profiles were found to have a minor impact on the mass hierarchy discrimination, the flux normalization, as well as some of the oscillation parameter (\Delta m^2_{31}, \theta_{13}, \theta_{23}, and \delta_{CP}) uncertainties and correlations resulted critical. Finally, the minimum required detector exposure, the optimization of the low energy threshold, and the detector resolutions were also investigated.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    Constraining Non-Standard Interactions of the Neutrino with Borexino

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    We use the Borexino 153.6 ton.year data to place constraints on non-standard neutrino-electron interactions, taking into account the uncertainty in the 7Be solar neutrino flux, and backgrounds due to 85Kr and 210Bi beta-decay. We find that the bounds are comparable to existing bounds from all other experiments. Further improvement can be expected in Phase II of Borexino due to the reduction in the 85Kr background.Comment: 21 pages, 16 pdf figures, 2 tables. Analysis updated including the uncertainty in sin^2\theta_{23}. Accepted in JHE

    The use of sleep aids among Emergency Medicine residents: a web based survey

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    BACKGROUND: Sleepiness is a significant problem among residents due to chronic sleep deprivation. Recent studies have highlighted medical errors due to resident sleep deprivation. We hypothesized residents routinely use pharmacologic sleep aids to manage their sleep deprivation and reduce sleepiness. METHODS: A web-based survey of US allopathic Emergency Medicine (EM) residents was conducted during September 2004. All EM residency program directors were asked to invite their residents to participate. E-mail with reminders was used to solicit participation. Direct questions about use of alcohol and medications to facilitate sleep, and questions requesting details of sleep aids were included. RESULTS: Of 3,971 EM residents, 602 (16%) replied to the survey. Respondents were 71% male, 78% white, and mean (SD) age was 30 (4) years, which is similar to the entire EM resident population reported by the ACGME. There were 32% 1st year, 32% 2nd year, 28% 3rd year, and 8% 4th year residents. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) showed 38% of residents were excessively sleepy (ESS 11–16) and 7% were severely sleepy (ESS>16). 46% (95 CI 42%–50%) regularly used alcohol, antihistamines, sleep adjuncts, benzodiazepines, or muscle relaxants to help them fall or stay asleep. Study limitations include low response and self-report. CONCLUSION: Even with a low response rate, sleep aid use among EM residents may be common. How this affects performance, well-being, and health remains unknown

    Testing matter effects in propagation of atmospheric and long-baseline neutrinos

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    We quantify our current knowledge of the size and flavor structure of the matter effects in the evolution of atmospheric and long-baseline neutrinos based solely on the analysis of the corresponding neutrino data. To this aim we generalize the matter potential of the Standard Model by rescaling its strength, rotating it away from the e-e sector, and rephasing it with respect to the vacuum term. This phenomenological parametrization can be easily translated in terms of non-standard neutrino interactions in matter. We show that in the most general case, the strength of the potential cannot be determined solely by atmospheric and long-baseline data. However its flavor composition is very much constrained and the present determination of the neutrino masses and mixing is robust under its presence. We also present an update of the constraints arising from this analysis in the particular case in which no potential is present in the e-mu and e-tau sectors. Finally we quantify to what degree in this scenario it is possible to alleviate the tension between the oscillation results for neutrinos and antineutrinos in the MINOS experiment and show the relevance of the high energy part of the spectrum measured at MINOS.Comment: PDFLaTeX file using JHEP3 class, 25 pages, 7 figures included. Accepted for publication in JHE

    Implications of String Constraints for Exotic Matter and Z' s Beyond the Standard Model

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    Global consistency of string compactifications places constraints on the chiral matter spectrum of a gauge theory which include those necessary for the absence of cubic nonabelian anomalies, but also contain some additional conditions. In the class of theories we study, some of these are present in a field theory augmented by anomalous U(1)'s and Chern-Simons terms, but some are genuinely not present in field theory. Their violation has phenomenological implications, rendering inconsistent many quiver gauge theories with the chiral matter spectrum of the MSSM. The inconsistent MSSM quivers often violate the constraints in a particular way that is suggestive of what matter must be added for consistency. The preferred matter additions are MSSM singlets with anomalous U(1) charge, hyperchargeless SU(2) triplets, quasichiral Higgs or lepton isodoublet pairs, quasichiral quark isosinglet pairs, and nonabelian singlets with charge +-1. Smaller numbers of quark isodoublet pairs, lepton pairs with charges (+- 1,+- 2), and chiral fourth families are also found. We present the results of systematic analyses including multiplicity counts of matter beyond the standard model and also study the possibility of using the singlets for a dynamical perturbative \mu-term or for neutrino mass. We also systematically study the appearance of additional non-anomalous U(1)' symmetries in the low energy theory and find that family non-universality is very common. These new physics effects may be observable at the LHC even for a large string scale close to the Planck scale.Comment: 38 pages. v2: JHEP version, references adde

    Assessment of Metabolic Phenotypes in Patients with Non-ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Undergoing Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

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    Studies of myocardial metabolism have reported that contractile performance at a given myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) can be lower when the heart is oxidizing fatty acids rather than glucose or lactate. The objective of this study is to assess the prognostic value of myocardial metabolic phenotypes in identifying non-responders among non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (NIDCM) patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Arterial and coronary sinus plasma concentrations of oxygen, glucose, lactate, pyruvate, free fatty acids (FFA), and 22 amino acids were obtained from 19 male and 2 female patients (mean age 56 ± 16) with NIDCM undergoing CRT. Metabolite fluxes/MVO2 and extraction fractions were calculated. Flux balance analysis (FBA) was performed with MetaFluxNet 1.8 on a metabolic network of the cardiac mitochondria (189 reactions, 230 metabolites) reconstructed from mitochondrial proteomic data (615 proteins) from human heart tissue. Non-responders based on left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) demonstrated a greater mean FFA extraction fraction (35% ± 17%) than responders [18 ± 10%, p = 0.0098, area under the estimated ROC curve (AUC) was 0.8238, S.E. 0.1115]. Calculated adenosine triphosphate (ATP)/MVO2 using FBA correlated with change in New York Heart Association (NYHA) class (rho = 0.63, p = 0.0298; AUC = 0.8381, S.E. 0.1316). Non-responders based on both LVEF and NYHA demonstrated a greater mean FFA uptake/MVO2 (0.115 ± 0.112) than responders (0.034 ± 0.030, p = 0.0171; AUC = 0.8593, S.E. 0.0965). Myocardial FFA flux and calculated maximal ATP synthesis flux using FBA may be helpful as biomarkers in identifying non-responders among NIDCM patients undergoing CRT

    Requirements for a New Detector at the South Pole Receiving an Accelerator Neutrino Beam

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    There are recent considerations to increase the photomultiplier density in the IceCube detector array beyond that of DeepCore, which will lead to a lower detection threshold and a huge fiducial mass for the neutrino detection. This initiative is known as "Phased IceCube Next Generation Upgrade" (PINGU). We discuss the possibility to send a neutrino beam from one of the major accelerator laboratories in the Northern hemisphere to such a detector. Such an experiment would be unique in the sense that it would be the only neutrino beam where the baseline crosses the Earth's core. We study the detector requirements for a beta beam, a neutrino factory beam, and a superbeam, where we consider both the cases of small theta_13 and large theta_13, as suggested by the recent T2K and Double Chooz results. We illustrate that a flavor-clean beta beam best suits the requirements of such a detector, in particular, that PINGU may replace a magic baseline detector for small values of theta_13 -- even in the absence of any energy resolution capability. For large theta_13, however, a single-baseline beta beam experiment cannot compete if it is constrained by the CERN-SPS. For a neutrino factory, because of the missing charge identification possibility in the detector, a very good energy resolution is required. If this can be achieved, especially a low energy neutrino factory, which does not suffer from the tau contamination, may be an interesting option for large theta_13. For the superbeam, where we use the LBNE beam as a reference, electron neutrino flavor identification and statistics are two of the main limitations. Finally, we demonstrate that, at least in principle, neutrino factory and superbeam can measure the density of the Earth's core to the sub-percent level for sin^2 2theta_13 larger than 0.01.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures. Minor changes and accepted in JHE

    The use of insecticide treated nets by age: implications for universal coverage in Africa

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    BACKGROUND: The scaling of malaria control to achieve universal coverage requires a better understanding of the population sub-groups that are least protected and provide barriers to interrupted transmission. Here we examine the age pattern of use of insecticide treated nets (ITNs) in Africa in relation to biological vulnerabilities and the implications for future prospects for universal coverage. METHODS: Recent national household survey data for 18 malaria endemic countries in Africa were assembled to identify information on use of ITNs by age and sex. Age-structured medium variant projected population estimates for the mid-point year of the earliest and most recent national surveys were derived to compute the population by age protected by ITNs. RESULTS: All surveys were undertaken between 2005 and 2009, either as demographic health surveys (n = 12) or malaria indicator surveys (n = 6). Countries were categorized into three ITN use groups: or =20% and projected population estimates for the mid-point year of 2007 were computed. In general, the pattern of overall ITNs use with age was similar by country and across the three country groups with ITNs use initially high among children <5 years of age, sharply declining among the population aged 5-19 years, before rising again across the ages 20-44 years and finally decreasing gradually in older ages. For all groups of countries, the highest proportion of the population not protected by ITNs (38% - 42%) was among those aged 5-19 years. CONCLUSION: In malaria-endemic Africa, school-aged children are the least protected with ITNs but represent the greatest reservoir of infections. With increasing school enrollment rates, school-delivery of ITNs should be considered as an approach to reach universal ITNs coverage and improve the likelihood of impacting upon parasite transmission