112 research outputs found

    Preparation and characterisation of high refractive index PhO-TiO2-TeO2 glass systems

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    We describe the predaration and characterisation of high refractive index PbO-TiO2-TeO2 glass systems. Highly homogeneous glasses were obtained by agitating the oxide mixture during the melting process in an alumina crucible. The characterisation was performed by X-ray diffraction, density, dilatometry, Raman scattering, light absorption and linear refractive index measurements. The results show a change in the glass structure as the PbO content increases: the TeO4 trigonal bipyramids characteristic of TeO4 glasses transform into TeO, trigonal pyramids. However, the measured refractive indices are almost independent of the glass composition. We show that third-order non-linear optical susceptibilities calculated from the measured refractive indices using Lines' theoretical model are also independent of the glass composition.6111811181

    Middle Segment Pancreatectomy: A Useful Tool in the Management of Pancreatic Neoplasms

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    Small, benign, or low-grade malignant tumors located in the neck of the pancreas are usually treated with enucleation. However, if enucleation is too risky because of possible damage of the main pancreatic duct, standard pancreatic resections are performed. Such operations can lead to impaired long-term exocrine–endocrine function. Middle segment pancreatectomy consists of a limited resection of the midportion of the pancreas and can be performed in selected patients affected by tumors of the pancreatic neck. Middle segment pancreatectomy is a safe and feasible procedure for treating tumors of the pancreatic neck; in experienced hands it is associated with no mortality but with high morbidity, even if the rate of “clinical” pancreatic fistula is about 20%. Moreover, it allows a surgeon to preserve pancreatic parenchyma and consequently long-term endocrine and exocrine pancreatic function

    Moxifloxacin enhances antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of etoposide but inhibits its proinflammatory effects in THP-1 and Jurkat cells

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    Etoposide (VP-16) is a topoisomerase II (topo II) inhibitor chemotherapeutic agent. Studies indicate that VP-16 enhances proinflammatory cytokines secretion from tumour cells, including IL-8, a chemokine associated with proangiogenic effects. Fluoroquinolones inhibit topo II activity in eukaryotic cells by a mechanism different from that of VP-16. The fluoroquinolone moxifloxacin (MXF) has pronounced anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and in vivo. We studied the effects of MXF and VP-16 on purified human topo II activity and further analysed their combined activity on proliferation, apoptosis and caspase-3 activity in THP-1 and Jurkat cells. Moxifloxacin alone slightly inhibited the activity of human topo II; however, in combination with VP-16 it led to a 73% reduction in enzyme activity. VP-16 inhibited cell proliferation in a time and dose-dependent manner. The addition of moxifloxacin for 72 h to low-dose VP-16 doubled its cytotoxic effect in THP-1 and Jurkat cells (1.8- and 2.6-fold decrease in cell proliferation, respectively) (P<0.004). Moxifloxacin given alone did not induce apoptosis but enhanced VP-16-induced apoptosis in THP-1 and Jurkat cells (1.8- and two-fold increase in annexin V positive cells and caspase-3 activity, respectively) (P<0.04). VP-16 induced the release of IL-8 in a time and dose-dependent manner from THP-1 cells. Moxifloxacin completely blocked the enhanced release of IL-8 induced by 0.5 and 1 μg ml−1 VP-16, and decreased IL-8 release from cells incubated for 72 h with 3 μg ml−1 VP-16 (P<0.001). VP-16 enhanced the release of IL-1β and TNF-α from THP-1 cells, whereas the addition of MXF prevented the enhanced cytokine secretion (P<0.001). We conclude that MXF significantly enhances VP-16 cytotoxicity in tumour-derived cells while preventing VP-16-induced proinflammatory cytokine release. This unique combination may have clinical benefits and cytotoxic drug ‘sparing effect' and should be further studied in vivo

    Urinary tract infections and reduced risk of bladder cancer in Los Angeles

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    We investigated the association between urinary tract infections (UTIs) and transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder in a population-based case–control study in Los Angeles covering 1586 cases and age-, gender-, and race-matched neighbourhood controls. A history of bladder infection was associated with a reduced risk of bladder cancer among women (odds ratio (OR), 0.66; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.46–0.96). No effect was found in men, perhaps due to power limitations. A greater reduction in bladder cancer risk was observed among women with multiple infections (OR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.18–0.78). Exclusion of subjects with a history of diabetes, kidney or bladder stones did not change the inverse association. A history of kidney infections was not associated with bladder cancer risk, but there was a weak association between a history of other UTIs and slightly increased risk among men. Our results suggest that a history of bladder infection is associated with a reduced risk of bladder cancer among women. Cytotoxicity from antibiotics commonly used to treat bladder infections is proposed as one possible explanation

    Epidemiological aspects of american cutaneous leishmaniasis and phlebotomine sandfly population, in the municipality of monte negro, state of Rondônia, Brazil

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    Introduction: This work was carried out on the purpose of identifying the species of phlebotomine sandflies in the municipality of Monte Negro, state of Rondonia, Brazil, that may have been transmitting the American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL), and concisely describe epidemiological aspects of disease. Methods: The epidemiologic and socioeconomical indicators were obtained from government institutions and the local Municipal Secretary of Health. Phlebotomine sandflies were captured using CDC light traps between July 2006 to July 2008. The total of 1,240 of female sandflies were examined by PCR method directed to k-DNA. Results: There has been a significant decrease in the incidence of ACL of about 50% over the last ten years in the municipality. A total of 1,935 specimens of 53 sandfly species were captured, three of the genus Brumptomyia genus and 50 of the genus Lutzomyia. The predominant species was Lutzomyia acanthopharynx, Lutzomyia whitmani, Lutzomyia geniculata and Lutzomyia davisi. None were positive for Leishmania sp. Conclusions: Four sandflies species were found in the State of Rondonia for the first time: Brumptomyia brumpti, Lutzomyia tarapacaensis, Lutzomyia melloi and Lutzomyia lenti. The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis, was also captured. Socioeconomical improvement of Brazilian economy and the increase of environmental surveillance in the last 15 years collaborated in the decrease of people exposed to vectors, reducing the incidence of ACL

    Experimental Verification of a Predicted Intronic MicroRNA in Human NGFR Gene with a Potential Pro-Apoptotic Function

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    Neurotrophins (NTs) are a family of secreted growth factor proteins primarily involved in the regulation of survival and appropriate development of neural cells, functioning by binding to their specific (TrkA, TtkB, and TrkC) and/or common NGFR receptor. NGFR is the common receptor of NTs, binding with low-affinity to all members of the family. Among different functions assigned to NGFR, it is also involved in apoptosis induction and tumorigenesis processes. Interestingly, some of the functions of NGFR appear to be ligand-independent, suggesting a probable involvement of non-coding RNA residing within the sequence of the gene. Here, we are reporting the existence of a conserved putative microRNA, named Hsa-mir-6165 [EBI accession#: FR873488]. Transfection of a DNA segment corresponding to the pre-mir-6165 sequence in Hela cell line caused the generation of mature exogenous mir-6165 (a ∼200,000 fold overexpression). Furthermore, using specific primers, we succeeded to detect the endogenous expression of mir-6165 in several glioma cell lines and glioma primary tumors known to express NGFR. Similar to the pro-apoptotic role of NGFR in some cell types, overexpression of pre-mir-6165 in U87 cell line resulted in an elevated rate of apoptosis. Moreover, coordinated with the increased level of mir-6165 in the transfected U87 cell line, two of its predicted target genes (Pkd1 and DAGLA) were significantly down-regulated. The latter findings suggest that some of the previously attributed functions of NGFR could be explained indirectly by co-transcription of mir-6165 in the cells